Chapter 902 Youth

Regarding the situation in Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan and the others, who are hiding in that remote house at the corner of the alleyway, don't know much about it. The only thing they can see is from the roof of that dilapidated house, where they can see it. .Therefore, for the old man Qingmi and the others, the trip of Lin Qianye's NPC and Xi Ye has a very important meaning and effect.The news they bring back will determine how their group will start attacking Qingcheng from the inside.
However, after waiting all night, Ji Xiaoyan and his group did not wait for Lin Qianye and Xi Ye's return.

"Did something happen?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at old man Qingmi and the others worriedly and asked, "Otherwise, why haven't they come back yet? Uncle Shi, tell me, is there anything else in this Qing city?" A powerful existence, or is there a trap or something, Xiye and the others are trapped?"

"Impossible!" Old man Qingmi immediately shook his head when he heard Miss Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said, "You think that bastard Lin Qianye is a vegetarian? The strongest person in Qingcheng is probably that bastard Lin Qianye, you Do you think he can still suffer? It means that the main god is suppressing him, and he can’t take action in many aspects. Otherwise, we still need to work hard for the attack on Qingcheng? Just let that bastard Lin Qianye take action, and it will be done in minutes .”

"Then why haven't they come back now? Didn't they just go to investigate the situation?" Ji Xiaoyan obviously didn't believe what old man Qingmi said, and asked while looking at him.

"Maybe he went somewhere to get drunk!" Qingmi old man pondered for a long time, and gave an answer: "Girl, Master, I want to warn you, Lin Qianye, that bastard, is definitely not reliable Yes, you shouldn't have too much hope in him. That bastard has forgotten the business for a long time because of some weird things."

"Ha, if I don't eavesdrop, I really don't know, Qing Mi, you old man will also use the trick of talking behind people's back? Did you come here to slander the deity?" Just as Ji Xiaoyan was listening to the old man Qingmi, Lin Qianye's voice suddenly came out of nowhere, and after a while, Ji Xiaoyan saw a little girl in a corner. In the shadows, the figures of Lin Qianye and Xi Ye slowly solidified.

"What do you mean by slandering you?" The old man Qingmi felt a little embarrassed when he heard Lin Qianye's words, and then he asked stiffly: "Don't you dare to say that you didn't give up the main thing because of some miscellaneous things?" Forgot? If you haven’t forgotten your business, why are you coming back now? Didn’t we know that we’ve been waiting for you all night? Do you really think you’re very powerful and awesome?”

"Not to mention, this deity is amazing! At least much better than you Qingmi!" Lin Qianye immediately looked at the old man Qingmi with a sneer and said: "This deity can be alone if he can Clean up dozens of guys from the Juli tribe in a very short time, can you do it? If you are asked to fight one-on-one, it will probably take a lot of time for you to win...Who is the best? , this is not clear?"

"Hmph, who can compare to you!" The old man Qingmi snorted coldly and said to Lin Qianye, covering up the unnaturalness on his face, and then asked: "By the way, what's your situation like?" How are we going? How are we going to get out?"

"Hmph, I won't tell you!" Lin Qianye felt a little unhappy seeing old man Qingmi changing the subject, and when he heard old man Qingmi's tone, he immediately said something in a fit of anger, and then said Looking at the head of Qingmiao and the other Qingshimen NPC girl Ji Xiaoyan, she said: "I have carefully looked at the situation in Qingcheng, and the general situation is similar to what I said last time, except that the Juli clan It may be a little more troublesome. It is said that the patriarch of the Juli clan is now trapped by that girl Qingwan again, and is considering whether to agree to the conditions of that girl Qingwan, and will not leave Qingcheng until she helps that girl capture Qingcheng. "

"The Juli clan only want to leave Qingcheng? They don't want their sacred artifacts?" Hearing this, the leader of Qing Miao immediately looked at Lin Qianye suspiciously and asked.

"Who doesn't want it? The question is, do they want to go back?" Lin Qianye said with a sarcastic smile, "Those guys from the Juli tribe are just fools. What did that girl Qingwan say that the sacred artifacts are stored in the treasure house of Qingcheng?" , It also needs storage fees and so on, let the Juli clan pay them, but where do those fools have money to pay? Plus what that girl Qingwan said, although they have helped her guard the secret passage these years, she has also given them They live a stable life, so if they don't owe each other, the patriarch of the Juli clan is stunned... This deity has never seen anyone who is more stupid than their Juli clan. "

"That's too easy to be fooled!" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, a little unbelievable.

