The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 909 Let's trade!juvenile

Chapter 909 Let's trade!juvenile
"Why is someone searching in front?" Sabrina was startled, and after whispering something, she quickly took Long Buduo and Ji Xiaoyan to hide in the corner of a room next to the inner city river, "No Are there so many city guards and adventurers patrolling the city? Why do you have to focus on searching here?"

"Then what should we do now?" Ji Xiaoyan heard Sabrina's words, and saw that there was no one around except for the brother and sister who had already discovered her identity and had no idea to report to the NPC and received the reward. , so he moved his body, poked his head out to look outside the wall, and then frowned.

Both sides of the inner city river are residential houses, which are basically built next to each other, so it is definitely impossible for Sabrina to take Miss Ji Xiaoyan to detour back to the settlement of the Juli tribe.And there is only one road next to the inner city river in Qingcheng. At this moment, hundreds of Qingcheng city guards are standing near the settlement of the Juli tribe, and there are many players watching the excitement.It's really hard for them to get there.
"Accordingly, there shouldn't be so many city guards coming to search! Could it be that someone leaked information about you, Deputy City Lord?" Sabrina said with some doubts.

"How is it possible!" Ji Xiaoyan shook his head immediately when he heard it and said, "No one at Qingshimen will leak my news. Could it be City Lord Qingwan? By the way, Sabrina, didn't you say that this Aren’t there adventurers specially sent out by City Lord Qingwan in the city? Could it be them.”

Sabrina shook her head, expressing that she was not clear.

Then Ji Xiaoyan heard the female player among the brother and sister who followed them just now say: "That. I know why there are people searching over there."

As soon as Ji Xiaoyan heard the female player's voice, she immediately turned her head and looked at her: "Why? Why are you still following us?"

"I, we are going to go home!" The female player was taken aback by Ji Xiaoyan's question, and immediately said something in a panic, and then explained: "My brother and I have a house on the other side of the inner city river. "

"Have you bought real estate in Qingcheng?" Ji Xiaoyan was surprised when he heard the female player's words. How come they don’t even have money to buy food after starting a house? Or are they just pretending to be poor?
"We didn't buy that house," the female player said nervously, "I got it for a mission. I just can't sell it, otherwise my brother and I would have gotten rich long ago!" After finishing speaking, the female player gritted her teeth , and then asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Sister, you are not the power of the city lord in the city, are you?"

"What? Are you going to report it?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately asked the female player when he heard what the female player said, thinking about how to silence him.Xuan Mo and Friesman are hiding around the two brothers and sisters at the moment, and they only need a word from her, and the two players will be wiped out and sent back to the teleportation array.

"No, no. We didn't mean that, don't misunderstand!" The male player immediately waved his hand when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, as if he was afraid that Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina would wipe them out, and then Quickly pulled the female player, and shouted to her in a low voice: "Sister, don't talk too much."

"Brother." The female player glanced at her brother, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said firmly: "If you are not guarding the city on the side of Lord Qingcheng, I have a way to let you pass the search over there! Just , you have also seen the situation of me and my brother, we are very short of money."

"You mean, if I pay, you help me find a way to pass the search over there?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the female player in surprise and asked, "Aren't you from the city guard side? Why don't you report us ? If you report it, you will definitely get a lot of rewards, which is much better than working with us!"

"We just don't want to fight everywhere." Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the male player sighed and said, "My sister and I were teleported to Qingcheng a long time ago, and have been doing missions here since then. At that time, Qingcheng still had a hidden map. , we can’t get out of the city. Not every aborigine is willing to help us to do the task. After doing the task for so long, we didn’t get much gold coin rewards and experience. Except for the house, we didn’t even have a level We haven’t reached a certain level. You can tell by looking at our equipment! After the city battle broke out, we didn’t know why we were determined to be the defender of the city! Speaking of which, we just wanted to get out of here .”

