The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 900 The Real Purpose

Chapter 900 The Real Purpose

Speaking of which, Qingcheng was seized and usurped power. In the final analysis, on the one hand, the Lord Qingwan did his own crimes, and on the other hand, he was too complacent.

A powerful mage said that he admired his power and wanted to surrender. After knowing this kind of good thing, Qingwan City Master did not refuse, but he did not investigate too much about the origin of the mage City Master!

Speaking of which, City Lord Qingwan and his party didn't take what happened back then at all, and City Lord Qingwan didn't come out to meet any of the aboriginal residents in that village back then, let alone whether he had any impression of the mage City Lord!What's more, so many years have passed, the boy has changed eighteen times, and the mage city master is no longer what he used to be. Who would know that the polite mage in front of him came here full of revenge!

Therefore, the city lord Qingwan just kept feeling that he was capable, so he conceitedly invited the mage city lord to Qingcheng with full authority, and slowly let him get in touch with the entire Qingcheng affairs.Who made the young mage city master so clever to please Qingwan city master!

It's just a pity that the good times don't last long.

All the aborigines who are not in Qingcheng do not know that after the mage city lord approached Qingwan City lord, he did not immediately start revenge, but bit by bit after accepting and infiltrating the various forces in Qingcheng, He waited patiently until the time was ripe, and then seized the palace and usurped power in one fell swoop.It's just that what this powerful mage and city lord did not expect was that the Qingwan city lord escaped even in such a difficult-to-fly situation.
"So, the sorcerer City Lord didn't know that Qingwan City Lord had a secret way to escape?" After listening to Lin Qianye's words, Xi Ye said with a little sigh while helping to guard the surrounding situation: "So Come on, City Lord Qingwan is still very smart, knowing not to reveal all the secrets!"

"What kind of smart is this? Everyone knows how to keep their own little secrets, unless they are that kind of idiots who tell others everything!" Lin Qianye gave Xi Ye a white look, and then said: "Besides, you think That little girl Qingwan really let that little mage know about everything about Qingcheng back then? Huh, speaking of which, Qingcheng was robbed, but that little girl Qingwan was too stupid, and that little mage had better luck That's all."

"What do you mean?" Xi Ye immediately looked at Lin Qianye with great interest and asked.

"It literally means, what do you care about these things like a beast?" Lin Qianye glanced at Xi Ye indifferently, and said something viciously, and only hummed after seeing Xi Ye bowed her head hurt. He said twice, and then said to Xi Ye: "Okay, I didn't say anything wrong, what do you look like? Show me your energy!"

Xi Ye tilted his head to look at Lin Qianye, with an expression of daring to speak out.

"Go, let's go in with this deity to see what's going on inside!" Lin Qianye kicked Xiye, then raised her chin towards the houses where the Juli tribe lived a few steps away, "If they really If it is as easy to deceive as before, it may not be possible to win over the precious apprentices they gave to the deity. After giving that boy a hand, he thought that after taking Qingcheng back, he would be able to open the treasure house and let me see the sacred artifact of the Juli clan, but who knows, that little girl Qingwan actually kept a hand."

"My lord, what did you just say?" Xi Ye obviously realized that he had heard something inside, shook his body, looked at Lin Qianye, and then asked in disbelief, "You also helped the mage city lord seize power? "Damn, this guy in front of him actually helped that mage city lord to rob Qingcheng just to take a look at that sacred artifact of the Juli clan?So now he is helping Miss Ji Xiaoyan to clear the city, but the real purpose is not that he is helping Miss Ji Xiaoyan because she is his apprentice?

"What did the deity say?" Lin Qianye looked like she didn't admit what she said, she glanced at Xi Ye lightly, and then said directly: "Even if the deity said something, you still shut your mouth tightly , do you know? Otherwise, hehe, I may not be able to kill you accidentally when my hands are itchy. You know, with my ability, I can’t find another night shadow beast like you anywhere. ? It is very easy to find one that is cuter and stronger than you. If the deity's little apprentice doesn't want a breed like you, the deity can also find a better beast for her. Xiye, Are you saying that what the deity said is not wrong?"

