The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 933 The lingering ghost

Chapter 933 The lingering ghost
In the end, in view of Xiye's pet's limited ability, Ji Xiaoyan and the others still didn't intend to get all the Qingshimen disciples into that black space, but instead threw all the Qingshimen NPC disciples out , Save the location, and prepare to find all the remaining elders of Qingshimen in the whole Qingcheng, and then set off to the pet house next to the treasure house of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion to hunt for treasure.
And the Qingshimen NPC disciple who followed Qingmi and the others into the Xiye space at the beginning became the leader of their group of Qingshimen disciples.It is said that the head of Qing Miao patted him on the shoulder very earnestly, and said to him: "The disciples of our Qingshimen will be entrusted to you to command, don't mess up the team! Have time! , Just look around, what kind of disciples are the other disciples! Disclose all the news, and we will meet at the City Lord's Mansion."

After that, dozens of NPC disciples from Qingshimen stood alone by the corner of the attic, messing around casually.Are they abandoned by the head and elders?
As for the blue bubble coffee brothers and sisters, they were still led by Ji Xiaoyan and started wandering around Qingcheng.On the one hand, it was to deliver news to the rest of the Qingshimen disciples, and on the other hand, it was to find the elders of the Qingshimen.Of course, it is easy to disperse, but difficult to aggregate!It took a lot of effort for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to finally find the rest of the elders, and then they were going to go directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

However, when Blue Foam Coffee and the two of them pointed to the same direction and asked Miss Ji Xiaoyan to send them away from this "battlefield" first, that NPC Lin Qianye appeared from nowhere and directly arrested Xiye Stop, and then release Ji Xiaoyan and the others from Xiye's dark space!

"Master." Ji Xiaoyan recovered from the dizziness of being suddenly caught back to the ground, and immediately yelled to Lin Qianye with a smile, and then took aim at the bound person behind Lin Qianye, Immediately, he asked curiously: "Master, why are you here? Hey, isn't this this Emek?"

"Girl knows him?" Lin Qianye looked at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise and asked.

"Yeah, I've seen a place called the Land of Exile before!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while and said to Lin Qianye.

"Have you been to the Land of Exile?" Lin Qianye immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan, then turned her head to look at Emek, and then asked with some concern: "Then where have you been? He said he wanted to take you in as an apprentice, so can you help find something?"

"Me? Hehe, master, if he accepts me as an apprentice, why would you have anything to do with me?" Just as Ji Xiaoyan said this, Lin Qianye glared at him, and quickly changed his words: "At that time, I went to At the time, Senior Emek already had apprentices, so how could he fall in love with me! Hehe!"

"Is that so?" Lin Qianye squinted her eyes when she heard it, and then looked at Emek evilly and said, "It seems that the man who was wandering around Qingcheng with you that day is your apprentice. Tsk tsk, Emerke, didn't you still say that person was a passerby? Hehe, after so many years, your lying and deceitful temperament has not changed at all."

When Emek heard Lin Qianye's words, he remained silent for the rest of his life, but only looked at Ji Xiaoyan with burning eyes.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little puzzled, then looked at Lin Qianye and said, "Master, you mean that the apprentices of Senior Emek are also in Qingcheng? How did they get in? "Night foil wandering, shouldn't they all be outside the city?Old man Qingmi said that generally speaking, players are not allowed to enter and leave the secret passage in Qingcheng.
"It must be Amoke who brought him in!" Lin Qianye waved her hands impatiently, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "But, girl, you were sent into the exile by Emmoke. Did Ke get killed? If that’s the case, I’ll avenge you or something.” After finishing speaking, Lin Qianye looked at Emke as if she was about to be tortured.

"No, no. Master, you think too much!" Ji Xiaoyan said quickly, and then smiled: "At that time, Senior Emerke was so kind to me, but he just asked me to help his apprentice in the future, that is, my The adventurer's friend made some food and some medicine, and got me out of exile."

"Is he that good?" Lin Qianye expressed her disbelief.

"Yeah, really!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly.Whether the NPC Emke is good or bad is none of her business. Now she just asks that the NPC Lin Qianye not mess with her and waste her going to Qingcheng to find Zhenchengshi.Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly smiled at Lin Qianye and said, "Master, why did you arrest us all? We're finding some clues about town stones, and we're going to have a look."

"Oh? There are clues so soon?" Lin Qianye became a little interested when she heard this.

