Chapter 914 Cut!
"Uncle Master." The NPC disciple of Qingshimen looked at old man Qingmi with some concern, and called out cautiously, trying to wake up his erratic consciousness.

Ever since old man Qingmi heard the conversations of those players in the medical center, his mind was filled with all kinds of imaginings that Miss Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina, the woman from the Juli clan, were in trouble, and then he was thinking about it. When he got up, he wanted to go over to help or something, but he didn't hear the doctor in the medical center asking him questions at all.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Old man Qingmi felt his arm being pushed twice, and then he realized it, and then asked the disciple who had been following him.

"The doctor asked you something just now!" The disciple of Qingshimen raised his chin and turned to the doctor who was treating another player at the moment, and then continued in a low voice to the old man Qingmi: "Uncle, that just now The doctor came over to ask if you needed treatment. You were just in a daze and didn't pay attention to him, so the doctor went to treat others and said that he would come back after you could speak."

"What do you mean come here after I can speak? I can't speak?" Old man Qing Mi immediately became angry when he heard this, "Besides, he will really cure my illness?"

"Uncle Master." The disciple of Qingshimen looked at him with some embarrassment, and then said in a low voice: "Uncle Master, that doctor seems to be very powerful, he can immediately see that you are poisoned."

"Really?" The old man Qingmi was stunned when he heard this, and he glanced at the doctor who was treating other adventurers in surprise, and then asked the disciple of Qingshimen in a low voice: " Is what your kid said true? It won’t be someone who asks you to tell me everything about me, right? "

"Uncle, Uncle, how dare I!" The NPC disciple immediately shook his head when he heard old man Qingmi's words, and said, "Since you and Uncle Qingyi were both poisoned, Master Master has warned us direct disciples , you can’t spread your affairs everywhere. The master has already spoken, so there’s no way I can disobey the master’s orders, my disciple!”

"Then he really took a look at me and said that I was poisoned?" After hearing what the disciple of Qingshimen said, the old man Qingmi asked in surprise, "Did he say that it can be cured?" ? If it can be cured, we will go and call Qing Yi over to treat her properly."

"This disciple really doesn't know, the doctor just said, wait until you know how to say, uh, I'll come over and show you after you regain consciousness!" The disciple of Qingshimen hurriedly said to the old man Qingmi Just one sentence, and then I saw someone leaving in the hall of the medical hall, and a chair was vacated, so I immediately helped the old man Qingmi and walked directly to the chair: "Uncle, please sit and wait, I will go over and ask ask."

"Well, let's go!" The old man Qingmi nodded in satisfaction, and when the disciple of Qingshimen turned around, he said: "Remember the role we played, you have to call me Uncle Laozi!"

"Yes, yes, yes, then uncle, you sit down first!" The disciple of Qingshimen hurriedly nodded his head in a good manner, and then he walked away from the old man Qingmi, trotted, and ran to the doctor with a smile on his face. and turned around him.

A few minutes later, the player who was treated by the doctor handed in two gold coins with a relaxed and painful face, and then left the clinic complaining depressingly, "It's really expensive!"Only then did old man Qingmi watch the doctor walk towards him slowly, accompanied by their disciple from Qingshimen.

"Master doctor, my uncle has been suffering from this disease for a long time. Please show me, if this is really poisoned, what will my uncle do in the future?" The NPC disciple of Qingshimen is very good at acting, with a look on his face The distressed appearance made the old man Qingmi feel that the kid in front of him was his blood relative.

"Why are you crying?!" The doctor glanced at the Qingshimen disciple indifferently, then looked at the old man Qingmi carefully, and said, "Isn't it just a poison? It's hard to understand, it's just ugly, and it doesn't do much harm to the body, can't your uncle still walk around standing up?"

"Master doctor, do you mean that my uncle's disease can be cured?" The disciple of Qingshimen's eyes lit up instantly, and he looked at the doctor and asked expectantly.If this can be cured, his master will not only praise him in the future, but Master Qing Mi and Elder Qing Yi will also be grateful to him, right?Thinking of this, the disciple of Qingshimen immediately looked at the doctor with more eagerness, his face full of anticipation.

As soon as the doctor saw the expression of this Qingshimen disciple, he immediately thought it was his true feelings, and couldn't help showing a little smile on his face, and then praised: "You are a very affectionate child!" After speaking , the doctor approached the old man Qingya directly, and then said to him: "I need to take a closer look at your face"

The old man Qingya nodded quickly, with a cooperative face.Damn, if I knew there was a doctor here in Qingcheng who could cure the poison, he and Qing Yi should have come to Qingcheng earlier, and at the same time, they could get rid of the poison and break into the interior of Qingcheng in advance to help Ji Xiaoyan and that girl investigate the enemy's situation no?

