The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 946 Seems to be progressing very quickly

Chapter 946 Seems to be progressing very quickly (plus more)

Compared to the Nightmare Cleaner's excitement about the purple foam coffee girl as a blessing teacher, Miss Ji Xiaoyan was very calm, but looked at the Nightmare Cleaner curiously and asked: "You also know the blessing teacher profession?" So to speak Well, the career of this blessing teacher is quite famous!It's just, why doesn't she know about such a famous profession?

"Of course I know!" The Nightmare Cleaner immediately said excitedly. Fortunately, he still noticed their current situation, and said to Ji Xiaoyan in a soft voice: "I'm a gangster in Qingcheng." Very familiar. Although I haven't really seen her, the player who took over the Blessing Master, I heard the news from the Aboriginal Blessing Master in N. Tsk tsk, this Blessing Master is a good profession, and they are basically in good condition. It can be added, and it doesn't cost much mana. It's just that the combat power is a bit weak, but it's still good to be a pure support. If you bless them when killing monsters, the things that explode will be multiplied several times .This is the God of Wealth!!"

"It's not as exaggerated as you said!" Hearing the purple bubble coffee, he blushed and lowered his head immediately, and said to the nightmare cleaner, "It can only increase the burst rate a little. It's not as exaggerated as you said, if If it can be doubled, I'll just set up a stall to sell blessings."

"I definitely can't add much now, and it will be fine in the later stage!" The Nightmare Cleaner immediately smiled, and then said: "If you are so awesome now, then it's okay! However, your luck is also very good. This is the only part of the game for your profession! I heard from the aboriginal blessing teacher that her profession only accepts one direct disciple, and then passes it down from generation to generation. In the later stage, you will be very powerful. At that time, if my brother is in trouble, please help me!! By the way, by the way, I haven’t introduced myself to the beauty yet, my name is Nightmare Cleaner, you can call me Brother Nightmare.”

"Go, go, go, my sister doesn't need to recognize so many brothers!" Blue Bubble Coffee said to the Nightmare Cleaner with some displeasure, and then directly ignored the Nightmare Cleaner and turned to look at it. His sister said, "Don't listen to him."

Purple Bubble Coffee looked at the Nightmare Cleaner with some embarrassment, then at her brother, then nodded invisibly, indicating that he understood.

"Okay, Nightmare, don't talk too much nonsense. Hurry up and steal the keys from City Lord Qingwan!" Ji Xiaoyan also couldn't stand the excitement of the Nightmare Cleaner, so he pushed him directly, and then said: "Do you have stealth skills? If not, can I add one for you?"

"When will you be able to increase your status? Aren't you a mage?" The nightmare cleaner suddenly turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan strangely, and then suddenly said with a sudden realization: "By the way, I still remember that you will still be like that A bit of priest’s blood-increasing skills? You can even give people invisible status now? I haven’t asked you yet, Xiaoyan, what is your occupation? It seems that I have seen you slash monsters with a sword. Your occupation It's weird"

"There are so many strange things! Hurry up, do you want to help steal the key?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to continue this topic, so he looked at the nightmare cleaner and asked.

"Go! Then you quickly add an invisibility to me. How long can your invisibility last? Will you show up as soon as you steal something? You have to make it clear to me, otherwise if I am destroyed It’s too bad, that’s terrible!” Ji Xiaoyan said to Ji Xiaoyan, the nightmare cleaning machine.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the Nightmare Cleaner with some impatience, and directly asked Xuan Mo to put him in an invisible state, then answered his question briefly, and then called Purple Foam Coffee to add a skill to increase the success rate of him. After being in a state, he stretched out his hand and pushed the Nightmare Cleaner out of the corner, then raised his chin towards him, and watched him walk towards Qingwan City Lord knowingly.

Facts have proved that professional is professional.

Although the Nightmare Cleaner seemed a little unreliable at the beginning, when he was about to approach Qingwan City Lord and the others, this man still showed a professional attitude, while cautiously avoiding the fights and fights among the various NPCs. Magic attack, while cautiously approaching Qingwan City Lord.

"I said girl, is this kid reliable?" Qingmi looked at the nightmare cleaner with some worry, and asked Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice, "It doesn't look like he is a good person. The mansion is messed around, and I guess they didn't have any good intentions. Aren't you afraid that he will steal the key and go directly to the treasury?"

"You don't have to worry about this, Qing Mi!" Lin Qianye, who was next to him, immediately answered the old man Qing Mi's words, and said to him: "I can't do anything to Qing Wan, but from an adventurous This deity can still grab something from the hands of the adventurer, or create an opportunity for him to drop the thing. As long as the adventurer dares to take the key privately, this deity has the ability to make him spit out the thing.'

