The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 938 The Man of the Black Arrow

Chapter 938 The Man of the Black Arrow
The so-called ornamental pets probably have the same idea in the hearts of all players: that is, they can only be kept as small pets, and they can be teased occasionally to make themselves feel better; Add a little bit of attention, and enjoy the envious eyes of other players, that's all!

Juyuan Tianxia, ​​the female player who got the small ornamental pet griffin, also thinks so.So a cheap pet that can fight?Now the combat pets in the game are not too cheap, not to mention, the species of griffin is still very rare, so no one takes it seriously!
However, when watching the little white griffin lead the black dragon to run furiously in the maze, pushing it to the maze walls one after another, when the little griffin was still unharmed, the little griffin Master, the female player with an unknown name also became a little shocked: "How is it possible?"

"Beauty, you must sell me the little griffin!" Many players screamed wildly, surrounding that female player without leaving!Just kidding, then a pet of Niu B, even if it is for ornamental purposes, is worth it.
"Don't sell, don't sell, don't do this!" The female player seemed to have finally regained her senses, and immediately said to the surrounding players. Seeing that everyone's enthusiasm remained undiminished, she had no choice but to cast her rescue eyes on Yeguang Fine Wine and the others, and then Shouted: "Master. Master, help me. I'm a little out of breath."

Hearing the cry for help, Ye Guang Meijiu straightened his body and gestured to the modest gentleman next to him, and then heard the sound of separating the crowd from around, several players struggled to push through the crowd, successfully brought the female player out, and pulled Arrived around Yeguang Fine Wine and the others.Then Ye Guang Meijiu said: "Everyone, don't embarrass her. As long as there are random NPCs in the maze, we will definitely meet them. At that time, won't everyone be able to buy good things if we communicate with each other?"

"Hey, I don't know when we will have that luck!" A player said with emotion.

"Yes, yes, I think the NPCs in this labyrinth are different, right? I also met an NPC merchant once, but what she sold were ordinary low-level potions, so what kind of scrolls are there?" A male player sighed loudly.

Yeguang Meijiu opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when he heard Xiejun Luohua yelled, "Look, the little griffin over there seems to be dead!"

"Killed by the giant dragon?" Many players' attention was immediately attracted, and they raised their eyes to look in the direction Xie Jun Luohua was pointing at, and then collectively became angry.

I saw the little griffin flying unsteadily in the air, with a black feather arrow stuck in his body!

"Damn, who did it? I don't know if it's the pet of our Juyuantianxia guild?" A player immediately yelled, and then sent a message to the guild channel, asking if anyone saw the murder players.In the end, the reply I got was that no one saw it, and everyone went to listen to the movement of the dragon, avoiding it for fear of being affected!
"Damn, it's another arrow!" At this moment, Xie Jun Luohua yelled and said, "Go, go, go, let's follow up secretly, I want to see who is so shameless and shot Still shooting after one arrow! Don’t know if this is a pet? Didn’t you hear the system prompt?”

Speaking of this, many players immediately looked at the female player and asked: "Beauty, have you received the system notification sound? Who attacked your pet?"

"I don't know." The female player's face showed a trace of panic, and then said: "My pet can be resurrected infinitely, no matter how it hangs up, it can be resurrected immediately, so there will be no system prompts. "

"Is there no limit to infinite resurrection?" Luo Yefenfei asked immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, it will consume my mana! Resurrection costs [-] points of mana!" The female player explained to Flying Leaves, then looked at her personal panel, and said with some concern: "It seems to have been revived six times. gone."

"Let's go, let's go, let's catch that archery guy first, otherwise, the little griffin won't come back to life, what about the dragon?" Xie Jun Luohua heard the female player's words, and immediately Said loudly, "Brothers, it's time for us to show our faces! Who wants to catch people with me."

The scene was silent for two seconds, and no one gave Xie Jun any shame.

"Forget it, look at you, I'll go with you!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing couldn't stand it anymore, glanced at Xie Jun Luo Hua, who was obviously blushing, sighed and said: "At my speed And sneak attack ability to see it. As for you, you just follow me!" After finishing speaking, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing immediately became invisible and flew in the direction of the dragon at a very fast speed In the past, only Xie Jun Luohua was left with his hands stretched out in mid-air, not knowing what to say.