"That's right!! My lord, don't worry, Xiye's mouth is very tight!! I didn't hear anything, I didn't hear anything!" Xiye was shocked when he heard Lin Qianye's words, and quickly replied .Just kidding, people have threatened it nakedly, if it talks too much, it will definitely be wiped out! !Huh, don't bring such a bullying beast, isn't it just to help the mage and city lord to rob the city once, didn't he rob it thoroughly?Why is Lin Qianye afraid that such a matter will be revealed?Could it be that you are afraid of losing face?
Of course, no matter what the reason for Lin Qianye's NPC is, Xiye thinks, as long as he keeps his mouth shut, the person in front of him may not be in a good mood, and he can treat it better in the future.
Directly driving their own dark-type attributes and skills, Xiye and Lin Qianye entered a small shadow together, and then followed the connection between the shadows, and slowly entered the house where the Juli clan lived .They first passed a place where a large number of Juli men were gathering, listened carefully to what the Juli man was talking about, and then went straight into the deeper room.

Along the way, Xiye finally understood what Lin Qianye was thinking about those stupid Juli people.

These people from the Juli tribe are also really naive. They feel that they were treated differently from the promised treatment when the Qingcheng Lord Qingwan was there, and then the departure of the Qingwan City Lord made them worse, and their lives plummeted. Not to mention, the new mage city lord doesn't trust them, let alone the treatment!Just look at their current situation. All the tall Juli people have to be crowded in dozens of small rooms, not to mention that they usually don’t have enough food and clothing. If they really have no complaints, then Strange.And the current thinking of this group of Juli people is that the Lord Qingwan did not do what she promised them at the beginning, so they want to ask the Lord Qingwan to compensate them for the suffering they have suffered for so many years, and then let them go and return them. The Holy Artifact of the Juli Clan
Are these requirements possible?Xi Ye shook her head helplessly in her heart.What's the situation now?It's no wonder that Qingwan City Lord is willing to let their Juli clan go, not to mention, this group of people still want compensation and holy artifacts, how is that possible!Naive, so naive.

"Why are you shaking your head? Hurry up and follow!" Lin Qianye looked at Xi Ye with a strange expression, looked at it with a frown and asked, then pointed to a house not far away and continued to Xi Ye: "The front should be in this house. We haven't checked the place yet. I think Qingwan's girl must be inside."

"Hmm! It should be!" Xi Ye quickly nodded, and then looked at Lin Qianye with some doubts and asked, "My lord, why do you think these members of the Juli clan are so naive?"

"They are just so stupid, that's why they were deceived! Listen to what that girl Qingwan said herself. Back then, she said in front of the previous head of the Juli clan, 'The relocation of the clan is a big event. If the clan's If the valuables are damaged, then the loss outweighs the gain.” Then the fools of the Juli tribe hurriedly took out the sacred artifact and handed it to that girl Qingwan. After arriving all the way to Qingcheng, what did that girl Qingwan say about Qingcheng? The treasure house is the safest place in the whole world. If the sacred artifacts of the Juli clan are placed in it, there will be no mistakes! So, the fools of the Juli clan begged that girl Qingwan to lock their sacred artifacts in it. Qingcheng’s treasury.” Lin Qianye sighed, and then said: “Hey, it’s Qingwan’s lucky girl, if I let the deity meet these Juli clan guys first, their holy weapon Can you still be tricked into the treasure house by that girl Qingwan? Hmph!"

Well, Xiye is a little weak now!The great god in front of him actually came for the sacred artifact of the Juli clan, right?right?
"However, it's useless to talk too much! I only have a glimpse of the sacred artifact of the Juli clan. If I help the Juli clan get it back this time, I think it will be a merit!!" Lin Qianye After saying something to himself, he stroked Xi Ye's head in a good mood and asked, "This deity is just too kind, isn't it?"

Xiye was powerless to complain, and immediately volunteered to take a step forward, asking to go to the house to find out the situation first. After getting Lin Qianye's permission, he immediately flicked his skills, and directly jumped into the room from the shadow at the crack of the door. I left the room with some secret rooms.However, the situation inside was not as good as Xi Ye expected, the room was full of guards and the like.

In the whole room, there was only one woman from the Juli tribe, sitting at a big table with her head down, she was thinking about something, but she was muttering something in her mouth.

Xiye thought for a while, and ran to the woman from the Juli tribe through the shadows in the room, and listened carefully, only occasionally hearing the woman from the Juli tribe muttering, "It would be great if I could get rid of it." ""It's better to go back to the previous settlement" and the like.

And just when Xiye wanted to leave in disappointment, the woman said something clearly: "No, I still have to persuade the patriarch!! Maybe the deputy city lord of Shacheng will be more reliable. If our Juli clan surrenders, we will be credited no matter what, even if we can’t stay in Qingcheng, we can still go to Shacheng to settle down.”

 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the pink ticket!There was a small problem with the electricity here in Qianqian yesterday, there is no code word, and I will make up for it today!
(End of this chapter)

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