Chapter 922 Encountered

Faced with Lin Qianye's almost crazy smile, the NPC Aimoke finally calmed down, and then said with erratic eyes: "I said that at the time, who knew that you were all so interested! Actually, this It’s not all my fault. I haven’t been imprisoned in the Land of Exile for atonement for so many years. I’m also very miserable. At least you can walk around freely in this colorful world, can’t you? I’ve been imprisoned in such a Even if I deserve what I deserve, I have received the punishment I deserve, and you basically have nothing to do, so don't be too serious with me, right?"

"You were caught and locked up by the fox people, that's what you deserve! However, we were framed and deceived by you, and we ended up with a home that couldn't go back, and even hid everywhere. It's all your fault! You Don't even think about letting things go like this! This deity has already found a way to find someone to find other people. As for you, it's best to cooperate and follow this deity honestly. When everyone is here, what will you do? Get rid of you." Lin Qianye snorted coldly at Aimoke, then put away the dagger in her hand, and looked like an old monk sitting still, not looking at Aimoke.

Emek was a little anxious now, and when he saw Lin Qianye, he immediately struggled again, regardless of his bloody arm, looked at Lin Qianye in horror and asked: "You just said What? You also notified other people? Lin Qianye, how could you do this? You are planning to let them kill me. Let me go, let me go, I don’t want to die.”

"Why can't the deity call other people to come? You thought you could still harm us, so you ran away easily? Aimoke, do you still think that you just got stabbed by the deity, and this matter is over? The deity spent such a big money Is strength following you all the way, isn't it fun?" Lin Qianye opened her eyes, looked at Aimoke with a sneer and said, "Okay, don't struggle there, the deity specially went to the village to get it back , you can't struggle."

"Did you go to that village?" Emek was stunned when he heard Lin Qianye's words.

"Of course!" Lin Qianye snorted, "Since I heard the news that you have escaped from the exile, I have already started planning how to catch you, don't you think you were captured by this deity in Qingcheng?" Encounter, just an accident?"

"You" Emek finally stopped growling when he heard this.He couldn't escape, he knew that if Lin Qianye was caught, he would definitely not be kind, but his apprentice didn't know if anything would happen, and now the only thing he can count on is his apprentice , as long as he can send that mask back to the Fox Clan, then the restrictions imposed on him by the Fox Clan will be lifted, and then he won't have to be afraid of Lin Qianye and the others.
It's just that at this time, Yanbo, whom Emek was counting on, was wandering in Qingcheng but was looking for him for no purpose at all. He couldn't find Ji Xiaoyan at all, and there was no way to talk to her about the mask.
Outside of Qingcheng, the map of the maze is almost deciphered.

Thanks to the strong support of Miss Qing Yuxi, the team of Flying Leaves has directly broken through many checkpoints, found the exit of the maze, and received a reminder from the system that they have completed the test of the maze. Go forward and you can start attacking Qingcheng directly.It's just that everyone is not a fool, they only have dozens of people, and there are more than this number of people on the city wall of Qingcheng. If someone throws a skill at them, they can wipe out the entire army.

So, with this in mind, Flying Leaves and the others waited at the exit of the maze after discussing it, while starting to draw the map, and when they were ready, they would send it to the forum directly, so that more players could see it. Improve the popularity of their gang and the gratitude of the players.

However, just after Flying Leaves drew a little bit of their map, a male voice suddenly rang out from a distance: "Fuck me, this maze is really difficult to walk through! If we don't make it any more, we'll all have to hang up." Hey, why is the scene different? Hey, hey, Piao Miao, look quickly, look quickly, it’s the city wall of Qingcheng, did we finally come out or have we encountered an illusion?”

"What's going on?" Falling Leaves Flying and the others looked at the source of the voice in surprise, looked at each other, then looked at the map paper in their hands, and became puzzled: "Isn't there only one exit in this maze? The one we just came out of. Why did someone come out over there?"

"Could it be that this maze has more than one exit? It's possible to come to this maze." Gentleman Qianqian frowned slightly and said, then turned his gaze to the three players far away, and then whispered: "Aren't they Walked with us. Did any of you just see where they came from? Is that where they are now?"

"It should have suddenly appeared from somewhere." Ye Guangmeijiu said with a serious face, "We just left the maze, I let them look around, except for the city wall of the maze, there is nothing here, only us now It’s a bit weird that the exit we’re waiting for is just an exit.”

