The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 918 Without money, everything is difficult

Chapter 918 Without money, everything is difficult

Qingcheng, Medical Center.

As the saying goes, a penny beats a hero!At this time, the two elders of Qingshimen, Qing Mi and Qing Yi, probably have the deepest understanding of this sentence.These two heavyweights of Qingshimen can almost be said to be the two who can represent Qingshimen. In the words of the doctor, they were directly dumbfounded.

"One hundred gold coins..." the old man Qingmi couldn't help but swallowed the saliva overflowing from his mouth due to nervousness and surprise, then he stammered and looked at the doctor and asked, "You mean... these medicines Wanzi wants... a hundred gold coins?" Aren't they all aborigines?At this time, since there was no question of charging money when the treatment started, it shouldn't be said that money will be charged after the treatment is over, right?
Besides, they have the pill now, but who knows if it can cure him and Elder Qingyi?If this takes money, is it to fool them?Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi gained a lot of confidence in an instant, looked at the doctor and said, "You said you want a hundred gold coins, but you want a hundred gold coins? There is no cure for our poison now, your medicine Does the meatball have any effect, who knows?"

"You mean, you don't believe in the medical skills of our pharmacy?" The doctor immediately asked with an ugly face when he heard the old man Qingya's words.

"No, no, that's not what we mean!" Elder Qingyi quickly put on an apologetic smile when he saw the doctor's face, and said to the doctor, "We just think that... this poison is too easy to cure. You know, doctor, we have visited countless famous doctors everywhere, and they all told us that it can’t be cured. When we came back to Qingcheng suddenly, they said that it can be cured. We haven't seen the effect of the medicine, so we will be charged a hundred gold coins... We are very worried!"

"En!" The doctor's face eased a lot when he heard Elder Qingyi's words, but he still insisted on saying: "The signboard of our medical center is not fake, it must be genuine, so you are completely Don’t worry about medical skills. I told you that your poison can be cured, so it will definitely be cured... If you don’t want to believe it, then return the pill to me, pay the medical expenses and production costs, and then you can leave... ..."

"What do you mean by that?" The old man Qingmi felt a little happy when he heard the doctor's words.He finally got the antidote, how could he hand over the antidote for a hundred gold coins?He didn't want to keep swaying around with a scary face anymore, "You don't give us pills and antidote, but you still charge us money, what kind of medical clinic are you?"

"As long as you enter the clinic, you will have to pay for the doctor's consultation fee. As for the production fee, I told you when you first came. These pills need to be made by our pharmacist. So you also have to pay for the production of this pill... In fact, it is not expensive, and there are only twenty gold coins in total. If you don’t have enough money, you can pay the twenty gold coins first. Ten gold coins to take the pill away..." The doctor glanced at the old man Qingmi lightly, then looked at the Qingshimen disciples who had been following them, and asked with a slight smile: "Would you like to come to have so many nephews? For the sake of you two old people, no matter how hard and tired you are, you will definitely raise money to help you treat it, right?"

After finishing speaking, the doctor just smiled lightly, turned around and left old man Qingmi and the others, and left a sentence: "If you don't hand over the gold coins, don't even think about leaving the door of our clinic..."

After hearing the doctor's words, the old man Qingya wanted to vomit blood instantly.

Their Qingshimen is good at everything!There is no shortage of food and clothing, the territory is huge, there are many disciples, and there are not many treasures of gold coins.However, the only thing missing is a kind of awareness: go out with money.

The old man Qing Mi has never experienced the pain of going out without money.To put it bluntly, it was because he had no money to eat that he was able to entangle Miss Ji Xiaoyan in the first place, so when he saw Miss Ji Xiaoyan, he caught her?As for later, since he basically went out with Ji Xiaoyan, the old man Qingmi basically had one or two gold coins on him to buy some wine, but later, the money was spent, and he You Ji Xiaoyan was helping him with the shopping and paying the bills, but as soon as the laziness came out, the old man Qingmi did not have this kind of magic weapon for going out-gold coins on him again.

At the beginning, Ye Ying and Miao Xiaohei had the gold coins in Qingshimen, old man Qingmi and the others would definitely not take them out and use them.They Qingshimen can't do such a shameless thing.So when Miss Ji Xiaoyan was kidnapped by Lin Qianye, he and Elder Qingyi chased them all the way, usually either to catch some foolish adventurers to eat and drink, or to go directly to the homes of some aborigines...
So, speaking of it, they were poisoned because they didn't have gold coins with them, so they suffered.

