The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 937 Ornamental pets...

Chapter 937 An ornamental pet.
A random NPC merchant in the maze!This character can be said to be the biggest variable in the maze.

At the very beginning, all the players thought that such a character was at most the mastermind or the game designers arranged to sell some consumables, potions, etc. to the players in the maze. It is almost enough to sell some functional scrolls.However, what all the players did not expect was that this kind of random NPC merchant actually sells summoning scrolls, and they are still very advanced summoning scrolls
"It's unreasonable, I have also met random merchants, why is he selling all high-priced low-level potions?" A player immediately shouted after hearing the words of the female player of the Juyuan Tianxia Gang : "If you let me meet, you can use the gold coins on my body, and then find someone to borrow some, and you can get a good summoning scroll!! Why did such a good thing like Mao not let me meet?"

"That's right, that's right!" Many players nodded immediately when they heard this, and then looked at the female player and said, "Sister, you are doing this wrong! When you met that NPC businessman, you have no money, so you can It would be good to find everyone in the guild channel, or to reveal a little information, why did you let that NPC go so easily, and now it’s free for the grandchildren of the Northern Continent.”

"I, I didn't think of it at the time." The female player said in a low voice with guilt on her face, "I thought no one would buy such an expensive thing."

"It's a big loss." Many players howled.

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to talk about this NPC!" Luo Yefei also sighed with some disappointment in his heart, then opened his arms and made a quiet movement towards the players, and then continued: " Let’s discuss how to deal with this giant dragon right now, that beauty, you said that your pet can be resurrected infinitely? Can you direct it to act?”

"I can simply order it to do something!" the female player said shyly.

"What kind of pet are you?" The gentleman next to him had some thoughts, so he hurriedly asked.

"It's a little white lion that can fly." The female player said to Gentleman Qianqian, while she lowered her head to dig out on her body, and then everyone saw a white ball of hair flashing out in mid-air with white light .

"What a white lion!! Beauty, that's a griffin, how about a griffin!" Many players who know the goods immediately shouted when they saw it, "You've made money, beauty, this pet must be very good when it grows up. B ah."

"That's right, that's right! Beauty's luck is great."

"But, it's just an ornamental pet." The female player interrupted with some embarrassment, "This pet doesn't have any attack power."

"No way? This is a griffin, a very ferocious pet! How come it has no attack power?" Many players said in disbelief when they heard it, "Did you read it wrong?"

"That's right, it's an ornamental pet!" The female player looked affirmative, and then said: "It is written in its attributes that it is an ornamental pet, and it can grow, but it will still be an ornamental pet when it grows up, and it will not change. into a pet that can attack."

"Ah, that's really a pity!" After hearing this, many players felt a little regretful.

"Yeah, how good is this breed? If it becomes a pet, how awesome would it be?" Many players sighed.

"Since all the ornamental varieties have come out, there must be non-ornamental varieties. No, no, you can bring more money when you go out in the future. If you meet an NPC merchant, you might be able to buy one of these How about a high-end pet?" a player said whimsically.

Gentleman Qianqian was a little impatient. He frowned when he heard the players' comments, and then shouted loudly: "Okay, everyone be quiet." After all the players silenced, Gentleman Qianqian looked at the female player and said: "You can command your pet to do something simple, can't you? Can you make it lure that dragon and push down the walls of the maze?"

"So complicated? Maybe it won't work!" The female player said unwillingly when she heard it.

"It's not very complicated. Your pet can fly. You just need to let it attract the attention of the dragon first, and then take the dragon to fly in a straight line." Qianqian Junzi looked very serious, facing The female player arranged: "As long as the dragon chases your pet, it will definitely be able to overthrow the maze wall on its own. Therefore, your task is to directly direct your pet to fly. It can be revived infinitely. Is it? You don't have to worry about losing it!"

"But, it's so cruel." The female player was obviously not happy.

"This is for our guild and other players in this labyrinth area!" Qianqian Junzi continued to say with righteousness on his face, "Now you are the only one who can help! Look at the dragon over there, if we get the head If you go up, how many players will you have to hang? Now you alone, sacrificing your pet, can accomplish what so many players can do, how great! We Juyuantianxia is a big group, do something for the group, You should feel very honored, shouldn't you? Of course, this matter can't let you do it for nothing!"

