Chapter 913
Regarding the farce Ji Xiaoyan encountered from the players near the Inner City River in Qingcheng, old man Qingmi and the other NPCs were completely unaware of it.What they need to worry about now is if they can find out the way to the Juli Clan without finding that bastard Lin Qianye!

I thought that bastard Lin Qianye had promised well in front of Ji Xiaoyan, but after Miss Ji Xiaoyan was taken away by that woman from the Juli tribe, Sabrina, even if that bastard Lin Qianye didn't give them the door to the Qingshimen Lead the way, at least I will tell them the direction, draw a map and so on?In the end, who knows, Lin Qianye's bastard did something amazing!They directly smiled at old man Qingmi, and before they had time to say a word to him, Lin Qianye stretched out his hand and gestured in the air, and then suddenly a wave of blood gushed out of his body. The strands of black mist coiled around him, rolled and surged for a while, and with a bang, the black mist exploded instantly.
Then?Then that bastard Lin Qianye disappeared into old man Qingmi's sight together with that mass of black mist
Lin Qianye's disappearance doesn't matter, what matters is that old man Qingmi and the NPCs from Qingshimen can't find their way in Qingcheng.Everyone knew very well that as soon as Sabrina went out from the small alley where they were hiding, the city guards from Qingcheng or other curious people would come to explore in a short time.So, even though Lin Qianye and that NPC made a move, Qingmi and the others still held their breath, jumped over the wall, over the roof over the roof, and rushed out in all directions in a hurry, stepping into other areas of Qingcheng .
"Uncle, how do we go now?" A disciple of Qingshimen who was following old man Qingmi looked at old man Qingmi with some fear and asked cautiously.Speaking of it, it's fine if the old man Qingmi's face is not very good-looking, but the disciples of their Qingshimen have also been taught in the sect, and they are basically immune.Just adding that the old man Qingmi was not wearing a black cloak, showing a horrible poisoned face, this disciple of Qingshimen felt a little panicked
It's just a poison, do you want to make it so scary? !
"How do I get there? How did I know!" Qingmi old man also held his breath in his heart, and he couldn't let go. Hearing what the Qingshimen disciple said, he immediately roared angrily, and then took a deep breath. After the restless anger in my heart was suppressed, I said in a low voice, "Just follow me well, and remember to handle your current role well."

You know, the poisoning of old man Qingmi and elder Qingyi is a shame to them!Originally there was a cloak to cover one or two, and the old man Qingmi could bear it a bit, but now they are wearing the clothes of the aboriginal people in Qingcheng to disguise, can they still wear cloaks?That is of course not possible, otherwise if you cover your face so conspicuously, you will definitely attract city guards; and now you are walking around with that poisoned old face exposed, if it spreads in the future, his Qing Mi face will be It's lost!In the future, everyone will know that his old man Qing Mi of Qingshimen was plotted against by a powerless person.
This is simply obliterating his prestige!As soon as he thought of this possibility, the old man Qingya's face became even darker.
"Yes, I got it, Uncle Master!" On the other hand, the disciple of the Qingshimen quickly nodded obediently after hearing the old man Qingmi's words, and followed the steps of the old man Qingmi step by step. I walked around the shops in the past.

The story of the roles they are playing now is all thought up by the NPC old man Qingmi. Their current roles are uncles and nephews. The disciple of Qingshimen is a nephew. Prepare to go home and rest on your own.

"Uncle Master, there is a medical center in front of you, do you want to go in and try it?" The disciple of Qingshimen looked at the old man Qingmi's face carefully, his eyes lit up, and he immediately suggested a sentence. After the old man stared fiercely, he quickly explained: "Master, I just thought, if we want to act, we must act perfectly! You see, since we are here to seek medical treatment, how can we Why don’t you go in when you pass by the medical center? If something really happened later, and the city guards suspect it, we can at least pull out the doctors from this medical center to help us prove one thing or two. They are real Qingcheng aborigines after all, right? Surely not The Shaocheng guards all know them."

The old man Qingmi was silent for two seconds when he heard the words, squinted his eyes and glanced at the NPC disciple of Qingshimen, after thinking for a while, he said reluctantly: "There is some truth in what you said, then let's go Check it out at the hospital."

