Chapter 802 Boiling!
So many players like to play games, why?

Some people may say that it is mainly because everyone is lonely, empty and cold.

In a modern city like a steel forest, many people live together, but never communicate with each other; the relationship between colleagues is nothing but hypocritical smiles!Brothers and friends who know and cherish each other may still be far away, and it is not easy to meet each other.Therefore, in order to modify this reality, the game has become a great spiritual support place for players.

Entering the game, everyone can change a self at will, and use this other self to freely live in another world, wanton, free and easy, and unrestrained.You can be with your friends and brothers at the ends of the earth; when you encounter any grievances in your heart, you can immediately draw your sword and swing your sword at each other, and vent wantonly.This is impossible in the real world.You don't have to be responsible for killing people and doing things, and even because of your impulsiveness and ruthlessness, you can meet many friends with similar ambitions, so many people are addicted to it.

Of course, this is the purpose of some players playing the game.

However, in the game [Qi], many people's purpose is not this.

Maybe you don't remember the origin of the game [Qi] introduced earlier.This game is a holographic online game released by Shengshidai Group as an agent. To put it bluntly, Shengshidai Group is the game operator that was launched.This game is an epoch-making work. The technology of this game was promoted by the federal governments of many countries in order to discover more talents.

You must know that advanced technologies, such as this holographic technology, are all in the hands of the state.It is usually used to train all kinds of talents to survive in different environments and discover skills. After all, talents are hard to come by. If you really let them go out for training, get injured or die, it will be a big loss. .However, I don't know how the federal governments of many countries came up with it, and they actually united to let the Shengshi Group develop this technology into an online game and put it into the public.

In fact, what is the purpose of the federal governments of many countries to do this?Isn't it just that you want to discover more talents of all kinds in the game to serve them?So, after the game has just been put on the market, so many players will be moved by the news, even if they lose their fortunes, they have to spend money to buy a connector to enter the game.Isn't the ultimate goal of their running just to make themselves have a different future in the future?As long as he is favored by the federal government, wouldn't his fate be changed in one go?
However, this game has been in operation for more than two years, and the Shengshi Times Company and even the governments of many countries have not disclosed any news about talent selection. The hearts of the players who will turn into dragons when encountering a storm, slowly began to feel a little depressed.

Afterwards, the opening of the martial arts conference not only made many players excited that the game finally looks a bit like an online game, but also made the hearts of many players with dreams start to boil again. Those players worked hard in the martial arts conference. Isn't the purpose of working hard to get an outstanding result, so that the federal governments of many countries can look at it and turn around in an instant?
However, what surprised many players again is that there is no winner in the martial arts conference.After waiting for more than a month of game time, many players still haven't received any news about talent selection.This made many players have an idea in an instant: the martial arts conference of emotion is actually organized for the purpose of issuing gang building orders on a large scale?
As a result, the warm hearts of the players were once again cooled by a wave of cold water.If it weren't for the appearance of regional speakers, it is estimated that the mood of the players in the game would be much lower.

However, this time, the game announcement sounded again, but it was really different from before.

This time, after listening to the system announcement, all the game players went crazy and erupted.

A brand new game world instantly appeared in the minds of all players...
[World Announcement]: After hard work and with the help of many friends and aborigines, XX, an adventurer from the Northern Continent, successfully rescued the original city lord "Qing Wan" of Qingcheng.At this point, Qingcheng was officially known to outsiders, and the map of Qingcheng was officially opened.

[World Announcement]: When the dark clouds cover the sun, it is after the darkness covers the earth, so the people are destitute and evil is everywhere.Qingcheng used to be an unusually peaceful and harmonious city a hundred years ago. However, just a few years ago, after a down-and-out evil mage wandered here, Qingcheng was no longer a paradise.In a very short time, this evil mage used his evil spells to defile most of the city in Qingcheng. In the end, he even lured, coerced, and confused many forces in Qingcheng, and captured Qingwan, the former owner of Qingcheng, and locked him in a prison. In an unknown and remote place, he proclaimed himself a king and declared himself the city lord of Qingcheng...
Many years later, because the adventurer XX from the Northern Continent successfully rescued Qing Wan, the original city lord of Qingcheng, the first thing Qingwan did when he regained his freedom was to announce that he would formally recruit adventurers to go to Qingcheng to save many aboriginal people who were suffering in Qingcheng. we...

