The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 939 Merchants Actually Have Places of Residence

Chapter 939 Merchants Actually Have Places of Residence
Facing the simple meal card, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing felt depressed when he wanted to speak but couldn't.

"You'd better go with me first!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing sighed helplessly, and then quietly said to the meal card: "I understand your intentions, but now is not the time for you to slay dragons. You I don't even think about it, if you can kill the dragon with just a few feathered arrows, is the dragon still so scary? Why don't players go to NPCs and buy a few of these arrows directly? Can you just slay dragons everywhere and explode things?"

"Then Piao Miao, do you mean that my arrow is fake?" Fanka heard that, the bow and arrow he was holding just now dropped down a little weakly, and then looked helplessly at Piao Miao Zui Tianxing and asked: " You mean, I was tricked by an NPC? In fact, these arrows can't kill the dragon at all?"

"I can't guarantee this!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing shook his head, glanced at the little griffin and the giant dragon behind it who stumbled towards them, and finally said to Fanka lazily What, just grab his arm, and then drag him and walk in the same direction, "Now is not the time to talk about this, it's better for us to avoid the attack of the dragon first! You follow me and go first."

"Where are you going?" Fanka looked confused, and finally followed Piao Miao drunkenly and started running wildly in the maze.

Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing didn't say a word, but ran away with a serious face while pulling the meal card.There are many city walls going around in the maze. If you are not careful, you will get lost and go straight to a dead end.And now if they go the wrong way, they may be crushed by the giant dragon lifting its feet and stepping down!Therefore, Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing was actually very nervous.He is not alone now, and he still has a meal card with a simple mind. Moreover, the Xiejun Luohua who will definitely follow him may not be far away in this maze. If he does not meet Xiejun Luohua as soon as possible If the boy got lost in the maze, what was waiting for him would just hang up.
However, luckily, the thieves who came to help from the Juyuan Tianxia Gang had a strong sense of direction. Even though they didn't see Piao Miao Zui Tianxing clearly along the way, they finally found him. There is also a meal card !As for the Xiejun Luohua, after the next 1 minutes, they successfully reunited.

"Hey, isn't this a little meal card? Why did you come to the maze?" Xie Jun Luohua immediately gasped and asked in surprise after seeing the meal card for the first time: "What are you doing?" When did you sign up for the siege battle? At the beginning, Piao Miao and I asked you to come with us, but we waited in the town for a long time and didn’t see you online.”

"Something happened in reality, so I didn't go online for a few days, and then I saw the carrier pigeon you gave me when I went online, so I came!" Fanka immediately explained after hearing Xiejun Luohua's words.

"I'm not talking about these things now, let's go quickly! The dragon is coming! If you walk slowly for a while, you will definitely be hurt by the fish in the pond." Piao Miao Zui Tianxing called immediately before he finished talking about the meal card. Duan said: "Let's talk about it later, let's leave quickly"

"But, Piao Miao, have you found the guy who shot the little griffin?" Xie Jun Luohua looked at Piao Miao Zui Tianxing with some confusion and asked. Piao Miao Zui Tianxing said to him impatiently: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Are you going?"

"I..." Xie Jun Luo Hua gave a wide-eyed look, and then saw Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing nodded towards the other thieves in Ju Yuan Tian Xia, and the group of people went straight in the direction they came.It wasn't until Fanka's guilty eyes and his pitch-black bow and arrow met Xiejun Luohua's eyes that Xiejun Luohua finally came back to his senses!Could it be that Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing just wanted to tell him that the one who shot the black arrow was actually Fan Ka?

Shit, when did Fanka get so courageous?Do the monsters in front of the dragon dare to move?that's unbelievable?Or is the small universe about to explode?
Xie Jun Luo Hua shook his head, glanced at the giant dragon that was getting closer, and finally quickly followed Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing's pace, ready to return to Ye Guang Mei Jiu's large army.

However, what is unexpected is that the speed of the giant dragon is still very fast.

Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing they ran for a while, turned a few corners, and when they were about to rush across a certain distance, a huge force pushed directly to the maze wall in front of them, making them collectively come to an embarrassing stop.
"I'll wipe!" Xie Jun Luohua stopped at a very fast speed, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said directly to Piao Miao Zui Tianxing and the others: "Go! Go back to the corner over there and squat! We If you go out from here, you will be discovered by the giant dragon." After finishing speaking, Xie Jun Luohua turned around and ran back.

