The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 916 People, don't be too serious.

Chapter 916 People, don't be too serious.

No matter how worried Miss Ji Xiaoyan is, what should come is always coming back.

After the desalted snail lured a large number of players away to find the player who was said to be able to see clearly who was the Qingcheng faction, he brought the group of players back to Neichenghe at a very fast speed, ready to Prove that girl Ji Xiaoyan is a so-called spy with extreme confidence and strength, and then get rewarded by the mage and city lord of Qingcheng.

However, when the player who was said to be very good was brought in front of Ji Xiaoyan, she still couldn't help being surprised, and then said with emotion in her heart: Really, where in life do we not meet again!

The player brought by the desalted snail was the female player who sold her identification badge to Miss Ji Xiaoyan at the beginning, and her player brother was also with her.

"Master Guard, this is the adventurer I told you about!" The desalted snail smiled flatteringly at the NPC city guards, then pushed the female player forward, and said in a low voice: " Go, if you finish the matter of Mr. Guard, there are many benefits in turning back, so don't miss it. I just asked you to come here to help because of our old friendship. You don't want to I don't know how to flatter you..." After a pause, the desalted snail glanced at the female player's brother again, and then said, "Don't forget, life is not easy for you and your brother in Qingcheng now, as long as you put After this matter is done, help us catch the spies, and you will definitely be rewarded a lot later... You can't help but work hard for you and your brother, right?"

After hearing what the desalted snail said, the female player immediately raised her head to look at her brother, then glanced at Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and lowered her head without saying a word.

The desalted snail didn't have much interest in continuing to chat with the female player, and smiled at the city guards, then consciously moved back two steps, and directly took a "You can't escape" Looking at Ji Xiaoyan proudly, he began to imagine Ji Xiaoyan's panic when he was caught for a while.

"Can you tell at a glance who is a spy and who is not?" the city guard asked the female player with some interest after listening to the desalted snail.

"No... no!" The female player looked very shy, she didn't dare to look at the city guards at all, she just responded in a low voice, and then said: "I can only see it for a certain period of time."

"En, that's not bad!" The city guard nodded, looked at the female player with satisfaction, and then pointed to Ji Xiaoyan who had been delayed by them and stood by the inner city river, and pointed at the female player. The female player asked: "Then let's see if this female adventurer is an adventurer from Qingcheng."

The female player knew very well what the desalted snail was looking for her for. She wanted to refuse, but the desalted snail didn't give her a chance at all. Chenghe is here.This female player is still thinking all the way, if she arrives at the location, she will tell the desalted snail that her skill of identifying players has expired and needs to be cooled for a day before she can use it.

But who knows, when she saw Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina in the inner city, she immediately understood that she couldn't tell the truth, and she had to help Ji Xiaoyan to confuse this matter.

Thinking of this, the female player took a deep breath, glanced in the direction of her brother, saw him nodding slightly towards her, then nodded to the city guard and said: "Then I'll go over there and try!"

Several NPC city guards nodded towards the female player, reassuring her that there is no need to be afraid, and then they all watched her walk towards Ji Xiaoyan expectantly.

The players next to them who followed the desalted snail all the way were not panting at this time. They were all looking forward to it in their hearts, expecting that the female player who could show Qingcheng's identity card would be a spy.Looking forward to it, the female player who ran all the way is useful. In this way, even if they are not top performers, they can still get some small credits and rewards, right?
However, everyone present was looking forward to it, but that female player did not want to make their dreams come true at all.After approaching Ji Xiaoyan and pretending to look at it, the female player returned to the city guards calmly, and replied indifferently: "Master guard, I have seen it, she is the adventurer of our Qing city." , not a spy..."

"Impossible! Impossible! You're lying..." The desalted snail immediately yelled unbearably, pointing at Ji Xiaoyan and yelling at the female player: "You want to see It's clear...she is not our Qingcheng adventurer at all, how can you lie? Did you take some advantage from her?"

