Chapter 940

Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing, Fan Card and Xie Jun Luo Hua did not go to the random NPC merchant in the maze in the end, but directly ran to a place very far away from the direction of the dragon under the guidance of Fan Card. The far region has passed.As for whether those Juyuantianxia players finally found him at the place where the random NPC merchant lived and bought something, Piao Miao Zuitianxing didn't know.

"Damn it. There are quite a few monsters here!" After Xie Jun Luohua slaughtered the last monster with a knife, he sat down on the ground, raised his head, and looked at the smiling man not far away. Fanka put away his bow and arrow and asked: "Xiao Fanka, tell me, is that you who shot the black arrow just now? Why did you come into the maze alone? What's wrong with being hung up? No player is looking for with you?"

Fanka shook his head, and began to clear the corpse to check if there was anything that exploded, and said to Xiejun Luohua: "I saw your news as soon as I went online, so I sent it over quickly. Originally, there was a player I walked with me, but they all died in the end. My long-range attack speed is fast, so I escaped for a while, and then I met the NPC businessman and bought some things from him. Wandering out of the maze, who knows, has been wandering around here all the time." Speaking of this, Fan Ka stuck out his tongue a little embarrassedly, then looked at Piao Miao Zui Tianxing and the others and said, "It's really embarrassing to say, As a hunter, I am still lost in the maze"

"This is normal!" Xiejun Luohua waved his hand, "You don't even look at how big this maze is! MD, if it wasn't for Piao Miao, I would get lost too! It feels like every road in this place has been passed through. But speaking of it, Piao Miao, why don’t you get lost? Do you have any tricks? Let’s hear it?”

Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing glanced at the expectant Xie Jun Luo Hua, hooked his lips, and said with a treacherous smile: "Want to know?"

"Yeah!" Xie Jun Luo Hua nodded cooperatively, looking at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing eagerly like a docile puppy.

"It's just professional skills." Piao Miao had a moment of intoxicated enjoyment, and then said lightly.It was only natural to see the sudden change in Xie Jun Luohua's face.

"Dead Piaomiao!" The evil king Luohua snorted in great displeasure, then looked up at the sky again, listened carefully to the movement, looked at Fanka and said: "Little Fanka, turn around and follow me and Piaomiao Go and join Luo Ye and the others, but don’t say that you were the one who shot the little griffin! The little griffin is the pet of a female player in Luo Ye’s gang. If people find out that you did it later, they will hate it Fuck you! You don’t know that the current female gamers can attract a group of men to protect the flowers as soon as they open their mouths. At that time, brother, I can’t help you!! Do you know?”

Fanka nodded honestly.

"Luohua, you have a bad character and you want to tease others, that's why you got beaten up! Don't scare Fanka here!" Piao Miao Zuitianxing revealed unceremoniously, "However, Fanka, Don’t talk about archery anymore, and make things difficult for Fallen Leaves later on. Just say that you met me when you were running for your life in the maze, and as for those who shoot arrows, it’s fine if you haven’t seen them before!”

"Okay!" Fanka nodded quickly, and then heard a loud voice coming from the maze.

"What's the matter? The players from Luoye's gang have been wiped out?" The evil lord, Luohua, regained his energy in an instant, stood up from the ground in a flash, and then looked into the distance.

And at this moment, there was a "roar", and the dragon's voice sounded angrily, and then Xiejun Luohua and the others faintly heard someone shouting: "Run! The dragon is coming!"

"What's going on? I'm really curious." Xie Jun Luohua looked at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing with gloating face and said, "Piao Miao, should we go out and have a look?"

"Are you full and full?" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing glanced at Xie Jun Luo Hua lightly, and then said: "Stay here honestly! I finally found a safe place. I am not a hero. When I see others in trouble, I go to rescue them! I am not familiar with them, and I don’t have that kind of heroism. Don’t you think about it, if we go out, will we be able to drive away the dragon or directly slay the dragon? How powerful do you think you are now if you go out? Maybe you can’t even match the bow and arrow in Fanka’s hand.” Anyway, the Feather Arrow in Fanka’s hand is also said by the NPC, who claims to have the power to slay dragons Arrow isn't it?This is much more powerful than Xiejun Luohua's two big knives, right?
"Poisonous tongue, cold-blooded!" Xie Jun Luohua commented with a pertinent yet angry expression.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing said without changing his face after hearing the words, "I just need to take care of the meal card, and the rest is none of my business! By the way, meal card, what level are you now? gone?"