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, then looked at Lin Qianye obsequiously and asked, "Master, do you want to go and have a look with us? Your ability is much greater than Xiye, if you It will definitely be more convenient for us if you take us with you."

"Go on your own!" As soon as Ji Xiaoyan's voice fell, Lin Qianye shook her head and said, "I can't participate in this matter. However, it's still okay to follow behind you and serve as scouts for you!"

"Then..." Ji Xiaoyan blinked, and originally wanted to ask Lin Qianye if she could help bring the other Qingshimen disciples to the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng to meet up, but after thinking about it, this NPC must not be against the Mastermind Doing things according to the rules, I had to smile, and then said: "Then the master came after us. By the way, master, since the disciple of Senior Aimoke is also in Qingcheng, do you know where he is?"

"I don't know! If I think about it, I should be in Qingcheng." Lin Qianye waved her hands to express her confusion, and then warned Ji Xiaoyan: "It's natural that we can get together if we are destined, so don't worry about it. Think about town Things about Chengshi will be fine!"

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, glanced at Emke, and found that his eyes were flickering with excitement when he looked at her, and he was a little puzzled, but when he thought of Zhenchengshi and Lin Qianye, Ji Xiaoyan's heart once again calmed down a bit.No matter what the NPC Aimoke thinks of her like this, anyway, with Lin Qianye and old man Qingya around, there shouldn't be any problems.Now she has more important things to do.

After throwing Xiye a bunch of food to make him satiated, Ji Xiaoyan and the others fell into Xiye's black, dark space again, and headed straight for the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng.Of course, as the blue frothy coffee who asked Miss Ji Xiaoyan to send them back to the hut to wait for the offline, they have completely shut up at this moment.

They didn't want to cause trouble, they didn't want to participate in the siege of Qingcheng, and they didn't want to be called the so-called traitors at all.But after the cooldown of the purple foam coffee ended, the people-watching skill that automatically resumed its function came into play again. After seeing the levels of Emek, Lin Qianye, and the surrounding Qingshimen NPCs and some titles that could be displayed , the two brothers and sisters completely gave up.

If one of them doesn't follow, they will be wiped out to level zero, and there is no hope of being resurrected directly!At that time, who can help them earn money to live?Level zero players, that day was hard.So, be honest!Besides, the deputy city lord of Shacheng is a good player.At the beginning, they did a favor and took her money, but they sent someone to send them a big news, a big "pie" that every player wanted.
From this point of view, if something happens in the future, I think I can hug the thigh of the deputy city lord of Shacheng, right?
After the two brothers and sisters made up their minds, they didn't say much. They just looked at the NPCs around them curiously, and followed Miss Ji Xiaoyan's footsteps and arrangements honestly, and rushed to Qingcheng.

The dark department is actually a very advantageous legal profession.

Of course, the biggest advantage is at night.

Normally, it would be impossible for Xiye to lead so many people to roam freely in the shadows.And now Qingcheng is at night, there are black shadows in many places, and there is a bonus to the dark system at night, so although Xiye is a bit difficult, in the end, he brought Ji Xiaoyan and the others directly to the place through countless shadows. Inside the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng.

Then, just as Ji Xiaoyan and the others were about to crawl out of this black space and enter the City Lord's Mansion to investigate carefully, Xi Ye suddenly said in the space: "City Lord Qingwan has also come in."

"What? Why so fast?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned upon hearing this.Cooperating with her, she exposed the whereabouts of Qingwan City Lord, but they still rushed ahead of them and entered the City Lord's mansion, "Who else came in with Qingwan City Lord? Is there anyone from the Juli clan?"

"No!" Xi Ye shook his head and said, "There are only a dozen men in black. It seems that they are very familiar with this place."

"You're talking nonsense!" Ji Xiaoyan rolled his eyes, and then said: "You don't even think about who owned this Qingcheng before! Qingwancheng is mainly because you don't know the layout of the city lord's mansion, who knows! Hi! Ye, hurry up and see which direction they are going, and we will follow directly. As soon as we find the town stone, we will do it immediately."

Xi Ye responded, and then fell silent.

Because Ji Xiaoyan couldn't see the situation outside the space, he had to hang in place sullenly, and then he saw the two brothers and sisters in the blue foam coffee, and asked a little strangely: "Hey, why are you still here?"

 PS: Thanks to "〆Camouflage﹎" for the two pink tickets!Thank you "Blue Butterfly" for your review!When will Qianqian be able to write a large article, a large article of thanks. I beg for various rewards and subscription tickets.
(End of this chapter)

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