Chapter 932 News

The two brothers and sisters of Blue Bubble Coffee were led by the head of Qing Miao and they dodged around Qingcheng for a long time. After evading wave after wave of Qingcheng guards, they finally led many NPCs from Qingshimen to find them. I found a relatively secluded residential attic with a wide view, and hid in it.

Of course, the premise is that there are no clear aborigines in that attic.

Then, the NPCs from Zhongqingshimen and Blue Bubble Coffee didn't stay in the attic for long, when they noticed two sneaky figures appearing in an alleyway near the attic.

"Master, those two people over there look like Master Qingmi and the others." A disciple of Qingshimen immediately reported to Master Qing Miao, seeing that everyone turned their attention to those two. On the figure, he immediately volunteered: "Master, do you want me to go down and have a look?"

"What are you looking at, that's Qing Mi and Qing Yi!" The head of Qing Miao didn't even look at the disciple, and said directly, "Go down and call Qing Mi and the others up. Be careful, don't call the city guards Shocked!"

"Yes!" Several Qingshimen disciples hurriedly answered, and after making eye contact with each other, the Qingshimen disciple who spoke first successfully won the benefit of showing up, and then directly Turn around and go down the attic, and go straight to the laneway.

In the end, who knows, just when that disciple appeared in old man Qingmi's sight, before the two sides had time to recognize each other and say hello, a black vortex suddenly appeared under old man Qingmi and elder Qingyi, Before the two could even scream, they fell into the black hole and disappeared.

"Master Uncle." The NPC disciple of Qingshimen's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief on his face, then he looked up in the direction of the attic at a loss, trying to get a hint from the head of Qingmiao, but when he looked up, he couldn't believe it. I don't know if it's because of the darkness of the night, or if the attic was built too well.This NPC disciple didn't see anything except the dark shadow of the building!

When he was in a dilemma, the NPC disciple suddenly felt the ground under his feet soften, and after a moment of dizziness, he fell into a place full of black eyes.
"Hey, hello, hello, are you stupid?" A voice that sounded familiar immediately rang in the ear of the NPC disciple, and it seemed that he was a little impatient, "Are you stupid? How about we Throw it out?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? He is a disciple of our Qingshimen!" The old man Qingmi's voice sounded instantly, "Maybe he was frightened when he encountered this suddenly. Didn't I just be frightened by you just now? The attack of that bastard Lin Qianye?"

"Hey." A female voice smiled flatteringly, and then said, "Then Shishu, let's continue to go in another direction? Maybe we can get other elders in Qingshimen."

"Go?" The NPC disciple suddenly reacted, and immediately regained his senses and shouted: "You can't go, you can't go, the masters are still here."

"You said the senior brother in charge is also here?" the old man Qing Mi asked immediately after hearing this.Then he heard the NPC disciple tell him what happened just now, and the old man Qingmi immediately murmured: "You mean, you caught two adventurers to lead the way, and now the head brother and the two Hiding in the attic above with two adventurers?"

The disciples of the Qingshimen quickly nodded, and then spotted Ji Xiaoyan floating in the black space, and shouted again: "Ah, Xiaoyan, are you here too? The sect leader even took us to look for you everywhere, for fear that you Encountered city guards or trouble."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard it, his heart warmed up, and then he called out to Xiye who didn't know where to hide in the dark place: "Xiye, open the black hole to the attic!"

"Just know how to order me." Xiye's voice rang out in a low voice, and then the Qingshimen disciple saw that the only hole above his head that was stealing a little light didn't seem to be moving at all, and was about to face Miss Ji Xiaoyan After saying something, Xi Ye's body appeared at the entrance of the cave, and then flew out with a whoosh.

A few seconds later, the disciple of Qingshimen saw countless black figures jumping in from the small hole.In less than 10 minutes, the disciples of Qingshimen who were all staying in the attic just now, the head of Qingmiao and the two adventurers all appeared in the black hole.

"Hey, it's you two?" Ji Xiaoyan said in surprise after seeing the two brothers and sisters in blue bubble coffee, and then said with a smile: "It's really a fate to meet a thousand miles away! We all meet here How many times have you been there?"

"You..." Purple Bubble Coffee looked at Ji Xiaoyan, then covered his mouth in surprise, looked at Qing Miao and the others, and then at Ji Xiaoyan, then asked with some guesswork: "You don't know?" Is that the vice-castle lord of Shacheng? But you are an adventurer."

