The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 919 Acquaintances?

Chapter 919 Acquaintances?

"Could it be that this adventurer is a big shot? Or is he particularly favored by the current city lord of Qingcheng?" The old man Qing Mi saw the adventurer being held by a city guard and stepped into the gate of the hospital, his eyes froze instantly. It was a little bit brighter, and the heartbeat became more frequent. After muttering something in my heart, I started to observe seriously.

If he finds a way to fool this adventurer, does that mean that he and Elder Qingyi will be able to solve the current crisis?Thinking of this, the old man Qingya immediately set his gaze seriously on the adventurer and the city guard.

The adventurer seemed to have been seriously injured, his face was covered with scarlet blood, and the features on his face were basically invisible. He was wearing a suit of bronze-colored armor, and he was still holding a handful of With a gap in the short sword, the whole body was supported by the city guard, so he could barely move.Since the combination of an adventurer and an aboriginal city guard entered the medical hall, all the adventurers and aboriginal doctors turned their attention to them.

The doctor who just examined the old man Qingya and the others immediately dropped the adventurer in his hand as soon as he saw the city guard, and rushed to them in a hurry, then glanced at the adventurer, carefully He asked, "What's the matter? Why did he suffer such a serious injury? This adventurer is half dead. Why don't you just go to the Lord God and revive him before coming back."

Many players in the medical center nodded immediately when they heard this, and muttered to the side: "MD, did you fight all the way to the city guards after being injured, and then you will be treated like this? I know that I was holding back at the beginning, and had to fight to the death in front of the city guards, and then let the city guards help me to the medical center... Tsk tsk, this man is really lucky, he doesn't have to go to the teleportation array to resurrect..."

"Hey, everyone, tell me, is it like this, that man doesn't have to pay for medical expenses? Anyway, he was also brought by the city guards, and he seems to be treated well..." a player muttered curiously.

"Who knows about this!" The players next to him shook their heads, and then they all turned their eyes to the city guard who seemed to be fainting, and whispered to everyone: "Anyway, we can just watch. If this can really be brought by the city guard If we don’t pay for the medical expenses when we come here, we can save money later... Hehe!"

"Yes, yes, yes! In the future, even if you are killed or injured, you can just dress up again and go to lie down in front of the city guards... Don't mention it, the fees for this medical center are extremely expensive I lost a lot of things, and I dared to come after all of them were exchanged for money..." A player said with emotion, "You didn't see the few who went out before, they were basically slaughtered A few gold coins... Did you see those two aborigines over there? I heard that their faces were poisoned, the pharmacist looked at them a few times, and then went to get some medicine for them, do you know? You want a hundred gold coins, you said that if we have a hundred gold coins, we might as well just take them out and exchange them for federal coins..."

"One hundred gold coins..." Several male players looked surprised.

"Yeah! That's a hundred gold coins, and those doctors dare to speak..." The player sighed, "Otherwise, why do you think those two aborigines didn't leave after taking the medicine? Isn't it just Because they couldn’t pay for the medicine, now they sent their nephews out to collect money to redeem him…”

"Why don't they run away?" A female player asked curiously.

"Do you think this medical hall can run? There is an enchantment outside the house..." A player just said something, but immediately shut up, looked around, and saw that the old man Qingmi and the elder Qingyi seemed to have nothing Hearing this, he continued to gossip in a low voice: "It is said that the background of this medical center is very good, and it is a powerful aborigine..."

"So awesome?" Many players put on longing eyes in an instant, and looked enviously at the doctors in the medical hall. If they can be favored by these NPCs, does it mean that, In the future, I can catch a little bit of the light of the NPC god, how about a cow B?

However, all the players looked at the NPCs in the medical hall, and finally sighed leisurely: This difficulty is probably not one or two points, they better not expect too much!
On the other hand, old man Qingmi and elder Qingyi looked at each other after listening to the words of the players, and then started talking while watching the doctor carry the male player into the backyard of the hospital.

"Whose does this clinic belong to?" Old man Qingmi was the first to hold a suspicious attitude.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's some kind of powerful medical clinic!" Elder Qingyi shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, "We're not familiar with Qingcheng, so it's better not to cause trouble... Anyway, as long as you We don't go out of the clinic, and they don't urge us to pay, so we might as well wait here..."

