The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 907 Alchemy toys?

Chapter 907 Alchemy toys?

With Sabrina, the very conspicuous NPC of the Juli clan, Ji Xiaoyan only needs to wear the clothes that Sabrina specially brought her, which looks like a cute puppet doll, and then is taken by Sabrina. Lina was carefully hugged in her arms, acting as a non-moving doll, and she could follow Sabrina in Qingcheng in a fair manner.As for Xuan Mo, Brick, Friesman, and Xi Ye, they were already invisible at the moment, following them far away, with no intention of getting close at all!
Who made that kid named Long Buduo see through the invisibility of Xuan Mo?If it wasn't for Sabrina who forcibly led Long Buduo, Ji Xiaoyan guessed that Xuan Mo and the others must have been caught by Long Buduo.

From the dilapidated dwelling where Ji Xiaoyan and the others climbed up to the ground of Qingcheng to the settlement of the Juli tribe, there is still a considerable distance.They need to cross a few streets, then walk a long way along the inner city river of Qingcheng, and then pass through a section of laneway before they can reach it satisfactorily.Along the way, there were many NPC city guards patrolling Qingcheng, needless to say, and many players were also taken away.

Ji Xiaoyan curled up in Sabrina's arms after seeing a few NPC city guards who obviously glanced at her suspiciously and left after a while, and asked in a low voice, "Shah? Bai Lina, there is nothing wrong with me, right? Why did those city guards look very suspicious just now? Is there something on my body that I have not disguised?" The name display that went down popped up again?Or the little Mimi who was hidden by Xuan Mo accidentally popped up?

"Master Deputy City Master, there is nothing wrong with you! Please believe me!" Sabrina said with a smile when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then turned her face back and said in a low voice: " Those city guards looked at us, mostly because I brought Long Buduo with me. Because of the current situation in Qingcheng, we, as a family of the Qingwan City Lord by default, will naturally be the focus of attention. Our every move We are under surveillance. If I hadn't led Long Buduo out of the alley just now, the alley would have been thoroughly investigated as soon as we left. Now, those city guards are probably just curious about us Why are you still wandering around when you are so sensitive!"

"So that's how it is." Ji Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, and then asked in a low voice: "Where have we left now, won't those city guards go to investigate?"

"Normally not!" Sabrina said in a low voice, "Even if anyone around sees me, they will only think that I went in to find Long Buduo. The situation is everywhere, and everyone will think that I am just looking for the child. In fact, you don’t have to worry, Vice City Lord. The Lord Qianye who found me back then is also very powerful. Are you still worried that he has nothing to do? What’s more Those people from Qingshimen are not mediocre, are they?"

"You know they are from Qingshimen?" Ji Xiaoyan was startled when she heard Sabrina's words.She always thought that old man Qingmi and the others knew about the Juli Clan because the Juli Clan was the "natural enemy" of the Qingshimen, and the Juli Clan didn't know about the entire sect of the Qingshimen.But now, Sabrina really knows about Qingshimen
"Of course I know! Although our Juli Clan does not seem to have a large range of movement, we still know some news that we should know. Qingshimen is a sect with pure power attack skills like us. If we don't understand In this situation, if we encounter it in the future, how can we know whether it is an enemy or a friend?" Sabrina said softly to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Then is Qingshimen an enemy or a friend to you now?" Ji Xiaoyan had the urge to look directly at Sabrina and ask, but thinking that he was playing the role of a puppet doll, he had no choice but to stand still. , with a careful attention to Sabrina's movements, looking forward to her answer.

"Speaking of which, Qingshimen is just a stranger to our Juli clan!" Sabrina thought for a while, and then continued: "As for whether it will be an enemy or a friend in the future, it depends on the deputy city lord and the How is our patriarch's talk? Of course, it doesn't mean that our Juli clan wants to be an enemy of the deputy city lord, but you also know that our Juli clan has not completely escaped from the Qingwan city lord. There are many things You can't do it freely."

"Then if you cooperate with me, will you be able to break away from City Lord Qingwan?" Ji Xiaoyan asked again with a slight frown.

"Even if we can't get rid of cleanliness, we can refuse to continue to rely on Qingwan City Lord's hand and follow her instructions." Sabrina murmured to herself, "If it wasn't because we still can't get the Holy Spirit from the clan The patriarch has already taken us away."

