The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 910 Excited to Catch and Rape Players

Chapter 910 Excited to Catch and Rape Players
It is near the settlement of the Juli tribe.

Quite a few players who voted for the forces of Qingcheng and defending the city are standing excitedly around those NPC city guards in Qingcheng, watching the players and NPCs coming and going, imagining that they have the piercing eyes like Monkey King , You can find all kinds of monsters, spies, undercover players or NPC aborigines at a glance.

"Do you think those spies will stop passing by us?" A male player dressed as a mage couldn't help looking at several teammates around him and asked, "Look, we have set up so many levels here And the guards, if those spies see this situation, they probably won’t come to die. Do you think we can catch people and go to the city lord to exchange rewards? Actually, if I want to say, we might as well go to the city Going around here, maybe you might be lucky enough to find one or two suspicious people.”

"What are you talking about, we don't have a chance if we wander around the city!" A female player in warrior costume standing next to the mage player immediately curled her lips and said, "Look around, who doesn't want to catch you?" The spies go to the city lord to get rewards, but look, so many players are wasting their time here and don’t go wandering around the city. Why do you say? It’s not because those fools who threw themselves into the net revealed the news, saying That frog city lord is hiding near here."

"What kind of frog city master! That's Qingwan city master!" A male player in warrior costume next to him interrupted the female player amusedly when he heard what the female player said, and then said, "When will you change your confused temper! If your words are heard by the players or NPCs on Qingwan City Lord's side, you will definitely be hunted down by hatred."

As soon as the female player heard what the male player said, she stuck out her tongue playfully, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Oh, my memory is relatively poor!"

The male player in the warrior outfit shook his head, gave the female player a doting look, then followed her words, and said to the male player in the mage outfit: "The little demon is actually right! Everyone don't go to the city!" wandering around here and there, just to find the whereabouts of the Qingwan City Lord. In fact, to put it bluntly, there are not many rewards for catching spies. After all, it is useless for the City Lord to take them. The biggest rewards all fall to the Qingwan City Lord. We all know that the current siege battle consists of three forces, our city lord, the Qingwan city lord, and the deputy city lord of Shacheng who came out halfway. As long as the three parties capture any One, the faction represented by that party was directly lost in the siege battle, think about it, this will save trouble!"

"That's right! In this way, as long as one person is caught, tens of thousands of players can be directly wiped out." The male player in the mage outfit heard this, nodded in agreement, and then sighed and said : "Just waiting here is not a solution, I don't think that Qingwan City Master would run out and wander around knowing that we have set up checkpoints here"

"Who knows what those NPCs are thinking? What if the Qingwan city lord suddenly rushes out from here with tens of thousands of players?" The male player in the warrior costume said with a look of fantasy, "Let's talk , even if she doesn't show up, it's impossible to hide all the time! As long as we stay here, there will always be some news, right? Otherwise, how will she rob this Qingcheng? Everyone thinks so?"

"Yes, yes, yes!! The boss is right!" As soon as the male player in the warrior outfit finished speaking, several players next to him immediately nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, the male player in warrior costume nodded in satisfaction, patted the male player in mage costume on the shoulder, warned him to be patient, and then saw the tall and tall Sabrina, and said with some surprise: "Hey, How did the NPC of the Juli clan come out?"

"Aren't the NPCs of the Juli tribe all guarding their own territory?" A male player suddenly said with some doubts after seeing Sabrina, "Since the news from the city lord said that After the Qingwan City Lord seems to be hiding on the side of the Juli Clan, don’t the NPCs of the Juli Clan stop wandering around? Why are there two NPCs of the Juli Clan? The child of the Juli tribe is holding a female player by his side."

As soon as the players heard it, they all immediately cast their eyes on the female player who was dragged by the child of the Juli tribe and followed reluctantly.

"Why is that female player being dragged by a child of the Juli clan? It seems that she is very unhappy." A male player immediately said in doubt.

"I guess I have encountered some adventure." The female player in warrior costume called Xiaoyao glanced at the female player being dragged with some displeasure, and said in a sour tone: "On the side of the Juli clan." The NPC actually has a mission, I knew it earlier, and I will try my luck! I may not be able to get some good things with physical attributes!"

