Chapter 903 Juli Clan

Speaking of this Juli clan, it is a very magical clan!Of course, this is the case in the NPC setting.

It is said that the Juli tribe is a race that is favored by the main god. They are born with infinite strength and burly stature. The smallest Juli tribe is three and a half meters tall.The people of the Juli tribe are born with extremely high defenses, which means that they are close to being invulnerable to swords and guns and fire. Moreover, these people of the Juli tribe are born with the attribute of strength bonus, especially when they encounter violent anger. This feature is particularly prominent!
It's just that everything can't be perfect.This Juli family has a lot of advantages, but there are also many disadvantages.The most prominent thing is that their intelligence is not outstanding, and they are born with a lazy nature. They pick up and eat a little in everything, and they don't seem to have any thoughts or ideas to hoard food and wealth for the future!
For example, today some members of the Juli clan hunted some food in the wild. After all the clansmen took today’s food, they would throw the remaining food back to the mountains. mountain god.Therefore, for the Juli people, poverty is a problem that they have never been able to solve!However, later, some insiders of the Juli clan revealed internal information that there were no members of their Juli clan who wanted to hoard food, but they didn’t know the reason, as long as anyone of them kept the food If they stay overnight, then for a month after the next day, their whole clan will have no food source at all, and they will not find any animals when they go up the mountain, so the whole clan can only rely on the little left over from the first day. Food to live the rest of the day.

So, over time, these people of the Juli Clan have developed a habit of only keeping enough food for the day!This is also the most fundamental reason why the patriarch of the Juli clan was fooled away with food by the city lord Qingwan.As long as someone provides for them, the whole clan no longer has to worry about the days without food
Come to think of it, this is the so-called rule imposed by the Lord God on them.

Another fatal flaw of the Juli Clan is that they have no way to become attached to magic!Of course, this seems to be an exception for the little Juli clan kid that Ji Xiaoyan and the others met.However, for most members of the Juli clan, this is still a fatal shortcoming.They have no way to form a relationship with magic, which means that the members of their Juli clan are very afraid of magic attacks. This is what everyone said, they have no magic resistance!

However, although these NPCs of the Juli clan have many advantages and disadvantages, this cannot hinder the Lord God's love for them.Ordinary NPCs only have a lifespan of 150 years at most. Those who are awesome, like those great magicians, may live for hundreds of years because of their own strength, reaching more than 200 years old. The sky is three hundred years old!However, the Juli family is different. They are like Xiaoqiang, powerful and tyrannical, and the calculation of age is different from ordinary NPCs.

From birth to 50 years old is infancy; 51 years old to 150 years old is infancy; 150 years old to 350 years old is the growth period; 350 years old to [-] years old is adolescence; [-] years old to [-] years old The age of [-] is the middle age; the age of eight hundred and above is the old age.All in all, the Juli clan is really a group of slow-growing guys, just like the growth of those giant dragons!Of course, in the survival history of the Juli clan, the oldest among them lived, and the patriarchs who died abnormally were all a thousand and one years old.And this so-called abnormal death refers to not a natural death of old age, but death due to various accidents or diseases!

As far as the previous patriarch of the Juli Clan is concerned, that guy also went crazy because he said he wanted to go to the mountains to find some herbs, but he was trapped in a mountain forest and starved to death at the age of 910.However, as far as the history of the Juli clan is concerned, there really has never been a member of their race who died of natural old age.
"Master, according to what you say, the child we are taking now must be over 50 years old?" After hearing Lin Qianye's brief introduction to the situation of the Juli Clan, Ji Xiaoyan immediately slammed He sighed, looked at him in surprise and asked, "Maybe this kid is older than you?" My God, these guys from the Juli clan should just go live with the dragons!
Speaking of giant dragons, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly thought of those two giant dragons in the Eastern Continent. I don't know if the two boss-level giant dragons have been discovered by the players!The progress of this game should also reach the stage where players slay dragons, right?At that time, when the two giant dragons are challenged, should she help out as an acquaintance?Anyway, that giant dragon of Nimengsha is also a good friend of Jiajia, isn't it?
Lin Qianye didn't notice where Ji Xiaoyan's thoughts had wandered, but after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's question, she smiled slightly and said, "Apprentice, you really don't know anything! You still don't know anything! Do you think we are all young? Have you ever seen a powerful guy who is young?"

