Chapter 920 Questioning
As for the player who was accompanied by the NPC city guards from Qingcheng to the medical center for treatment, the old man Qingmi and the elder Qingyi were not very familiar with each other, but they had met two or three times.Especially that player was still with Miss Ji Xiaoyan at that time, so old man Qing Mi and the others were particularly impressed.

"Are you that adventurer named Nightmare Foil?" Qing Mi old man asked with some uncertainty after seeing the player stopped by his voice. Seeing the surprised look on the male player's face, Qing Mi Old man Mi continued to ask: "You are Xiaoyan girl's friend, right?"

Speaking of which, this player with a lot of face is indeed Yan Boli himself, but he didn't expect to enter a medical center in Qingcheng and meet acquaintances, "Are you... Uncle Qingmi? "

The old man Qingya nodded in surprise as soon as he heard Yan Buliu called his name, and then looked around vigilantly, and saw that none of the doctors in the hospital looked at him, only the one who supported him all the way. After the city guards who entered the hospital and the players in the hospital were all staring at them, Yan Buliu breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly grabbed Yanbaoliu and moved to the side, then lowered his head He said in a low voice, "Qing Yi and I are acting as ordinary Qingcheng residents. Don't call yourself Shishu, Shishu or something like that, it will expose us...that city guard...."

Yan Foil Liuli nodded slightly when he heard old man Qingmi's words, and then whispered to him: "Don't worry about this uncle, that city guard is actually my attendant..."

"You took the aborigine's attendant?" The old man Qingmi was immediately surprised when he heard the words of Yan Bujiao.This man in front of me is so capable?Isn't this girl Ji Xiaoyan who is about to catch up with his family?No way, no way... The disciple whom Qing Mi had his eyes on couldn't lose to others!
Thinking of this, the old man Qingmi's gaze towards Yan Foil's wandering eyes is completely lacking in the kind of joy just now, but with a hint of disgust!
"Well, good luck, I met you!" Yan Foil Liuli didn't know what the old man Qingmi was thinking at all, he just smiled, and then said something to him in a flat manner, and then asked curiously : "However, Uncle Master, how did you become like this? Is it a disguise?"

The old man Qingmi didn't reply, but after carefully looking at the wandering NPC attendant of Yanbo, he looked at him and said: "It's a long story, Qingyi and I are trapped here... Since you belong to Xiaoyan girl Friend, can you help us pay a hundred gold coins to the hospital now? I will ask Xiaoyan girl to return the money to you later!"

As soon as the old man Qingmi's words fell, Yanboliuli got a mission reminder, saying that Qingmi, the elder of Qingshimen, asked him to help advance the medical expenses of [-] gold coins, and the mission reward was actually nothing.If you don't accept the mission or don't complete the mission, you will get [-] Qingshimen's disgust points...

Yan Foil Liuli read the mission prompt in surprise, frowned slightly, then smiled and nodded to old man Qingmi, and then said: "This is no problem, Master, don't worry!" After finishing speaking, Yan Foil Liuli left He took out a hundred gold coins, looked at the old man Qingmi and asked, "Then should I give the gold coins directly to you, uncle, or to the doctors?"

"Give it to me!" The old man Qingmi snatched the handful of gold coins from Yan Bu's hands, and then said to him, "You wait first, then quickly take the gold coins, like a gust of wind." He rushed to the doctor's place in the medical hall, put the gold coin into the doctor's hand, snorted coldly and said, "No, the medicine fee is collected!"

The doctor didn't count the gold coins, nodded directly, and said to old man Qingmi with a smile on his face: "Okay, you can go!" After that, he didn't care what kind of expression the old man Qingmi had. , just turned around and left, the hated old man Qingmi gritted his teeth!
"Uncle Shi, why are you two the only ones in Qingcheng?" Didn't it mean that old man Qingmi and Miss Ji Xiaoyan entered Qingcheng together?Why didn't you see Ji Xiaoyan?After seeing the old man Qingmi walking back and pulling Elder Qingyi out of the gate of the medical hall, Yan Foil immediately asked a question.

