The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 947 3 Party Gathering

Chapter 947
After learning that the three forces in the siege battle had all gathered in the City Lord's Mansion, the Nightmare Cleaner felt an indescribable sense of excitement.After being excited for a moment, he suddenly realized: It seems that the surrounding NPCs look at him a little strangely?Moreover, he seems to be a little familiar with the name of the deputy city lord of Shacheng!Where did you hear it?
"Strange. Where have I heard this name?" The Nightmare Cleaner frowned, and thought for a while and said: "I thought this name was very familiar when I was told to choose the side of the deputy city lord of Shacheng. That's why I chose it without hesitation, why do I feel a little strange now."

Looking at the nightmare cleaner, Ji Xiaoyan sighed deeply helplessly, and then asked: "Nightmare, your memory is not very good usually?"

"Ah, it's not bad." The nightmare cleaner scratched his head, pointed to his own head with some distress and said, "I don't know if it's because I haven't had a good rest recently. Anyway, I always feel that other than my own tasks and skills. In addition, many things that I am not very interested in are automatically blocked by my brain!"

"Oh, then you are really unfortunate!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the Nightmare Cleaner with some sympathy. He wanted to remind him that he was the deputy city lord of Shacheng, and he had told him that when he was wandering with Nightmare. Thinking about it later, Ji Xiaoyan shut up again, and turned to look at the battle situation on the Qingwan City Lord's side.

The purple bubble coffee sighed a little, and then whispered to the nightmare cleaner: "That... we are with the deputy city lord of Shacheng now. She is the vice-castle lord of Shacheng. Aren't you Friend? Don't you know?" Purple Bubble Coffee said, pointing at Ji Xiaoyan and looking at the Nightmare Cleaner.

Sure enough, after being stunned for a few seconds, the Nightmare Cleaner instantly widened its eyes in surprise. Just when the purple bubble coffee thought he was about to yell, or accused Ji Xiaoyan of not telling him, the Nightmare Cleaner jerked He patted himself on the head, and then muttered: "I'll just say it, I'll just say it, why do you think the name Shacheng is so familiar. MD, this brain is getting worse and worse"

Purple Bubble Coffee looked at the Nightmare Cleaner, then at Ji Xiaoyan, and suddenly had a very strange thought: Are all the players in this game abnormal?
"Hey, Xiaoyan, so you came here to rob the city?" Nightmare Cleaner asked in confusion, then patted himself on the head angrily, and laughed at himself: "Look at what I said, since You are the deputy city lord of Shacheng, and you must come to Qingcheng to rob Qingcheng. By the way, Xiaoyan, what is the key on the city lord Qingwan? Whoever robs Qingcheng belongs to it? When do we do it? "

"Wait a little longer!" Ji Xiaoyan said a little weakly, "Now our first task is to get the key, and then we need to find a place."

"Okay! I'll steal it again!" The nightmare cleaner patted his chest loyally, and then said to Xuan Mo and the purple foam coffee: "My cooldown is over, take a photo of me invisibility, take a photo of me One state. I don’t believe it anymore, I can’t steal the key yet, Xiaoyan, just wait!!” After speaking, the Nightmare Cleaner took a look at his state, and ran towards Qingwan City Lord excitedly.

This time, I don’t know if it’s because the Nightmare Cleaner thinks that he can directly contribute to Ji Xiaoyan, the deputy city lord of Shacheng, or because he is very lucky. When the invisibility of the photo was about to disappear, the man stood beside the Qingwan City Lord, and was stunned for a second, and then Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw the Qingwan City Master and instantly became furious like a volcanic eruption: "Who is it? Who is it?" ?”

The Nightmare Cleaner stepped away at an extremely fast speed, originally thinking of leaving Qingwan City Lord's side, and then returned to Ji Xiaoyan and the others smoothly, but who knows, Qingwan City Master released a trick, his figure It appeared indistinctly from the air for two seconds, and then an NPC next to Qingwan City Lord immediately reached out and grabbed him.

"Not good! Everyone hurry up and help!" The head of Qing Miao immediately yelled when he saw this situation, and before Ji Xiaoyan could react, he saw a group of NPCs from Qingshimen rushing out , towards the direction of Qingwan City Lord.

"Go, help!" Ji Xiaoyan yelled quickly, and shouted towards the purple foam coffee: "Give us all the status you can give us."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Purple Bubble Coffee hurriedly agreed with some stammers, and started chasing Ji Xiaoyan and the others in a hurry, trying to put everyone in a good state.

