The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 928 There Are Bosses In The Maze

Chapter 928 There Are Bosses In The Maze
The night in Qingcheng is very peaceful.

The sky in the maze outside the city wall does not have day and night, at most it is just the setting sun.Therefore, the players in the maze are basically full of energy.However, this state only lasted for a few days, and then a system announcement shocked all the players instantly, some couldn't believe it.

[System Announcement]: Adventurers XX, XX and other adventurers who represent the power of the Qingwan City Lord, are scheming, using their wisdom and strength, after going through difficulties and obstacles, they have worked hard to successfully pass the formation checkpoint, and Push them to the maze level they belong to, successfully overcome the difficulties of the maze, enter the sphere of influence of Qingcheng, and move towards the city wall of Qingcheng.
[System Announcement]: Because some adventurers successfully crossed the checkpoint and added an opportunity to attack the city for Qingwan City Lord forces, all adventurers of Qingwan City Lord forces will be rewarded with a gift bag.The key practice adventurers who pass the level can get an extra big gift bag and [-] siege points.

"Fuck! Who did it!"

"Who is it? Have a temper to reveal your name?"

"Damn, what gift bag? What reward? Isn't five hundred siege points a bit much?"

"Fuck. I knew I would have chosen Qingwan City Lord back then."

"Grandchildren of the Northern Continent on the side of City Lord Qingwan"

"The maze can still be pushed? Then what are we doing here now?"


"Go up to the top floor and ask to push to the maze."

"City Lord Qingwan is not limited to adventurers from the Northern Continent."

As soon as the system announcement was over, the regional channel in the maze rang. Many players didn't feel sorry for the money, so they turned on the regional speakers and started discussing.Then, all the players who are still in the maze no longer have the mood to focus on getting out of the maze, but all invest in how to push the maze to the top.

However, if this maze can be pushed so easily, can it still be kept until now?No matter how many players slash, push, bump, and hit in the maze, they still can't shake a single bit of the maze wall.

As a result, in the area map of the maze, there was a burst of curses and calls for help.

"Fuck me. Ask for a strategy to push to the maze"

"Ask for a strategy"

"If I want Lao Tzu to find his way, he must go to the grandchildren of the Northern Continent to find a strategy."

"I said it all, there are not only players from the Northern Continent over there."

"Well, I have a friend who voted for the enemy"

"Speed ​​off the assembly line to ask about the situation."

"My dear, we are all dependent on you. Hurry up and go offline to ask"

"Honey, where are you? We're here to protect you offline."

"Ask for an address"

"find coordinates"

The labyrinth was full of boiling noise, which could not be dispersed for a long time.

But at this moment, standing outside the maze, looking at Ye Guangmeijiu and the others, who were billowing smoke and dust rushing towards Qingcheng's Qingcheng in the night, the expressions on their faces were not very good.

"Damn, this maze can still be pushed? Is it true?" Xie Jun Luohua looked suspiciously at Piao Miao Zui Tianxing and said something, and then urged: "Otherwise, Piao Miao, let's go in and then go in." Try? Maybe the two of us can push this maze to the end.”

"Do you think it's possible?" Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing glanced at Xie Jun Luo Hua indifferently, and his gaze was fixed on the movements of Miss Qing Yuxi's hands.His equipment is almost ready, right?
"Why is it impossible? Piao Miao, you look down on me, don't you know?" Xie Jun Luo Hua looked at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing angrily and said.

"Well, I know! I just look down on you!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing replied very flatly, and he didn't even look at Xie Jun Luo Hua.

"You damn Piao Miao, don't think that if you increase your attack speed and power, you will be able to handle me!" Xiejun Luohua immediately frowned, and shouted, "I see you haven't been attacked for a few days. I beat you, your skin is itchy, don’t you believe it? Believe it or not, I took off your thin skin? PK is allowed on our current battlefield.”

"Want to try?" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing raised his eyes lightly, looked at Xie Jun Luo Hua, said something, and then saw his face flushed a little, and then said: "If your energy is really useless Release, then go into the maze and toss slowly! I'm just full, I'm online, I'm not in the mood to toss with you"

"You, you." Xie Jun Luo Hua pointed at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing, a little speechless.In the past, he and Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing were comparable in PK, but who knew that after Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing was upgraded, even though their levels were the same, their strengths were quite different.His defense is a bit higher than Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing's, but he can't withstand his perverted attack power, and he can stab half of his blood bar in a few hits.
If there is a real fight, to be honest, Xie Jun Luo Hua really doesn't have the confidence to withstand Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing's attack.
"Hehe, Luo Hua, you are all friends, talk well, talk well!" Seeing the appearance of Xie Jun Luo Hua, Yeguang Fine Wine immediately said with a smile, and then greeted: "I have asked people to look at the forum. Did any players from City Lord Qingwan break the news about how they got into the maze, and we'll get news after a while."