"Are there any thieves here? If there are, everyone go and have a look!" Seeing this, Ye Guang Meijiu immediately said something to the players in the guild, and after seeing several players nodding and leaving, this Then he patted Xie Jun Luo Hua on the shoulder and said, "Luo Hua, you just wait here for the news." Otherwise, as soon as Xie Jun Luo Hua's eye-catching big sword with fire appeared, he might just kill the dragon attracted
Show bag is sometimes very troublesome!
"No, Piao Miao is willing to risk herself for me. How can I, Luohua, be a coward!" Xie Jun Luohua seemed to come back to his senses immediately, turned his face and resolutely said to Ye Guangmeijiu: "I, Luohua, am upright A big man who is greedy for life and afraid of death! I will follow."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Yeguang Fine Wine's obstruction, Xie Jun Luohua directly rushed towards the dragon.

Fortunately, the giant dragon was interested in the man who shot the little griffin with an arrow at this moment, so he didn't turn his head to pay attention to the movement behind him. They all have to hang up.

Because of the destruction of the giant dragon, most of the city walls in the maze have collapsed and become a flat land.Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing's actions went very smoothly. After crossing the bricks and stones that collapsed on the ground, he successfully passed the giant dragon, glanced at the direction where the feathered arrow came out, and rushed into the maze. Run up.After wandering around for a while, he finally saw a little hope.

The feather arrow just now was shot from near the wall next to him.

Thinking that the archer was probably by his side, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing suddenly became more motivated.Speeding up and running around a few maze walls, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing saw the archery player.
"Fan Ka, why is it you!" Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing looked at the male player, immediately appeared and yelled, then stopped him and said: "Don't cum, don't cum, that's a pet of an acquaintance"

Fanka, the hunter player who got the inheritance of Uncle El's obstacle-breaking technique from the NPC of Rhodes Town, had been with Ji Xiaoyan and Piao Miao Zui Tianxing for a while, but now he is alone holding the feather that seems to shoot endlessly. The arrow kept shooting towards the dragon in the air.

"Piao Miao." Hearing Piao Miao's drunken voice, upon hearing the movement in Fanka's hand, he immediately smiled at him in surprise, and then said anxiously: "Piao Miao, come and help me, the other side The dragon is coming this way, if I don't shoot it, it will die in a while. I finally got here!"

"Don't shoot that little griffin!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing condensed for a moment, reached out and pressed down the bow and arrow in Fan Ka's hand, and then said: "Go, I'll take it away and leave here!"

"No, Piao Miao, I want to destroy that giant dragon!! You see, it has been chasing and killing that white monster in front, how pitiful that little monster is." Piao Miao's drunken hand said.

"Poor? It's really pitiful." Piao Miao Zui Tianxing frowned immediately after hearing Fanka's words, and then said: "But isn't this pitiful caused by you? See where you are shooting the dragon? You Isn't every arrow shot at that little griffin?"

"No!" Upon hearing this, Fanka immediately argued: "I shot at the dragon! I bought this pack of arrows from an NPC merchant in the maze. What! It is specially used to kill dragons, and it can only kill dragons. How can I use such a good thing to shoot a little monster! Piao Miao, there is a problem with that little monster, you see, I only need to shoot with an arrow When you go out, it will automatically move up and block it.”

While talking, Fanka shot another black feather arrow, and then Piao Miao Zui Tianxing saw the little griffin that was still flying in one direction just now flying towards the feather arrow at a very fast speed, using his body Block the feather arrow, and then the white light becomes weaker and stronger, and it seems to be resurrected again.

"What's going on here?" Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing was also a little puzzled!

"I don't know either!" Fanka shook his head, and then said, "I've discovered this problem since I shot the first feather arrow. But I can't waste this bag of Dragon Slayer Arrows! I finally got the chance to slay a dragon, I have to learn to cherish it no matter what! Although the arrow can automatically return to use after being shot, there is a limit on the number of times. Piao Miao, I don’t want to waste such an opportunity! If this giant arrow After the dragon is killed, many things will explode. At that time, maybe a lot of good things will be revealed, and I can give them to Xiaoyan. Since I entered the game, Xiaoyan has been taking care of me and giving me equipment. My things, even my current NPC master, were found by Xiaoyan for me. I just want to kill this giant dragon, and then give Xiaoyan all the things that exploded."

 PS: Thanks to "House Cat" for the pink ticket! .
(End of this chapter)

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