The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 915 The Desalted Snail

Chapter 915 The Desalted Snail

Speaking of which, Miss Ji Xiaoyan was quite proud of the riots in the inner city river.

If you want to ask why those players who have been standing honestly by the city guards are so active and excited to run towards Ji Xiaoyan, it is estimated that she is a "spies" and not a player who clears the city. Players are not sure, and if they ask again, they can only say one thing: "I just saw others rushing forward, thinking that if I fall behind, I will definitely not get the reward" or something like that.

However, the warrior outfit player who was the first to rush out was very clear in his heart that the female player who was led by the woman of the Juli clan was definitely not a player from Qingcheng.As for why he is clear, it is due to his powerful memory.Before the official start of the siege of Qingcheng, there was a formal "mobilization meeting" in Qingcheng to meet the players, and the male player was lucky enough to squeeze into a high ground position, basically putting the entire team involved in Qingcheng The players in the siege battle had all seen it, and after adding that all the players had to go to an NPC in Qingcheng to get their identity badges, this player finally basically recognized everyone.

Of course, no matter how powerful the memory is, it is impossible to imprint all the players in the mind, but the overall memory will not be forgotten.And when Miss Ji Xiaoyan appeared in the male player's line of sight following Sabrina, the first reaction in his mind was: This female player is not from our Qingcheng, I have never seen her.Afterwards, he took a closer look at the equipment on Ji Xiaoyan's body, and the male player was even more sure that Ji Xiaoyan was not a Qingcheng player.

If he had seen that kind of patterned suit equipment that he had never seen before, he would definitely not forget it.

So, when he saw a player rushing towards Ji Xiaoyan eagerly, ready to grab the highest reward, this player immediately moved.However, the result he got in the end was somewhat different from what he had imagined.

After those city guards approached Ji Xiaoyan, they immediately shouted down those players who were trying to snatch the "spies", and then said to Ji Xiaoyan with a serious face: "Please show your identity card take it out!"

Later, to the surprise of the male player and other players, after the gang leader of Starlight let go, the "spies who joined the Juli clan" in front of them actually took out A Qingcheng player identification badge.

"Impossible, impossible! She absolutely cannot be our Qingcheng adventurer!" The male player who had always been sure that Miss Ji Xiaoyan was not a Qingcheng player, was shocked when he saw the system badge that could not be faked. He shouted: "She can't be our adventurer in Qingcheng, I have basically seen all the adventurers in Qingcheng, there is absolutely no her."

"Brother, could it be that you misremembered?" A disappointed player next to him cursed in a low voice about his bad luck, then immediately looked up at the male player and said, "How many adventures have we had to defend the city?" Readers, can you write them all down? Brother, sometimes, bragging needs to be lived through now.”

"That's right, that's right! Brother, do you still think you have a light brain? If any adventurer walks in front of you, you'll know who she is?" Another male player next to him was shocked when he heard this. sneered.

"I just have an excellent memory, no!" The male player who was scolded heard this, and immediately yelled angrily, then pointed at Ji Xiaoyan and said to the city guards: "Master Guard, I dare I am sure she is definitely not an adventurer from our Qing City, her clothes are so eye-catching and strange, if I see it once, I will never forget it! Lord Guard, you have to trust me."

"This adventurer, the identity certificate in my hand will not be faked! You know, there is no way to trade the identity certificates issued to you adventurers, so the identity certificate on this girl must be hers. My own!" The leading city guard looked at the male player calmly and said something, then turned his head and returned the ID card in his hand to Ji Xiaoyan, then glanced at Sabrina and Long Bu Duo said to Ji Xiaoyan indifferently: "However, this adventurer, you need to know what kind of force their Juli clan is. Since you have chosen to be under the command of the Lord City Lord, you must do your part well. If you encounter any trouble in the Juli clan, you can report to us directly."

This is to make her a spy?When Ji Xiaoyan heard what the city guard said, he suddenly thought in surprise in his heart, but on the face he quickly nodded and said: "Mmm, yes, definitely!"

Seeing this, the NPC city guard nodded in satisfaction, and then turned to leave.After all, the matter is now clear, and there is no need for them to stay here to worry about it. If the real spies are let go by then, it will be troublesome!

