Chapter 945 Steal?
Where is the town stone of Qingcheng?I guess no one knows this question, except for City Lord Qingwan!At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan and the others only got two pieces of news: First, the town stone is definitely not in the pet house.This has been confirmed from eavesdropping on the words of the Qingwan City Lord; second, the key to the treasure house of Qingcheng is in the Qingwan City Lord's pocket.As long as they get this thing, they will probably have one more chance of winning Qingcheng.
However, the current situation is not very favorable for Miss Ji Xiaoyan and the others.

Keys can be stolen or robbed.It's just that according to the current situation, it is definitely unrealistic to use robbing!However, if City Lord Qingwan and that mage Lockerby City Lord did not meet, when City Lord Qingwan arrived at the treasure house, it is estimated that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would be able to make a move, and maybe she could steal the key to the treasure house from City Lord Qingwan!
Ji Xiaoyan expressed a little helplessness about the stealing skill that he had never used much at all.At this time, it would be great if there was a player with a very good theft skill - Nightmare Cleaner.In that case, perhaps for the matter of stealing the key, you can probably have a better grasp!
It's just that the nightmare cleaner at this time is very leisurely.This man also happened to be in Qingcheng, and he was wearing the clothes of a Qingcheng NPC city guard. He waved hello to the guard NPC at the gate of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, and stepped into the City Lord's Mansion, directly towards Qingcheng. The treasury has gone.

The location of Qingcheng's treasure house has been visited by the Nightmare Cleaner many times, so he knows the location of this place very well.If it weren't for the fact that none of them had a key, and they didn't know where the keys were, the man Nightmare Cleaner would have emptied the treasury long ago.

Speaking of which, this is also an opportunity.

Originally, I had contacted Diablo Diablo, and wanted to ask him which faction he had chosen to participate in the city battle, and formed a team to go together, but who knew Diablo Diablo had already left the town earlier.So, the Nightmare Cleaner had to be alone, leaving the paper magician Zhiyue Flying who was unwilling to participate in the city battle, and then teleported to the supply point of the girl Ji Xiaoyan's camp outside Qingcheng.Afterwards, because the Nightmare Cleaner didn't find Nightmare Foil, and he didn't meet any players he could see to form a team, so the man entered the maze alone, and then accidentally stepped on it while dangling in it. A random teleportation array exploded by a monster was directly teleported to the player's side of the Northern Continent.

Then, as the players on the Northern Continent pushed the maze wall to the ground for unknown reasons, the Nightmare Cleaner happily followed the large army from the Northern Continent and ran towards the city wall of Qingcheng.Then, when the other players were not paying attention, he secretly climbed up the city wall of Qingcheng, knocked out an NPC city guard, and activated a special skill he had obtained, camouflage.He took off all the clothes of the city guard and put them on his body, and pretended to be the city guard and swaggered around in Qingcheng.

In the end, after quickly familiarizing itself with the terrain and environment, the Nightmare Cleaner found the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion.Originally, he just wanted to go in and have a look, and it was worth the trip, but who knows, his luck is very good.As soon as he entered the city lord's mansion, he was stopped by a group of NPC city guards to discuss the patrol, and then he heard the news about Qingcheng's treasure house from the nightmare cleaner.Hearing that there is no one patrolling the treasure house, the Nightmare Cleaner began to patrol with the city guards of Qingcheng, and at the same time filled the mouths of the NPC city guards with news about the treasure house.

The next few times, the Nightmare Cleaner used his current NPC City Guard disguise to enter the City Lord's Mansion to investigate, and finally found the exact location of the treasure house.But because he didn't have any tools or keys, the Nightmare Cleaner resisted the desire to steal immediately, and went straight out of the city lord's mansion to find a lot of NPC shops outside Qingcheng to find some tools.

The results have been good and bad.

The good thing is that I did get some usable things; but the bad news is that it seems that there must be a key to enter the treasure house, and the key is not in the hands of the current city lord.In line with the principle of not giving up, the Nightmare Cleaner, which got the tool, thought for a long time, and finally stepped into the City Lord's Mansion with that little thing in its pocket.

