The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 908 Brother and Sister

Chapter 908 Brother and Sister
"Brother, isn't that NPC holding a player?" When the low female voice fell into the ears of Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina, both of them froze for an instant, panicked suddenly After getting up, the two even couldn't help thinking about the consequences after being discovered and reported, and then Sabrina immediately began to think in her heart whether to run away immediately, or find a way to justify.
After all, the group of city guards who questioned them just now hadn't gone far. If the female voice who should have discovered their secret now rushes to report to those city guards, no matter whether it is true or not, Those city guards will come back to check, and then things will be course it is possible, but her figure is so obvious, even if she runs, where can she go?
None of the city guards in Qingcheng knew where their Juli clan lived!
And if they don't escape, can they just watch the deputy city master of Shacheng who can help their Juli clan be taken away?In that case, their Juli Clan would not have a good life.The current city lord must accuse them of harboring criminals; the Qingwan city lord will definitely resent their preparation for betrayal; and Qingshimen and Shacheng will definitely blame their Juli clan
Thinking of this, Sabrina suddenly felt that what she was doing now was a little too much for her. If she had known earlier, she shouldn't have come alone!If this really happened, she would be the big sinner of the whole clan. When she thought of such a possibility, Sabrina shook her body instantly, and then stiffened her body and involuntarily looked towards the direction where the voice came from. past.

After hearing the female voice, Ji Xiaoyan secretly opened his eyes that had been closed all the time, and then tried his best to aim in the direction of the voice with his little gaze.

Just a few steps away from them stood two players, a male and a female. The female player was wearing a white robe and holding a magic staff with basically no brilliance in her hand. She was clearly a low-end player at first glance. ;The male player next to him was dressed in a nasty attire, his shirt was basically bare, his muscles were simply exposed, his lower body was wearing a pair of shorts with a white metal structure, and he was holding a sword hilt in his hand. A wide, battered greatsword.
It seems that these two players are not rich masters!Ji Xiaoyan sighed involuntarily in his heart, and then became even more curious.Since the two players in front of them didn't seem to be getting along very well, how did they know that she was a player?You know, after she entered Qingcheng, she was forced to reveal her identity as the deputy city lord of Shacheng. No matter how you look at it, she should be an NPC! !So, how did the female player recognize her?

If the female player got some kind of adventure, you can see the identity of the player and the NPC. In this case, there must be a player gang to take them in!Just like the player she met in Panchi City back then, it must be impossible for them to be so shabby!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly.

These two players will definitely not let go of this opportunity to make great contributions.
"Shh, it's none of our business, sister, don't talk too much! Let's go!" Just as Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina were imagining what the siblings in front of them would do next, the male player suddenly whispered He hurriedly said something to the female player, and then acted as if he was going to pull her away.

Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina were shocked tacitly, and then Sabrina pretended to be nonchalant, ready to move on and leave this place.

Just because the voice of the female player was a bit loud, one of the city guards who left not far away suddenly turned around, looked at the female player and asked, "That adventurer over there, what did you just say?"

"Ah! No. No, it's nothing!" The female player immediately shook her head and said something after receiving the signal from the male player, and then she was about to leave immediately with a guilty look on her face.This appearance made the NPC city guard even more suspicious.

So, the city guard immediately whispered something to the other NPC city guards, and then quickly stopped the pair of brothers and sisters with a few city guards, then looked at them and asked cautiously: "You just now You clearly said something, why didn’t you say it out loud! Could it be that you are actually spies who just sneaked in?”

"No, no, we are not! We support the city lord!" The male player immediately shook his head loudly when he heard what the NPC city guard said, "Master guard, if you don't believe me, we have the city lord award Proof badge." While speaking, the male player took out something from his pocket and handed it to the NPC city guard.

Then Ji Xiaoyan saw that the city guards stayed in front of the brother and sister for only a few seconds before they all left.

"Sabrina, is the city lord still issuing certification badges to adventurers?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in a low voice after seeing that Sabrina had left the sight of the siblings.