But, now they encountered the same situation again.

They couldn't afford the twenty gold coins for treatment and pill production.

Elder Qingyi saw the changing expression on old man Qingmi's face, and immediately knew it.So he had to turn his eyes to the two Qingshimen disciples who followed him along the way, and the Qingshimen disciple who followed the old man Qingmi, and asked in a low voice: "Do you have any money?"

"Uncle Master... we didn't bring any money..." The two disciples who had been following Elder Qingyi turned ugly for a moment, and then said in a low voice with some shame: "Uncle Master, you also know that we... Generally, you don’t need money to go out…”

"Yeah, uncle, we used to follow the master to practice hard at Qingshimen, we didn't need gold coins at all... we also followed many disciples when we went out, and the elders and uncles took care of everything. We really didn't think about it." The habit of gold coins..." The disciple of the Qingshimen who had been following the old man Qingmi sighed, and then said: "It's like what Junior Sister Xiaoyan said, there is a public fee for going out, so you don't have to worry about it..."

"Fart!" The old man Qing Mi became a little angry when he heard this.Then I thought that this disciple of Qingshimen had mentioned Ji Xiaoyan, and immediately suppressed the words in my heart, and then looked at the three disciples of Qingshimen and said, "That's good, you go out and think of a way first, see if you can do it." Get some gold coins to get me and Qingyi out!"

"But uncle, where are we going to get gold coins?" A disciple of Qingshimen looked at the old man Qingmi dumbfounded for a moment and asked.Should they go out and find a place to perform or something?The disciples of Qingshimen don't know how to make money!

"Don't you know where to get it? Is there still a shortage of adventurers in Qingcheng? Don't you know how to learn a little bit, pretend to be deep, and let those adventurers deliver gold coins to your door?" Qing Mi's old man was a little angry He said something to the disciple of Qingshimen in a low voice, then took two deep breaths, and said to them: "Of course, if you can meet Xiaoyan, let her redeem us. If you meet other Yes, the adventurers I know, let them bring gold coins as well... Don’t just bring twenty gold coins so stupidly, we also want the antidote!”

The three disciples of Qingshimen, you look at me, I look at you, in the end they just nodded in agreement with old man Qingmi, then turned around and all left the clinic, only old man Qingmi and elder Qingyi were left.

"Then...Qing Mi, shall we still take this pill?" Elder Qing Yi held up the bottle of antidote pills given by the doctor with some embarrassment, looked at old Qing Mi and asked.

"Eat, why don't you eat it? The doctor didn't want to take it back anyway. If we don't eat it, why should we keep it? Are you really going to wait until they bring us back the gold coins? Don't you want to put this face on your face?" Has the poison on the body been cured?" Old Qing Mi looked at Elder Qing Yi suspiciously and asked.

"But... what if they can't find the gold coins?" Elder Qingyi asked with some embarrassment.

"Could it be that you won't detoxify if they can't find the gold coins?" Qingmi old man glanced at the doctor who had already gone to treat other adventurers, and then brainwashed Elder Qingyi in a low voice: "The big deal is that there are no gold coins. We can just run away, no one here knows us anyway... Even if we run away, Qingshimen won't lose face! At that time, we just need to control the mouths of those three disciples... .”

When Elder Qing Yi heard the words, he was shocked and felt guilty: "Qing Mi...isn't this good?"

"What are you afraid of? This is just a situation where there is really no way. I am also afraid of the punishment of the Lord God. However, if we have no other way, we can only do that, leave first, and pay back the money later. Besides, those three disciples have already gone out. I believe that even if they can't fool the adventurers, they can still find Xiaoyan, or those Xiaoyan's friends will pay us. So, Qing Yi, don't worry. … Hurry up and take the antidote, and see if the pill has any effect, if it doesn’t work, we can find trouble directly, and then leave!” Old Qing Mi said to Elder Qing Yi as a matter of course Just a word, and then he opened the medicine bottle, poured out a pill, held it in his hand, looked at it, and then threw it into his mouth.

"It seems to taste pretty good! Qingyi, hurry up and try it!" The old man Qingmi said to Elder Qingyi with no burden on his face, and then turned his eyes to the medical hall, ready to see if he could meet someone The two adventurers who took advantage of them directly solved the predicament they were bringing.

Then, the old man Qingya saw a male adventurer who seemed to be seriously injured, led by a city guard, and stepped into the hospital...

(End of this chapter)

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