"That's right, that's right, our little demon looks much better than that female player." After hearing what the little demon said, several male players immediately comforted him: "Those NPCs from the Juli tribe really have no eyesight."

Hearing this, Xiao Yao felt a lot better in an instant, then glanced at Sabrina and the others, and then urged the players next to him and said, "Should we go up and ask questions? Say no The female player who was caught must be a spy or something? Didn’t it mean that the NPCs from the Juli clan used to be subordinates of the Lord Qingwan? Although I don’t know if it’s true now, but it’s not necessarily true that there is some connection And the players caught by the NPCs of the Juli tribe must have some connection with Qingwan City Lord."

"Yes, yes, yes, what the little demon said is right, maybe this is our luck." The male player in the mage costume nodded immediately after hearing what the little demon said, "Left and right, we will not leave the vicinity, It's better to grab the opportunity before other players go forward. Otherwise, this opportunity will be snatched by someone in a while. The female player caught by the NPC child of the Juli clan is really a spy or something. The reward can be It's not ours anymore."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go quickly!" The male player in warrior costume known as the boss felt that it made sense when he heard the words of the crowd, and immediately greeted the players around him, raised his arms, and hurriedly rushed towards him. Sabrina and the others ran in the direction they came from!
However, as soon as their group of players moved, the players from the other teams next to them immediately followed suit and ran towards Sabrina and the others as soon as they saw it.

"What's going on? What's wrong with them all finding out? Why are they all running towards us?" Ji Xiaoyan, who was already concerned, saw so many players running towards them excitedly, and immediately He asked Sabrina nervously.

"I don't know! Vice-City Master, please don't show your feet. If something really happens, I will definitely throw you out and let you leave safely!" Sabrina quickly comforted Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice, and then calmly moved towards Ji Xiaoyan. Long Buduo, who was being led by her, instructed in a low voice: "Long Buduo, you have to protect the deputy city lord for a while, and don't show your temper, or I will deal with you when you get home."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ji Xiaoyan hummed twice and stopped talking.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Long Buduo and then at Sabrina, and then she felt relieved, but the worry in her heart was still unstoppable.Speaking of which, the siblings also had some ideas.

As a player belonging to the Qingcheng forces, everyone will get an identity badge issued by the system to prove that all Qingcheng players and NPCs use this thing as the only indicator to distinguish between friends and foes.And this identity badge is such an important existence, it must not be traded or given away!
However, there are exceptions to everything!
This is why the female player is so confident that she can send Ji Xiaoyan through the NPC and the players' interrogation.All player status badges in Qingcheng cannot be traded or given away, but that female player can!This girl's luck is very good. She and her brother have been in Qingcheng for a long time. Qingcheng was used as a hidden map and was blocked all the time. So the two brothers and sisters have no way to go out of the city to kill monsters. Do tasks in the city, mix experience and gold coins.Although many NPCs in Qingcheng are not very friendly to them, but after a long time, those NPCs who have been with each other for a long time will still have a good impression of them. And the female player does not know if she is a good character It's bursting.One day, when I was doing a task for an NPC in Qingcheng, I picked up a very valuable item. The girl was imprisoned in Qingcheng and had no way to sell it. After discussing with her brother, she followed the The clue is that it took a lot of effort to send the thing back to the owner!

Then, the girl got a lot of "special" rewards from the owner "NPC"!For example, you can see the status of Ji Xiaoyan as a player, and the current "privilege" that can strip off the mandatory attributes of certain items and trade them out.

So, after Ji Xiaoyan spent [-] gold coins, the female player directly traded her identity badge to Ji Xiaoyan to help her get past those NPCs and players, while she and her brother carried the gold coins , ran directly to the shop that sells food, and then prepared to wait in that shop for the end of the patrol and search in Qingcheng before going back to their hut
Of course, these Qingcheng identity badges will not be without the player's name and the like. Everyone has the same badge, so there is no need to worry about being exposed. This is the biggest reason why the female player is so confident that she can help Ji Xiaoyan.

However, even if this is the case, when Ji Xiaoyan watched so many players rushing towards them, she was still a little worried about being discovered, after all, she has the honor of so many people on her body
 PS: Thanks to "Atlantis1412" for the pink ticket!Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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