The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 950 Reality, Mutant Beast

Chapter 950 Reality, Mutant Beasts
Yu Qisi cooked very fast, almost after Ji Xiaoyan sat at the table and finished talking with Lu Wu, all the dishes and meals were brought to the table and set up.After eating, Ji Xiaoyan followed Lu Wu to do a few exercises. After soothing his body, he looked out the window and saw that it was completely dark. At this moment, the brightly lit sky looked at Yu Qisi with some excitement. He said, "Do you want to go shopping together?"

Yu Qisi looked at Lu Wu, and after seeing him nodding, he responded with a smile, then tidied up the house, and went out with Lu Wu and Ji Xiaoyan.

The night in early spring is not too cold, so there are still no pedestrians who come out for a stroll at night on the street.After walking around the street for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan and the others came to a night market.There were not too many people in the night market. There were many small stalls on the left and right sides of a straight street, most of which were food and gadgets. Ji Xiaoyan didn't look interested.After walking all the way through the night market and finding nothing to buy, the three of them had the idea of ​​going back home.

And just as Ji Xiaoyan and the others were about to walk out of the street of the night market, a man with a bloody face but a happy grin suddenly broke into their sight.The man was in his thirties, his hair was messy, his face looked a little yellow, and there were a lot of blood stains on it. He was wearing a black sportswear with a lot of blood stains on his clothes. He looked very embarrassed, no Those who knew thought he was seriously injured.

There was an uncontrollable smile on the middle-aged man's face, and he was carrying a huge package with colorful patterns on his back, and there were also large patches of blood on the package.After the man rushed into the night market, he first looked around and saw that there were very few pedestrians in the night market, he had a look of disappointment on his face, but then he stepped into the street and put the package in a corner. After putting it down, he reached out to wipe his face, quickly found a place on the ground and sat down, and then, regardless of how the people around him looked at him, he opened the package directly, revealing the contents inside
"What does this person do? Why is there blood all over his face?" Ji Xiaoyan saw for the first time someone in real life with blood all over his body swaying around, so he quickly grabbed Lu Wu and asked.

Then I heard Lu Wu say lightly: "This should be the hunter who just came back from hunting the mutant beast from the outside. It seems that he has gained a lot, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious to come to the night market to sell it immediately."

"Mutated beast!!" Ji Xiaoyan froze when he heard the words, and looked at the middle-aged man involuntarily.After staying in the game for a long time, she has forgotten the real society she is in now.This high-tech society is different from games. People also want to kill monsters, but if they die, they will die. Mutant beasts will not be the same as in games. There are safety zone restrictions. Where they live now, they want to come Still not safe enough!If it is really safe enough, there will be no such thing as just killing the mutant beast, and it will be sold at the night market when the bloodstains have not been completely wiped out.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan's complacent attitude instantly revived. Maybe, maybe she needs to work harder, earn more money, raise the resident level, and then live in the inner circle of the city. A little closer, maybe a little safer
"Ah..." Just as Ji Xiaoyan was thinking, Yu Qisi's voice suddenly sounded in surprise, "That's the cub of the mutated green beast mouse. He actually got six of them."

"Mutated green beast rat? What is it?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the mutant beast spread out by the middle-aged man on the ground with some curiosity, and asked Yu Qisi.

Then I heard Lu Wu's tone of introduction with some seriousness: "The mutant green beast mouse is a kind of mutant beast with strong reproductive ability in the periphery. It eats meat, moves fast, and has a strong ability to eat. Generally speaking, it It is difficult to catch. But the meat quality of this kind of mutant beast is more than several times better than that of ordinary mutant beasts, and it is much more delicious than some cultured meat we eat now. Therefore, this kind of mutant green beast rat is very popular among rich people. Favor, many people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it in order to satisfy their appetite. It is because of this that many mutant beast hunters are now willing to hunt and sell this kind of hand mouse. However, this kind of mutant green beast mouse lives in groups , and, very protective of cubs”

"What do you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan had a bad feeling in his heart.

"This man brought back a cub, that is to say, there must be an adult mutated green beast mouse near the cub. Judging from his appearance, except for some bloodstains, he seems not even injured, that is to say , it is very likely that he only encountered one or two adult beast mice, and then wounded the adult beast mice, killed the cubs and brought them back." Lu Wu explained to Ji Xiaoyan in a somewhat uncomfortable tone. Said: "If he kills the adult beast, he will definitely bring the body back. Now there is only the cub, Miss Xiaoyan, let's go back quickly!"