When the old man Qingmi heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes at Lin Qianye, then approached Ji Xiaoyan in a low voice, and continued to ask: "By the way, girl, you and the Juli Clan have finished talking, right?" ? When will they come to help? You can see that the girl from Qingwan is probably coming soon, and you don't call the Juli clan to send someone to help?"

Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and was about to nod his head to see who to report to, when the system announcement rang again.

Of course, this system announcement is only for the players who are currently in Qingcheng.

[System Announcement]: Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion is under attack, all adventurers are requested to support.
[System Announcement]: A large number of unknown people have appeared in Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, all Qingcheng personnel are requested to quickly find out and drive them away
[System Announcement]: There are a large number of adventurers attacking the city at the west gate and wall of Qingcheng. Please step up your efforts to defend the city.
"City Lord Qingwan's rescuers are here!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed, and was about to let Xuan Mofei go out to see if he could call the NPCs of the Juli Clan to the City Lord's Mansion when he heard another system call. The reminder sounded very shamelessly.

[System Announcement]: The Juli Clan of Qingcheng betrayed the Lord of Qingwan and joined the forces of the Deputy Lord of Shacheng. They are now raising their flags and preparing to attack the Lord's Mansion. Adventurers and city guards from Qingcheng are requested to rush to stop it.
"So powerful?" Ji Xiaoyan exclaimed, and looked at the old man Qingmi with some inexplicable feelings. Seeing that they all looked very satisfied, he pursed his lips, and then muttered: "I don't know. When will those people from the Juli clan arrive?"

"With their stature, they must be very fast!" The old man Qingmi said happily, and then looked at the head of Qing Miao with a frown and said, "It's just, senior brother, why are the disciples of our Qingshimen still doing this?" Haven't you finished merging? It would be bad if the Juli Clan took the lead!"

"Hey..." Sect Leader Qing Miao sighed immediately when he heard this, shook his head to express that he didn't know, and then stopped talking.

After a while, Ji Xiaoyan heard the loud and cheerful system announcement over and over again, and it seemed that it started to ring without being tired at all.First, he said that the forces of the Qingwan City Lord had already attacked the City Lord's Mansion, and then he said that the city guards and players in the Qing City ran to hold the Juli Clan back; a few minutes later, near the city wall of Qing City There was another news that the adventurers on the west gate of the city wall were driven away, and then those adventurers moved to another city like a guerrilla war.
Ji Xiaoyan was a little dizzy after hearing the system announcements one after another.

And the Nightmare Cleaner wasn't very happy either.Before the invisibility state given by Xuan Mo disappeared, the Nightmare Cleaner used its invisibility skills to steal another hand from Qingwan City Lord, then quickly retreated, and then said helplessly to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's not easy to steal! Then N, that Qingwan city lord is probably too high-level, and my strength is too different from hers. Even with the blessing technique to increase the theft rate, there is still no way to steal the key." After finishing speaking, the nightmare cleaner directly took out a bunch of keys from his body. Scattered medicine jars and papers were handed to Ji Xiaoyan and said, "No, after stealing for a long time, I only got these things."

Ji Xiaoyan patted the Nightmare Cleaner's shoulder in disappointment, comforted him, and then said: "If the key is really so easy to steal, it won't be so important, right? Anyway, you did your best."

"Yeah!" The Nightmare Cleaner's expression was a little dying. After nodding indiscriminately in response to Ji Xiaoyan's words, he looked at Xuan Mo and said, "After a while, when my state here cools down, you can add another invisibility to me." Alright. I'll go and have a look then."

Xuan Mo nodded, but did not speak.

The Nightmare Cleaner opened its mouth, wanting to say something, finally sighed, stood aside silently, and after a while, said to Ji Xiaoyan with some interest: "By the way, Xiaoyan, did you hear the system announcement?" I heard that the aborigines of the Juli tribe voted under the deputy city lord of Shacheng, and they also came to the city lord's mansion. Tell me, does this mean that the three major forces of our siege war are now in the city lord's mansion? ? Otherwise, the aborigines of the Juli tribe would definitely not be dispatched. From what I heard, these aborigines of the Juli tribe are notoriously timid besides their strength."

"It should be." Ji Xiaoyan's heart tightened, and he looked at the Qingwan and Lockerby city lords who were being beaten by his subordinates in a mess, but he was slowly throwing spells at each other, and suddenly realized in his heart: Damn, this Isn't it the scene where the leaders of the three major forces meet?But, why is she, the representative of Shacheng, squatting so hard to hide in the grass?

(End of this chapter)

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