Chapter 935 Fake news!

"Girl, are you alright?" Old man Qingmi's voice echoed above Ji Xiaoyan's head with concern, and after she landed on the ground with a "slap", Ji Xiaoyan rubbed his painful buttocks painfully, and opened his eyes , looked to the top of his head and said: "Master, I'm fine! Come down, too!"

"Bad girl!" After hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the old man Qingmi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head to look at the purple foam coffee and said, "Don't you know that you can't touch things randomly? Who told you to mess around?" Press? If you kill Xiaoyan girl and hurt me, I will see if I don’t deal with you two brothers and sisters!!” After finishing speaking, the old man Qing Mi snorted coldly, and greeted the head of Qing Miao and they went to the ground Then he said to the blue bubble coffee brothers and sisters: "I think you two are a scourge, so don't follow us! Stay here honestly. But, don't think about it." Report something or something, or I will destroy you to nothing? Do you know?"

"I know." The purple bubble coffee shrank its head in fear, and then carefully looked at the old man Qingmi and asked: "But, senior, if we don't go with you, where are we going? Here is The City Lord's Mansion is not a place we can come to, if the city guards come later, we will definitely be arrested seniors, I promise that we will never touch things indiscriminately in the future, you can take us with you."

"Aren't you the current city lord's refugee? What's the point of following us?" Qing Mi said with a reluctance on his face, looking at the purple foam coffee and waving his hands.

"We are also being forced," said the purple bubble coffee. "We don't want to, but we can't help it. Senior, it's better than this. You take us down, and we promise that we will not move after we go down and hide. Hiding there all the time, wait until the siege of Qingcheng is over, and then leave. If we stay here, we will definitely be arrested by the city guards."

Hearing this, the old man Qingmi thought for a while in his heart, but he wanted to agree.If these two adventurers were really placed in this place, they would definitely be caught by the city guards of Qingcheng.At that time, isn't that troublesome?It's a good idea to take them down and hide
Just when the old man Qing Mi was about to nod his head to agree to the request of the two brothers and sisters, the girl in the purple bubble coffee was afraid that the old man Qing Mi would really leave them here, so she hurriedly said to him: "Senior, I am a blessing teacher, very useful of."

"Master Blessing?" Old man Qing Mi was a little puzzled when he heard it, and looked at the purple foam coffee, then changed his mind, and said to her: "That's fine, you two will follow us! However, we don’t care about your safety issues, you have to solve everything by yourself. You can’t touch things, and you can’t act on your own. When we are in trouble, you have to watch and help us.”

"Okay, okay, we all agree!" Purple Foam Coffee nodded quickly, and after seeing old man Qingmi waving at them, he quickly followed the steps of old man Qingmi, stepping on the stone at the entrance of the cave that suddenly appeared Stairs, step by step into the ground below.
With a "boom", after the figures of the two blue foam coffee brothers and sisters completely fell into the ground, the hole above their heads was automatically closed, and the eyes were instantly plunged into darkness.A few seconds later, there was a gleam of fire in the passage, which slowly passed from a long distance in front.

"Is this a torch?" Blue Foam Coffee asked in surprise after receiving a torch from an NPC disciple from Qingshimen in front.For the first time, he knew that there were such props in this game.

"Without torches, how can you see the road clearly? Be careful, there are only so many torches. If it wasn't for the vice city lord, who was afraid that you would not be able to see the road behind and cause trouble, he wouldn't have given it to you! Don't waste it! !" That Qingshimen disciple had a bad attitude, and after saying something to the blue foam coffee, he turned his head and left.

"Is this given by the deputy city lord?" Blue Bubble Coffee asked in surprise. Seeing that the NPC disciple of Qingshimen ignored him, he pouted, and while pulling Purple Bubble Coffee forward, whispered excitedly. Said: "Sister, do you think the torch is still in the hands of the deputy city lord? Let's find her to buy some later. In this case, with your blessing technique, we can go outside the city to kill monsters at night." The strength of the monsters in the night skyrocketed, and ordinary players would not go out. As long as we have light, we won’t be afraid of them! At that time, we won’t be afraid of someone coming to snatch us.”

"But, brother, will the deputy city lord be willing to sell it to us? Didn't the NPC just say that there are not many torches?" Purple Foam Coffee was a little worried.
"Let's ask." Blue Foam Coffee frowned a little, and after thinking about it, he sighed and said.

