The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 901 Xiye the Beast

Chapter 901 Xiye the Beast

"My lord, my lord Qianye." Xi Ye stayed in the room with the secret room for a long time, and after hearing Sabrina's whispers, she hurriedly looked around the room, and then Returning from the shadows to the outside of the house, he yelled at Lin Qianye who was standing in the shadows and didn't know what to think, and then he opened his mouth to report: "Master Qianye, I have basically checked the situation inside. I see. There is only one woman from the Juli clan in the room. As for the other people, the Lord Qingwan and the adventurers, I have not seen any of the two places in the room with barriers. I have no way to find out. go in."

"Boundary?! Hmph, it looks like that little girl Qing Wan must be in there!" Lin Qianye sneered when she heard Xi Ye's words, then looked at Xi Ye suspiciously and asked: "I heard from the men of the Juli tribe nearby that their patriarch is also inside? Didn't you see it?"

"Patriarch? I saw a woman from the Juli clan in the room! Could it be that she is the patriarch of their Juli clan?" Xi Ye frowned slightly, looked at Lin Qianye and said something, and then said excitedly: "Lord Qianye, if that woman from the Juli clan is really the patriarch of their Juli clan, it will be beneficial to us!"

"How to say?" Lin Qianye was a little confused when he heard Xi Ye's words.He didn't think the possibility that Xi Ye said would happen. You must know that for a very traditional race like the Juli Clan, everything is based on power and strength. Even if there are women with extraordinary powers, it is impossible to dominate the entire race. , get the position of patriarch.What Lin Qianye dared to be interested in was only the possibility that Xiye said was beneficial to them.

"I eavesdropped inside for a while, and the woman from the Juli tribe was muttering alone, saying that their Juli tribe no longer wanted to work hard for Qingwan City Lord, and the current mage City Lord was not good to them, because they They used to be the subordinates of the Qingwan City Lord, so they didn't intend to take them back. The woman felt that if the Juli Clan were separated from the shelter and stable living environment, life would be difficult in the future, so she wanted to join us. Even if you can't stay in Qingcheng, you can still go to Shacheng to settle down." After Xiye said this to Lin Qianye triumphantly, he quickly continued: "I think if we go to recruit that Juli The women of the clan will definitely be able to recruit successfully! At that time, the inside and the outside will cooperate. Hehe, that will be much more convenient!"

"I can't tell, you are a beast with some brains?" After listening to Xi Ye's words, Lin Qianye's expression was indifferent. After watching Xi Ye say something, she said, "Your idea is not bad. However, that woman is absolutely impossible to be the patriarch of the Juli Clan, so even if she wants to join us, she cannot decide whether the entire Juli Clan wants to join us! The most important thing for us now is to find the patriarch of the Juli Clan first. .”

"But there was only that woman in the room. If she wasn't the patriarch of the Juli Clan, where did the Patriarch of the Juli Clan go?" Xi Ye looked at Lin Qianye in confusion and asked, then continued: " Didn't it mean that only City Lord Qingwan and the patriarch of the Juli Clan are left in this room?"

"Who said there can't be someone who can help them take care of the guard?" Lin Qianye glanced at Xi Ye, then glanced around, and then asked Xi Ye in a low voice: "Are you sure that the room is now Only the woman from the Juli clan is left, and no one else?"

"The only one I can see is the woman from the Juli clan!" Xi Ye immediately nodded affirmatively, then looked at Lin Qianye with an evil smile on his face, and immediately looked at him with some horror and said, "Qianye My lord, what do you want to do? Do you want to do that to that woman, Mr. Qianye, you can’t do this! That woman from the Juli clan is not beautiful at all, and she is still so big, so it’s not suitable for you. Moreover, Lord Qianye, that woman Ji Xiaoyan also said something, interracial love will not have good results."

"Crack!" Before Xiye could finish speaking, he was slapped hard on the head a few times, and then Lin Qianye asked it fiercely: "What's the matter? Xiye, you beast Is it impatient to live? Dare to arrange the deity?"

"Don't dare, dare not" Xi Ye said a little aggrieved immediately, then looked at Lin Qianye and said, "The main reason is that your smile, Lord Qianye, really can't make me stop thinking about it, Lord Qianye, Don’t hit me, don’t hit me, I’m wrong, can’t I be wrong? If you really beat me to death, if you turn back to my master, your precious apprentice will be sad! Really, really!”