Along the way, they were coerced by the head of Qing Miao to find the way, and the two brothers and sisters of Purple Bubble Coffee still heard a lot of news.For example, the head of Qing Miao and they are NPCs from Qingshimen, and what they are looking for in Qingcheng is the deputy city lord of Shacheng. child.
After getting in touch with the black hole, Qing Miao's head and their attitude towards Miss Ji Xiaoyan and their questions, the purple foam coffee still guessed the identity of Miss Ji Xiaoyan in an instant.

"Hehe!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't explain much, but looked at the two brothers and sisters and said, "The master master said that you are familiar with the terrain of Qingcheng? Anyway, you don't want to cause trouble, so why don't you earn some labor fees? ? Last time I asked someone to give you such a big benefit, but you didn't want it." This is a typical example of not wanting to cause trouble.

"What do you want us to do?" Blue Foam Coffee looked at Ji Xiaoyan warily and asked.Although the female player in front of them has indeed helped them a lot, but to put it bluntly, this female player has a "credit" for their current game life.As a player, but the identity of the deputy city lord of Shacheng, the girl in front of me is not awesome, she is going to die, that is a big trouble.
If one is not careful and really messes up a lot, how will the two brothers and sisters mess around in the future!

"It's not a big deal! I just want to ask you the address of something." Ji Xiaoyan grinned wickedly at the blue foam coffee, and then continued: "I remember you said that you There is a real estate in Qingcheng, right? You are being chased by the city guards now, and you can’t go to that real estate. It’s better like this. You just need to tell me what we want to know, and we will use this space to send you to How about going to your property and giving you some more rewards?"

"You don't get rewarded for nothing!" Blue Bubble Coffee said righteously, but was glared at by the head of Qing Miao and the others next to him, and immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a sluggish look, and said: "You first say Tell me, what do you want to ask!"

"Do you know where the town stone in Qingcheng is?" Ji Xiaoyan asked without hesitation, and saw the two brothers and sisters shook their heads in bewilderment, then thought for a while and said, "So Well, you know which places are most strictly guarded in Qingcheng, and which places are not allowed for ordinary people to go."

"There are quite a lot of places like Qingcheng!" Blue Foam Coffee frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said, "I only know one place that is not well guarded, but it is an important place for Qingcheng, and no one is allowed to approach it. Only the city lord can enter."

"Where?" Miss Ji Xiaoyan's eyes lit up instantly, and she suddenly felt that after entering Qingcheng, the two players from Qingcheng she met were simply lucky stars.Without them, she probably wouldn't be able to go to the Juli Clan.
"It's a house next to Qingcheng's treasure house that is said to be a pet house raised by the city lord." Blue Bubble Coffee said with some memories, "When I was doing the mission last time, I heard an old man in Qingcheng who used to have some power say that the whole Qingcheng Inside, including the treasure house of Lord City Lord, he went in with his acquaintances to see it. The only one who was not allowed to go in was the pet house next to the treasure house. It is said that when the City Lord Qingwan was there, there were always ferocious monsters in it. , afraid of hurting people, so no one dared to go in except the city lord. Later, after the city lord Qingwan escaped, the current city lord was also afraid of being hurt by that pet, so no one was allowed to approach it."

"Then after so many years, that pet hasn't starved to death?" Ji Xiaoyan's first reaction was this question, "The current city owner is afraid of that pet, so he certainly won't feed it? After so many years, then Is the pet still alive?"

"I don't know about that! Anyway, that's what I heard from that old man." Blue Foam Coffee shook his head and said, "Many aborigines in Qingcheng say that the old man can be regarded as an expert in Qingcheng. He knows everything and every place in Qingcheng!"

"That's amazing!" Ji Xiaoyan asked, blinking in disbelief.

"Yeah! It's amazing!" Purple Foam Coffee nodded quickly and said, "Sometimes we can't find anything when we do tasks. If we meet that old man, we can find everything just by asking him."

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with a smile, then turned his head to look at the head of Qing Miao and the old man Qing Mi and they said: "It seems that the town stone is probably in the pet house. Then, uncle, we Should we go directly to look for it, or should we gather all the disciples of Qingshimen first and then go?"

"Let them go by themselves, go by themselves!" Xi Ye immediately shouted after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words: "There are so many people, I can't take them with me! I also have energy limitations."

(End of this chapter)

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