The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 949 Green 5's Occupation

Chapter 949 Green Five's Occupation

The city battle in Qingcheng ended inexplicably.

Of course, only some of the players who have entered the City Lord's Mansion know the inside story, and the only news that the rest of the players can get is the pale line in the system announcement: City Lord Qingwan of Qingcheng and City Lord Lockerbie were captured alive, and the two forces took risks. The siege failed.

Then?Then there is no more.Who became the city lord of Qingcheng?Nobody knows!The system didn't make an announcement either. Is it the deputy city lord of Shacheng?It seems that there is no official statement, it should not be him!Can the players still go to Qingcheng to rescue the Qingwan City Lord and the Lockerbie City Lord, and then fight again to grab the regular Qing City City Lord position?No one knows either.

The players in the siege battle are all in a state of confusion. They haven't brushed the BOSS yet!They haven't killed enough players yet!They haven't finished feeling the atmosphere and tension of the siege battle, and they haven't had time to show off to others what honors they have won in the siege battle, what equipment they have exploded, how can the siege battle end?They asked for BOSS, please explode.
The pain of the players and the NPCs are not clear, but the NPCs who are guarding outside the treasure house of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion at this moment are full of depression.The treasury is close at hand, but they don't have the key. The adventurer who stole the key is gone! !After waiting for several hours, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't bear it any longer.They talked for a while, and then asked about the whereabouts of the wandering and strangers, and learned that they all disappeared after entering the secret road of Qingcheng. , chatted with Piao Miao Zui Tian Xing and Xie Jun Luo Hua for a few more words, and then couldn't help but go offline directly to rest.

The supply of nutrient solution in the game cabin still cannot offset the normal life of eating, sleeping, and resting.

The real world outside the game is the most real.

Because Yu Qisi's level is limited, so although she has the opportunity to teleport to the siege of Qingcheng, she still has no way to go further, so basically, Yu Qisi doesn't even know what Qingcheng looks like When she saw it, she was notified by Flying Leaves that Miss Ji Xiaoyan was going offline to rest.Thus, Yu Qisi went offline at the fastest speed, and saw Ji Xiaoyan, who was crawling out of the game cabin with a tired face, and was about to take a bath.

"Miss Xiaoyan, do you want something to eat? Shall I make it for you?" Yu Qisi looked at her with concern and asked, and after seeing Miss Ji Xiaoyan nodding, she walked out of her room and turned to go into the kitchen .As a result, when passing by the living room, I happened to see Lu Wu who was sitting leisurely on the sofa watching the optical brain TV. "Hello!" Yu Qisi yelled at Lu Wu angrily. After sitting up straight and looking at her expressionlessly, Yu Qisi asked: "You are so leisurely, what are you doing? Can't you learn to make something? When Miss Xiaoyan came out of the game Will you give her a meal when you are here? Is there someone like you as a bodyguard? Master Jiang Xia sent you here to enjoy the blessings?"

"I don't have any!" Luwu said honestly, "Besides, Qisi, I don't know how to cook, and it's not like you don't know. If I go out to buy things, I'll leave you two in the game. How unsafe is that? Bodyguards are not babysitters, so it's normal for me not to know what to do. July [-]th, why are you angry?"

"Hmph, I'm getting angry!" Yu Qisi looked at Lu Wu with an angry face and said bluntly, "I don't know how to cook, so I won't talk about it. I didn't give you money last time to buy it. Have you put on a game helmet? Why didn’t you enter the game, but watch the optical brain TV here instead?”

"I was trapped in the game, I had no choice, so I went offline to check the information." Green Five said helplessly, "By the way, I can also see how the siege battle you participated in is going on!"

"What trouble did you encounter in the game? Go to Miss Xiaoyan and ask." Yu Qisi finally looked a little better when he heard Lu Wu say this, and then turned around and went into the kitchen, saying: "Then you Did you find the information?"

"No!" Lu Wu shook his head, stood up from the sofa, and then walked into the kitchen. After watching Yu Qisi get busy, he continued: "It seems that there is very little information about this game. I've been looking for a long time, but I haven't found anything useful. Qisi, do you all have to change jobs at level ten? How do you pass the professional task of changing from a fighter to a phantom swordsman? Then The NPC old man asked me to go to some swampy land, and kill ten swamp lizards in 1 minutes to pass the level. The lizards are too difficult to kill, I can kill one in 1 minutes, it’s good, kill a hundred, I have absolutely nothing to do. As long as I can’t pass this mission for a day, I won’t be able to get out of the swamp for a day, July [-], do you have any solutions?”

