The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 943 Before the opening

Chapter 943 Before the opening

His eyes turned back to the underground of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion.

The day's game time passed quickly, so after Miss Ji Xiaoyan and the others sneaked in a dark corner and swallowed dry food a few times, the NPCs on the Qingwan City Lord's side finally made a big noise.

Of course, this big movement is actually talking about civil strife.It was probably a situation where a few NPCs might argue because they couldn't agree on the distribution of the treasure that was about to start soon.As for Qingwan City Lord, the NPC who was originally the master of Qingcheng, he had internal strife before the treasure and Qingcheng were in his hands. He felt that such a pig-like teammate who felt that the spoils were uneven, Qingwan City Lord expressed extreme anger.So, after waving his hand and seriously injuring a few NPCs, the scene finally calmed down!
"Hmph, I advise you not to overestimate your capabilities! Qingcheng, sooner or later, will return to my hands, Qingwan. If you perform well, I can take care of your activities in Qingcheng in the future; but, you If it really drags my Qingwan back and creates troubles for me, don't blame me for being rude. Come to think of it, everyone knows my Qingwan's temper, and when the time comes... hum!" There was a sound in the empty underground space.

Ji Xiaoyan listened for a long time, but he didn't hear any NPC utter a word, and he also understood in his heart that the Lord Qingwan had resolved the internal strife.A few minutes later, there was a new movement in the underground space!

"Xiaoyan, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, Qingwan City Lord and the others walked out of a small hole in the wall!" Xuan Mo's voice rang anxiously in Ji Xiaoyan's ear, and then he touched the invisibility effect and moved towards Ji Xiaoyan. Brick and the others said: "I'll follow up first, you guys hurry up and follow up with Xiaoyan!"

"Okay, don't worry!" Friesman nodded bluntly, waved his hand towards Xuan Mo, and after telling him to leave, he immediately walked back to talk to old man Qingmi and the others, and then He led old man Qingmi and a group of NPCs from Qingshimen to hurriedly followed Ji Xiaoyan all the way to the small cave where Qingwan City Lord and the others left.

The corridor here is very short, considering Ji Xiaoyan's height, he still needs to bend his body so as not to hit his head.The corridor was deep and winding, but it was much better than the space they had been in just now.At least in the passage here, there will be a lamp with luminous pearls hanging on the wall at intervals, shining faintly, illuminating the surrounding environment in the passage!

The purple foam coffee and her brother walked steadily with the NPCs of Qingshimen at the end of the line. Seeing the night pearls in the corridor, the purple foam coffee couldn't help being amazed and said to the blue foam coffee: "Wow brother, do you think these night pearls will be very valuable if they are sold? There should be many female players who like this thing? It would be great if we could get a few of them and go out. Got rich!"

"That's a beautiful idea!" The blue foam coffee patted the purple foam coffee on the head amusingly, and then said, "Do you think that NPC's are so easy to get? If that's the case, the players in the game don't directly Collectively rob NPCs? Do you still need to find ways to make money? These are just props in the game, we can’t take them away, they are only useful to NPCs!”

"I'm just saying that! I know this too!" The purple foam coffee pouted, sighed and said something, then walked a little further, and then tentatively said to the blue foam coffee: " Brother, can I touch those night pearls?"

"What's there to touch?" Blue Bubble Coffee looked at her suspiciously and asked.

"I just want to touch it! This is the legendary night pearl! Although it's in the game, it's not easy to see!" The purple foam coffee looked at the blue foam coffee with a pleading face and said, "How about it? Brother! By the way, you can also take a photo of me as a souvenir!"

While talking, the purple foam coffee ran to a night pearl, and then said to the blue foam coffee: "Quick, quick, quick, brother, take a photo for me." After speaking, the purple foam coffee put The little hand stretched out to the night pearl on the wall, bowed his body and posed a POSS. The blue foam coffee shook his head helplessly, and finally turned over the camera panel of the game. When he was about to take a picture of the purple foam coffee, Then I saw the purple bubble coffee staring at the night pearl covered in her palm with wide eyes, and then opened his mouth and said to him in surprise: "Brother, there is a system prompt."

"What's the matter? Is there a mechanism?" Blue Bubble Coffee hurriedly approached her worriedly, looked at her with concern and said, "Is there any punishment for telling you not to touch it? Tell me quickly!"