Just kidding, everyone at the scene has higher agility than him!If he is not faster, he will be thrown behind again in a while and be the first to be killed
"Wrong, wrong, wrong way." Because Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing was the fastest, he ran to the most leading position again after running, and then after a corner, he heard the fan card behind him rushing towards Looking at him, he said: "Piao Miao, don't go over there. I walked over there. It's a dead end. There's only one NPC merchant over there, so I can't get out."

"What? An NPC merchant? Is it a random NPC merchant in the maze?" A thief who gathered together asked in surprise when he heard the meal card, and then he didn't care whether they were running for their lives or not. Xiang Fanka asked: "What you said is true? Isn't that kind of random NPC businessman going to wander around? Can he still stay in one place?"

"Well, I got lost a few times around here, so I remember it very clearly." Fanka nodded simply, and then said while running: "There is a blind corner of the maze in the past, and the NPC merchant built a maze there." The small house, where you usually rest, and occasionally walk in the maze."

"Then what are you waiting for? Brothers, hurry up! There is a random NPC merchant in front of you!" The player didn't care whether the meal card had finished speaking, and he shouted at the other players excitedly, and then shouted : "Everyone, check the coordinates quickly, and tell the leader and other brothers in the guild channel. After a while, everyone's gold coins will definitely not be enough, so don't hide them."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" The other players nodded quickly, and immediately reported the coordinates in the guild channel, and then released the news about the random NPC merchant.

After a while, the players on Yeguang Meijiu's side became jealous.

"Guild Master. Guild Master, let's enter the maze too!" The players who saw the news asked expectantly towards Yeguang Fine Wine immediately.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Guangmeijiu pondered for a while, and then said in the guild channel: "Everyone, calm down. Some of you in the maze, after you see the NPC merchant and the things he sells, tell us again. Otherwise, when we venture into the maze and finally find only an ordinary NPC merchant, it won’t be worth it.”

"It seems to be the same reason!" Many players nodded, and then began to frantically communicate with those thieves players in the gang channel.

Because of the news of the meal card, except for Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing and Xie Jun Luo Hua, the other players who ventured into the maze instantly regained their spirits, regardless of whether they would be affected by the attack of the dragon , directly ran in the direction that the meal card said without hesitation.That vigor was even stronger than when he was running for his life!
"Piao Miao, shall we go in? Or go to the other side?" Xie Jun Luo Hua was a little confused, stopped, looked at Piao Miao Zui Tianxing who was standing in the maze at the moment, and asked, then looked at Fan Ka and asked : "Meal card, what did the NPC merchant over there sell?"

"A lot of things!" Fanka looked thoughtful, and then said: "There are summoning scrolls, purple weapons, potions with strange effects, and some weapons with special functions or consumables. It's just that those things are too It's expensive! Most people probably can't afford it!" At this point, Fanka looked at Piao Miao Zui Tianxing worriedly and asked: "Piao Miao, do you want to tell them and call them all back?"

"No need!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing shook his head, then turned his gaze to Xie Jun Luo Hua and asked, "Are you interested in the NPC inside?"

"Normal! If you want to go in and have a look, I'll go! Anyway, I have some gold coins, but not many! I'm afraid that after I go in and look at things, I won't be able to afford them and I will be disappointed! That feels a little bad!" Xie Jun Luo Hua didn't even think about it, and directly spoke to Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing frankly.

"Well! If that's the case, we won't go in and participate in the cooperation!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing nodded, looking at Xie Jun Luo Hua with a face of you who knows the current affairs, and said: "Anyway, I can't afford it, so I don't need to go in and waste time It's gone. Let's go straight away!"

"Ah! You really don't want to go in and have a look?" Xie Jun Luo Hua immediately looked at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing in surprise when she heard this.

"I won't go. If you have this time, why don't you go out early!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing didn't even look at the direction of the NPC businessman, just pulled the meal card and asked: "Are you familiar with this area? Do you know how to go further away from the dragon?"

Fanka heard the words, looked around, and after thinking for a while, asked: "Is it okay to have a place with monsters?"

"Yes!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing nodded, and then said: "As long as you can stay away from the dragon and not be affected by the attack! It doesn't matter if there are monsters, just to get some experience!"

 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!Thanks to "Phantom Sky Wing" for the evaluation votes!

(End of this chapter)

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