Chapter 912 Play!

The NPC city guards in Qingcheng are no strangers to the current behavior of players in Qingcheng rushing up to ask to check their badges when they see something unfamiliar.However, every time they saw such a scene, the city guards couldn't help laughing and laughing, watching the players' eyes full of sarcasm: those adventurers thought that the city lord's reward was so Easy to get?

Of course, this will not be disclosed to the players by the city guards.The city lord of Qingcheng can indeed give rewards to adventurers who catch spies, but whether these rewards are good or bad, it is up to the benevolent to see the benevolent and the wise.
It’s just that the players near the settlement of the Juli tribe in the inner city are getting a little noisy. A leading city guard looked at Sabrina’s tall body, and after thinking about it, he gave instructions to his subordinates. One sentence: "Go over and have a look, if there are spies, catch them early, if not, don't let those adventurers toss around, or if the real spies get mixed in and pass the test, we will all have it." It's a crime. Besides, those people from the Juli clan seem to be very well-behaved now. If they really make them anxious, it may not be another chaos. Now we Qingcheng can't afford to toss about it. Do you understand? "

"Yes, my lord!" Upon hearing this, a group of city guards immediately put away all the sarcasm towards the adventurers on their faces, and then responded to the leading city guard with a serious face, and hurried away He ran towards the players who were making a fuss and were about to fight.

"Stop!" As soon as the team of city guards got close to those players who were waving their fists, you hit me, I pushed you, they immediately shouted loudly, and then said sternly: "What are you doing? Rebellion?"

Many players were shocked when they heard the words of the NPC city guards. Some timid players immediately shrank and stood aside, then lowered their heads and peeked at the other players present; The players didn't even glance at the city guards. When they saw some players around them stopped, they immediately seized the opportunity and rushed past the players who were blocking them just now, and ran vigorously. Flying in front of Ji Xiaoyan
"I made a mistake!!" Many players yelled in their hearts when they saw that some players stopped listening to the words of the city guards and instead took this opportunity to run past the two NPCs of the Juli clan .If I had known that the city guards in front of me were just talking and not punishing anyone or doing anything, they would have rushed over.
"That...Master Guard, there is an adventurer who seems to be a spy over there." A female player with a quick mind was pushed by the surrounding players and stood on the left hand side of an NPC city guard. After looking at the surrounding situation, the female player cleverly opened her mouth and said something to the city guard, then looked proudly at the players who were sprinting towards the NPCs of the Juli tribe, and sneered twice in her heart. Voice: So what if you caught the spy?I was the first one to report in front of the city guards, hahaha, at that time, I may not be able to become the number one hero in this spies incident after you bring people over.
"My lord, my lord, I was the first to discover that spy over there."

"Master Guard, don't listen to their nonsense, I discovered that spy."

"I found it"

"Go away, go away, I found out about the spy first"

As soon as the female player's voice fell, the surrounding players erupted. MD, they've been beaten up here, so they have to get something affordable!You can't just let that chick take the big credit with a single sentence, right?That woman doesn't belong to my family, so why are you only taking advantage of her?It doesn't mean that good luck will come to you, isn't it?The surrounding players all thought this way, and then started scrambling to yell at the team of city guards.
result?Of course you don't let me, and I don't want you to have a good time either!
As a result, the scene that had just been suppressed by the city guards suddenly became chaotic again.

That team of city guards looked at each other for a few moments, then took out their weapons, hacked to death a few of the most noisy players, and then yelled: "Who dares to move around?" ?!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" A female player hidden in the player group immediately screamed when she saw this situation.As a result, who knows, as soon as she finished yelling, a feathered arrow shot directly at her body, and then she saw black and white in front of her eyes.
These NPC city guards are for real! !

After all the players saw the bodies of the players who were killed, they immediately had such an idea tacitly in their hearts.Then I got a little confused!They were just trying to grab credit for a player suspected of being a spy. Why did these city guards react so strongly?Could it be that the player over there is really the so-called "spies"?Or, is it a very important figure among the spy players?That's why the city guards wanted to take people to the city lord to claim credit, so that all their players could only get a small reward?