"If you want to be able to see things clearly at night, we have potions here that can be sold to you." Yu Mo appeared from nowhere, floated beside the blue foam coffee, and said to them with faint eyes: " When the matter of Qingcheng is settled, you can go to the deputy city lord to buy it, or go directly to the East Continent to buy it."

"Eastern Continent" blue foam coffee clicked his tongue, swallowed the saliva overflowing from his mouth, and then said: "We don't have the strength to cross continents. I don't know, can you talk to the deputy city owner? If There really is that kind of potion that can see things clearly at night, let her sell me some."

Xuan Mo's eyeballs rolled, and he didn't agree immediately, but looked carefully at the purple foam coffee, and then said, "I heard that you are a blessing master? What do you do?"

Purple Bubble Coffee looked at Xuan Mo, and then at her brother. After seeing him nodding, he said, "It's for giving blessings. For example, if someone is injured, after I give him my blessing, his injury will be healed." If it is killing monsters, after I give blessings, after killing monsters, you can get more things, and you can also increase the dodge rate, etc. In short, it brings good luck to people.”

"Oh, it sounds really powerful!" Xuan Mo looked at the purple foam coffee up and down, nodded, then waved his hands and said to the two brothers and sisters: "Follow and help grab the town stone of Qingcheng first, Then I'll go and ask you about the potion." After finishing speaking, Xuan Mo turned around and wanted to go back to Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and report the news to her.

"Wait...wait" Seeing this, Blue Foam Coffee quickly called to Xuan Mo, and then asked with his puzzled eyes: "I just want to ask, what exactly is the town stone you are talking about? "

"This is not something you care about. You just need to remember that we have something to do. You just need to help! Of course, the premise is that you don't hold us back!" Bubble Coffee and the others flew to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and told them about the Blessing Master that they had just asked.

"So, this blessing teacher is still a hidden profession? It sounds like it is still very useful. Her skill of blessing the injured seems to be a bit like a priest skill. Could this blessing teacher be a branch of priest?" Ji Xiaoyan listened After finishing Xuan Mo's narration, he muttered a few words in his mouth, and then said with a smile: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's a hidden profession or not, as long as she can help! As for the potion, we will clear the city later. It's settled, let's talk."

"Yeah! That's what I told them too!" Xuan Mo nodded quickly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile, and then looked at the one who was walking in the front, with a torch in his mouth, leading the way with resentment on his face. Xi Ye asked Ji Xiaoyan, "Xiaoyan, we have traveled so far, why haven't we seen City Lord Qingwan and the others? Could it be that we lost track?"

"I don't know, let's talk at the end." Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, said something, and then looked at the surrounding environment.

Speaking of it, the situation under this stone building is like another building complex, except that there is only one passage here, and there is a square space closed on three sides within a few meters between the two sides of the passage. The sizes of these spaces are all different. , some are as large as dozens or even hundreds of square meters, while others can only accommodate two people standing.As for what these spaces are used for, Ji Xiaoyan and the others can't guess at all, they can only look at them while walking in a strange way. After walking underground for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally heard a faint sound.Carefully put out all the torches, Ji Xiaoyan asked Brick to distribute those night vision potions to several elder NPCs of Qingshimen, and then gave a few bottles to NPC disciples of Qingshimen, asking them to take care of other After that, he carefully tiptoed towards the source of the sound with Xuan Mo and the others.

Sure enough, where the sound came out, there were more than a dozen NPCs standing on the side of Qingwan City Lord.

Carefully hiding in a corner, Ji Xiaoyan listened with his ears open.

"My lord, is this here?" A somewhat old voice asked in a low voice, "You haven't used this place for so many years, do you remember wrongly?"

"I'm not mistaken, the mechanism is here." The tone of the Qing Wan City Lord is very sure.

"Then why haven't you found it after searching for so long?" Another voice that sounded younger said with some doubts, "Master City Lord, if we don't hurry up to find the key to the treasure house, turn around and the city guards above will tell the matter now." The city lord has reported, then we will have a lot of trouble in the future."

"What are you worried about?" The voice of the Qingwan City Lord was a little cold, and he continued after a few dry laughs: "Everyone thought that the town stone was hidden by me in the room where I kept pets, and now the mage took people to guard it. It's useless to put it on, heh, town stone, only I know where to put it."

(End of this chapter)

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