The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 941 Slaying the Dragon?

Chapter 941 Slaying the Dragon?

"My god, I can't bear it!" In the maze, a player with a golden light on his body yelled in pain, and then shouted at the players running in front of him: "Brothers, can you Can't we hurry up? We can't hold it in the back! This scroll has a time limit, and if we resist like this, we will definitely die."

"Front, speed, speed" Many players immediately shouted towards the players running in front of them as if they were passing on the news.

At the front of the entire escaping team were Ye Guang Meijiu and the others, just because Flying Leaves was a priest, and the golden players following behind were likely to lose blood when attacked by the dragon's breath, so Flying Leaves He consciously fell to the end of the team, and healed those players while running.As for Yeguang Fine Wine, after hearing the message from the players behind, they discussed it at a very fast speed, and then shouted directly at the players behind: "Everyone pay attention. Everyone run separately, the next few A person with a shield, after a while, look, if the dragon just runs after you, you run towards the side with fewer people, if the dragon runs with other people, you also follow to protect it. "

Otherwise, these hundreds of players will be directly killed by the giant dragon!Thinking of this, Ye Guang Meijiu suddenly regretted it.Originally, when he heard that a player found a random NPC merchant in the maze, and successfully saw the high-end items for sale at that NPC merchant, he was excited and excited!But, thinking about it now, his biggest mistake was that after knowing this situation, he ran towards the NPC merchant with other players in the guild and entered the maze.

Hey, Ye Guang Meijiu thinks that the biggest mistake he made was that after they finally entered the maze, they also managed to reach the NPC merchant under the guidance of those thieves players, and saw a set of items displayed by the NPC merchant. They couldn't resist the temptation to pile up high-priced high-end items.

Hundreds of thousands, or even tens of thousands of gold coins a piece, they can afford to buy together!However, the biggest problem is here!The money they brought was quite enough, and the NPC merchant sold a shield scroll specially used to resist the magic attack of the dragon, and that thing was not too expensive, only [-] gold coins a piece!So, considering that they have encountered a giant dragon now, Ye Guangmeijiu waved his hand, and immediately asked the players in the guild to buy all the ten shield scrolls
After that, before all of them had time to be happy and excited, before they had time to buy more good things, all of them heard the roar of the giant dragon that was still running on the ground just now, and went straight Slapped the little griffin that was resurrected by the player's magic power to death, and then stared at them like a roar.
What did the random NPC merchant who was so annoying at the time say?It seemed to say: "You really know how to buy things. This scroll is very real. Look, you can use it immediately." Afterwards, Yeguang Fine Wine and the others saw that random NPC merchant smiling wickedly at them Laughing, bursts of white light glowed directly on his body, and after leaving a sentence: "You wish you luck", he teleported away.

Then?Then, the soldiers who got the scroll yelled: "Damn, I was cheated!"

Afterwards, Ye Guang Meijiu and the others knew why the giant dragon erupted suddenly!To put it bluntly, it's all because of those shield scrolls!Before they bought the scrolls, there was nothing on those shield scrolls other than displaying the properties of the scrolls.However, after the scroll was actually in their hands, a row of small characters appeared on it—reminder: If there are dragons near this scroll, they will be noticed.In the lightest case, they were chased and guarded, and in severe cases, they were chased and killed by the hatred of the giant dragon.
Thus, this was the scene where Ye Guang Meijiu and the others escaped collectively.

It's just that, in the maze, it seems that they have been running for a long time, but in fact, the straight-line distance still hasn't moved much, so when the warrior players who used the shield scroll at the end of the team shouted that they couldn't hold it, Luminous Wine There is no way.As the leader of the gang, all he can do is try to keep the large army and sacrifice a small number of players.
After the order of Yeguang Fine Wine was issued, all the players in the guild didn't speak, just looked at each other silently, and then when they were about to start to act, they collectively moved towards the last few warrior players who were protecting them with their shields The pastor shouted, "Brothers, take care!"

Several players with shields on nodded heavily, watching with teary eyes that the players in front of them quickly separated, and after sprinting away in different directions, they immediately looked at Fallen Leaves and said, "Deputy Leader, you should go too! Our shield won't last long, and it will definitely die. Fortunately, it won't lose experience if it dies here, so you should go first and leave us alone."

