Chapter 942 Lose!
Slaying a dragon is a rare event, but it is also a major event.

When all players heard the news, their first reaction was shock, and then suspicion.

Dragon, what level of monster is that?Not to mention how awesome the dragon's skills are.In the current state where the average player is only in the 1000s, if a guild sends 40 people there, it will be at most a thousand players with more than [-] levels of attack power. Is it extinguished?I don't know how many players will die with one breath of the giant dragon. Such news is unbelievable.

Maybe it's just Juyuan Tianxia's gang building momentum to raise public attention.

After reading the post, almost all the players had the same idea.

However, two hours after the post was published, when all the players in the game heard the system announcement, they were really shocked.

Dragon slaying, it's really a dragon slaying! !
[System Announcement]: Adventurers XX (anonymous), XXX (anonymous), etc., together with adventurers from the [Juyuantianxia] gang and [Diehualou] gang, successfully killed the evil giants summoned from the Qingcheng maze. Dragon, get the titles of [Dragon Slayer] and [Dragon Slayer Group], and get the corresponding permanent status and various rewards.I hope that all adventurers will continue to work hard, fight bravely, increase their power, and fight for the honor of the mainland
"MD, this is really slaying a dragon!!" The regional channels of many maps started posting the same sentence immediately.

"Which gang is this Tihualou? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"MD. Those players in Diehualou are so lucky! They actually collided with Juyuan Tianxia and even slayed a dragon! If I had known, I would also go to the siege battle."

"Why are the players in front anonymous?"

"A player who wants to break the news anonymously."

"It's just a fool! You don't need to think about it. The anonymous player in front must be the player who contributed the most to the dragon slaying. He also got the most rewards and things. He must be anonymous! Otherwise, he will be recognized on the way out and be killed by others." Wouldn't it be a big loss if it exploded?"

Players of various regional channels spent money to blast their horns and brushed the channel for a while, then collectively found a safe place, and went directly to the post on the game forum that announced the news of dragon slaying, and then followed the post below to request to post The details of the dragon slaying are up.However, the author of that post was completely silent.

And in the maze at the moment.

The players of Yeguang Fine Wine and Miss Qingyuxi are so excited that they are dying.

Under Fanka's dragon-slaying arrow; with the efforts of all mages and archers in the guild; and with the tenacious resistance of all warrior players, the dragon finally fell to the ground successfully, and then a lot of things exploded.The process of slaying the dragon was very difficult, and those present and those players who died and returned to the teleportation array to be resurrected knew it very well, and after they worked hard, they got the corresponding rewards and honors, and all that was left in everyone's hearts was only joy and excited.
"Fanka, you have the most credit. Go and choose things!" Ye Guangmeijiu and Qingyuxi girls are very clear, if there is no meal card, the so-called dragon-slaying arrow, it is estimated that they will not be able to kill the dragon even if they rush to the street together , So, after seeing a lot of things exploded by the dragon, Yeguang Fine Wine tacitly restrained the other players in the guild, and said something to the meal card.

"It's not good for me to choose first! After all, dragon slaying is also the credit of everyone!" Fan Ka was a little embarrassed, seeing so many players cast their eyes on him, scratched his head shyly, and then said politely said something.To be honest, if he was the only one, no matter how many dragon-slaying arrows he had, he would only be able to shoot down the dragon. How could he succeed in destroying the dragon!
"Okay, meal card, why are you being polite to Luoye and the others, hurry up and choose something!" Xie Jun Luohua didn't show any intention of being polite, so he pushed the meal card directly, and whispered to his ear He said: "You are stupid, why are you being polite to them? You have to be really polite, they will divide up the things later, and you can still get good things and give them to Xiaoyan? You are such a fool, hurry up! Tulong you You deserve the most credit, so why be polite?"

Fan Ka looked at Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing, and after seeing him nodding, he blushed slightly and said to Ye Guang Mei Jiu and the others: "Then I will not be polite."

"Well, let's go, let's go!" Yeguang Meijiu had a smile on his face, but he was still a little nervous.The giant dragon didn't know what good things exploded out. If the meal card took the things, none of them would know, right?But, without the archer Fanka, maybe they wouldn't be able to slay the dragon, right?Thinking of the fact that the Juyuan Tianxia Gang won an honor that cannot be bought with money, Yeguang Fine Wine suddenly felt relieved.

Equipment can be bought back with money!But honor cannot be bought.This time, they showed their faces!

