The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 927 Messy Chapter

Chapter 927 Messy Chapter
Blue Bubble Coffee, this male player is the older brother of the two siblings. As for the female player, her name is similar to her brother's, called Purple Bubble Coffee.After the coffee players of these two colors accidentally met the head of Qingshimen, Qingmiao, their game life was no longer the same.

Regarding the question of the head of Qing Miao, why they were chased and killed by the city guards in Qingcheng, Purple Bubble Coffee told the whole story without hesitation, and then heard the head of Qing Miao say: " In this way, you still have a lot of fate with us!"

Purple Foam Coffee didn't understand what Qing Miao said, and wanted to ask, but finally closed his mouth tightly.Her brother said that sometimes it is better to inquire less about things in the game!Isn't there a saying that goes, the more you know, the faster you hang up?They still want to play games and earn money!So unless you're looking for a quest, it's better not to talk to NPCs randomly!

On the contrary, the head of Qing Miao's favorability towards the pair of brother and sister players in front of him has increased a lot at this moment.Hearing that after they helped Ji Xiaoyan, Miss Ji Xiaoyan even sent Xuan Mo to invisibly give them great benefits, and after the two brothers and sisters were also abandoned, the head of Qing Miao felt that they were more pleasing to the eye.Which one of the current adventurers is not mercenary?Which adventurer doesn't kill each other for a little profit?The two adventurers in front of me are some exceptions.
"Okay, after the disguise is done, let's go!" The head of Qing Miao watched the disciples of the Qingshimen under him turn the blue foam coffee into a little old man, and then said a little bit reluctantly He said a word, and then let the girl named Purple Foam Coffee lead the way, and the group went directly to the settlement where the Juli tribe lived.

Of course, Blue Foam Coffee's request to go to the trading center was unconditionally rejected by Qing Miao and the others.As for the reason?Need a reason?The head of Qing Miao is very worried that if the two brothers and sisters enter the trading center, they will not come out!Could it be that they still sent someone to guard here!
You must know that the trading centers or money houses in all cities cannot be easily entered by the aborigines.As for what you want to ask these aborigines to do if they need to save money or the like.It is estimated that the NPCs in the whole game will tell you: Don't you know what the treasure house is for?
The NPCs in the game don't need a money bank, and it's better to keep all the gold coins in your own home.

Old man Qingmi and Elder Qingyi stood near the medical clinic in Qingcheng, waiting for a long time and not seeing their disciples borrowing money back.The two were a little anxious. On the one hand, they were worried that their disciples would be caught by the city guards in Qingcheng, and on the other hand, they were worried that Miss Ji Xiaoyan needed help.In the end, the old man Qingya got a little impatient for waiting, so he caught a player who had just finished his illness at the entrance of the medical hall, and threw him a mission with an unknown reward, and asked him to wait at the entrance of the medical hall. If the three Qingshimen disciples come back to find their "uncle" and "aunt", tell them that their uncle has gone home first
The player who got the mission by accident, seeing that the reward was unknown, immediately thought that he had hit the big luck, encountered the so-called adventure mission, as long as he completed it, the reward would be awesome.So, regardless of Sanqi 21, he rushed ahead of the players next to him who wanted to grab the task, and agreed to the old man Qingmi, and then with a particularly bright smile on his face, he watched the old man Qingmi and the elder Qingyi leave and were hospitalized. Some players who came out of the hall and heard the news were beaten up! !
Makes you so terrified!Let you snatch the adventure mission!

All the players at the entrance of the medical hall were beating that player while roaring in their mouths. MD, how long have they been waiting in the medical hall? They just didn't wait for the old NPC to throw out the task, but who knows, they were actually picked up by this shabby player in front of them.
The players in the medical hall are all envious and jealous!
And that player had a contented smile on his face, feeling the less painful beatings from other players, and began to fantasize in his heart how many more serial tasks there would be after he completed this task of passing on the message!What a reward for completing the task at the end! !Hmph, how normal it is to be jealous, and don't even look at what mission he got. Anyway, in Qingcheng, all players can't kill each other. Even if they fight, they can only feel a little pain, and they don't lose blood. What's the matter?

However, there was a lot of fighting at the entrance of the medical hall here, and at another intersection facing the medical hall far away, the three NPC disciples from the Qingshimen were hesitant and did not dare to walk towards this side.In their eyes, something happened to the hospital, and it was a big deal, and city guards would come over in a short while.