"So you have absolutely no objection to who is in charge of Qingcheng?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the siblings with raised eyebrows in surprise and asked.To be honest, the luck of these two brothers and sisters is not generally "good"!Others couldn't get in the hidden map, just like her, they got in in the blink of an eye; but, they were unlucky, they didn't have a good life after they got in
"Whoever takes over Qingcheng doesn't care about us!" The male player said to Ji Xiaoyan with a face of nothing to worry about, "We only know that if we have no money to buy food, we will starve to death "

As for whether the male player is talking about starving to death in the game or in reality, Ji Xiaoyan is not quite sure, but she is still a little confused: "You don't want to report us? You know, if the city owner receives If you report it, you will definitely be rewarded, right?"

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true." When the male player heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he immediately smiled pitifully, and said to her, "You don't even know if you think about it! Now there are so many of them in the Inner City River." The reason why the city guards were searching was because some adventurers went to the city lord to report that they had found spies in Qingcheng. Those adventurers were there for rewards, but who knows, the city lord not only did not give those adventurers who went to report Instead of rewarding the hunters, they were all arrested.”

"You mean, the person who ran to report was arrested instead?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little curious.Generally speaking, this situation is impossible!

"Yes!" The male player nodded, and then said: "Later, I heard from some aborigines that among the adventurers who went to report, some of them were spies. There are also some supporters of our current city lord, but they are all arrested, so my sister and I don't want to cause trouble, who knows if we will be arrested if we go! So, we just It is required that some gold coins can be mixed until the siege of Qingcheng is over, and then you can leave here!"

After hearing what the male player said, Ji Xiaoyan immediately nodded in understanding, "Does that mean that the city guards over there are now going to search everyone except supporters of the current city lord like you?"

"Yes!" The male player nodded, and then continued: "I heard that some of the adventurers who were arrested accidentally slipped their mouths, saying that the Lord Qingwan is already in Qingcheng, and he is hiding in the city. In the nearby dwellings where the Juli people live." Speaking of this, the male player immediately glanced at Sabrina carefully, and after seeing that she didn't have any extreme reactions, he continued: "So there are people around here. The investigation has been strengthened, and all adventurers without badges must not be arrested!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded understandingly, and then looked at the female player, "In this case, tell me about your conditions, don't you mean that there is a way for me to pass the search over there? Make the conditions, if it is reasonable , let’s work together!”

When the female player heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she immediately looked surprised, then looked at her frantically, and stammered, "I, I have a way."

The male player patted the female player on the shoulder reassuringly, smiled at him gently, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said sincerely: "Our requirements are not high. I don't know about this siege battle. When will it end, so we hope you can give us some more gold coins. Of course, we also know that this request is a bit too much, after all, there are some intentions to blackmail you, but I hope you will not resent us. We do not want to cause trouble , I just want to play games and earn some money to live!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the male player seriously, from his face, she could see the sincerity of the male player when he said this, as well as the helplessness tempered by life.Thinking about the real life of their brother and sister, it must not be very good, maybe it is the same as her before. That's why they have the idea to earn money from games, right?They don't want to get into any trouble, they just want to earn game currency well, and then exchange money for life, so they have the idea of ​​expecting a plain game
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly looked at the two brothers and sisters with empathy. She was in the same situation as them before.
"Then tell me, how many gold coins do you want!" Ji Xiaoyan asked.If they weren't asking too much, she could help.

"Ten ten gold coins." When the female player heard that Ji Xiaoyan agreed, she immediately stammered, and then she seemed to feel that it was too little, so she quickly changed her words and said, "No, no, you give us twenty gold coins." Twenty gold coins! My brother and I each get ten gold coins."

"Twenty gold coins for one chance." Ji Xiaoyan looked at the male player, saw that his eyes were as eager and excited as that of the female player, sighed in his heart, and then said: "If I get caught Yes, I will definitely come back and find you to settle accounts!"

"No, no, I promise!" As soon as the female player heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, she knew that she agreed, so she hurriedly said: "I guarantee that the city guards will definitely not find out that you are a spy."

 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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