However, the city guards decided to leave, but the male player still felt that he would be unwilling if the "spies" he identified in front of him were not brought to justice.So, when watching those city guards preparing to leave, the male player yelled again: "Master Guard, I know. We know that there are adventurers in our Qing City who can tell who is a spy and who is not." !"

"Huh?" The city guards stopped immediately after hearing what this player said, and looked at him together with other equally shocked players.

Damn, which player here has such a skill?That is not which gang took him in, which gang caught more spies in this round-up and patrol mission?Just let that player take a look and say who is a spy, wouldn't it save a lot of things?
With the same thought in mind, all the players looked eagerly at the male player.As long as the man reports the player's name, they will contact him immediately
"Master Guard, as long as we call that adventurer here, she will definitely be able to recognize whether this female adventurer is a spy!" The male player looked at the city guards with affirmation and eagerness and said: "Master Guard, you If you don’t believe in my memory, you should believe in the abilities that the Lord God gave us adventurers.”

"What you said is true? Is there really someone among you adventurers who can tell who is a spy at a glance?" The city guard obviously looked suspicious, looked at the male player and asked, seeing him vigorously After nodding, he said in a stern tone: "Then why didn't you report it before?! You knew that there was such an adventurer, why didn't you report it and call her here?"

"Ah..." The male player looked astonished, why did he get scolded for breaking such a big news?
"What's your name?" The city guard didn't care what the expression of the male adventurer in front of him was, and asked directly.

"Desalted snail," the male player replied intuitively.

Then the surrounding players saw that the city guard dug out a small book out of nowhere, and wrote and scratched it: "Desalted snail, don't report it if you know it, delay the patrol mission of clearing the city, put it on the blacklist, deduct"

"Hahahaha!" The players around burst into laughter when they heard this.What does it mean to be thankless?This is an example!I thought that the desalted snail reported such a big news, and the city guards would definitely give him a credit and reward him, but who knows, it turned out to be the opposite, and the desalted snail was blacklisted in Qingcheng instead.
"Master Guard, how can you put me on the blacklist!" The desalted snail blushed and looked at the city guards with an angry look on his face, and asked, "How can I say I didn't report it? That adventurer is not willing to work hard to reimburse the city lord, why are you counting it on me?"

"Whether the adventurer is willing to contribute is up to you, but you know how much this kind of thing will help Qingcheng, but you always keep it in your heart and don't report it. It delays us from dispatching so many people to arrest the spies. It's your fault! I just remembered that you were on a blacklist and deducted some things, so don't compete with us, think of a way to make more contributions to our Qingcheng, and then you can be removed from the blacklist!" That city The guard said something to the desalted snail with an indifferent face, then glanced at the other players, and then looked at the desalted snail and asked, "What's the name of the adventurer you're talking about? Can you Can't you call him over?"

When the desalted snail heard this, he stopped talking and just lowered his head sullenly, imagining in his heart how awesome he would be in the future, repeatedly torturing such NPCs.

"Don't talk? Are you going to continue to hinder our patrol?" The city guard looked at the desalted snail with some displeasure and said, "I thought that if you brought that adventurer here, I would relieve you a little bit. Crime, it seems that you don't appreciate it, and you are going to add more crimes." As he said that, the city guard took out his pen, looking like he was about to continue recording.

"Master Guard, he doesn't want to go, we are willing to go." Upon hearing this, the surrounding players immediately stated: "Just tell us the name of this adventurer, and we will definitely find him as quickly as possible."

"Yes, yes, yes, Lord Guard, we are willing to help"

"Go away! I'll go by myself!" The desalted snail immediately roared when he heard what the players said, and then said to the city guard: "Master guard, you wait for me, I will go and take that adventurer away right away." Just bring it here, just don’t let that spy run away.” After speaking, the desalted snail turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, many players immediately chased after them. The spy's first credit is probably lost, but the credit for finding someone, no matter what, they have to get another share.
Ji Xiaoyan felt anxious after watching the desalted snail and those players run away!If there is such a player in Qingcheng, isn't she in big trouble?
(End of this chapter)

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