"It's none of your business!" The old man Qingmi glanced at Yan Foil Liuli with some disgust, then fixed his eyes on the guard of Qingcheng City next to him, raised his chin and asked: "How about you, the servant? What's going on? Shouldn't you be outside Qingcheng now?" Judging from old man Qingmi's news, all the adventurers who rely on Miss Ji Xiaoyan's strength should be working hard outside Qingcheng, trying to break into Qingcheng of.However, why did the Yanfoil drifter in front of him end up in Qingcheng?
What is even more unbelievable is that this adventurer actually got a city guard from Qingcheng to serve as his attendant.This is not a simple matter!Either this adventurer did not join Ji Xiaoyan's side, and if this was possible, then he would have to silence him directly; Only then will it be possible to get the special care of the current mage and city lord of Qingcheng, gift him a city guard from Qingcheng as an attendant, and also grant him a free place to go to the medical center...
Thinking of this, the old man Qingya's gaze towards Yanjiao's wandering eyes became a little complicated.

The adventurer in front of him seems to have a bad character!He will definitely remind Miss Ji Xiaoyan later.Otherwise, if this man framed Ji Xiaoyan later, what would he do!

Yan Foil Liuli didn't know what old man Qingya was thinking at all, when he heard his question, he just twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, and then had the intention to change the topic, and asked old man Qingya: "Uncle Master, don't you know where Xiaoyan is now? Are you two separated?"

"How did you get into Qingcheng?" Old man Qingmi didn't answer Yan Foil's words, and continued to ask bluntly.

Yan Foil Liuli glanced at the old man Qingmi strangely, then glanced at Elder Qingyi, who had been standing at the door of the medical hall with his head down, without saying a word. The NPC with such a good attitude changed his face as soon as he left the door, and even talked to him in a very stern questioning tone.

Why did he come to Qingcheng!This problem is very simple!But Nightmare Buzzer couldn't figure out why the old man Qingya was so persistent about the answer to this question.Didn't they also enter Qingcheng?Why does it feel like he can't come?Thinking of this, Yan Foil Liuli couldn't help frowning, and then said to the old man Qingmi with the same tone: "Uncle Shi, you see that this is not a place where you can talk, or should we change places?"

The old man Qingmi reacted when he heard the words of Yanjiao, and looked around, then nodded, looked at the city guard attendant who had been calculatingly, and said: "Okay, Let's talk in another place! However, we still have three disciples who have gone out to help us collect money, so you keep your servant and help us pass on the message to those three disciples..."

Yan Foil Liuli didn't think much about it, he simply nodded his head, and then explained to the servant of the city guard a few times, then followed old man Qingya, and walked directly towards a small teahouse near the medical hall.

After entering the door and ordering drinks, after paying the bill in advance at the request of the old man Qingya, Yan Fengliu heard the old man Qingmi repeating the previous question again, and then he spoke briefly.

It is definitely not easy to enter Qingcheng during the city war.Ji Xiaoyan and old man Qingmi entered Qingcheng, it was because they knew the situation of the secret roads in Qingcheng that they found a breakthrough and entered Qingcheng.As for the secret way, apart from old man Qingmi and the others, only City Lord Qingwan knew about it.

However, there must be no impenetrable walls in this world!
The matter of the Qingcheng Secret Road was finally revealed and let others know.Of course, the one who revealed the news was definitely not Biluo Feisha who was almost beaten up in the secret passage!After this man hastily logged off, he was always worried that the old man Qingmi or the NPC Lin Qianye would send someone there to kill him, so he would rather stay at home than go online to seek abuse. After a few more days, when those NPCs got impatient with waiting, they went online to find a way to continue contacting Ji Xiaoyan...

To put it bluntly, it was the NPC disciple who asked Flying Leaves and the others to ask Qingshimen for help.However, the news of this secret channel did not spread very far. It was just passed on among some high-level people on Yeguang Meijiu's side and Miss Qingyuxi's side, and then Yeguang Meijiu organized a group and directly recruited I met a few familiar and good players together, and after discussing the matter, I went straight to the secret road of Qingcheng.

Among the players in this team, there are Diao Foil wandering, of course, there are strangers!However, after they entered the secret path under the guidance of the NPC disciple of Qingshimen, they lost each other.

Nightmare Foil drifted away and didn't know where the others went and if something would happen to them.All he knew was that after wandering around in the secret path for a long time, he suddenly met his master, who had never seen his head and tail since he escaped from that lost place, and then under his leadership , broke through a small exit of the enchantment, reached Qingcheng from the secret road, and even later, got a Qingcheng NPC city guard who was conquered by his master...
As for the free medical treatment opportunity specially approved by the Lord of Qingcheng, it is actually the privilege of his NPC city guard of Qingcheng!He has nothing in Qingcheng...
"Since your master is following you, why didn't you see him? Besides, how did you get injured?" After hearing Yan Foil's words, the old man Qingmi looked at him with suspicion and continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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