The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 801 The excitement is about to start

Chapter 801 The excitement is about to start
After the Martial Arts Conference ended, many gangs sprung up like mushrooms in the game world, and the atmosphere of the whole game finally became a little more lively.You know, in the past, if there were any conflicts between gangs or players, the key to the outcome was determined by the number of people present. Generally speaking, as long as the two sides fight, basically you have not waited until you The helper is called, it is estimated that you have been beaten to the ground by the group.If you are lucky and run away with your strength, it can only be said that you are lucky.

There is no way, before the official establishment of the guild, apart from the video call connection between players, they can only use Feige to send books to find helpers. Think about it, how fast can Feige send books?I believe everyone is very clear about the truth that there are no good products that are cheap, but that is the real truth!Moreover, video calls need to consume money to use. Generally speaking, players without money really can't afford the luxury.

Therefore, in the past, the players in the game basically relied on themselves and the players present to fight.If it hangs up, it's dead, and there will be no state of lying on the ground, watching wave after wave of called helpers continue to fight with each other, and then the two sides must fight to the death before giving up.

Now the game is a little different.

After the gang was recognized by the system, the gang channel came out instantly.This is undoubtedly not an excellent way for many players to call on friends, so there are more activities in the whole game such as private fighting and land grabbing.If it weren't for the fact that the World Channel or World Speakers in the game weren't open, the game world would probably be much more lively...
However, although things like world speakers and world channels still haven't appeared, the game operators still came up with some props to make money.That's [area speakers].

As the name suggests, the purpose of this prop is to force your own words to be heard and seen by everyone within a fixed area.Of course, the point is to look up!
Although this thing is a consumable, the selling price is not too high, but it can't stand the big trading volume!Therefore, as soon as this item came out, it created a large amount of income for the game operator in an instant, and all the stocks in the NPC grocery store were wiped out in a very short time!Then, the game became lively.

Basically, as long as there are players, players can see all kinds of words and characters appearing above their line of sight, there are those selling equipment, collecting equipment, looking for people to form a team, courting, cursing... Etc., etc!The screen and game life that used to feel very quiet and clean suddenly became a lot more messy.

Some players who are already used to the previous game interface environment and don't like the game life in Xi'an can't bear this game environment, and immediately go to the forum to find customer service GMs to complain and ask for a change. Back to the previous game interface environment.But, will game operators agree?Of course it's impossible. Isn't this cutting off people's money?
Therefore, after letting those complaining players hang around for a while, the game operator launched another prop for these complaining players: [Regional Horn Shielding Volume].And this prop has only one function, that is, within a day, it can block the text effect of the speakers in all areas around the player.Of course, this prop is also a consumable, and the price is also expensive.

Then, the game operator posted a statement to resolve the complaint on the forum, to the effect that it is impossible to abolish the issue of regional speakers (with so much turnover in a day, who would be willing to throw away this business? Ah?), and for those players who don’t want to see other players sending random messages in the area, if they want a clean game interface environment, they have launched this [Area Horn Shield Volume] prop, if necessary Players can buy it by themselves. (Of course, this is another income! It has to be said that game operators are still doing very well in making money.)
So, some players finally accepted this fact silently after posting on the forum for a while!Isn't it just a sentence anyway?If you have money, you can live a better life in the game. As long as the players recognize this fact, they won't be able to make trouble if they want to, right?

Therefore, in the next few days, the activities of players killing monsters, exploding experience, and exploding gold coins in the game will come more frequently!This directly led to the fact that in the alchemy shop opened by Miss Ji Xiaoyan, the night vision potion that Brick sent back to the town house beast through a special channel sold better...
Of course, Ji Xiaoyan, who was imprisoned in the wilderness and tortured by Lin Qianye's NPC, didn't know all of this.Brick, an NPC, doesn't have any self-consciousness either. He feels that he should report to Miss Ji Xiaoyan about the recent good business of the alchemy store. From the perspective of this NPC, Ji Xiaoyan probably has no idea what the daily turnover of the alchemy store is. He doesn't care too much, so he only needs to save a certain amount of gold coins and give them to Ji Xiaoyan...
This directly caused Ji Xiaoyan to be locked up in the map by the NPC Lin Qianye to study the game time for three months. When Brick suddenly gave her [-] gold coins, the girl was shocked. A dumbfounded look....
"Where did this money come from?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick in surprise as he took the money bag handed over by Brick, and there was an extra [-] gold coins in the package.

