The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 936 Where did the dragon come from?

Chapter 936 Where did the dragon come from?

There are a total of 28 NPCs in Qingwan City Lord's party. Each NPC is wearing a pitch-black cloak, which makes it difficult to see the face. The age of each NPC can only be vaguely distinguished from the speech.

I thought that those who could follow Qing Wan City Lord's actions must be some old NPCs in Qing City.As a result, Ji Xiaoyan and the others hid aside and listened, but they heard several very young voices. However, those younger NPCs were obviously not as sincere as those old NPCs for Qingwan City Lord, and asked questions inside and outside the words. It's all about the treasures in Qingcheng's treasury, and never asked about how to rob Qingcheng
Ji Xiaoyan felt a little rejoiced.Fortunately, there are still not many NPCs who can help Qingwan City Lord, and she has won the help of the Juli Clan herself!However, Ji Xiaoyan is still a little worried about what the NPCs of the Juli clan are doing now.They only promised to stand by her side if they encountered a force fight. What if they didn't have a force fight, or if there was a force fight, but the NPCs of the Juli clan couldn't come over?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt that she seemed to be happy too early!The patriarch of the Juli clan is still a fine person
"Ha, I found it!" Just as Ji Xiaoyan's thoughts were still immersed in the Juli Clan, the voice of City Master Qingwan suddenly came from not far away, "Huh, I said this thing is hidden here, No one can find it except me, right? If I wasn’t smart and didn’t bring the key with me, I would have been searched.”

"Hehe, the city lord is still smart." The other NPCs didn't say much, they just said a compliment, and then heard a younger NPC say: "Then the city lord, let's go directly to the treasure house now?"

"It will be dawn soon." The voice of the Qingwan City Lord said calmly, "It's better to wait until tomorrow night. Let's wait here. When the city guards outside calm down, we can just out."

"But, my lord, there are so many long nights and dreams! We have got the key now, why don't we go to the treasury first? Otherwise, if the city lord above notices it, it will be difficult for us to go to the treasury!" The young man just now The voice of the NPC sounded eagerly.

Whatever it is, there is no sound in the entire passage space.

Ji Xiaoyan reckoned that the NPC must have been restrained by City Lord Qingwan!Otherwise, it is impossible for the scene to suddenly quiet down!

Sure enough, 1 minute later, an obviously old voice said flatteringly: "My lord, this kid is still young and not very sensible, so don't bother with him, let him go, let's all rest on the spot, hurry up I'm tired after traveling for so long. Since we are all loyal subordinates of the Lord, we must obey the arrangements of the Lord. Isn't it just to stay for a while? I have waited for so many years, and I don't care about such a day It's been two days, everyone, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! We all listen to the Lord City Master!" The voices of all the NPCs echoed instantly.

Ji Xiaoyan pursed his lips a little in his heart, then sat down carefully on the ground, pointed to the space next to him, gestured to Brick and the others, and then rested his chin with his hand, thinking about something.

It's not yet dawn, and it may take a long time to wait until it gets dark.They just stay here foolishly and can't do anything!Hey. Really boring!
Miss Ji Xiaoyan's affairs have directly entered the waiting stage, and the players outside Qingcheng are not idle!

Because the players on the northern continent pushed the maze and found a road leading directly to the foot of Qingcheng, they quickly rushed to the bottom of Qingcheng and began to attack the city.As for Ye Guang Meijiu, they discovered the giant dragon, and the giant dragon pushed them to a part of the maze wall. In the end, everyone decided to take the risk and go back directly, chasing the dragon, wanting to see if it can be like a game. The post on the forum said, fly a kite or something, let the dragon create a road to the sky for them in the maze.
However, there is always a huge difference between imagination and reality.

For example, if you want to fly a dragon's kite, it's definitely a dream.
Do you know how big the dragon is?At least 60 meters high, needless to say the length, with one turn around, a large area can be swept away; do you know how powerful the dragon is?But do you know how powerful it is?The coverage of one dragon's breath is tens of meters. In this state, can players get close?As soon as I get close, I can see the blood bar on the head is drastically reduced, not to mention the negative status
A sense of depression and helplessness is spreading in their hearts!As they are now, how can they kite the giant dragon?It's good not to be killed!How could such a giant dragon be locked up in such a broken place as the maze?

