The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 917 Money Is No Thing

Chapter 917 Money Is No Thing
As for why the desalted snails were killed by the city guards and sent back to Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan had no way of knowing the reason, and he didn't want to know.The only thing she knows is that those NPC city guards in Qing City finally did her a good deed by helping her get rid of that talkative man who targeted her...
After safely passing through the investigation by the row of city guards, Ji Xiaoyan was dragged by Long Buduo, and together with Sabrina, he successfully arrived at the settlement of the Juli clan, and met the Juli clan's Lord Patriarch.However, I thought that after joining the Juli Clan, the meeting between them would be very upright, but who knows, when Ji Xiaoyan and Sabrina escaped several members of the Juli Clan, they met in one place It was only when Ji Xiaoyan saw the patriarch of the Juli clan in a very remote corner that she and the patriarch of the Juli clan were the only ones that Sabrina had said to her. The members of the clan know it....
"Okay, Lord Patriarch, I won't pursue these matters anymore, I just want to ask, is your Juli clan sincere to cooperate with me!" Ji Xiaoyan watched Sabrina take away Long Buduo After that, he sighed, and then looked at the patriarch of the Juli clan and asked, "If the patriarch is not very willing to cooperate with us in Shacheng, then there is no need to force it, I will leave immediately !"

"Vice City Master, don't get me wrong!" The patriarch of the Juli Clan immediately stopped Ji Xiaoyan and said something carefully, "This time I really wronged the Vice City Master. I just hope that the Deputy City Master My lord, can you forgive me, after all, Lord Qingwan City Lord is still here with us..."

"What? She hasn't left your Juli Clan yet?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise when he heard the words of the Juli Clan patriarch: "Didn't she say that she will leave after talking with you?"

These news were revealed to Ji Xiaoyan by the NPC Lin Qianye.

According to Lin Qianye's news: After the chat with the Juli Clan, the Qingwan City Lord will leave the Juli Clan and go directly to the next loyal fan faction under her. In order to find an opportunity to go to the current city lord's mansion to steal the town stone, and then successfully snatch back the position of the decent city lord of Qingcheng...
Of course, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know how to steal the Town City Stone, and where Lin Qianye got the news. She was just surprised, why the Qingwan City Lord wanted to hide in the Juli Clan. It looks like she has been shrinking and not leaving!As long as she is allowed to meet Qingwan City Lord, is that okay?
The patriarch of the Juli clan didn't know what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking. After hearing her words, he just shook his head helplessly, then sighed and said, "Based on the original itinerary, City Lord Qingwan should indeed leave. But, this Plans are far inferior to changes... Hey, I’m not afraid to tell you, the deputy city lord. The city lord Qingwan refused to leave our Qingcheng. To put it bluntly, it was because he wanted to deal with you! Have you seen it? It is no longer Qingwan City Lord who is going to be arrested inside Qingcheng, but your side is also added..."

"Well, what does this have to do with her not leaving?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the patriarch of the Juli clan who was sighing in a strange way, and then asked curiously, guessing in his heart: Could it be that the Lord Qingwan knew this? She wanted to come to the Juli Clan, so she deliberately didn't leave, and planned to have an in-depth conversation with her, and then turn enemies into friends, and deal with the current mage and city lord of Qingcheng together?

"Speaking of which, it's also City Lord Qingwan who refuses to admit defeat..." The patriarch of the Juli Clan sighed, and then continued: "The news about the deputy city lord in Qing City is all that the city lord Qingwan asked the adventurers to release. Originally According to Lord Qingwan's thoughts, it is through those adventurers who spread the news that they can cause you some troubles and make it difficult for you to move an inch in Qingcheng. Who knows, those adventurers sent by Lord Qingwan Everything has been messed up... They passed your news on, but at the same time they also included themselves and Lord Qingwan." The patriarch of the Juli clan said here, shaking his head involuntarily, Then he said: "City Lord Qingwan didn't know how he heard the wind, and immediately put the culprit of the incident on you, Deputy City Lord. While deciding to hate you, he decided not to go out for the time being, and continue to hide We Juli Clan are here until she decides how to deal with you before leaving..."

"Isn't it? Am I so resentful?" When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, he patted his forehead instantly, and then sighed helplessly: "The adventurer in front hated me for no reason. It's fine if I don't let it go, but why is this City Lord Qingwan like this? I'm so resentful?"