"The store makes money selling potions!" Brick explained to Miss Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, "The potions in the store seem to be selling very well recently!"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded without doubt, and then murmured: "Could it be that the players in the game have started to work hard to kill monsters recently? That's why so many potions are needed?" However, It’s good to have a shop, you don’t need to kill monsters and explode materials to sell, you can earn income!
Brick shrugged and waved his hands at Ji Xiaoyan, expressing that he didn't know the truth, Ji Xiaoyan saw Friesman next to him twisting his body, looked at them impatiently and asked: " Xiaoyan, when can we leave?"

"You can leave at dawn!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Friesman in a good mood, and then shifted his thoughts to Lin Qianye, the NPC.

In this hidden map, Miss Ji Xiaoyan has learned several deception skills and escape skills taught by Menlin Qianye's NPC.I thought that after learning those skills, she would be able to learn those awesome dark-type skills that Lin Qianye talked about, but who knows, she finally got all the tricks and escape skills according to the NPC's request. After reaching the advanced level, the NPC actually said that he had something to do temporarily and needed to leave for a while, and then asked Miss Ji Xiaoyan to take Friesman and the others to the nearest town by themselves to experience it by themselves.

Speaking of which, Friesman is the happiest person to be able to leave this no man's land.

You know, these days, he is the one who has suffered the most.I believe everyone still remembers that one of the biggest shortcomings and weaknesses of Friesman, an NPC, is that he is too edible!Friesman's life was pretty good when he followed the senior chef Ye Ying layer upon layer.Food, the quality is guaranteed, and the portion is also guaranteed, isn't it?

However, following Miss Ji Xiaoyan, the treatment is different.

Although Ji Xiaoyan can be regarded as a chef, he can cook food to prevent them from starving to death.But as far as her culinary skill level and Ye Ying's layers are completely different concepts!You know, it's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, and it's hard to go from extravagant to frugal. What's more, Miss Ji Xiaoyan is occupied by Lin Qianye's NPC every day, so how can she have time to carefully cook food for them? !

Therefore, it is conceivable how difficult Friesman's life was when he stayed in this wilderness with Miss Ji Xiaoyan.Most of the time, this NPC is hungry!Who made Miss Ji Xiaoyan have no time to cook for them?Both Xuanmo and Jiajia can eat raw food, so there is no need to worry about whether they are hungry; let alone Brick, they have medicine!It's normal to have that kind of potion that takes one bottle for a day, isn't it?
"We still have to wait for dawn..." Friesman looked at the sky outside the wooden house with some eagerness, and began to walk around the house anxiously, and then began to mutter: "We have arrived in the town, can we buy Is it delicious? Wow, just thinking about it makes my mouth water..."

"I said, Friesman, are you so greedy?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with a funny look at Friesman.

"Yes!" Friesman nodded to Ji Xiaoyan with certainty, then looked at her expectantly and asked, "Well, Xiaoyan, didn't Brick give you gold coins? Go back to the town Here, can you treat us to a good meal?"

"Well, this is fine!" Miss Ji Xiaoyan nodded readily without thinking about it, and agreed to Friesman's request.Then I watched the NPC jump up excitedly in the wooden house.

It's just that Friesman's happy bewilderment didn't last long.

At the moment when Ji Xiaoyan and the others were waiting for the dawn in the wooden house, and then left the wooden house, at the other end of the game world, a player from the Northern Continent was receiving one in his hands and doing a long chain of missions The last quest item was handed over to the quest NPC he had been in contact with.

Then, a world announcement that made the blood of all gamers excited instantly rang.

 PS: Thanks to "wjdxk1" children's shoes for the Christmas socks. . .Looks like yesterday was Christmas?Hey, Qianqian's memory is not very good, and I forget to congratulate everyone every time I celebrate a festival. . . . . . .repent!
(End of this chapter)

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