"Then why don't we just go over and have a look?" Miss Qing Yuxi looked at Yeguang Wine with a nonchalant expression on her face and asked them, "Anyway, we have a lot of people, so we don't have to be afraid of anything."

"All in the past? There's no need for it!" Hearing this, Luoye Fenfei immediately looked up at Miss Qingyuxi, then at Yeguang Fine Wine, and said, "Let's find someone to go over and call them over." OK."

Just as they were saying this, Fallen Leaves Flying and the others suddenly heard the male voice shout again in surprise: "Ahhhhh, Piao Miao, Luo Hua, there are still players over there. Let's go and talk to them." Let's meet up! There are so many of them, they feel very safe."

"Haha, this player is quite funny!" Miss Qing Yuxi immediately smiled when she heard this, "It just happened to save us trouble! We'll just wait here for them to come over."

Ye Guangmeijiu and the others had no objection, nodded and directly faced one direction, waiting for the arrival of the three players.

Speaking of which, the three players who broke through the maze are Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing, Lao Xiao and Xie Jun Luo Hua.The three of them didn't know if they were too unlucky in the maze.First, they were targeted by the players, and they were obsessed with trying to explode their equipment. Then they managed to get rid of the crisis, and continued to walk into the maze. As a result, they encountered too many obstacles, large and small.Either they encountered a sudden attack by monsters, or encountered some strange traps, and even encountered a few evil NPCs disguised as good people, and almost succeeded in fooling them, and directly disappeared in the maze.

According to what Lao Xiao said, if the whole game was to fight for the unluckiest player in the maze, their team would definitely be No.1. Reason to believe.The aura of the team of three of them is really a bit wrong, so after seeing the fallen leaves flying in the distance, Lao Xiao's first reaction was to find someone to share their bad luck, there are so many people, it's safe
"Huh? Piao Miao, show me quickly." Just as Lao Xiao and the others were about to get close to Flying Leaves and their group of players, Lao Xiao wiped his eyes in disbelief, and then pulled Piao Miao's clothes , said in a low voice: "I remember you said that you and Luo Ye are friends with our vice-guild leader Luoye Flying, right? Quickly, take a look, is the one over there wearing a white priest's robe the vice-guild leader? I see The man next to him seems to be a modest gentleman from our gang."

After hearing what Old Xiao said, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing turned his attention to the group of players like Falling Leaves Flying Flying and the others. After looking carefully at them, he finally smiled comfortably and said to Old Xiao: "If I didn't If I remember correctly, the one over there should be Flying Leaves, and I don't know any of the others!"

"Really?" Lao Xiao's face was full of surprise and surprise, and then he couldn't help rubbing his hands together, and said embarrassedly: "I have been in the gang for so long, and the most official position I have ever seen is a modest gentleman. I didn't expect that, I was able to meet the high-level figures of our guild today! I don’t know which one is the leader of our guild. In the past, we only heard their names but didn’t see them.”

"You haven't seen Luoye before? Then how do you know it's him?" The evil Lord Luohua heard Lao Xiao's words, and immediately looked at him with some curiosity and asked.

"Hey, the priest who can stand with the humble gentleman, think about it, there is only our deputy gang leader!" Lao Xiao looked at Xiejun Luohua with a smile and said something, and then asked in a low voice: "Say, this time I, Old Xiao, showed my face in front of the gang leader and deputy gang leader, and left a name, will I be promoted in the guild later?"

"Well, it's possible!" Xie Jun Luo Hua smiled, patted Lao Xiao on the shoulder and said, "I'm here to take care of me and Piao Miao all the way, don't worry, we will definitely praise you with Luo Ye later, Ask him to give you a promotion, what position do you currently hold in the gang? Ordinary gang member? Or small leader or something like that?"

"Vice-captain of the battle team." Lao Xiao disturbed his head a little embarrassedly, said something to Xie Jun Luohua, then looked at him expectantly and said: "Then you must speak kindly when you turn around, If I get promoted, the treatment will be better in the future, and I will definitely not forget you!"

"Look at what you said, our friendship is a fate!" Xiejun Luohua laughed, and then directly shouted at the fallen leaves, who were not far away: "Hey, Luoye, do you still remember me and me?" Piao Miao? We have come to rely on you."

(End of this chapter)

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