"Hey, hey, what did you do with this man? Why do you insist on catching me and calling me a spy?" At this moment, when Ji Xiaoyan heard what the desalted snail said, he immediately turned towards He said angrily: "Do I have a grudge against you or something? I don't know you. Did you rob your wife, or stole your coffin book, and let you keep arresting me like this?" At first, you all came and dragged me, saying that I was a spy, and I endured it. I showed you the ID badge, and you didn’t want to admit that I was an adventurer in Qingcheng; Adventurer, she said that she could tell who was an adventurer from Qingcheng, but people came later, and they also said that I am not a spy. Why do you keep biting me? Do you think it is coauthored? Am I too easy to bully?"

"Stop arguing with me here, I believe my eyes, you are not our adventurer in Qingcheng!" the desalted snail shouted.For its own memory, the desalted snail has extraordinary confidence and persistence.

"If you say it's not, then it's not?" Ji Xiaoyan puffed up his chest towards the desalted snail, and said angrily, "Is Qingcheng yours or what? Whoever you say is a spy must be it? There is still Doesn't make sense anymore?"

"I said you are, you are!" The desalted snail was a little anxious after being told, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and yelled directly, and then looked like he was about to go up and drag her.However, as soon as the desalted snail moved, the city guards next to him immediately shouted at him: "Okay, this adventurer, now it has been proved that this female adventurer is not a spy. Such nonsense, be careful, we will deal with you according to the blacklist method..."

"Master Guard, you believe me, she is definitely a spy. She is not an adventurer from our city..." The desalted snail immediately argued when he heard what the city guard said, and then pointed at the female player to the city guard. They said: "It's her, she lied."
"Tch, brother, are you crazy about wanting rewards or something? Now that it has been proven that he is not a spy, why are you still clinging to him? You also found him, and now he is not following the law If you talk about your thoughts, you will say that they are lying, why bother..." A player looked at the desalted snail with some disdain and said something, and then directly smiled at the female player, and said openly: "Hey , Beauty, I am the steward of the Luo Guangzhi Zhan Guild. Our guild is currently short of manpower. Players with skills like Meimei, would you like to join our guild to have fun? The benefits of our guild are very good..."

"Beauty, beauty, don't listen to him, the benefits of our guild are only good, including equipment, upgrades, and gold coins to practice skills...""."

"Beauty, beauty, our leader said that if you join our guild, you will be given the best treatment immediately..."

The female player looked surprised at the eagerness of the players who had been chasing them all the way just now, and finally looked at her brother as if asking for help.

"You all go away, I want to ask clearly why she is lying..." The desalted snail immediately yelled at the crowd while seeing the players' snatching actions.

Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips, shook the arm that was still held by Long Buduo twice, and gave Sabrina a wink helplessly, and then she heard Sabrina looking at the city. The guard asked: "Master Guard, now that this matter has been figured out, can we leave? After all, we have been away from home for a long time, and everyone is still worried about the safety of this child..."

"Well, let's go!" The leading city guard nodded to Sabrina, then turned to face Ji Xiaoyan and said: "Adventurer, if you encounter any trouble, you can come to find us……"

"Enen! Thank you, Master Guard!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly nodded obediently, and sighed in his heart: These city guards in Qingcheng still haven't given up the idea of ​​luring her into stealing information from the Juli Clan...
Sabrina looked like she didn't see anything, she whispered something directly to Long Buduo, and then led Ji Xiaoyan towards the territory of the Juli Clan.

On the other hand, the desalted snail looked at Ji Xiaoyan again when he had no hope of catching the female player out for questioning. When he saw that she and Sabrina were about to leave safely, he yelled again. Get up: "Spy, you are not allowed to leave! If you don't speak clearly today, I will never end with you..."

"Fuck, do you have any brains!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned her head and said something to him when she heard what the desalted snail said, and then saw the desalted snail rushing towards her, He was stopped by several NPC city guards, and after that, he didn't know what he did, and there was a flash of white light, and he lay on the ground and turned into a corpse...

(End of this chapter)

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