"Yeah, that's why they are a group of big fools!" Lin Qianye nodded approvingly, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "That girl Qingwan even said that the Juli Clan was established at the beginning. Those who made an oath never to leave Qingcheng, but now they, the descendants of the Juli clan, want to propose to leave, that is to break the contract, break the oath or something, the head of the tossing Juli clan finally had to consider the suggestion of that girl Qingwan, that is First help her snatch Qingcheng back, and then leave Qingcheng without the holy artifacts... If I want to tell you, if these fools don't see that their force value is not bad, they probably won't be able to survive!"

"That is to say, what we have to face is still such a force as the Juli clan?" The head of Qing Miao frowned when he heard this.To be honest, there is really no chance of winning when they meet the Juli Clan at Qingshimen. If the gods and ghosts outside Qingcheng come, they can still fight a game, but now But they are not in Qingcheng! !

Thinking of this, the head of Qing Miao felt a little sad.If they had known that the people of the Juli tribe were in Qingcheng, they would not have come directly, and went to attack the city outside the city and follow the right path! !
"Yes, and no!" Lin Qianye heard Qing Miao's words, and naturally knew what he was worried about!So, some outspoken words were made, and he reached out his hand to the old man Qingmi to ask him to pour water, and after watching the old man Qingmi handed him a cup of new tea very aggrievedly, he said lightly Said: "Didn't the deity just say it just now? The patriarch of the Juli clan is just still considering the girl Qingwan's proposal, but he hasn't agreed to the specifics yet."

"Hey, Lin Qianye, don't be foolish, tell me quickly!" The old man Qingmi became a little angry when he heard Lin Qianye's words. The man in front of him obviously came back to show off?
"What's the hurry? I can't even drink a cup of tea?" Lin Qianye looked at the old man Qingmi and said something slowly, then began to sip the tea slowly.

"Xiye, didn't you go too? Lin Qianye didn't say anything, you said it!" Seeing Lin Qianye's movements, the old man Qingmi almost punched her out. After thinking about it, he didn't want to cause trouble. He had no choice but to restrain his temper, looked at Xi Ye who was standing next to Lin Qianye, and said directly.

Picking a persimmon is soft, isn't it?

However, what old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan didn't expect was that Xiye, the shadow beast of the night, seemed to be dumb. After hearing old man Qingmi's words, he didn't even look at him, just silently lowered his voice. Head down, watching the ants on the ground go.

"Xiye, where is I talking to you? Why? You usually talk so much, now you're pretending to be a beast?" Qingmi old man was very dissatisfied with Xiye's attitude, and when he saw that it didn't move, he immediately yelled at it , then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Girl, isn't this your pet? Let it talk!!"

"Xiye!" Ji Xiaoyan looked helplessly at old man Qingmi and shouted.In fact, she knew very well in her heart that when Xi Ye met Shang Lin Qianye, it was definitely a kitten meeting a tiger!In front of Lin Qianye, it is estimated that her master's words are not easy to use. Who made Lin Qianye so powerful? !

"I'm a beast." Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's voice, Xi Ye could only look at her helplessly, then glanced at her without even looking at it, but there was a feeling all over her body, "If you dare to say something Lin Qianye, who had the aura that this deity will destroy you, could only humiliately say in the end: "Beasts generally don't speak."

So, when Xiye said this, old man Qingmi and the others still didn't understand.

"Okay, Lin Qianye, if you want to drink tea, drink it slowly, we'll be waiting for you!" Old man Qingmi gritted his teeth and said something to Lin Qianye, holding back his anger, and then sat down directly. On the other side of the stone table, he stared at Lin Qianye fiercely. It was not until he finished his cup of tea slowly that he heard Lin Qianye speak.

"Forget it, I don't care about anything with you Qingmi anymore!" Lin Qianye looked like "my lord doesn't remember the faults of villains", after glancing at the old man Qingmi, he said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Actually Well, the deity has contacted a woman from the Juli clan who is willing to take refuge with us. I heard that she is the daughter of the previous head of the Juli clan a hundred years ago. Speaking of which, there is still a little talk in the Juli clan s right"

When Xi Ye heard Lin Qianye's words, she immediately complained in her heart: Damn, I didn't go in to find out the news first, but now Lin Qianye is taking all the credit for himself.
"You mean, that woman from the Juli clan is willing to come to our side? But, she alone is useless!" Qing Miao sighed immediately after hearing Lin Qianye's words Then he said: "She is the daughter of the previous patriarch. How old is she now? Is she just an adult or is she already in her prime? If she is just an adult, she probably doesn't have much right to speak!"

"Well, it seems to be more than 400 years old, so it can be regarded as adolescence!!" Lin Qianye thought for a while, and said something to the head of Qing Miao, and then saw Ji Xiaoyan's surprised face, so he asked: "What? Apprentice, are you surprised?"

Isn't it surprising?They are over 400 years old, still in their youth
(End of this chapter)

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