Xiye was reliable at this time, knowing that Lin Qianye was on the scene, if she didn't perform well, she would definitely be tossed, so in the first place, she immediately made a black hole in the ground, and teleported directly to the nightmare At the foot of the cleaning machine, he was about to get him into the space of the dark system and take him out safely.But who knows, when the black hole appeared at the foot of the nightmare cleaner, he didn't look like he was about to fall.

"What's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan was instantly puzzled when he saw this situation.

"What else can I do? That adventurer has been locked by City Lord Qingwan." Lin Qianye looked not in a hurry or cared, and followed Ji Xiaoyan's running movement, and said lightly: "Don't think it's enough to be invisible. , he has been locked, although no one can see him now, but it is not so easy for him to come out."

"Then what should we do?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little anxious.

"Grab it! Just snatch him out!" Lin Qianye said lightly, then pulled him and tied him up, and the gagged Emek NPC followed behind Ji Xiaoyan with a troubled expression on his face. Don't worry about yourself, looked at the sky and said: "You just need to hold on for a while, and those people from the Juli clan will come! At that time, it will be the time of the big melee, tsk tsk, just make sure that the key can be in your hands , your chances of winning are great."

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan held his breath, and didn't want to say anything more to Lin Qianye.Her goal now is to find a way to get the Nightmare Cleaner out of the NPC siege!

"It's you!!!" After seeing old man Qingmi and the others, the city lord Qingwan took aim at Ji Xiaoyan in an instant, then pointed at her in shock and shouted: "So it's you, you actually sneaked in .”

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at City Lord Qingwan, then turned his eyes away, and looked at City Lord Lockerbie!You must know that an angry woman is always the ugliest, and it is better for her to look less at things that are not beautiful.

"It seems that this is the deputy castellan of Shacheng!" The castellan of Lockerbie stood behind the city guards with a good temper, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said softly, and then said with the posture of a master: "If the Deputy City Master has time, it is also possible to come to Qingcheng as a guest in the future. Now it is not convenient for me and the City Master Qingwan. I am afraid that I will not be able to entertain the Vice City Master. Otherwise, the Vice City Master, you can take these friends and leave first. ?”

"You're out of your mind!" The old man Qingmi didn't care about his appearance when he heard this, and shouted directly at the Lord of Lockerbie: "It's not sure who will win the battle in Qingcheng. If you're sensible, you can quit first !"

"Huh!" The Lord Qingwan snorted coldly, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, then at the Lord Lockerbie, and then sneered, "Who is Qingcheng? Qingwan’s things, don’t blame me for being merciless!!” After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan saw City Lord Qingwan raised his staff, squinted his eyes and looked at the scene, and instantly locked the direction where the Nightmare Cleaner was standing, and then A white light ball hit the past.

"Xu Mo!" Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly shouted at Xuan Mo, watching him erect a wall of earth in front of the Nightmare Cleaner in an instant, and just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a few NPC city guards flickering away. After reaching the back of the dirt wall, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Nightmare Cleaner.
"It's too insidious!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but cursed at the city lord of Lockerbie, and then threw a magic ball at the city guards at a very fast speed.Afterwards, Friesman also hurriedly erected an ice wall on the back of the Nightmare Cleaner, hoping to protect him first.

"Hmph, you're overthinking your capabilities!" The Lord Lockerby sneered, waved his hand and threw a blue magic ball over.

The Nightmare Scavenger knew that this time, the spells of the two big NPC bosses, plus the spells of Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and looking at the city guards around him, the Nightmare Scavenger could only sigh in his heart in the end. Taking a deep breath, he held the key tightly in his hand, and wanted to throw it to Ji Xiaoyan when he got closer.There is no way, how much magic resistance and physical defense can he have as a thief?All the attribute points are added to the agility, and he hasn't even added the blood bar, so it's strange if he can hold it!

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan's request was fulfilled with great difficulty. If she gave up halfway and didn't hand over the key to her, the task would not be considered completed, would it?What a chance to show your face! Unfortunately, it will fail!
The Nightmare Cleaner couldn't help squatting on the ground, waiting for a while and didn't know whether it was a magic attack or a physical attack to send him back to the teleportation point, when he suddenly felt a very heavy attack on one arm, that feeling It was as if his bones were going to be crushed. After that, he obviously felt that his body was floating in an instant, and he had no ability to control himself at all. Moreover, his pain was very high.
Quickly opened his eyes, what the nightmare clearing machine could see was City Lord Qingwan and Ji Xiaoyan who were slowly moving away, what happened?He flies?
 PS: Thanks to "[Dian Dian]" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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