The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 925 Who is fooling you?

Chapter 925 Who is fooling you?
There is a kind of luck in this world called: Blessings from heaven, you can't stop it!It's about the pair of brother and sister players!
When the brother and sister were directly surrounded by NPC city guards and asked them to follow and patrol everywhere in Qingcheng, whenever they saw a "spies" they had to be corrected immediately, and there was no reward or rest time, they hated the man named Desalinated snail players.If it wasn't for him, they wouldn't be so required by the NPC city guards to work for free, and they wouldn't be forced to participate in the forces of Qingcheng without freedom.

They could have simply hid in the courtyard of Qingcheng and waited for the end of the siege battle.As a result, I didn't expect that I was killed by such a person as the desalted snail.

Of course, there are bad guys, and there must be good guys.The female player was extremely grateful for her decision to help the female player who was with the Juli tribe successfully pass the inspection of the Qingcheng guards, and then did not report her.That's why the female player sent someone to report to them, giving them a huge opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and thus get rid of those city guards who cleared the city!

Yes, the brother and sister immediately said in the game that they have no big ideals other than sticking to the goal of being able to get along.After they got the news about City Lord Qingwan from Xuan Mo Yinyin, the first thought in their minds was not how many rewards they could get. What they thought was that if City Lord Qingwan was captured, those city guards would come Won't bother them any more.
Full of anticipation, the female player waited until Yu Mo informed her that he had left, then followed the city guards for a while, and then deliberately pretended to have discovered something suddenly, and yelled : "Ah, there is a suspicious person over there!" After finishing speaking, she was dragged by her brother, rushed past the city guards, and ran directly in the direction Xuan Mo said, chasing after Qingwan City Lord.

When the players who had been following the city guards heard the voice of the female player, they immediately focused their eyes on it, and then regardless of whether they understood what the female player was talking about, they saw the two brothers and sisters running away. , all the players started to run, and while running, many players shouted excitedly: "Okay, I found the spy, I found the spy."

Afterwards, following behind the player group were the guards of Qingcheng who had just reacted.

"Let's go, chase!" The leading city guard saw the situation, and immediately greeted them, hurriedly carrying their weapons, and followed the large team along the way.Then after a while, I saw many players in front of them shouting.

"Hey, beauty, that spy you saw is walking in that direction? Tell us, let's go after it first, you see your speed is too slow." A fast player is catching up After seeing the pair of brother and sister players, he immediately licked his lips and said something excitedly.

A player dressed as a thief behind him was a little unhappy when he heard it, and quickly said: "That's right, that's right, tell us about the characteristics, our speed is fast, hurry up and chase him, if we let him run away, then it's a big deal." Not too good! It seems that you have not added agility to the attribute points, so with your speed, can you catch up with people?"

The female player looked at her brother, thought for a while, then pointed directly in one direction, and said to the two players, "It's over there, I just ran over there not long ago, it's an aboriginal man in black , I seem to see a name on the top of his head is 'Qingwan City Lord'." Before the voice fell, the female player saw the two players who had just spoken bounced away with a whistling, and rushed straight away like a gust of wind. gone.

"You just said that the aborigine you saw has a name on his head, is it City Lord Qingwan?" A thief who was not as fast as the two players in front came up again at this time, looked at the female player suspiciously and asked. One sentence.You know, generally speaking, the names of these NPCs will not be displayed on their heads, so what this female player said is worth investigating, maybe it is a lie!Moreover, she just said clearly that what she saw was a man, and the Lord Qingwan is a female NPC, how could it be a man?
Many fighter players who followed up quickly became suspicious when they heard what the female player said.

"My skill can see the name." The female player panicked for a moment, then pretended to be tired, panting and said, "Otherwise, how would I know who is a spy and who is not? I can see every The name on the top of the person's head is written on the back which force it is."

"MD, then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and chase after him! Let the Qingwan city lord run away, we will cry to death, how big is that reward?" After hearing what the female player said, a warrior player immediately raised his hand. Arm shouted: "That's the credit for directly destroying a faction. Brothers, let's chase after it, we can't let the two grandsons of thieves in front take the rewards all by themselves."