"No. No!" Purple Bubble Coffee quickly shook his head, then quickly put the Ye Mingzhu under his palm into his arms, and immediately said to her brother: "Brother, quickly take a Ye Mingzhu. This We can take things!"

"What?" Blue Foam Coffee looked at his sister in disbelief, unable to turn his mind.The things inside should be NPC supplies, they shouldn't be able to get them!If they could just go to any place and sell things, wouldn't they be rich?

"Hurry up, hurry up! Brother!" Purple Bubble Coffee pushed her brother, and then said excitedly: "Hurry up and get one in your hand, I'll go and tell the deputy city lord. If this thing is If you take it out, it will definitely sell for a lot of money!"

Blue Bubble Coffee watched his sister excitedly push aside the Qingshimen elders in front of him and rushed towards the front. He reached out and grabbed a night pearl on the wall in disbelief, and then heard the system There is a sound of prompting: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the task reward (passive) of Qingcheng Investigating Clues - a "Night Pearl".This item can be traded, bought and sold, inlaid, and alchemy!The upper limit of item acquisition: one!

"It's really okay to take" the blue foam coffee's eyes widened, his face in a trance!Then I thought of the name "Qingcheng Investigating Clue Mission" mentioned on the system prompt, and muttered in my heart: "Could it be that after they entered Qingcheng, there was an invisible passive mission that started? As long as they get it right Things, can you get reward items?"

"Adventurer, what are you doing cold? You don't want to leave?" The voice of the bluestone door NPC elder who was walking at the end of the line suddenly woke up the blue foam coffee from his thoughts, and then he hurried towards the bluestone door The elder NPC smiled, put the night pearl in his hand into the package in his arms, and hurriedly followed the team.

It's just that because of this little episode, Blue Bubble Coffee and his sister have developed a habit. As long as they go to any place that can be touched or touched, they will try it to see if they can get it from the NPC. Where to get something "at your fingertips".
Because a person can only take one night pearl, after Ji Xiaoyan got the news of the purple foam coffee, he also took a night pearl from the wall of the corridor and put it in his arms.As for the NPCs like old man Qingya and the others, they don’t care about Ye Mingzhu at all, saying that these things are defective products, not really perfect Ye Mingzhu, and it’s a waste of space to put them in their pockets, so except Brick, an alchemist Besides, none of the other NPCs took the things on the walls.

After walking in the corridor for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan and the others followed the direction of City Lord Qingwan, and after going up five steps, they finally saw the end of the corridor, an exit sealed with stone slabs.

"City Master Qingwan and the others went out from here, and I saw them go with my own eyes!" After removing the invisibility effect, Yu Mo excitedly said to Ji Xiaoyan: "There are no spell restrictions on this stone slab, just push it away and you can go out." gone."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's hurry up!" Old man Qing Mi said something immediately after hearing this, and then said to the NPC elders behind him: "Which one of you will push this stone slab with me?"

"I'm ready!" Elder Qingxi from the Qingshimen NPC elders immediately stood up, and then said to the old man Qingmi: "I guess I have the strongest strength here, and I should be able to give the stone slab to you if I come together with you." Open it."

Old man Qingmi nodded, and then he and Elder Qingxi stepped onto the steps under the stone slab. The two of them pushed hard together, and with a bang, the stone slab was pushed open.The two tried. They wanted to move the stone slab to one side, but they found that the stone slab could only be opened halfway, and the other side was connected to the ground above their heads.

"It can't be solved. We are holding on, you guys go up quickly, and then lift the stone slab, Qingxi and I come up last!" Old man Qingmi puffed up his face, and said something anxiously to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and then said Urging everyone to crawl out of the small opening.

The sky outside the stone slab was still pitch black, probably still at night.

Ji Xiaoyan struggled to climb out of the ground, took a deep breath, then quickly stood up, followed by the head of Qi Miao who came out before him, and pulled the NPC elders behind to crawl out from the gap in the stone slab .

"Where is this place?" Until all the NPC elders and the blue foam coffee brothers and sisters climbed out of the stone slabs, the old man Qingmi and the elder Qingxi climbed to the ground with the help of the head of Qi Miao and the others. , looked at the surrounding environment a little strangely, and asked suspiciously.

"It looks like it should be the core of the city lord's mansion! I think the treasure house should be near here!" The head of Qi Miao replied: "Let's go, let's find the whereabouts of the city lord Qingwan. Don't lose them."

(End of this chapter)

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