Chapter 934
Blue Foam Coffee felt that there was a sulking in his heart that he wanted to vent, but had to swallow it back.It felt like ten thousand grass mud horses roared and splashed into the world of mortals in his heart, disturbing his heart so that he could not be at peace
"You promised to send us back, but you forgot, so we are here!" Purple Bubble Coffee heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, and said something cautiously, and then heard Ji Xiaoyan say in surprise: "I Forgot, you can remind me."

Purple Bubble Coffee couldn't say the words "They dare not", so he lowered his head and pretended to be silent.

Ji Xiaoyan sighed softly, and then said directly, regardless of the expressions on the faces of the two brothers and sisters of Blue Bubble Coffee: "Anyway, we don't have time to send you back now, you have to participate in this matter if you want to participate, and if you don't want to participate I have to participate too. We will see you off when we have time! By the way, what are the occupations of you two? Find out, and we can see how to arrange you later!"

Purple Foam Coffee turned her head to look at her brother, but did not speak.But Blue Bubble Coffee thought about it for a long time before choking out a sentence: "The two of us have no fighting power, we are just ordinary life players."

"Life player?" Ji Xiaoyan showed disbelief on his face, looked up and down the two brothers and sisters in Blue Bubble Coffee, and finally just shrugged, and then said: "After you go out, you can ask for more blessings, as long as you follow us Just make sure you don’t get affected and die! We can’t take care of the rest!” Just kidding, if these two brothers and sisters were life players, then they once said that they needed to go out of the city to kill monsters to make money?Is not this contradictory?Have you ever seen a life player who can go out and kill monsters by himself?

However, considering that they met by chance, coupled with the problem of the camp, Ji Xiaoyan doesn't blame the two brothers and sisters for being unwilling to reveal their real occupations.Anyway, even if people say so, it is impossible to betray their own camp and come to her side, right?If it is clear that the camp of the city lord loses, the two brothers and sisters will not be rewarded.
As long as the two brothers and sisters don't make trouble for her, it will be fine!

"Well, I got it!" Blue Foam Coffee was secretly relieved when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and agreed.

After staying in the dark space for a while, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally heard the message from Xiye: "Lord Qianye has sent a signal, telling us to follow? Do we want to follow?"

"Follow! Of course!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly responded, said something to Xiye, and then asked with concern: "Xiye, what are the Qingwan Lords doing now?"

"I don't know. Anyway, they are sneaking around in Qingcheng!" Xiye said something to Ji Xiaoyan perfunctorily, and then after a long pause, he shouted excitedly: "Hurry up and clean up, outside Fight!"

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan and the old man Qingmi regained their energy immediately, and then heard Xiye shout: "The people outside are all wearing black clothes to cover their faces, you should also find a way to get them on. Qian Master Ye said that it is okay to come out and intervene at this time, and if you don't do it well, you can wipe out the Qingwan city lord."

"That won't work, that won't work! If City Lord Qingwan is destroyed, who will take us to find that pet house?" Ji Xiaoyan quickly shook his head and said to Xi Ye, "Xi Ye, don't make trouble." Before all the words were finished, Ji Xiaoyan heard a system prompt: Player Ji Xiaoyan's pet Xiye attacked Qingwan City Lord's side player XX. The battle between the two sides can officially begin. "What does this mean?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little dumbfounded, He immediately yelled at Xi Ye: "Xi Ye, who told you to attack others?"

"I didn't!" Xi Ye said innocently, "It's just that an adventurer in black appeared from nowhere and stepped into our shadow. I just blocked him from falling in." That's all"

"." Ji Xiaoyan wanted to cry, but she received a system prompt, and the player who came outside also received a system prompt, right?However, the system prompt that the player received said that he was attacked by the deputy city lord of Shacheng?Or was it attacked by the player Ji Xiaoyan?

Just when Miss Ji Xiaoyan started imagining wildly, she immediately heard the sound of swords clashing, and a male voice yelled: "Damn, there is an adventurer from the deputy city lord of Shacheng nearby, she actually Attacked me. Shout out and arrest people quickly."

"Where? Where?" Several voices echoed.

"Damn it, don't care about the power of Shacheng, everyone first wipe out the city guards in front of you." Other voices rang out immediately, "City Master Qingwan said that as long as we block them and buy her time, When the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng is captured, we are all great heroes, and we can all get big rewards."