"Yes, yes, yes, we warrior brothers, let's work hard!" Upon hearing this, many players in warrior costumes immediately echoed enthusiastically, and then directly squeezed the two brothers and sisters away, and rushed towards the The female player ran in the direction said.

Falling to the bottom, the mage players and priest players who are not fast will be depressed!Their speed is only a little bit faster than these two brothers and sisters. It is impossible to run as fast as other players!They can only pray that the players in front of them can catch up to Qingwan City Lord, and then wait for them to arrive before catching her.
"Brother, I can't do it anymore, I can't run anymore!" The female player ran a few more steps, and after watching the mage players and priest players pass them, she quickly stopped, gasping for breath, while helping her Looking at her brother, she said, "I want to rest for a while!"

"But." The elder brother of the female player supported her with some embarrassment, then looked at the guards of Qingcheng City who followed up and stood in front of them, and said after a while: "Master Guard, my sister can't resist anymore. Take a break! The adventurers in front have already gone to chase Qingwan City Lord, and there will be no delay, can you wait for us to rest for a while before catching up."

"City Master Qingwan? You said that the suspicious person she saw was City Master Qingwan?" A city guard immediately turned serious when he heard that, looked at the panting female player and asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" The female player thought for a second, then gritted her teeth and said, "I saw her running over."

A few city guards look at me and I look at you, a little unsure whether to chase after them directly, or wait for the female player in front of them first, and then go on the road together.The city guard captain thought for a while, and then arranged: "One person will go back and report the situation, and the others will follow me to chase people. The remaining one will look at the two of them and take them with them after they have rested." Let's follow together!"

"Yes!" The other city guards hurriedly responded, and then acted according to the assigned tasks.

After the female player watched the city guards leave, she breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at the city guard who was left behind to guard them loyally, and said pantingly: "Master guard, can we go there? Shall we take a rest in the shade next to us?"

"En!" The city guard glanced at the female player several times, and after thinking about a lot of things in his head, he nodded indifferently, followed them and hid under the shade of a tree, and then looked at the female player with dull eyes. The female player didn't speak or move.

"Brother, I want to drink water." The female player looked a little uncomfortable, so she had to ask the male player beside her for help, and then signaled with her eyes, asking him to find a way to get rid of the city guard in front of him.As long as they can act alone, they immediately go back to the hut in Qingcheng to hide, and then go offline directly, and wait until the siege of Qingcheng is over, and then go online to continue running tasks and playing games
"There doesn't seem to be a source of water around here." The male player understood her hint, thought for a while, and then said a word in embarrassment, then turned his face, looked at the city guard and asked, "Master Guard, I don't know where Is there water? Can you tell me where it is?"

"At the corner 30 meters ahead, there is a tea shop, you can go there to buy water!" The city guard said mechanically.

"Would you like to buy it?" The male player looked shy and said in a low voice, "Master Guard, is there anyone who doesn't charge money? My brother and sister are very poor and have no money for food for many days. Where can I still buy it?" It's water."

"You adventurers are still short of money?" The city guard looked disbelieving.

"Very short!" The male player quickly nodded, and then said: "If you don't believe me, please go to the neighborhood and ask, who in Qingcheng doesn't know that our brothers and sisters often have no money and can't afford to eat? Lord Guard, look Look how tired my sister is in chasing the spies, she just wants to catch the spies, we can have money to eat, but now she is tired, she just wants to drink some water, I have to satisfy her no matter what, Lord Guard , please do me a favor, just tell me where there is a free water source, it doesn’t matter if it’s dirty.”

"Then what's the matter? What if you let her drink dirty water and she gets sick?" The city guard stopped doing it immediately after hearing what the male player said.Thinking of how useful that female player was in catching spies, the city guard saw her sitting delicately on the ground panting, and after thinking about it for a long time, he said to the male player: "That's good, I use I have the privilege to go to the tea shop over there to get you some water, but you can’t run around, you have to wait for me here. After drinking the water, follow me and catch up quickly.”

"Okay, okay, okay, no problem! Master Guard, you are really a good person, thank you!" The male player quickly said gratefully, and then watched the city guard disappear at the corner of the street, quickly pulled up the female player and walked all the way ran wildly.That speed is definitely faster than those warrior players just now.
(End of this chapter)

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