"That's definitely not the case, Lord Deputy City Master, you're overthinking!" The patriarch of the Juli Clan immediately smiled at Ji Xiaoyan when he heard what Ji Xiaoyan said, and comforted her: "Isn't there still us in the Juli Clan?" Is it? We don't mean to resent you, Vice City Lord..."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan smiled dryly at the head of the Juli clan, and then talked about business with the head of the Juli clan. Since they are going to cooperate with her, how should they cooperate? How should everyone cooperate? And so on, it must be made clear, so these need to be discussed slowly. . . . . . .

Regardless of what happened between Ji Xiaoyan and the Juli Clan.On the other side of Qingcheng, the old man Qingmi heard a lot of news in the medical hall, about Miss Ji Xiaoyan, about the situation of Qingcheng Guard Branch, and even a lot of secret news about Qingcheng.

While old man Qingmi was waiting for Elder Qingyi to be found and sent to the hospital, he had figured out where the most stringent guards in Qingcheng were.Speaking of it, it is definitely difficult to pass on these news, but who made the old man Qingya look like a high-level NPC?After seeing the old man Qingya, many players who came to look for a doctor in the medical hall immediately came to strike up a conversation, trying to get some so-called special tasks, and then was fooled by the old man Qingmi and gave a lot of information.

However, although these players all stepped forward to talk to old man Qingya, they all failed to receive the mission without exception.But even if they didn't receive the quest, the players in the medical hall didn't suspect that the NPC who talked to them and revealed a lot of information to him was actually a high-level NPC who didn't have a quest and was just lying.

All the players felt that if such a strange and ugly NPC appeared in such a medical hall without seeing a doctor, he must have a mission on him, but everyone went there, but none of them triggered it. . . . . .
"Master Uncle, Sir Uncle, look who I brought!" The old man Qingmi was thinking about when Elder Qingyi would be brought here, before he had planned his next actions in his mind, He heard a very pleasantly familiar male voice, and after a while, he saw the Qingshimen disciple who played his nephew not long ago, wearing a typical Qingcheng aboriginal costume, but his face was covered with a tulle Qingyi The elder, together with the other two disciples from Qingshimen, stepped into the gate of the medical hall and rushed towards him.

"Qingmi...this disciple said that this medical center can really cure the poison on our faces?" Elder Qingyi didn't pay too much attention to the expression of old man Qingmi, he rushed to him in a hurry and spoke Asked: "Qing Mi, is this true? The doctors in this clinic didn't lie, did they?"

"It's true! At least that's what he told me!" Old Qing Mi nodded quickly, then looked behind Elder Qing Yi, and said in a low voice, "Why did you bring two disciples here? Don't you Do you know that my disciple and I are acting as uncles and nephews? You brought two more people over, if someone asks you later, how will you explain their identities?"

"I...Didn't I get anxious when I heard that the poison on my face could be cured?" Elder Qing Yi said something apologetically to Old Man Qing Mi, and then looked at her The two Qingshimen disciples following behind looked at the old man Qingmi questioningly and asked: "Then how about I let them leave immediately?"

"Everyone has seen it now, no matter how much you do, there is nothing you can do..." Old Qingmi said something helplessly, and then sighed: "If someone asks, let's talk about it! You should think about it now." Just think about what status you can use for them... The doctor said that our poison still needs to be prepared, we need to wait, don't worry, be patient." Qing Mi old man said while Looking at the situation in the medical hall, seeing that many players are basically looking at them, he said to Elder Qingyi in a low voice: "There are a lot of adventurers here. Let me tell you in detail..."

"Okay!" Elder Qing Yi nodded readily, and then quietly stayed by Old Man Qing Mi's side, not moving at all.

After a while, the doctor who showed old man Qingmi the poison discovered Elder Qingyi's existence, ran over to exchange some pleasantries, then turned around and took two white medicines from an NPC in the medical center. bottle, and handed them the antidote, which needs to be recuperated and taken slowly, then stretched out his hand and said to them, "Chenghui has a total of one hundred gold coins..."

As soon as these words came out, the old man Qingmi and the elder Qingyi who had never brought money with them were instantly dumbfounded! ! MD, I have suffered from not bringing money before, why did they forget this time?Now this situation, how to solve it?
(End of this chapter)

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