"Level 45!" Fanka replied proudly towards Piao Miao Zui Tianxing.

"It's still a bit low!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing frowned, and then said: "You usually level up very slowly?"

Fanka said with some embarrassment: "I've been working with my master in Rhodes Town. So the upgrade is very slow!"

"That NPC named Al already accepted you as an apprentice?" Xie Jun Luohua looked at the meal card in surprise and asked, "You are so lucky? What have you learned?"

"Well, I have been following the master around. Later, the master said that I was well-behaved, so he went to the mayor to go through the formalities and recognized me as an official apprentice. This time the siege, the master also told me to watch it. See if I can help Xiaoyan, so I let me out." Fanka scratched his head shyly, and then said: "As for what I have learned. The master taught me a lot of skills. I think killing monsters The most useful thing at this time is a group attack archery technique."

"Well, it's fine if you can learn more skills!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing glared at Xie Jun Luo Hua who wanted to continue asking, nodded and said to Fan Ka: "Since you have the group attack skills, you still need to use them in the future." Go kill monsters more, if you don't upgrade your attribute points, you won't be able to get up, so in the future, it will be very disadvantageous to you in the battle."

"Yeah, I know!" Fanka nodded with a teachable expression.

Then Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing and the others heard a louder dragon roar, the three of them looked at me and I looked at you, and finally looked up to the sky.Then it was discovered that the black giant dragon that had been moving on land just now had spread its wings and soared in the air.

"What's going on? The dragon is angry?" Xie Jun Luohua's eyes widened in surprise, then he looked at Fanka and asked, "Fanka, show me quickly, is that little griffin still flying just now? "

"It's gone!" Fanka shook his head, and then said, "It seems that the dragon is angry!"

"Fuck, everyone knows that the dragon is angry! The question is, how did it get angry?" Xiejun Luohua spat, and said with some depression: "You said, the dragon flew into the air, will you see it?" When it comes to us, spray a ball of fire directly at us in a while and kill us?"

"You can rest assured that the dragon is not of the fire element!" Piaomiao Zuitianxing said with a glance at Xiejun Luohua, then frowned, looked in the direction of the dragon's gaze and said: "What the dragon is looking at now is Didn’t those players go to the direction of the NPC just now? It seems that something must have happened over there.”

"Oh, Piao Miao, it's useless for us to guess here, why don't we just go over and have a look?" Xie Jun Luohua looked at Piao Miao Zui Tianxing with a provocative face and said something, then turned his face to Fanka: "How is it?" ? Fanka, are you curious? Let's go and have a look?"

"I'm not curious!" Fanka shook his head, and then said calmly: "Anyway, I know the cause and process of the incident after a while, and I can find out from the forum. Now that it's over, maybe I can't escape."

"How can you two have no sense of adventure at all?" Xie Jun Luo Hua was a little impatient, but also glared at Fan Ka and Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing. Before he could say anything, he saw the The giant dragon roared, and a black, flame-like thing shot out from its mouth, directly smashing towards one direction of the maze.
"Damn it, is this the dragon's breath?" Xie Jun Luohua smacked his mouth, said something very surprised, and then jumped up in the maze curiously: "Quick, look, those things over there What happened to the maze? It won't just be sprayed out, right?"

"Okay, Luo Hua, no matter how much you dance, you won't be able to see it, don't waste that effort!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing said calmly to Xie Jun Luo Hua, then aimed at Fan Ka and asked: "Now the giant The dragon's attention has already been attracted to that side, are you familiar with this area? Let's go out and join Luo Ye and the others first."

Fanka nodded in agreement, and then led the way directly, leading Piao Miao Zui Tianxing to the direction he pointed and began to wander around.As a result, when they hadn't gone far, they saw the giant dragon in the sky moving its head in their direction, as if it was about to attack.
"Damn it, isn't this dragon so cynical?" Xie Jun Luohua yelled, "There are only three of us, and it looks up to all of this, and wants to destroy us all?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Run away!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing slapped Xie Jun Luo Hua, and then greeted the meal card, and the two immediately carried Xie Jun Luo Hua and ran wildly in the maze.There's no way, who made the man Xie Jun Luohua have low agility and can't run fast?
And just behind Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing and the others, a large group of players including Ye Guang Mei Jiu and the others were following closely. While running, there were still a few players emitting huge golden light.
 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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