Thinking of this possibility, all the players felt a little chilled.

And NPC strong credit, how can they win!What level are they, and what level is the NPC city guard?Didn't you see someone kill them one by one, did you kill their players?

"It's all quiet?!" A city guard who looked like a leader glanced at the players who had all become honest, and after asking a few words, he looked at the player's corpse on the ground and said, "I know you adventurers are all Those who have infinite life, don’t pretend to be dead on the ground, hurry up and find the Lord God to resurrect, or I will put you all on the list later, and give you a crime of disturbing the safety of the city.”

As soon as the NPC city guard finished speaking, the corpses of the players on the ground didn't dare to stay any longer. They quickly chose the option of resurrection one by one, and disappeared one by one on the ground in a flash of light.

"You're all honest?" The city guard looked at the surrounding players with satisfaction, then snorted coldly, and led the other city guards behind him, and ran directly in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan.

And the one who rushed to Ji Xiaoyan at the very beginning, the leader of the Starlight Gang, didn't stop talking after he caught Ji Xiaoyan at the first time, asking in the first sentence: "Are you a player of that faction", and another sentence: "I want to arrest you and take you to the city guards." And so on, as a matter of course, Miss Ji Xiaoyan ignored him at all, part of her attention was on Long Buduo, and the other part fell entirely on him. On the side of the city guard.

And after seeing many players rushing towards her, Ji Xiaoyan was even less in the mood to talk to the leader of Starlight, but kept shouting: "Hey, let me go! Let me go! !"

"Don't let it go, don't let it go! I caught you." The leader of Starlight said with a rascal face, and then shouted at the other players who had already rushed in front of them: "This woman is me. If caught, you all go away!!"

A few players looked at me and I looked at you, then glanced at the NPC city guards who were following behind, gritted their teeth and looked like they were going all out for the reward, and rushed to the leader of the light of the stars, and then It started to compete with Long Buduo for the control of Ji Xiaoyan.

In order to avoid accidental injury and indecent assault, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to hide behind the relatively large Long Buduo, and then shouted loudly: "You all let me go, I am a player from Qingcheng, I am Qingcheng players"

"Damn, we won't believe you! You must be a spy!" A player immediately said after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words: "If you are a player in Qingcheng, why don't you show your identity badge to prove it? You The reason why you don’t dare is because you are a spy, it’s not what everyone in Qingcheng said, right?”

"Yes, yes, yes! You must be a spy, don't try to confuse us and run away!" Several players immediately echoed, and then kept moving towards Long Buduo.

If Sabrina is polite to these players, it is because she knows what these people are doing in front of her, but Long Budo doesn't know that he is just a child, and when he sees so many people, he wants to rob him , suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.As soon as Long Buduo was upset, he naturally moved his hands, stretched out a slap, and pushed the player closest to him.
Then Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth wide and looked at the player who was pushed by Long Buduo, and directly hit the player behind him in a very distorted posture, and flew out with them.
"So powerful." Ji Xiaoyan looked at Long Buduo in disbelief, sighed, and then saw Sabrina's face change, she nodded and bowed in the direction of several city guards and said, "That .Master Guard, our children are still ignorant, it was not on purpose."

"Is it intentional? I'll talk about that later." The oncoming team of city guards immediately moved their bodies to the side when they saw the players flying out, and after dodging, they didn't care about those players. Life and death, he walked directly in front of Long Buduo, said something to Sabrina, and then looked at Long Buduo and asked, "Pull out the adventurer behind you."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanh!" Long Buduo looked up at Sabrina.

"Long Buduo handed over that girl to the guard." Sabrina said to Long Buduo coaxingly, and then she smiled and said apologetically to the city guard: "Well, Lord Guard, my child is not sensible. He caught this female adventurer on the road and refused to let go. He must take it back."

(End of this chapter)

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