Chapter 924 still love
Miss Qing Yuxi is a high-end player with a fighting profession and an assisted living profession tailor.Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing didn't care how her two professional skills coexisted.After all, in the game, who doesn't have such a little adventure?Of course, players with bad luck are excluded!

So, after Miss Qing Yuxi agreed to make him a set of ordinary player's costumes, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing directly thanked him, and then he simply closed his eyes and rested his mind regardless of Xie Jun Luo Hua jumping around.

"You damn Piao Miao!" Xie Jun Luohua looked at Piao Miao's drunken appearance, said something through gritted teeth, and then immediately said to Miss Qingyuxi: "Girl, don't listen to him, don't give me any advice. What kind of weapon blacksmith am I looking for? My weapon is very low-key as it is now, and I haven’t turned on all the special effects yet! This weapon is as exaggerated as Piao Miao said. Look, how low-key it is, but there are A little bit of flame is boiling, and everything else is similar to the weapons used by ordinary players to equip B."

"Then your weapon is also used to pretend to be B?" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing heard this sentence, immediately opened his eyes and looked at Xie Jun Luo Hua and asked, "Look carefully for yourself, anyone with a discerning eye will know that your weapon is different! You haven't been exploded before, so you have no fear or something? I really want to wait for your weapon to be exploded before you come to cry?"

"It's not as exaggerated as you said!" Xiejun Luohua was stunned when he heard it, and then said with an unnatural expression.

"Is it that exaggerated? You know it yourself! You feel that there are fewer troubles along the way in this maze? You can ask Lao Xiao, if he is the only one, will he be targeted by others." Piao Miao Zui Tianxing said here , immediately held Lao Xiao with his fingers, said something to Xie Jun Luohua, and then called Lao Xiao to come out and say something fair.

"That. Luohua, I wandered around the maze by myself several times before. However, every time I hung up, I was killed by traps and monsters! I was targeted by players. Really or nothing .Although everyone sees that I am alone, no team has ever tried to beat me!" Lao Xiao thought for a long time, but still told the truth, then sighed, and persuaded Xiejun Luohua: "Actually, Luo Hua, if there is a weapon blacksmith who can change the shape of the weapon for you, it will be really good, and you will save a lot of trouble! Of course, if you can also change the equipment, that would be even better! "

"I'm so flirtatious?" Xiejun Luohua frowned, looked at Lao Xiao and asked in doubt, then turned his gaze to the other people present, seeing everyone nodded at him with certainty, Xie Jun Luohua finally sighed, then raised her face, and said loudly and triumphantly: "I'll just say, no matter how low-key I am, the evil Jun Luohua, I'm still so high-key in the eyes of others. Don't pull me , let me keep a low profile to the end!"

Then, Xie Jun Luohua was beaten up by Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing.

The game days out of the maze, speaking of it, are more boring than in the maze.From time to time, some monsters can be caught in the maze to upgrade. Occasionally, if you encounter some adventures or missions, your life will be even better.However, Falling Leaves Flying and the others left the maze, but they had no intention of going in again.Who knows if he can find a way out after entering!There are so many exits in the maze, maybe it is designed, and when it comes to the exit, it will turn the player back to death.
Therefore, outside the maze, after everyone waited for a while and did not see any players coming out, Flying Leaves suggested that everyone go offline to rest for a day and then come back up again. More players will definitely appear by then.Of course, it is impossible for all the players to go offline, so one or two players should be left on duty for a while, responsible for calling the players who have left the maze, and they will act together when the time comes.

After everyone discussed it, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing and Xie Jun Luo Hua went offline together with the falling leaves.Lao Xiao felt that this was an opportunity to show his face, so he took the initiative to compete with Yeguang Fine Wine and the others, and became the first batch of on-duty personnel, planning to turn around and go offline again.

At this time, Miss Ji Xiaoyan had already come out of the settlement of the Juli tribe with ease, and she was led by Sabrina to live in a simple wooden house by the river in the inner city, and left here when it got dark. Wait for the NPCs at Qingshimen to see if they can join her.

"Xu Mo, how's it going? Is anyone here?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the scenery in the room for a long time, and then asked with concern to Xuan Mo who came back from the invisible investigation.