"Wait? Are we waiting now? Xiaoyan is still waiting for us to help us clear the city!" Upon hearing Elder Qingyi's words, the old man Qingmi immediately said, "Anyway, let's wait for a while and see if those disciples can Give us some money to come here, if there is really no other way, as those adventurers said, even if there is an enchantment, I will make a breakthrough, I am not afraid of anyone..."

When Elder Qingyi heard this, he immediately had the urge to roll his eyes!Who was Qing Ya not afraid of?Why does this sound so false?Could it be that Qing Ya wasn't the one who didn't dare to speak when she saw Sabrina some time ago?However, even though Elder Qing Yi thought so in his heart, he didn't say it out. He just shook his head slightly, and then stopped talking.

"Hey, Qing Yi, what do you think will happen after that adventurer is carried in?" Seeing that Elder Qing Yi stopped talking, the old man Qing Mi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, so he asked again.

"I don't know!" Elder Qingyi shook his head, then sighed and said, "We don't need to care about that adventurer, we should think about what to do if we really can't get the gold coins! Such things as breaking into an enchantment You should stop thinking about it, we still need to stay in Qingcheng..."

Just as he was talking here, Elder Qing Yi heard the gasps of many players, and immediately shut up and looked at the eyes of everyone, and then saw the player who was carried into the back of the medical hall by the city guards just now, He had already been healed at this moment, and he walked out by himself, accompanied by the city guard who had been supporting him just now.

"I thought your injury was serious, but I didn't expect it to be quite mild..." The doctor looked at the male player with a displeased face, and said lightly, "But after you go out, you still need to take good care of it!"

"Well, thank you!" The male player nodded, looking receptive, and then looked at the doctor and asked, "Just, how much medical expenses do you need?"

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately stretched their ears, and collectively looked in the direction of the doctor.

"According to your injury, it costs dozens of gold coins, but you are brought by our city guards from Qingcheng, so you don't need to pay the fee... But, if you encounter this kind of minor injury and ischemia next time For the situation, please go to the pharmacist to solve it yourself, and don’t come to our clinic to make trouble..." The doctor's face improved a little, and then he said a little rudely.

"Okay!" The male player was very talkative, and after hearing what the doctor said, he immediately nodded obediently, and then said with a wry smile: "This time, the friend who made me the medicine disappeared. I didn't notice, that's why this kind of situation happened..."

"Well, then you should pay more attention in the future!" The doctor nodded lightly, then turned around and left.

As soon as the doctor left, the players next to him broke out in an instant.

"I'll wipe it, I really don't need money..."

"BUG, there is a BUG...Finally let me encounter a BUG! No, no, I won't heal now, I'm going out to find a city guard to faint..."

"Let's go, let's go. Let's go out and find some city guards who have fainted, and we won't need gold coins when we come back for treatment!"

"God, you finally opened your eyes! Such a good thing finally made me wait!"

Many players said a few words excitedly, and then you helped me, and I supported you, and stumbled all the way out of the medical hall, regardless of the doubtful eyes of the doctors in the medical hall.

"Are they going to treat them?" A doctor looked curiously at the player he was treating after seeing the players waiting in line disappeared at the door, and asked curiously: "None of them are worried that the injury will be more serious?"

The player who was being healed had a mournful face, and said with some tears in his eyes, "If I hadn't been being healed by you, I would have left too..."

"Why?" The doctor was curious.

"Go out and find a city guard to bring us in. Wouldn't the medical expenses be free? We don't have to pay for it ourselves!" The player said aggrievedly, how much less gold coins would they spend if the city guard paid the bill? ah?

"Who told you that if the city guards bring you here, the medical expenses will be free?" When the doctor heard this, he laughed and said, "You think that the adventurer is free, so you think that anyone who comes will be free." Same?"

"Isn't it?" The player suddenly felt very grateful, and then looked at the doctor and asked, "Is there any hidden secret in it?"

"That's for sure!" The doctor said while helping the player to detect the injury: "The adventurer got a note from the city lord's mansion and was brought by the city guards to prove it, so it's free. You think the city lord's mansion Is the note so easy to open?"

When the player heard this, he immediately became happy.In other words, those players who left after a while, went out for a while, came back with more serious injuries, and later had to treat the gold coins by themselves... Tsk tsk, what an ugly expression on that face!

At this time, the old man Qingmi and the elder Qingyi didn't care about the whereabouts of the players in the medical center. They just called out to him in surprise after seeing the player brought by the city guard wash his face: " Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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