"Ah?" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly heard Lin Qianye's voice, regained consciousness in an instant, and replied reflexively, and then heard Lin Qianye continue to say: "Actually, there is nothing surprising about this. Speaking of those who were present, it seems that you are older than the head of Qing Miao, right? I remember that the head of Qing Miao seemed to have passed his [-]th birthday a few years ago, I think I did not remember wrongly?"

"Qianye, your memory is really clear!" Hearing Lin Qianye's words, the head of Qing Miao immediately nodded with a smile in response, and then said politely: "Your [-]th birthday is coming soon, Qianye, right?" ? At that time, you can save face and send us an invitation to Qingshimen!"

"That's for sure!" Lin Qianye said unceremoniously, "I didn't have any contacts before, but now that I have the apprentice of the deity, we can have a good relationship in the future."

"Hehe." The head of Qing Miao smiled.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at this, then at that, and then said with a sigh: "By the way, Uncle Qingmiao, Master Master, are we here to make friends and talk about birthdays?"

"Hehe!" Lin Qianye laughed dryly, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others and said, "By the way, where is that child from the Juli clan? It will definitely be difficult to cooperate!"

When Xi Ye heard it from the side, he immediately became a little angry.Damn, this man Lin Qianye is too shameless!Didn't it just say something about not giving the child in front of that Juli tribe woman Sabrina, and threatened that Juli tribe woman?What did Lin Qianye do?This man gave it a few grades of black poisonous whip on the spot, and after it almost died, he lost some dark treatment to it under the "false" plea of ​​the Juli woman. brought it back.
However, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it now, but it was painful at the time!What did this man say at the beginning?Blame it for talking nonsense, and brought up the child of the Juli clan to talk about it. Why is the child of the Juli clan useful now, but it seems to be his credit?
Shameless, so shameless!

Lin Qianye didn't pay attention to Xiye's facial expression and mood at all, and greeted Ji Xiaoyan and the others directly after pulling the Juli clan child who had woken up from a coma and was being tied up in front of him, and then spoke. He shouted: "Are you Long Buduo of the Juli clan?"

"Long Buduo, Long Buduo" The Juli clan child who never responded correctly to Ji Xiaoyan's words immediately repeated excitedly after hearing Lin Qianye's words: "Long Buduo, Long Buduo "

"It seems to be right!" Lin Qianye nodded with a look of relief, and then took another sip of tea, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi who looked puzzled and raised their eyebrows Said: "Your luck is really good! It is not easy for the Juli tribe to reproduce offspring. It is normal to have a child in more than ten years. Speaking of which, this Long Buduo is the most recent One of the three children born in decades, has been missing from the clan for more than a year. Those guys of the Juli clan have not found it after searching for a long time. Go to the secret passage. However, it is precisely because of this that the Juli tribe owes you a debt of gratitude when you find this child. In this way, no matter what they are asked to do, they will think more about it. considerate!"

"Missing for a year? No way!" As soon as Ji Xiaoyan heard Lin Qianye say this, he immediately became puzzled: "If this child stayed in the secret path for a year, it must be impossible! In the secret path, not only food Rare, and there are monsters. According to the age of the Juli tribe, he is still in his infancy, right? His attack power should be very weak! Can he live in the environment where those monsters live for a year? Besides, in the secret road There are so many people from the Juli clan, why can't we meet him in a year?"

Not to mention, when they saw the child, his clothes looked new and clean, no matter how they looked at them, they didn't think he had stayed in the secret passage for a year.

"This deity has thought about this a long time ago!" Lin Qianye closed her eyes, and then said: "This deity thinks that it is certain that this child has only entered the secret path recently, otherwise it would be impossible to rely on those giant power tribes in the secret path Guys, it is impossible to find such a child within a year. According to the guess of the deity and the Juli people, this child should be adopted by some kind people after he disappeared. Otherwise, his disappearance is directly because someone locked him up."

 PS: Thanks to "DK47" for the four cakes!Thank you "fan___fan" for the cake!

(End of this chapter)

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