The NPC doctor was also very professional. He carefully looked at the old man Qingya's face, then touched it, asked about the time of his poisoning, and then breathed a sigh of relief, then said: "Your poison can be cured. Yes, but you still need to go to the pharmacist to prepare some suitable medicine. You said that you have a younger sister who was poisoned like you? Then ask your nephew to bring her here, she is also in the city now ?”

"Yes, yes!" Before the old man Qingmi could answer, the Qingshimen disciple next to him pretending to be his nephew quickly nodded, and then said: "My aunt is at home. You know, doctor, my aunt is a woman. The most important thing is the appearance. The faces of her and the uncle suddenly became like this. They thought they were sick. They went to the doctor to see it, but the doctor was obviously not as good as you, so they directly said that it couldn’t be cured, so my aunt didn’t want to go out. Later, my uncle felt that if the disease could not be cured, my aunt would never go out for the rest of my life, so he asked the boy to take him out to seek medical treatment, thinking that if he could be cured, he would go back and bring his aunt out for treatment."

"Hmm..." The doctor didn't doubt anything when he heard this.It's normal for women to love beauty.Even a man might not have the courage to show his face after poisoning to others
"Then you go and bring your aunt here. I'll talk to the pharmacist in a while. This medicine will probably take a while to prepare. If your uncle can stay here, just stay here honestly." The doctor glanced at the old man Qingmi, and after giving instructions to the disciple of Qingshimen, he turned around and left, walking towards other doctors and patients regardless of his answer.

"Uncle, are you waiting for me here, or..." After watching the doctor leave, the disciple of Qingshimen quickly approached the old man Qingmi in a low voice, looked at him and asked.According to his thinking, it is of course better to let the old man Qingmi stay in the clinic, after all, if he is alone, it is more convenient to go to Elder Qingyi!

"I'll go with you" the old man Qingmi was about to say this, but he saw several adventurers stepping into the door of the medical hall with each other's support, cursing while walking: "MD, those city guards are crazy, why kill us?! Do you think there is something wrong with the woman of the Juli tribe, or are those city guards defending that woman for Mao? Damn it! Don't believe me, that woman is not a spy."

As soon as he heard about Miss Ji Xiaoyan again, the old man Qingmi straightened his face immediately, and then said to the disciple of Qingshimen: "I'll just wait here, you can go find Qingyi and come here! be careful on the road."

"Okay, Master Uncle, then I'm leaving!" The disciple of Qingshimen greeted the old man Qingmi, and after seeing him nodding, he immediately rushed out of the gate of the medical hall, and directly followed the original agreement. direction, followed Elder Qingyi.

As for the old man Qingya, he lowered his head obediently and sat in a corner of the medical building, listening to the complaints of those players.At first, I was quite worried that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would be stopped by the city guards and something would happen, but after listening to it, the old man Qingmi felt relieved.

According to those adventurers, Miss Ji Xiaoyan was grabbed by that kid Long Buduo with one hand, and another adventurer who claimed to be the gang leader with the other hand. He rushed in front of her, trying to say that she was a spy, but Miss Ji Xiaoyan would not admit it, she kept calling her not a spy, but she never failed to produce evidence to prove it.Ever since, the next team of city guards entered the field.

Under the interference of the city guards, those adventurers did not dare to do anything to Ji Xiaoyan again, only Long Buduo grabbed her and refused to let her go.As soon as those adventurers saw the city guards, they immediately shouted that Miss Ji Xiaoyan is definitely a spy, otherwise she would definitely not be favored by the Juli Clan, and would not be unable to produce proof.An adventurer was in a hurry and rushed directly to the city guards, saying that he was the first to catch the spy.
As a result, the adventurer was directly killed as the first offender who offended the city guards.Then several adventurers were accidentally swept by the sword tip of the city guard, and they all died together.

As for the female adventurer who had been suspected of being a spy but refused to prove herself, after seeing that several people had died at the scene, she took out a Qingcheng ID badge with an innocent face.
Upon hearing this, the old man Qingya felt a little relieved.Girl Ji Xiaoyan has a way, Qingcheng's identity badge can be obtained. However, when the adventurers kept cursing Miss Ji Xiaoyan for intentionally killing them, old man Qingmi couldn't help it Some angry.
These adventurers are not kind in their own actions, so they have to blame others?
 PS: Thanks to "fennd" for the talisman!Thank you for your continued support!

(End of this chapter)

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