"Yes, go back quickly! Otherwise, we will be in trouble soon, and we won't be able to leave!" Yu Qisi also had a serious face, and said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and he stretched out his hand to pull her away, "The grown-up rat is not dead. , will go to other beast rats in the group. This man brought the cub back with blood all over his body. The adult beast rats will definitely follow the smell all the way. The mutant blue beast rats are very fast, and their eating ability It's very strong, so it won't take long to find it. At that time, it will definitely not be peaceful here. Miss Xiaoyan, let's go back quickly! It's always safer to stay at home!"

"Then you don't need to tell the nearby patrol team?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi worriedly and asked.

"No, living in such an environment, those who are smarter know all about this!" Yu Qisi shook his head, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I guess that man also thinks there are patrols, so that's why he's so confident. But, If there is trouble in a while, this man won't be able to escape, and he must be responsible for causing trouble!! Miss Xiaoyan, let's go quickly! If there are adult beasts and rats coming in later, it will be miserable, that thing If you are to be angered, there will definitely be a large group of reckless attacks.”

"How serious is that?" Ji Xiaoyan was dragged away from the night market by Yu Qisi, and at the same time looked at the smiling man who was trying to sell the mutated green animal rat cubs to the passers-by around him, and couldn't help it. I still asked.

"It depends on how big the parents of these cubs are. It's powerful, and it's possible to gnaw a city directly." Lu Wu said with some concern, "But if it's not in a hurry, those mutated blue beast rats will also They won't do that. After all, there aren't many things they can eat in this city. The longer they stay, the more dangerous they will be. Adult beasts and rats who want to pay will definitely come, and it seems that there are only a few now. "

"Isn't he afraid of that man?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with a frown.If that man went home and washed all the blood off his body after getting the cub, maybe he wouldn't have caused so much trouble to others, right?

"These people are taking their lives to hunt mutant beasts outside. What do they have to be afraid of? Moreover, if the body of this kind of cub has not completely stiffened, the meat quality will become like that of dead, and the whole body will be much better if it is stiff. times, so in order to sell it at a good price, they must have seized all the time to sell this thing as soon as possible," Lu Wu said to Ji Xiaoyan with a sigh.

Not long after they walked, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw two patrol teams of the federal government running past them with weapons. They must have got the news and wanted to arrest the middle-aged man who caused trouble.
Because they didn't stay in the night market to watch the excitement, Ji Xiaoyan and the others quickly left the surrounding area of ​​the night market as quickly as possible and went back home.Then it didn't take long to see the latest news on the Internet. The city they were staying in was attacked by a large number of mutated blue beast rats.The specific reason for the attack is also reported on the Internet, which is almost the same as what Yu Qisi and the others said. It was because some mutant beast hunters killed the mutant beast cubs and failed to deal with the aftermath in time, so they were retaliated by the adult mutant beasts and chased them all the way. Came to town.

However, the middle-aged man who sold the mutant beast was not caught by the patrol in the end.

According to news on the Internet, when the federal government's patrol team rushed to the night market, they only caught a woman who bought some cub meat but had not had time to go home. The body of the cub fled to another place.The official has now issued a wanted news, requiring all residents who found this middle-aged man to report in time, so as to prevent the large number of mutated green beast rats in the city from being defeated.
"What does this sentence mean? As long as you find the man who sells the rats, those adult rats can be returned?" Ji Xiaoyan pointed to the official text on the optical brain screen, looking at Yu Qisi and Lu Wu a little bit. I asked something incomprehensibly.
"Yeah!" Yu Qisi nodded, and then said: "Those adult beasts and rats attack here in large numbers, in fact, they want to take the cubs back. This man is also a bit ruthless. Generally speaking, mutant beast hunters see No matter what, keep one of the cubs, so as to prevent the adult beasts from chasing and killing them in anger. But since this man caused such a big commotion, he must have killed all the cubs in one pot of."

"Well, otherwise, the adult rats and beasts wouldn't come in in such a relentless pursuit! These mutated beasts are not idiots, they all know that we humans have weapons." Green Five shook his head with a sigh, and then said Walking to the window and sighing: "It seems that there will be no peace tonight, Miss Xiaoyan, you'd better wait until you play the game. If something happens, we can take precautions."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded nervously and stopped talking. .

 PS: Thank you "Seventh Young Master Xie Jia" for the safety talisman. It's not easy to reward me! !

(End of this chapter)

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