If they go to the medical center now, if they are met by the city guards of Qingcheng, they may cause trouble at that time.Anyway, as long as old man Qingya and the others don't come out of the medical hall, they won't be involved in the fights of those adventurers, so it's safe to think about it.Therefore, they should wait until the adventurers at the entrance of the medical hall have left, and then go to the medical hall to meet old man Qingya and the others.
However, the three NPC disciples of Qingshimen could not help but collectively sigh when they thought of the scene where they would be scolded by the old man Qingmi later.They wandered around Qingcheng for a long time, resorting to all kinds of tricks, kidnapping and stealing, and finally only got ten gold coins and twenty silver coins
With this little money, I still can't think of a way to rescue the elders of my family's sect! !It's just that they have nothing to do, so they have to come back and ask the elders what to do next, and then go out and take action!
The time in the game is still very fast.

A game day that quickly fell from sunrise to sunset, and then completely into the night.

After Ji Xiaoyan heard the news from Xuan Mo that the Lord Qingwan had left the settlement of the Juli Clan, he had been waiting for the night to come.Although Xiye is from the dark department, his skills are not too strong. I don't know if his skills have shrunk because he has been turned into a pet.

In short, if you want to take Ji Xiaoyan, Friesman, and Brick together to use the skills of the dark system, leave the settlement of the Juli clan from the darkness, and then go to Qingcheng to check the town stones, Xiye is still not enough to watch of.As for Lin Qianye's NPC, Ji Xiaoyan really wanted to contact him for help now, but Xi Ye had been around for a long time and still hadn't sensed the whereabouts of Lin Qianye's NPC.

Then, it is only up to them.

In Qingcheng at night, for a dark-type pet like Xiye, the ability to exert its skills is even greater.So after Qingcheng was completely in the dark, Ji Xiaoyan and the others collectively looked at Xiye, and then watched it puff up its mouth. After tossing for a long time, they finally made a dark, foggy flowing spot on the ground. hole.

"That's it?" Ji Xiaoyan scratched his head, looked at Xi Ye and asked uncertainly, "Xi Ye, are you sure we can go out from another place after entering here? How far is this distance? "

"I'm not sure about this." Xi Ye looked a little uncomfortable, moved his mouth, and said something to Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and then said with some patience: "Anyway, I can jump a certain distance! Do you want to go? I can't hold on to this hole very far!"

"I just want to make sure!" Ji Xiaoyan said with some disbelief in Xi Ye, "I'm afraid that if we go in from here, what we will see when we go out will be a large group of city guards or something else."

"Don't worry, I'll go ahead to see the situation first. If something goes wrong, you just stay in the cave and don't come out!" Xiye said impatiently to Ji Xiaoyan One sentence, and then jumped directly into the black hole, and shouted at them: "Do you want to come in? If you don't come in, I will leave."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Brick and Friesman, and then looked at Xuan Mo, seeing that they all nodded, then took a deep breath, held his breath, and jumped into the black hole.I thought I would experience the feeling of falling quickly, or the pain of falling on the ground, but who knows, there is only a feeling of weightlessness.

Opening his eyes, Ji Xiaoyan saw himself floating in a dark space.The space has a feeling of boundlessness, which seems to have no boundaries at all.It's just that on top of their heads, there is a small hole that seems to be far away, shining with silver light.
"Xiye, why does Xiye only have one hole? Where are we going to get out from?" Ji Xiaoyan yelled into the space with some confusion in his heart, not knowing where that guy Xiye went.

"Idiot. There is only one hole!" Xi Ye's voice came from nowhere, it seemed to be far away, a little ethereal, "If there are two holes, it's okay? Then where is the other hole? If someone sees If so, is it okay?"

"Then if we go out, we should go out through the exit above the head?" Ji Xiaoyan looked around, but he didn't see Xi Ye, so he had to ask again.

"Of course! This is the strength of our dark element!" Xi Ye's voice was a little smug and proud, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Now we can see the entrance of the cave, but people outside can't see anything. This cave entrance It is also uncertain, we can go out from any place we want to go out from the shadow. This hole is just a passage to go out, and it is the owner of the uncertain location. Ah, didn’t you worship that Qianye? Is an adult a teacher? Why don’t you study the basic knowledge of our dark department? It’s really embarrassing.”

Ji Xiaoyan gritted her teeth a little, cooperating with her own pet and blaming her for being hard to learn?But did the Nalin Qianye NPC teach her dark-type skills?Isn't it all the tricks and tricks taught?Damn.
 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the pink ticket, and thank you "Dugu Weigu" for the review ticket!Is it ten?Is it ten?Thousands of subscriptions are required.
(End of this chapter)

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