Chapter 921
Yan Foil Wandering was able to enter Qingcheng, but his luck was better than other players.If he hadn't met his NPC master, he would have been trapped in the secret passage like other players, unable to get in and out. Whether he was playing games or playing games, he would be worried about how to escape. Secret way.
It's just that, although Yan Foil drifted into Qingcheng with good luck with his NPC master, and even tricked a city guard into serving him as an NPC attendant, the corresponding punishment still came.His NCP master led him around the city, and when he was looking for Ji Xiaoyan, he was suddenly spotted by a city guard with poisonous eyes, and immediately concluded that they were not from Qingcheng, and then fought with a group of city guards .

If this is the only thing, Nightmare Foil Displaced and the others would be able to escape as soon as possible after losing to the besieged by the city guards.But who knows, just when they lost to the group of city guards and were about to escape, an NPC with a dark body, a handsome appearance, but a high level of strength suddenly jumped out from nowhere, and directly let Nightmare wander away from him. His NPC master fell into a dark, shallow pit that had popped up out of nowhere.

Afterwards, Nightmare Foil was attacked several times by the city guards, his face was covered in blood, and he almost returned to the teleportation array to be resurrected.After finally getting up from the black pit, Nightmare Foil drifted only in time to hear his master yelling at him to run away, and the surrounding city guards fell to the ground collectively, and then his master was directly killed by the black-clothed NPC. He grabbed the collar of the clothes around his neck and took it away.As for himself, under the leadership of his NPC attendants, he had to go to the medical center for treatment under the pretense of holding the sign that only gives privileged treatment to NPCs in Qingcheng.
"Are you talking about a good-looking person who is all dark and took away your master?" After hearing the report of Yan Hanjiao, the old man Qingmi asked with some doubts, "And, that black-clothed man?" Human strength is still high?"

"En!" Yan Foil Liuli nodded honestly, then looked at Old Man Qingmi and Elder Qingyi and sighed, "I'm going to go to the master as soon as I've healed my injury."

"Well, it's still respecting the teacher!" Old man Qingmi finally looked a little better when he heard Yan Foil's words.Those aborigines, the most taboo and hate are those adventurers who bully their teachers and destroy their ancestors, or don't care about other people's life or death. Of course, if the aborigines do the same, they will definitely be reviled and despised.However, the old man Qingmi didn't intend to just let Yanbao drift away like this. After he seemed to praise him, he immediately continued to ask: "Why did your master find Xiaoyan?"

According to old man Qingmi's thinking, it is reasonable to say that Yanbo wandered into Qingcheng and wanted to meet Miss Ji Xiaoyan, but it is not normal for his master to find Miss Ji Xiaoyan.Old man Qingya doesn't think this matter is that simple, it's just that the master leads the apprentice to find someone the apprentice knows
Yan Foil Liuli smiled bitterly when he heard old man Qingmi's words. In the end, he didn't tell old man Qingmi the truth, but said vaguely: "My master and Xiaoyan know each other, so I want to talk about the past." He didn't dare He said that his master followed Miss Ji Xiaoyan's footsteps all the way, and just fished him out of the secret passage by the way.I can assure you, if the old man Qingmi knows that his master is going all this way to catch up with Miss Ji Xiaoyan, get the sub-legendary mask from her, and then go to the Fox Clan to receive the reward, what will happen to him? It's useless to justify, not to mention that he will be killed directly, and later he will get his NPC master to be hunted down by the entire Qingshimen
Thinking of this, Yan Foil Liuli hurriedly saluted old man Qingmi, and said directly: "Master Qingmi, I still need to find my master, so I am not worthy of you and Uncle Qingyi. If you and Xiaoyan meet Yes, please tell her for me, there are still many people trapped in the secret passage, if possible, I hope she can rescue it." After finishing speaking, Yan Foil Liliu turned around and walked towards the medical hall. , and then prepared to leave with his NPC attendant.