"Phantom Swordsman? I haven't heard of this profession. Is it a hidden profession?" Yu Qisi immediately turned his head when he heard Lu Wu's words, looked at him and asked suspiciously.

"I don't know either!" Lu Wu shook his head, and then said: "Anyway, when I was level ten, I was killing monsters outside that town to get some materials for money, but an old man in white came from somewhere Passing by, he said a lot of strange things to me, and then asked me if I would like to become his disciple, a phantom swordsman. Money? I just did it for the old man. He said that he didn’t need to pay money to be his disciple, so I agreed and was taken to that swamp by him. You don’t know, the environment in that swamp is really bad, it’s almost It’s just like the environment we were trained in when we were young.”

"What does the NPC mean, as long as you kill ten lizards within 1 minute, you will be his disciple?" Yu Qisi frowned, didn't listen to the movements of his hands, and asked curiously to Lu Wu .

"No! I'm his disciple now! It's all displayed on the personal panel!" Lu Wu shook his head, seeing that Yu Qisi was about to wash the vegetables, he hurried up, took the vegetables in his hand and started washing , and then continued: "It's just that the old man said that if I don't complete this goal for a day, I won't let me leave that swamp for a day. I wanted to escape many times, but the old NPC man is too powerful, I can't escape! "

"Are you still afraid of staying in that environment? Didn't you survive the more difficult environment? Are you still afraid of this?" Yu Qisi looked at Lu Wu strangely and said.

"I'm not afraid! But, Qisi, didn't I enter the game to make money? Those lizards in the swamp wouldn't explode if they were killed. Where I am is a waste of time! With that little time, I Why don't you go outside the city to kill some monsters, get some skins, bones, etc., and go back to the town and sell them to those NPC bosses for some silver coins!" Lu Wu looked at it with pain and helplessness. Yu Qisi said.

"You're quite realistic!" Yu Qisi smiled.

"Um, I call it clear goals!" Lu Wu said to Yu Qisi solemnly, and then heard her tell him that his profession is very likely to be a hidden profession, and he must work hard.After a while, Miss Ji Xiaoyan came out of the shower, and asked him to ask Ji Xiaoyan what to do.

After waiting for a while, after Yu Qisi basically finished cooking, Miss Ji Xiaoyan changed into her clothes, dried her hair, and stepped into the living room.

As soon as Lu Wu heard this, he rushed to Ji Xiaoyan in a hurry, told her about his situation while letting her sit down at the dinner table.

"Phantom Swordsman? Do you know any skills?" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Lu Wu in surprise, and then asked.

"I don't know yet! I've seen that old NPC shoot, the speed is so fast, I basically didn't even see his movements clearly, dozens of those lizards in the swamp were killed directly, and the old man returned I said, he used half of his strength." Lu Wu recalled.

"So, this profession is mainly based on attack speed?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, "Then which map are you on now?"

"Linghan Town!" Lu Wu said honestly, "It's right next to Gas Town!"

"Which continent?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, feeling that she had never heard of the names of these two towns, so she could only look at Lu Wu and asked, "Is it the Eastern Continent or the Western Continent?" Before the game, she asked Yu Qisi to tell him that she and Flying Leaves are players from the Eastern Continent, but now she is in the Western Continent!If you want to choose, it's best to let Green Five choose the Eastern Continent, where there is at least Luminous Wine and their entire gang.
"Eastern Continent! Didn't you let me choose the Eastern Continent? I chose the Eastern Continent as soon as I entered the game!" Lu Wu hurriedly said, "It's just that I heard from the old NPC that the swamp we are in now is It seems that half of the monsters belong to the northern continent."

"Then you are at the junction of the two continents." Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then said to Lu Wu: "If you are not in a hurry, I will come to your place to help you after I finish handling the Qingcheng matter." Take a look at the situation and come up with an idea by the way!"

"Well, okay! I'm not in a hurry!" Lu Wuyi smiled immediately after hearing this, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked with concern: "By the way, Miss Xiaoyan, I saw that everyone on the Internet said that The siege of Qing City is almost over, and the mage City Lord and Qingwan City Lord have been captured, so will you be able to become the City Lord of Qing City immediately?"

"It's still uncertain!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, looked at the sunset sky outside the window, and said, "Now the most important player can't be found."

(End of this chapter)

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