As for Miss Qing Yuxi, she doesn't have any idea about asking the meal card to choose things first.It was the players of Juyuantianxia who made the most of the effort. The players of their Diehualou were just here to make soy sauce and help out. In the whole process of slaying the dragon, except for using some potions, none of the players died , but nothing to lose.And according to Yeguang Fine Wine's promise to her, since they are allies, they also participated in the process of slaying the dragon, so they can share half of the things, which is already very good.

What's more, their Diehualou also showed their faces on the World Channel, which is actually the most important thing.

This is the difference between gangs and players' personal considerations.

Facing the explosions all over the floor, to be honest, Fanka was very excited and nervous.The things that the monsters burst out in this game basically don't give you names in mid-air like other games, and let you pick them up.It is impossible to choose a meal card after reading everything in his hand, so when faced with so many choices, he was a little scared.He was afraid that the things he picked up were not good enough, so giving them to Ji Xiaoyan would be of no use to her.
"Fanka, don't be nervous, just grab the one that is pleasing to the eye!" Xie Jun Luohua seemed to see the nervousness of Fanka, and hurriedly said: "If you are not faster, if other players come here later , we have to kill each other to keep these spoils! Speed, if you don’t pick up good things, Brother Huihui will accompany you to kill the boss and explode, huh?”

"Yeah!" Fanka took a deep breath, nodded, and then quickly looked at everything on the ground, then picked up the few things he liked and put them in the package, and said to Yeguang Fine Wine and the others : "I've made the choice, hurry up and choose!" Otherwise, there will be other players coming, and they won't be peaceful here.

There will be no players who will not be indifferent to the things that the dragon explodes.

Ye Guang Meijiu nodded towards the meal card, then looked at Qing Yuxi and said, "Then let's each send five people to clean up the things first, and then divide them later?"

"Well! As long as the Lord Yeguang believes in us!" Miss Qing Yuxi nodded, gestured behind her, and watched the five male players rush to the dragon with sullen faces, and began to clean the battlefield.

"We're all allies now, so there's no need to have conflicts over small things, right? Thank you, Lord Qing, for trusting us!" Yeguang Meijiu smiled lightly, and said something to Qingyuxi, and the two smiled with satisfaction at each other Next, after seeing that the battlefield has been cleaned up quickly, he greeted the players present to step directly on the maze wall that was crushed by the giant dragon, pass through the little maze left, and run directly to the foot of the city wall of Qingcheng up.

And in the game forum at this time, although there were so many players asking for news and explanations about the dragon slaying post, no players did.There was only one lonely maze post with the latest stickers on the latest update, which made all the players go straight to the empty area excitedly when they regretted not being able to see the dragon slaying process.

I can't see the process of slaying the dragon, but I can see the corpse of the dragon!It takes a long time to refresh the corpses of monsters in the game, maybe they can still touch the first dragon that appeared in the game.
At the moment, the players in the Northern Continent are not too happy.

Their original intention was that if they summoned the giant dragon and put it in the hostile forces, they would be able to add some chaos, and then create a little advantage for them to attack the city.In the end, who knows, they spent tens of thousands of gold coins, and the final result was that the enemy forces got a reputation, and they got so many things.Isn't this shooting yourself in the foot?Big loss, big loss!

If it weren't for the fact that the summoning scroll couldn't summon the dragon to Qingcheng, they would have captured Qingcheng long ago.

The leader of the Northern Continent who spent [-] gold coins to buy the scroll was furious.

"Is everyone here? When we are all here, we will start attacking the city! Whatever you say, we will take down Qingcheng." The angry leader of the Northern Continent directly used the area loudspeaker to scan the entire area for several times, and then After seeing that the players present responded impassionedly to him, he directly turned on the effect of a prop on his body and flew towards the wall of Qingcheng.

"Wow, the boss can fly." After seeing this scene, many players from the Northern Continent immediately shouted in surprise.Are there any flying props in this game?
"Hmph, do you think only the guild leader can fly? The high-level players of our guild can do it" A player immediately said to the surrounding players who looked at him curiously, as if he knew the inside story : "Our guild leader got an alchemy production scroll while doing the task, and learned how to make this flying scroll. It's just that the materials are rare, so now basically only high-level players in our guild can use this thing"

 PS: Thanks to "Bolong Xiaoyu" for the evaluation votes! .
(End of this chapter)

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