"I heard from my master, Lord Qianye, that the sacred artifacts of your Juli clan are locked in the treasure house of Qingcheng, and can only be taken out by the official city lord of Qingcheng? That's why you are planning to cooperate with me and help me get Qingcheng. , let me take out the sacred artifacts of your clan?" Ji Xiaoyan bluntly glanced at the pattern of clothes on Sabrina's chest, and asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Sabrina was stunned for a second when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said bluntly: "This is also the biggest reason why we are willing to cooperate with the deputy city lord. If the city lord Qingwan After recapturing Qingcheng, he would not be willing to return the holy artifact to us. As for the current city lord who has been here for so many years, he has no intention of recruiting our Juli clan, even if he has gained the right to rule Qingcheng , and will not return the sacred artifact to us, after all, he has no such obligation."

"So you chose me? Then how can you be sure that I will be willing to return the sacred artifact to you?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously when she heard Sabrina's words.That is a holy artifact, absolutely good stuff, how can the Juli tribe woman in front of her guarantee that she will be willing to return it to the Juli tribe after she gets the holy artifact?Couldn't she take the holy vessel for herself?
When did Ji Xiaoyan become a good person in the eyes of NPCs?

"It is precisely because the Deputy City Lord is willing to return the sacred artifact to us, so we are ready to cooperate with the Vice City Lord! Isn't there a saying that it is easy to add flowers, but difficult to give charcoal in the snow? Our Juli tribe wants to give the Vice City Lord Your Excellency sent charcoal, so that after Qingcheng is returned to the hands of the Deputy City Lord, we can ask you to return the sacred artifact to us, right?" Sabrina said with a longing smile, Then he said to Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice: "Besides, I know that you are a very good person when I saw the deputy city lord, so the deputy city lord must be more willing to help our Juli clan get back the sacred weapon." What's more, it's useless for you, Vice City Master, to take my family's holy artifact!"

"Why didn't it work?" Ji Xiaoyan asked a little funny.Didn't many players say that she was bad in all kinds of ways? On the forum, are there still many players who said that she killed so many players before and posted condemning posts everywhere?How come she is still a good person in the eyes of NPC?Could it be that the NPC woman of the Juli tribe in front of her was just saying good things to coax her to return the sacred artifact to them in the future?

If that's the case, then their scheming is too deep!

"Master Vice City Lord, you are also an adventurer!" Sabrina heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, but immediately said straightforwardly: "Whether you have our aboriginal blood status or not, you are always You have the identity of an adventurer, so even if my family's sacred artifact is given to you, you will not be able to use it."

"Oh!!" When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he immediately gave up.The co-author, Sabrina, has long thought about it. As a player, she will not be able to use the holy artifact, so she is so relieved!
"By the way, Sabrina, since you can see that I'm an adventurer, wouldn't those city guards see it?" Thinking of this possibility, Ji Xiaoyan's forehead broke out in cold sweat!If she was caught in the city, she would really be a sinner through the ages!She represents so many players and NPCs, as long as she is captured, their force will immediately become defeated
"Your Majesty Deputy City Lord, don't worry, I'll dress you up like this to cover up your identity so that the city guards won't recognize you! As for the adventurers wandering around the city now, if they don't If you have special props and abilities, I won’t be able to recognize you!” Sabrina said something to Ji Xiaoyan with an unworried expression on her face, and then immediately said with a warning: “Mr. , Another group of city guards came in front, you should be ready, don't move!"

"Mmm!" Ji Xiaoyan snorted, then closed her eyes and listened quietly to the movement around her.

"From the Juli clan?" A deep voice sounded suspiciously, and Ji Xiaoyan reckoned it should be one of the city guards that Sabrina mentioned.

"Yes, my lord!" Sabrina replied honestly.

"Why aren't you in the settlement and still wandering around?" The voice sounded again, and it seemed to be getting closer.

"The child in the clan was disobedient and ran around. I managed to find him back, and I'm about to take him back to the settlement!" Sabrina replied with a smile, and then Ji Xiaoyan heard Sabrina seemed to pat Long Bu a bit more.

"What are you holding?" The city guard was silent for two seconds, and then asked again.

"It's a doll, my lord! It is said that many of the latest toys in the alchemy shop in the city are made according to the tastes of the new adventurers in the city. When our child saw this thing, he refused to go home. , I had to spend some gold coins to buy one for the child, and coax him not to run around in the future. Otherwise, according to the current level of chaos in the city, I am afraid that this child will cause trouble."

"Well, it's the right thing to do!" After hearing Sabrina's words, the city guard immediately nodded in agreement, and then said lightly: "Then go back quickly, don't run around in the city. Running around."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Sabrina quickly responded.

Ji Xiaoyan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. After she felt Sabrina start to move around, she suddenly heard a low female voice: "Brother, isn't that NPC holding a player?"

 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the pink ticket!May is finally over.

(End of this chapter)

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