However, just as he was about to approach the treasure house of the city lord's mansion, he suddenly discovered the battle scene between the city lord Qingwan and the current lord Lockerby.So, the Nightmare Cleaner, who was still very excited just now, immediately squatted into a bush, and began to figure out how to get past this NPC's chaos and reach the treasure house.
And what didn't make the Nightmare Cleaner think of it was that just when he squatted into the grass, thinking that he was hiding very little and no one noticed him, he suddenly felt a tightness on his body, his mouth was sealed, and then he fell. After falling into a completely black space, he saw a familiar acquaintance, Miss Ji Xiaoyan.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the nightmare cleaner froze for a moment, then struggled immediately, then hooted at Miss Ji Xiaoyan.

"Master, let him go!" Ji Xiaoyan yelled into the darkness, and then saw that the black silk thread that was wrapped around the Nightmare Cleaner's body just now disappeared, "Nightmare, hello! Really! I didn't expect you to actually appear! This is really what you want!"

"What is this place? Why are you here?" As soon as the Nightmare Cleaner got the right to speak, it immediately asked Miss Ji Xiaoyan: "Didn't I just be in the grass just now? Is this a teleportation skill?"

"The place you were just now is up there!" Ji Xiaoyan pointed his finger towards the top of his head, and then smiled and asked towards the Nightmare Cleaner: "Nightmare, I remember that you are very familiar with your stealing skills? Now How high is the level? Is it convenient to disclose it?"

"What are you going to do?" The Nightmare Cleaner moved its body vigilantly, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "You don't want me to steal something for you, do you?"

"Hey, that's for sure!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile, "It's just that if you don't agree, I won't force it." She probably can only let the old man Qing Mi and the others threaten, or put something The task is to lure the nightmare cleaner.
The Nightmare Cleaner looked at Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously, and then looked at the surrounding black space environment. He didn't know what he thought of, and he said after a while: "Forget it, we can be considered friends if we meet once, right? Well, what do you want me to steal for you? As long as it’s not too embarrassing and the degree of difficulty is not high, I can help, but if you fail, don’t blame me!”

"No, no. Your skills must be mine!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded immediately when he heard that, and then said to the Nightmare Cleaner: "Do you know the two big men above? One is the incumbent City Lord, one is City Lord Qingwan. Since you are here, you must have participated in the city battle, right? Which side did you choose?"

"Deputy City Lord of Shacheng! The drifter chose this, so I can't run to the opposite side of him, right? Otherwise, how can he upgrade me in the future?" Nightmare Clearing Mechanism said naturally, "The woman above is the City Lord Qingwan? Then pretty?"

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then told the Nightmare Cleaner about the key that the Lord Qingwan had on him, "I need you to help me steal that key right now."

"What's that key for?" Nightmare Cleaner nodded and agreed, then asked curiously again.But before Ji Xiaoyan could answer, a male voice said harshly: "You can't ask these questions. You just need to steal the things."

"Who is this? You speak so arrogantly?" The Nightmare Cleaner immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan in displeasure and asked.Damn, is this a begging attitude?Is this a begging attitude?
"Master." Ji Xiaoyan yelled helplessly into the air, and then said to the nightmare cleaner: "Nightmare, this is my aboriginal master talking about him. He is very strong, so his temper is not very good." The meaning of the words was obvious, and he directly told the Nightmare Cleaner that the person who spoke was an NPC, and his strength was very high, so he couldn't afford to mess with it.

As a result, the Nightmare Cleaner fell silent in an instant.

A few seconds later, he felt the vision in his eyes light up, and when he realized it, he saw that the place where he was standing was no longer the grass just now, but another more remote and hidden place, and this place, It happened to be able to see the place where I was hiding just now. "So that's how it is." The Nightmare Cleaner murmured a little depressingly, then scanned the surrounding people, looked at Miss Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Who are they?"

"These are all elder masters and uncles of Qingshimen." Ji Xiaoyan smiled and introduced to the Nightmare Cleaner in a low voice, "This is the master uncle of Qingshimen's head Miao, this is my master Lin Qianye, this It's Master Qingmi." After finally introducing all the NPCs, Ji Xiaoyan pointed to the blue foam coffee and they introduced the Nightmare Cleaner, then looked at the purple foam coffee and asked, "Purple? , I remember you said that you are a blessing teacher, do you have any blessing skills that can make his skills more successful?"

"Blesser?" Nightmare Cleaner's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this term, and then looked at the purple foam coffee and asked, "Are you the only Blesser in that game? You can increase blood and status , can also increase the use rate of skills and the rate of killing monsters and other blessings?"

 PS: Qianqian requires subscription
(End of this chapter)

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