"I'm not sure about this, I guess it's to distinguish the powers of the adventurers!" Sabrina pursed her lips, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then warned in a low voice: "The next step is for the deputy city lord to Don't talk, we are almost near the inner city river, this area is full of patrolling city guards and some adventurers."

"Yeah, I got it!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately nodded his head when he heard Sabrina's words, and then obediently closed his eyes and pretended to be a doll to rest his mind.

I thought that after missing out with that pair of brothers and sisters, the pair of brothers and sisters did not expose them, and they would never meet again in the future.Who knows, just after Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina escaped waves of player patrols and NPC city guards' interrogation, they ran into that pair of brother and sister again in front of a small shop.
"Silver coins are not enough, we can't sell you food!" Ji Xiaoyan was pretending to be dead with his eyes closed, when suddenly he heard a rough female voice, "Two adventurers, there are so many monsters outside the city, You can earn a lot of money if you just kill anyone and come back. If you don’t go out and try, how can you earn money to buy food? Advice to the two of you, if you don’t work hard, you can’t support yourself. "

"We dare not go out." A girl who sounded familiar to Ji Xiaoyan immediately said aggrievedly, "Now the monsters outside the city are very powerful, and there are so many enemies. My brother and I are not equipped well. Going out is death. Boss, please take good care of us, we are only two silver coins short, please sell us something first, and I will definitely return it to you in the future."

"No, no!" The NPC proprietress immediately shook her head when she heard what the female player said, "Girl, you also know the current situation in Qingcheng, if I can give you some things on credit, but what is the situation now?" What about city warfare! Think about it, in such a chaotic situation, how many adventurers have no food? If I give you things on credit, and some adventurers come to buy food later, what should I do? You have to know, There are very few food shops in Qingcheng now, and this food can be sold at a very good price. If it weren’t for the fact that you two are usually helping us with errands around here, you are very honest adventurers, I would not sell food If you sell it to you at such a cheap price, don’t believe me, you will watch it later, which adventurer comes to buy food, I won’t charge them double the price!!”

"Boss," the female player still yelled in some pleading voice.

"Girl, I would like to advise you, go outside the city and try your luck! Didn't you say that you adventurers can get a lot of good things by fighting each other? If you think the monsters outside the city are too powerful, you can also find adventurers to attack them." !” The NPC proprietress urged with some viciousness.

"Forget it, sister, let's go first!" At this moment, the male player sighed, said something to the female player, and then pulled her around to prepare to leave.But who knows, when they turned around, they saw Sabrina who had just passed by them, and Ji Xiaoyan who was leaning on Sabrina's shoulder.

"Brother, it's that player!" The female player looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and said to the male player.

"Yeah!" The male player nodded, but didn't say much, he just pulled the female player and walked in the direction Ji Xiaoyan and the others walked, while whispering to her: "That player must have something. Fortuitous encounter, let's stay away, or she will find a friend to kill us later, and it will be troublesome."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the male player's words, he immediately felt a little happy.This male player is a bit weird!Don't ordinary players know that other people have adventures and so on, or they just follow up and ask to share; or they just kill them and grab adventure missions and the like?Why is the male player in front of him so timid and cautious?
"Brother, can we borrow some money from her? If I don't buy food, my NPC favorability status will be gone, and the price of food we buy will be twice as expensive." The female player looked at it with some confusion. Looking at Ji Xiaoyan who was walking in front of them on the shoulder of Sabrina, she looked at the male player and asked eagerly.

"Sister, you are not good! You are threatening others with your nature!" The male player immediately said something unhappy when he heard about the female player's home.Then Ji Xiaoyan lowered her head when she saw the female player.

And at this moment, Sabrina suddenly saw a large number of Qingcheng guards appearing in the Inner City River near the settlement of the Juli tribe, searching every passing player and aborigine.
 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!Thank you "Zi Yifei" for your review votes!Ask for ten!
(End of this chapter)

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