Although the old man Qingya didn't say it clearly, Yan Bujiao still felt it.The NPC of Qingshimen in front of him is no longer friendly to him, and he has no intention of revealing the whereabouts of Ji Xiaoyan, and if he contacts his master, if he meets Ji Xiaoyan, he will definitely snatch her sub-artifact, Yan Foil Displacement suddenly felt that the suffering of his double inhumanity was about to begin!Originally, he thought that it happened that his master was not around, if he found Miss Ji Xiaoyan first, he would tell her about the matter and see what she would do?If he is willing to contribute, he will immediately share the task and let Ji Xiaoyan get a reward; if not, then let Ji Xiaoyan get away quickly.
And now that he can't get Miss Ji Xiaoyan's whereabouts, there's no need to pester him anymore, it's better to find his master Aimoke early and keep him close.
As for the almost empty potion left in the Nightmare Foil's wandering package, he didn't think about it now either.Thinking about it, I can only endure it first, and ask someone to help Ji Xiaoyan make some for him in the future, and then bring it to him.
The old man Qingmi wanted to continue to ask some more questions, but when he saw Yan Foil Liuliu leaving quickly, he turned his head to look at Elder Qingyi curiously and asked, "Did he just keep asking Xiaoyan?" Whereabouts? Why are you talking and talking, but you don't seem to want to continue looking for Xiaoyan that girl? I don't believe that he cares so much about that girl just to let Xiaoyan girl save those adventurers in the secret path As for his master's reason, I don't believe it either! Qing Yi, do you think there is some conspiracy in it?"

"There is a conspiracy and we don't have time to investigate it now!" Elder Qingyi also frowned, and said to the old man Qingmi, "We should hurry to the medical center and wait. After the three disciples come back, Let's find Xiaoyan girl right away! Didn't the adventurers in the medical hall say it? She has now successfully followed Sabrina into the Juli tribe's settlement. We still need to go there and meet her earlier of"

"That's right! No matter what conspiracy he has, as long as we arrive, we will have no problem protecting that girl Xiaoyan!" Qingmi nodded his head immediately and said, then followed Elder Qingyi back to the medical hall, While whispering in his mouth: "It's right for us to meet up early, don't end up with all the people here, and we don't go there, it would be too embarrassing! By the way, Qingyi, you said that the nightmare just now Could the man in black mentioned by Liuli be that bastard Lin Qianye? In Qingcheng, I really can’t think of anyone except him, who would use the magic pit of the dark department to trick other people, the master mentioned by Diaojialiai, I don't know who it is"

"It's probably the guy who has friendship with Lin Qianye, otherwise Lin Qianye would definitely kill him on the spot, and wouldn't be so painstaking to trap him first, and then rescue him." Elder Qing Yi frowned. Said something with a frown, then waved his hand directly at the old man Qingmi, and said with a smile: "That's fine, if that person is known by Lin Qianye, he will definitely not let Xiaoyan suffer for his own apprentice. , so whether there is a conspiracy or not, Xiaoyan can have an extra layer of protection."

The old man Qingmi nodded, without saying anything else, he directly approached the gate of the medical hall, and then he was about to stand there, waiting for the return of the three Qingshimen disciples who went out to help them collect gold coins.
At this time, Yan Foil Wandering took advantage of the fact that his attendants were Qingcheng city guards. After covering his appearance with a cloak, he wandered around the Qingcheng without hindrance.What he didn't know was that his NPC master was very depressed and in pain at this time.
"MD, bastard, let me go." Emek yelled as he struggled with the thick rope that trapped him, while glaring viciously at Lin Qianye, who was squatting in front of him at the moment with a sinister smile on his face, "MD, Lin Qianye, you bastard."

"Emerk, I will be angry if you say that!" Lin Qianye smiled leisurely, and found a delicate knife from somewhere, held it in her hand and began to love Merck gestured on his body, "Speaking of which, Emek, how many years have we not seen each other? It seems that we have not seen each other since you were imprisoned in the exile, right? Tsk tsk tsk, How many years has it been?"

"Bah! Lin Qianye, you bastard, if you hadn't been lucky back then, when you saw something happened, you pretended to hide like a turtle and fooled those fox people, you thought you Being able to live freely in this outside world for so many years? You should thank me, if it wasn’t for me, Ai Moke, who resisted the matter alone, do you think you can be so free?” Ai Moke said to Lin Qianye with a sneer He said a word, then moved his body, and continued: "Hurry up and let me go, is this how you bastard treats your benefactor?"

"Benefactor?" Lin Qianye laughed loudly, and then cut Emek's arm with the dagger in her hand. After hearing him curse and shout, she sneered and said, "Love Merck, you kid also have the nerve to claim to be our benefactor? Didn’t you kid get us all involved in that incident back then? If you hadn’t come here to tell us how magical the sacred artifact of the fox clan is, you can do whatever you want Transformation, there are not many guards on the holy land, so it is easy to break through. Let's borrow the holy artifact to play for a few days and then send it back. Without anyone noticing, do you think we will know about the thing about the fox clan? Speaking of which, We have been hiding in Tibet all these years, and we dare not even stay at home for a long time, because we are afraid that people from the fox clan will come to our door, and it is not all because of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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