The conversation with the patriarch of the Juli clan went smoothly, and they signed an agreement verbally, which was roughly the same as Sabrina's request back then.During the siege battle, the Juli tribe will stop all violent support for Qingwan City Lord. When Miss Ji Xiaoyan needs it, they can send people from the tribe to help rob Qingcheng.After gaining control of Qingcheng and becoming the official city lord of Qingcheng, Miss Ji Xiaoyan must return the sacred artifact of the Juli clan, and then arrange their future life for the Juli clan.If the Juli Clan still wants to stay in Qingcheng, then Ji Xiaoyan must give them preferential treatment, not the same as Qingwan City Lord; if they want to leave, Ji Xiaoyan will also be responsible for all the expenses of their migration and new settlements all land expenses
Originally, Ji Xiaoyan was a little unwilling to agree to such a request from the Juli Clan, which would definitely cost a lot.But later I heard Friesman whisper to her that as long as Qingcheng is captured, all the things in the treasure house of Qingcheng can be freely controlled by her, and the expenses of dozens of Juli clan can be met by then. Of course, those things Adventurers cannot use it.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan thought about it, and it would be good if the Juli clan could get support if it was cheaper, so he readily agreed.

As for what happened to the Qingwan City Lord after she left the settlement of the Juli Clan, that's beyond her ability to know.

"No one came." Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Xuan Mo shook his head immediately, and then said: "Except for those adventurers, there are only city guards outside, and those who didn't see Qingshimen!"

"Then wait a little longer. Now that the outside is so strict, it must be difficult for them to come here." Ji Xiaoyan nodded, sighed, said something to Xuan Mo, and then felt a little emotional: " Speaking of which, as long as City Lord Qingwan is here for a day, it is estimated that this place will be under martial law, and I don't know when she will be able to leave from the Juli Clan?"

"It should be soon!" Xuan Mo thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I heard the news outside, saying that some adventurers have left the maze outside the city and may attack the city wall at any time. Many Qingcheng The aborigines said that if the adventurers outside the city are all assembled, they need a leader to lead the project. The Lord Qingwan doesn't know if there is a leader who will arrange the siege, so I guess she at least needs to send a message went out, but now the adventurers around her are basically caught, if she never leaves the Juli Clan, there is no way to pass the news.”

"Xu Mo is right!" Friesman quickly answered, "Besides, it is impossible for Qingwan City Lord to hide in the Juli Clan all the time. Didn't the patriarchs of the Juli Clan say so? They have given up cooperating with Qingwan City Lord If you think about it, you will definitely drive her away!"

"I was just thinking about a question, why didn't the people of the Juli clan just kill Qingwan City Lord directly? In this way, they don't need to cooperate with us, and they can get out of Qingwan City Lord's control!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Fu full of doubts Lisman and Xuan Mo said with some confusion.

Destroying City Lord Qingwan directly is definitely the best and fastest way!
"The Master God is still here!" Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Friesman quickly interjected: "With the restraint of the Master God, the Juli Clan cannot kill Qingwan City Lord. The only thing they can do is stop helping It’s just the City Lord Qingwan! If they really give the City Lord Qingwan to that, all of them will be punished!”

"Oh, that's it." Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a comprehension face, and then said: "It seems that the constraints of the aborigines are also very great!"

When Friesman heard this, he nodded quickly, and then said: "However, if we know when the Qingwan City Lord will leave the Juli Clan, make some noise at that time, and report a letter to the city guard or something. Can I get some rewards? Xiaoyan, do you want to try it?"

"Have you forgotten what happened to those informers who were arrested?" Ji Xiaoyan asked back, then shook his head and said, "However, we can do something good. If there is any news from the Juli clan, If City Lord Qingwan is gone, you should hurry to find the pair of adventurer brothers and sisters, and then tell them the whereabouts of City Lord Qingwan, and let them go to claim merit."

"Isn't this cheaper for them?" Friesman suddenly said a little uncomfortable.

"They are the real power to clear the city. If you let them go, you don't have to be arrested. If you can get a reward, it means that we have paid them back a favor. Friesman, you have to know that if you were interrogated by the city guards at that time, If the female adventurer says that I am an adventurer, we will be in trouble. Although I have an ID card on my body, my identity will always be recognized by someone. At that time, we will be in trouble. So, still A love is still okay! Anyway, we will definitely not get those rewards, so we don’t need to think about it!” Ji Xiaoyan sighed helplessly, said something to Friesman, and then directly asked Xuan Mo Stealth went to the Juli clan to find out the news.

The result was very exciting for her.

After 10 minutes, Xuan Mo brought back a piece of good news: the Lord Qingwan disguised himself as a man in black, and was carefully preparing to leave the settlement of the Juli clan
(End of this chapter)

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