"Yeah, uncle, maybe the doctors in Qingcheng can still have some strength. If we can really cure your poison, then our trip will be worthwhile!" the disciple of Qingshimen said with a smile. Said something to the old man Qingmi, and then helped him with anticipation and stepped directly into the medical hall.

The medical hall in Qingcheng is very lively, and this is also because of the willingness of this game.Although the priest profession can quickly heal blood volume and the like, it cannot heal the injuries of characters in the game, such as fractures.Therefore, there is another life-like profession extended from the pastor profession, the doctor!

The so-called doctor is a profession that specializes in treating diseases, various injuries, colds and the like of game characters or aboriginal NPCs.In normal times, the business of the doctor's hall is definitely not very good, but during the siege, this is different.

Those who were beaten to death by monsters, or injured by players, or were injured and died in various situations, and there is no way to recover their injuries after returning to the teleportation array, this requires the help of a doctor.

After stepping into the doctor's hall, the old man Qingmi and the disciple of Qingshimen were surprised for a moment.I thought that the business in such a place should be very light, but who knows, this small medical center is surprisingly lively.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah! Take it easy, take it easy" a male player in warrior costume shouted exaggeratedly under the kneading of an NPC doctor: "Slightly, lightly, it hurts."

"There is no one who is injured without pain!" An NPC wearing a priest's robe glanced at the male player and said lightly, but the movements and strength of his hands did not mean to slow down at all.

"Damn, you think I'm willing to get hurt! It's not those city guards." The male player curled his lips when he heard what the doctor NPC said, and said with a displeased face: "MD, there were so many people there at that time, why? Just kill me! He also said that if we don’t come back to resurrect, we will be blacklisted MD, and I don’t know if those city guards have accepted the benefits of the Starlight Gang. Doctor, my injury Are you ok?"

"It's not too important!" The doctor NPC said lightly, "Ten days and half a month of recuperation will be fine!"

"What!!" When the male player heard it, he immediately looked like he was about to jump, but was pressed by the doctor NPC, so he sat back on the chair honestly, and then begged, "Master doctor, please help me open the door!" Order the potion, I think it will be better sooner. The spies on the other side of the inner city river are still waiting for me to catch them."

"Bah, do you think that spy over there can still have your share?" Another male player next to him immediately said unhappily when he heard this: "After we heal the injury, the day lily will be cold, don't you think?" Think about it, those city guards have taken action, and we can benefit from turning around? MD, if it weren't for the woman from the Juli clan standing there with such a large body, we would have rushed to catch the spy woman up"

"If you ask me, those city guards are the worst! Tell me, why did they kill us?" A female player said to the crowd with tears in her eyes, "I It was just a yell, and they killed me. Huh, resurrection and serious injuries, this is simply too much!"

When many players heard this, they glanced at the female player with some sympathy, and then collectively looked away, sighed deeply, and then looked at the doctor NPC and asked: "My lord doctor, what do we do here?" Is the injury really that serious? Can’t it heal faster? You see that the battle in this city is getting more and more tense. If we are injured, how will we defend Qingcheng? If Qingcheng is captured, you will not be happy to see it Bar."

When the doctor NPC heard this, he sneered twice, and then said: "I don't care who is in charge of Qingcheng, we will get through no matter how bad the day is. The Lord of Qingwan is back, that is, returning to the previous state." As for you, if you want to participate in the siege battle, you should not provoke the city guards. Do you think that the city guards in our Qingcheng are all vegetarians? Their weapons all carry a lot of special damage. It is strange to be killed. You suffer on your own. That's fine, your injuries are almost done, you can take a good rest after you go back! Of course, if you really feel that you can't take it easy and want to go to the war, then go, hidden injuries or something, you guys I don’t even care, and I, a doctor who collects money for treatment, don’t care about the next one.”

"Hidden injury?! Doctor, what is the hidden injury?" The healed male player immediately asked nervously after hearing what the doctor said, but the doctor NPC ignored him at all.

After entering the room, the old man Qingya consciously stood aside, honestly queuing up to wait for treatment.It's just that when the players heard the Juli tribe's woman, they couldn't help but tense up, and guessed in their hearts: Could it be that these adventurers are talking about Sabrina and Xiaoyan from the Juli tribe?

(End of this chapter)

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