Gentleman Qianqian paused when he said this, and saw that the players around him were all looking at the female player, and then said: "For your sacrifice and contribution, the gang must definitely compensate you, we can discuss this in detail But we can't let your deeds be known internally. When you release your pets to attract dragons, we will collectively turn on the video function. All the videos are collected, let’s ask someone to edit it for you, make a movie, and put it on the forum so that everyone will appreciate you! What do you think?”

"No, no need" the female player immediately waved her hands.

"No, I want it! You can't do things for everyone and still be anonymous!" Qianqian Junzi said with a smile, and then he talked to the female player about compensation directly regardless of how the female player refused, and then looked at the The female player reluctantly issued an order to the white griffin to seduce the dragon!

"Gentleman, you are smart enough!" After seeing the griffin out of sight, Yeguang Meijiu bumped Gentleman Qianqian's body with his hand, and said in a low voice: "When the time comes, put the film on the forum, We can both show our face and earn popularity by gathering together in the world."

"That's right! I'm the strategist of the guild. If I don't help out with ideas, can I still be qualified for this position?" Gentleman Qianqian said to Yeguang Wine very immodestly, and then looked at the players around him who had turned on the shooting function. Sighing, he said to Yeguang Fine Wine, "It's just that I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money this time."

"Fame and honor can't be bought with money! Money is a trivial matter!" Ye Guang Meijiu waved his hand at the modest gentleman with a smile on his face.

"Yeguang, don't be too happy too early." Xiejun Luohua said with a displeased face, "It's not me who hit you. Look at how big that little griffin is? It's so small, it's as small as a giant dragon. In that comparison, how big is the gap? It is estimated that the little griffin can't even keep up with the giant dragon's eyeballs, and you still expect it to attract the dragon? I think, unless the little griffin attacked the dragon, Hurt the dragon! Otherwise, the dragon wouldn't bother with it at all."

"That's not necessarily the case." Ye Guangmeijiu looked at the female player who was looking at her pet with concern when she heard Xiejun Luohua's words, and said after holding her breath for a while.

When Xiejun Luohua heard the words, he turned his back on the night light and fine wine and stopped talking, but focused all his attention on the little griffin.To be honest, that ornamental pet is really good looking. If it is a combat pet, I don’t know how many players will be sought after.
Many players who had the same idea as Xie Jun Luohua were sighing in their hearts at this moment, and then they heard a roar from the direction of the giant dragon, and then a player present suddenly shouted: "Ahhh Ahhh, I got it, I got it"

"What did you capture?" Xie Jun Luohua asked loudly.

"That ornamental pet has skills! I caught it!" The player shouted in surprise, and then continued to pay attention to the direction of the dragon, focusing on photographing the little griffin.The other players turned their gazes to the voice of the female player, and then said to her with regret: "Beauty, you are wrong! Everyone belongs to the same gang, you How can you deceive us innocent boys and girls?"

"I, I. I didn't lie." The female player's face turned red, and she looked at Yeguang Fine Wine and the others with a look of panic, and said, "Boss, I didn't lie. It has been explained, it is an ornamental pet and will not attack."

"But I really saw a ball of white light thrown from it to the dragon, and then... all of you see for yourself, if that little pet didn't attack the dragon, how could that dragon be so angry?" Just now The male player who claimed to have captured something immediately retorted, and then greeted the players and looked in the direction of the giant dragon, and said excitedly: "Look, look. That one The little griffin flies quite fast. Wow, it escaped."

"Beauty, beauty, is your little griffin for sale? Even if it is an ornamental pet, I will buy it."

"I pay a high price! Beauty"

"Beauty, I will make a cute pet for you later. Can you transfer this little griffin to me? I will also pay a high price for it."

When the players present saw the performance of the little griffin, their eyes lit up in an instant, and they kept chattering around the female player.

 PS: It's the last day of the month again, thank you for your support!Thanks for the two pink tickets to "Fall Into the Monkeys"!Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!Thank you everyone for giving tickets to Qianqian at the end of the month, Qianqian is ashamed!

(End of this chapter)

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