As soon as the words fell, a player's voice rang out instantly: "Guangzhu, there is news on the forum."

"What news?" Yeguang Meijiu immediately turned to look at the player who was sent to the forum to read the news, and then asked with concern, "Is there a strategy for the maze?"

"I didn't say anything specific." The player frowned, and then said: "There are quite a few players who went to the forum to celebrate the success of Qingwan City Lord. It is said that the players who really pushed into the maze were players from the Northern Continent. We can't see it on the forum here." As far as the exact news is concerned, there are only one or two posts saying that they heard the news. Those players from the Northern Continent found a boss in the maze. The maze was pushed to the end, and then those treacherous players from the Northern Continent used the boss to fight kite battles, and let the boss push the maze to the end.”

"The grandchildren in Caobei Continent are so lucky!" a player spit immediately.

"BOSS" Ye Guangmeijiu groaned, then looked at Fallen Leaves with some uncertainty and asked, "There are still BOSS in this maze? Aren't there only mobs?"

"If the players from City Lord Qingwan met, if there were, then there must have been! It's just that we were unlucky and didn't meet them." Luoye Fenfei frowned and said, then looked at Yeguang Fine Wine and Qingyuxi Asked: "Anyway, our side is also behind now, do you want to re-enter together and look for the BOSS?"

"I do have this idea, but I just don't know about you." Ye Guang Meijiu nodded, and then looked at the others.

"We don't have any objections, we'll listen to the big sister!" Miss Qing Yuxi focused on the crafting equipment in her hand, and a player behind her responded immediately.

"I have no objection!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing nodded.

"I agree with both hands!" Xie Jun Luo Hua hurriedly said, "However, our exit is different from yours, how will we meet at that time!"

"We have props here, you can refresh your coordinates at any time," a player behind Ye Guang Meijiu said immediately after hearing Xie Jun Luo Hua's words.

In the end, in exchange for Xiejun Luohua's constipated expression.

The co-authors finally got rid of the situation of being fixed by someone, but now they are going to take the initiative.
"Then let's take action after everyone gathers for a while!" Seeing that everyone was getting ready, Ye Guang Meijiu said with a feeling of excitement.

"Wait, do you have any red medicine or blue medicine? We've basically run out of consumables." At this time, Xie Jun Luohua quickly raised his hand and said to Yeguang Fine Wine.

"Give some to Piao Miao and the others, and then find someone to deliver some to us in the maze later!" Ye Guang Meijiu said that there is no problem at all, and directly said something to the players around him, watching Xie Jun Luo Hua put everything into it After wrapping the package, I watched the three of them step into the wall where they couldn't see the exit, and then re-entered the maze with Qing Yuxi and the others
As soon as they stepped into the maze, they felt their eyes light up when they entered the maze. The sky in the maze was full of sunset rays, which made people feel warm all over and their mood improved a lot.

"What are Piao Miao's coordinates? Have they been refreshed?" Ye Guang Meijiu took a deep breath, and asked a player behind him, and then heard that player report their coordinate address to Piao Miao and Zui Tian Xing. A group of people rushed to the coordinates and walked around the maze.

Of course, the coordinates seem not far away, but because there is a maze of walls in the middle, it took a lot of time for Yeguang Fine Wine and the others to finally meet Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing and the others.Then when they were discussing which direction to go, the guild channel of Juyuan Tianxia was boiling.

"Guild Master." Old Xiao stared at the news in his guild channel in disbelief, and then hurriedly shouted at Yeguang Fine Wine: "Guild Master, Guild Master, there is news in the guild channel, there are players in our guild I saw the boss in this maze."

"What?" Ye Guangmeijiu immediately opened the guild channel when he heard it, and then saw the boiling discussions of the players in the guild channel.

"Damn it, what a big boss"

"Please help the leader, ask the deputy help leader."

"find coordinates"

"Hurry up, everyone, the coordinates XXX.XXXX.XXXX are such a big boss."

"Really, did you really see the BOSS upstairs? Or did you hear the fake news from someone!"

"That's right, that's right, it wasn't long before the forum broke the news, and you all saw the BOSS!"

"Really, really. I'm near the boss right now, and there are only five of us here. Please form a team to fight the boss. It's such a big one."

"What BOSS!" Seeing this, Yeguang Meijiu asked calmly in the guild channel.

"Ah, the leader of the gang has finally come out!"


 PS: Ask for a subscription, ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, ask for the light of the great god. light. light. light light light light.
(End of this chapter)

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