Since then, the first siege system has officially opened.

[System Announcement]: After the siege system is officially launched, adventurers can choose their own camp to fight.However, adventurers who have joined the camp before will directly enter the selection according to the camp affiliation.Adventurers from the original dark camp automatically belong to the camp of evil mages in Qingcheng and are responsible for defending the city; Ordinary adventurers in the system can freely choose the attacking and defending camp to join the battle...
Team participants are not bound by this rule, and the choice of camp is subject to the choice of the team leader.In the siege battle, the team limit is directly increased to 50 people as the upper limit, and the rewards and points obtained will be directly included in the team rewards and will not be distributed to individuals.

[World Announcement]: The siege warfare system will be officially launched in seven days. All adventurers and aborigines are requested to pack up as soon as possible, go to the teleportation formations in each town, and teleport to the designated locations of each camp to wait for the city warfare to start.Each reward will be distributed after the end of the city battle.

[Player System Announcement (Private)]: After the siege battle, the system will automatically record each player's combat value, combat ability, planning ability, etc., for future reference in talent selection. All players are requested to go all out.

After several system announcements in a row, the area speakers in the NPC grocery store were cleaned up again in an instant.Everywhere, players can be seen excitedly roaring with regional speakers, excited...
Miao Xiaohei girl looked at Ye Ying layer by layer calmly, and then looked at Xingkong Haohan who was in a daze, and the stranger who was smiling with his lips curled up, and asked: "I said, Master Xingkong, What do you think? Do you want to participate in the city battle?"

"Of course I'm going!" After hearing the voice of Miao Xiaohei, Xingkong Haohanan immediately came back to his senses, and then said, "Just kidding, how can our gang not participate in such a big event?"

"Oh!" Miao Xiaohei nodded, and then asked again: "Then when are you going to leave? What camp do you choose?"

"Of course it's a siege! What's so fun about defending the city? Besides, that evil mage sounds like a villain. We are men of justice. How can we choose evil?" Xing Kong Haohan said to Miao Hei girl solemnly. After saying a word, he smiled evilly and said, "Besides, the rewards for helping the former city lord to take back the city must be different from the rewards for defending the city... To be a human being, you must learn to use Take a long view on things...."

Hearing this, Miao Xiaohei immediately gave Xingkong Haohan a blank look, then pursed her lips and said, "Yes, yes, yes, Master Xingkong, you are the smartest."

"Then are you going?" The stranger asked with a smile when he saw the expression of Miao Xiaohei girl.Ever since Miao Xiaohei and Ye Ying layer upon layer followed them, they finally saw that the strength of Miao Xiaohei and Ye Ying layer upon layer should not be underestimated.The first thing to talk about is Ye Ying. Although this man claims to have only intermediate chef skills, the food he cooks is not at that level at all. From time to time, there will be some dishes that can increase the status attribute, which is something that ordinary intermediate chefs cannot cook. from.

More importantly, every time he made this kind of dish, he always had a very guilty expression on his face.This had to make the strangers suspect that the man Ye Ying was not as simple as he said.

Another one is the little black girl Meow.

The girl said that she was just an ordinary assassin, with thin blood, capable of attacking, relatively fast, and good stealth skills.However, in the ensuing battle, what this girl showed was not at such a level at all.

Have you ever seen an assassin who can be invisible for more than ten minutes?Have you ever seen an assassin who would lose 2000+ blood when a monster fights a fighter, but only loses 800+ blood when hitting her?Have you ever seen an assassin with 3000+ attacks and a few critical strikes from time to time... Is this still an ordinary assassin?With this strength, you can say that you are a great god!

Therefore, strangers seriously suspect that this girl is actually a master who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!Like Ye Ying, she has concealed her true strength and is unwilling to expose her strength to them.

It's just that why these two people must rely on them, this point is still somewhat unclear to strangers.The only thing he felt was wrong was that after Miao Xiaohei and the others were with them, they were unwilling to enter the town to supply supplies even if they were killed, and let them do all the work for them...
(End of this chapter)

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