"Guangzhu, what should we do?" A player quickly stepped back, seeing the state of bleeding on his head and was unable to move, then looked at Ye Guangmeijiu and asked, and then cast his gaze into the distance There was some bitterness in the mouth of the luminous wine on the black hill-like giant dragon.How to do?He doesn't know either!It is definitely impossible to get close to the giant dragon. Maybe they were just discovered, and they were all killed immediately when the giant dragon jumped!How did you talk about the dragon slaying activities in other games?But what if the dragon is ignored?The giant dragon has now swept out the scope of their own activities, what they need is a road.
"Tell me, how did the grandson on the Northern Continent communicate with the giant dragon?" Seeing that the leader of Yeguang Fine Wine didn't speak, a player muttered to the player next to him with some doubts.

"Communicate with the dragon, you are crazy!" A player immediately looked at him with contempt and said, "Do you think this dragon is the master who can communicate now? Let me tell you, maybe the group in the Northern Continent The grandson didn't use the dragon. They pushed the maze, they must have used other methods."

"I think so too! Otherwise, tell me, how did they escape from such a powerful giant dragon?" A female player immediately interjected, "And, think about it, this giant dragon If the dragon has been in the maze all the time, why is there no movement? How long has it been since it started to torment? Let me tell you, maybe there is something hidden in it that we don't know." The female player just finished speaking , a player behind the big team immediately shouted: "Ah, there is new news on the forum!"

"What's the new news?" Ye Guangmeijiu and the others immediately dodged and hid in the city wall of the maze as soon as they heard it, and then looked at the player and asked.

"It's about our giant dragon!" Seeing so many people looking at him, the player nervously pointed to the air in front of him and said, "This post was made by a player with friends in the Northern Continent." He said that when he just went offline, he heard his friend from the Northern Continent say that a player posted a bragging post on their forum. He said he got a summoning item in the maze and sold it for [-] gold coins It is said that the summoning item is a tool for summoning very powerful monsters. The player who posted this post said, is it possible that the giant dragon on our side was summoned by that summoning item, otherwise there is no way to explain why this giant dragon has been summoned There was no movement from the dragons, but after the players from the Northern Continent left the maze, the movement became louder."

"That seems to make sense."

"MD, I knew that group of grandchildren in the Northern Continent were too insidious"

"Mom, [-] gold coins, how many federal coins is that! That player's luck is too good, he can get such heaven-defying things in the maze."

"The props are given by killing monsters?"

"If it was caused by killing monsters, what kind of monsters must be killed to drop such props?"

"It seems that this item is sold by a random NPC merchant?" Just as the players were discussing, a female player suddenly said something weakly, and then the surrounding voices disappeared instantly, and all the players turned their attention to it. to her.The female player blushed instantly, and then stammered and asked, "I didn't say anything wrong, did I?"

"How do you know it was sold by a random NPC merchant?" Falling Leaves asked the female player with a smile on his face.

"I've seen it." The female player looked at Flying Leaves shyly, then took a deep breath, and said, "I met that random NPC businessman before, and I saw that there seemed to be such a scroll, but He sold it too expensive, so I didn't buy it."

"Then what did you buy?"

"Then what does that random NPC merchant sell?"

"My God, how come I don't have this kind of luck?"

Many players howled suddenly, with distressed expressions on their faces.

The female player was relieved by the expressions of those players, and then she smiled slightly and said, "That's for luck. In fact, I didn't buy much. The NPC sells very expensive things, and the dragon summoning scroll only sells for 1." A gold coin, and the rest of the scrolls basically cost several thousand gold coins each. Many potions and props with strange medicinal effects are also very expensive. I am relatively poor. After watching it for a long time, I only bought an ornamental infinite resurrection Pet eggs, ten gold coins"

"Infinite resurrection pet egg? Can it be infinitely resurrected?" Falling Leaves Flying was a little confused.

The female player nodded, and then said: "Because it is for viewing and does not have any attack power, if this pet is usually carried and participates in battles, it must be easy to die, so it is equipped with such an infinite pet. Resurrection skills. Moreover, having this pet does not affect the pet limit for pets in the future, and the price is not too expensive, so I only bought this thing, and then I have no money to buy other things.”

 PS: Thank you "wjdxk1" for the peace symbol. If you talk too much, you will cry, please subscribe
(End of this chapter)

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