"You have all said that you won't lose experience if you die, so what is there to be afraid of? Let's go, I will add some status and blood to you at any time, and at least it will make you last a little longer. If we are lucky, we will bring If the giant dragon pushes away the maze, it will be a success!" With a smile on the corner of Ye Fenfei's mouth, he said something to the warrior players, then added an accelerated state to himself, and looked at the top of his head. The shadow of the dragon on the ground, and then said: "Come with me, it seems that the dragon is just eyeing us"

"Okay!" A few warrior players looked moved, and followed the falling leaves, and ran towards a direction where almost no players were going.

In the end, I don't know if Falling Leaves Flying and the others were too lucky, or Piao Miao and Zui Tian Xing were too unlucky.The two teams actually met face to face.

"Fuck!" Xie Jun Luohua saw the fallen leaves flying around them, and immediately felt bad.

"Where are you coming from?" Luo Yefenfei asked extremely quickly, and without waiting for Piao Miao and Zui Tianxing to answer, he said directly to the players behind him: "Then let's change the direction. Piao Miao, you guys Stay away from us, the dragon has been following us."

The voice of Falling Leaves Flying hadn't finished completely, and several people present heard the dragon suddenly let out a painful howl.Looking up, I saw the giant dragon writhing in the air unsteadily.

"Wow, Xiao Fanka, is that really the arrow that kills the dragon? So awesome?" Just when everyone was lost in doubt, the voice of Xiejun Luohua suddenly rang out in surprise.

"Meal card?!" Luoye Fenfei then turned to look at the player who was carrying Xiejun Luohua, and shouted instantly.He has an impression of the little hunter Fanka. He still remembers that he used to kill monsters and do missions with Miss Ji Xiaoyan. Why did he also appear in the maze now?Is this also coming to participate in the city battle?But, what does Xie Junluohua mean?
"Falling leaves!" Fanka smiled at Falling Leaves Flying Flying, then turned his face directly, raised his bow and arrow with a serious face, hitched a black feather arrow, and shot towards the dragon again.

"Mommy!" Xiejun Luohua saw a blood loss value of tens of thousands flashing directly above the dragon's head, turned around, grabbed the meal card and yelled, "Meal card, meal card, tell brother, tell me!" Brother, which NPC merchant did you buy this awesome stuff from? Brother, I’m going to buy a stack too! MD Taiyang’s, one arrow is worth tens of thousands of blood, it’s so awesome!!”

"This is." Luo Yefenfei looked at the meal card curiously, and then looked at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing.

"The Arrow of Dragon Slayer!" Piao Miao Zui Tianxing explained calmly, "I bought the meal card from an NPC merchant!"

"The gang leader, can we slay the dragon?" A warrior player with a golden light on his body asked excitedly, "Now that we are the shield, this little brother has the arrow to slay the dragon, so can we Can you destroy this giant dragon and be the first dragon slayer in the game?"

"That's right, deputy gang leader, by the way, ask the gang leader to call back all the archers and mages of our guild, let's destroy this dragon!"

"You can have this, you can have this!"

"I'm going to the gang channel to send a message"

The players with shields on their bodies became excited while talking, and directly sent a message to the Juyuan Tianxia Gang.A few seconds later, they saw that the giant dragon that was still roaring in the sky just now fell to the ground, splashing a huge dust storm, and knocking down all the walls of the nearby labyrinth by the way.
Then there were many complaints on the regional channel that many players were harmed innocently and killed by the maze's walls and air currents!

"We can't let go of this place now! Let's go, let's go a little further to the outside, and then talk about it!" Fallen Leaves didn't mean to kill the dragon immediately, but after thinking about it, he directly greeted everyone and said, "Now the dragon may not be able to fly for a while. We just take advantage of this time to go outside a little. We will talk about other things when there are more people."

"But, deputy leader, now that the giant dragon is injured, we just take advantage of the victory and pursue it!" A warrior player immediately said unwillingly.

"The dragon can cross the limit of the maze wall, can we?" Flying Leaves frowned, said something to the player, then shook his head, and said to Fanka: "Fanka, you should save the arrow. Use it a little bit. When there are more people in a while, I will rely on you when the official killing begins.”

"Well, okay!" Fanka didn't say much, and nodded to Flying Leaves directly, and then the few of them continued to run in the maze.

But at the moment the game forum is boiling.

I don't know which player got the news, but posted a post on the forum - [Juyuan Tianxia Gang's dragon slaying is in progress]

(End of this chapter)

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