Ji Xiaoyan frowned a little.Are current players so easily deceived by NPCs?As for the NPC of Qingwan City Lord, will he give players so many rewards in the end?According to Lin Qianye's NPC and old man Qingmi, Lord Qingwan is not a good bird, "Xiye, don't tell us all this nonsense, hurry up and follow City Lord Qingwan, and don't lose her." The old man Qingya slapped his ear impatiently, and then yelled at Xiye.

"It's not me who did it." Xi Ye felt aggrieved, "Master Qianye made it up. It's none of my business. I've been keeping an eye on City Lord Qingwan, so don't worry. Besides, I can't do it. Lord Qianye is outside!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just do your business." The old man Qingmi said to Xiye impatiently, but within two seconds after he finished speaking, his eyes lit up. But suddenly some buildings and the hazy moonlight in the sky appeared, "What's going on? Xiye, why did we come out?"

"This side has already entered the range of the enchantment!" Lin Qianye's voice came out of nowhere, "From here on, except for the magic of the earth system, no magic can be used. You have to keep up with Qing Wanna Girl, you can only rely on yourself!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked around and confirmed that this area, which was obviously the same as some forest areas outside the city, was within the scope of the city lord's mansion in Qingcheng, then looked at Lin Qianye and asked, "Master, are you not with us?" ?”

"This deity will follow you! It's just that if something happens, it's not convenient for this deity to take action. You can only rely on yourself." Lin Qianye said to Ji Xiaoyan while holding the NPC of Emek, "This deity is here It's just to see if the sacred artifact of the Juli clan is what the deity is looking for."

"If you don't help, what are you doing here?" The old man Qingmi muttered uncomfortably, regardless of whether Lin Qianye heard it or not, he directly pulled Ji Xiaoyan into the forest of the city lord's mansion, and walked towards the forest. While asking: "Xi Ye, have you seen clearly which direction that girl Qing Wan is going?"

Xi Ye nodded and ran to the front to lead the way.

Ji Xiaoyan walked with old man Qingmi, and at the same time took the time to explain a few words to Xuan Mo.If this place is like Lin Qianye's NPC said, and only earth magic can be used, then Xuan Mo has an important role in this place.

At the moment, the Lord Qingwan is followed by more than a dozen NPCs, all of whom are her loyal fans in Qingcheng.They were all wrapped in black cloaks, and they hurriedly ran in a clear direction, occasionally turning their heads to look at the situation vigilantly, but because Ji Xiaoyan and the others hid well, they didn't find anything in the end. He quickly passed through the forest and arrived at a quaint building complex full of stones.

"Where is this place?" Ji Xiaoyan asked the old man Qingmi in a low voice, and after seeing him shaking his head, he had no choice but to turn his gaze to the direction of City Lord Qingwan.

Then I saw City Lord Qingwan nodded towards the surrounding NPCs, and after letting them all let go of their vigilance, he walked to the side of a small stone house, touched the wall above, and there was a low rumble There was a sound, and a moment later, a small stone house sank into the ground
There are organs!This was the only thought that popped up in Miss Ji Xiaoyan's mind.However, before she had time to think about it, she saw City Master Qingwan nodded towards the other NPCs, and a dozen people hurriedly stepped onto the small house sunken into the ground, and then disappeared bit by bit. on the ground.

After the last NPC figure disappeared on the ground, Ji Xiaoyan and the others rushed over, but there was nothing on the ground except a piece of gray floor.

"What's going on? Didn't the Lord Qingwan and the others go down from here? Why is there no hole?" Ji Xiaoyan jumped onto the floor with some reluctance, stomped his feet vigorously, and asked the old man Qingmi and the others, Then he looked at Lin Qianye and said to him: "Master, don't you know everything? Do you know the mechanism here?"

"What's so difficult about this?" Lin Qianye raised her chin conceitedly when she heard this, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then pointed to the wall that City Lord Qingwan touched at the beginning and said, "You also Go over there and touch it, then you can find the mechanism? Why are you so stupid."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard it, he immediately glanced at Lin Qianye speechlessly and rolled his eyes.Is the mechanism so easy to be found?The NPC Lin Qianye seems unreliable
"Hey, this stone seems to be different." Just as Ji Xiaoyan was complaining to the NPC Lin Qianye in his heart, the sound of purple foam coffee suddenly sounded.Then Ji Xiaoyan saw the purple foam coffee reached out and pressed on the wall, and with the sound of the stone rubbing, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt his body lighten, and the whole person fell straight down
(End of this chapter)

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