"Hmph!" Lin Qianye stopped dealing with Xi Ye when she heard Xi Ye's words, and then warned it not to talk nonsense in the future, and then went with Xi Ye together. Through the shadows all over the floor, I entered the room with a secret room, and saw Sabrina, the Juli woman sitting at the table.

Speaking of which, this Sabrina of the Juli clan still has a very high status in the Juli clan.She is the daughter of the previous one, that is, the head of the Juli clan who was deceived by the sweet words of the Qingwan City Lord, and she is the only daughter. In terms of identity, Sabrina's identity is still very high. It is equivalent to the princess status of the general royal family.However, after the previous Patriarch of the Juli Clan passed away, the current patriarch, that is, Sabrina's uncle, took over the position of the Patriarch of the Juli Clan. The reason is just like what Lin Qianye said. Women are not allowed to be in power.

However, Sabrina, the daughter of the former patriarch, is quite superior in terms of strength and wisdom. At least in a race such as the Juli Clan, if only in terms of strength and wisdom, Sabrina Definitely No.1!It's just that even though she is very capable, she still can't get the position of the patriarch, and can only act as a leader of the next level of the patriarch!Coupled with her own identity, Sabrina can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand in the Juli clan.
However, no matter where her identity is, the current patriarch is willing to listen to her opinions, but this does not mean that she can decide the affairs of the entire Juli clan.All the decisions of the Juli clan must be made by the patriarch, and the rest of the clan must obey unconditionally!

So, for her own worries, Sabrina is very painful, because the patriarch is unwilling to listen to her opinion, and insists on breaking away from the control of Qingwan City Lord, returning to the sacred artifacts of the clan, and then returning to the previous settlement go.The patriarch never thought about it at all. It is impossible for the Lord Qingwan to let them go. They have not seen the holy artifacts in the clan for hundreds of years, and the Lord Qingwan can still spit out the treasures they swallowed. ?Not to mention, the settlement they lived in hundreds of years ago, who knows what it looks like now, and whether people can still live there!Didn't the whole clan migrate out because there was no grass growing there, and there was no way to feed their race?

If you still want to go back now, isn't that just bringing the entire Juli clan into disaster?
Thinking of this, Sabrina became even more sad!How can we persuade the patriarch?
"Hey, what should I do?" Sabrina sighed deeply, never seeing the figures of a man and a beast standing in the shadow of a corner.

"You can go and seek refuge with the vice-castle lord of Shacheng, she will definitely accept you!" Lin Qianye observed Sabrina for a while, and then said aloud: "It just so happens that the vice-castle lord of Shacheng is still here. Help you take care of a child of the Juli clan."

"Who? Who's talking!" As soon as Sabrina heard Lin Qianye's words, she immediately looked around vigilantly, and then locked on to Lin Qianye's position, looking ready to attack at any time. Xiang Lin Qianye asked warily, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

"This deity? Hmph, you don't need to know who this deity is!" Lin Qianye looked at Sabrina with a look of disdain and said something before continuing: "You just need to know that this deity is here to give you instructions. It's the way to go!"

"Guide the way? What do you mean?" Sabrina's heart became more alert, no matter how the man in front of her looked, she didn't look like a good person!Moreover, what did this man say just now?Children of their Juli clan?As soon as she thought about the child, Sabrina immediately asked Lin Qianye: "What do you mean by the child? You said that the deputy city lord of Shacheng has a child of our Juli clan? What happened to my children?"

"What do you mean we did to the child of your clan?" Xi Ye immediately said after hearing Sabrina's words: "You Juli clan should thank us, if we hadn't picked up that child in the secret road, I guess That child will have to stay in the secret passage forever, and he will never be able to get out for the rest of his life! Don't even think about seeing that child again!"

"Secret way? You know about the secret way!!" The expression on Sabrina's face instantly became more serious, and then she looked at Lin Qianye and Xi Ye who was talking next to her and asked, "So Come on, did you come in from the secret passage? Do you know about the secret passage?"

"Of course!" Xi Ye said with a face of course, "Hey, woman, do you really want the children of your clan to come back? If you want, you can vote for us. Qingcheng has been captured, and I will return the children in your group to you."

"You are threatening me!!" Sabrina frowned, squinted her eyes and asked Lin Qianye and Xi Ye, then sneered twice and said, "Our Juli race is not such a weak race! !"

When Lin Qianye heard Sabrina's words, she immediately glared at Xi Ye.The beast in front of me is simply not enough to accomplish anything, but it is more than a failure. One sentence led the Juli tribe woman who could speak well to another opposite side.
(End of this chapter)

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