The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 951 Terrible Resident Hierarchy

Chapter 951 Terrible Resident Hierarchy
Sure enough, the city at night is not peaceful.

There was a broadcast of live information on the Internet, basically every 10 minutes there would be news. Since Ji Xiaoyan and the others returned home, the news on the Internet has not stopped, and it seems to be fine.Waiting until midnight at twelve o'clock at night, the city began to be noisy and noisy.

Generally speaking, in today's society, most people spend most of their time either at home, flying around on hover cars, or spending more time online or in games.Therefore, in many cases, except for some 24-hour shops, there will not be too many lights and pedestrians on the street, let alone human voices at night.

Just when Ji Xiaoyan couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to enter the game to rest and continue the siege, there was a lot of shouting in the room with good sound insulation.Lu Wu's eyes froze for a moment, he glanced at Yu Qisi, nodded to her, then quickly moved to the window, and looked down at his feet. After 1 minute, Lu Wu's face turned pale
"Qisi, pack your things!" Lu Wu didn't say anything, and said something directly to Yu Qisi, seeing that she immediately went to pack her things without asking any questions, then said to Ji Xiaoyan in a serious tone: "Miss Xiaoyan, we might be in trouble!"

"What's going on? Did something happen down there?" Ji Xiaoyan tensed up, and immediately looked at Lu Wu and asked, "Isn't there no bad news on the Internet?"

"But it's not like this down there!" Lu Wuyu said earnestly, "Miss Xiaoyan, check if you have any valuables, pack them up quickly, and we'll leave right away! There are already a lot of mutated green beast rats down there. Seeing that several houses close to the ground on the opposite side have been attacked, we have to leave here quickly! That middle-aged man must have offended the terrific mutant green beast rat, or else, besides killing those young Other than the cubs, what other big things have you done, otherwise there would be so many mutant beasts coming in the city, they are simply desperate, we can't be implicated!"

"I packed some food and supplies, Miss Xiaoyan, do you need to pack anything else?" After Yu Qisi quickly came out of the kitchen and room, he immediately looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, and then saw her After looking a little dazed, he turned his head to look at Lu Wu and asked, "Do you have anything to pack?"

"No!" Lu Wu shook his head, then pointed to the game adapter on the sofa, and asked Yu Qisi: "This is not too big, do you want to bring it? Miss Xiaoyan's game compartment is not allowed." brought."

"Bring, bring, bring!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly regained consciousness, and immediately said: "July [-]th, take your adapter with you too. Since you are leaving, then take everything you can take with you! The game room. I’ll buy another one if I have money in the future! I still have a game connection bracelet, which can also be used for games!” Ji Xiaoyan felt a bitter taste in his mouth, and after speaking to Yu Qisi, he turned his head to look at Lu Wu asked: "Since you said that there are already many mutant beasts down here, how do we leave? Can you drive the fallen leaf suspension car?"

If Green Five doesn't know how to drive a suspension car, then they have no way to leave!The streets downstairs are full of mutated beasts, and they have no weapons. With only Luwu's force alone, they will definitely not be able to take her and Yu Qisi away. They all know how to open them!" Lu Wu nodded, watching Yu Qisi install her game adapter and his, and asked Yu Qisi to bring some food for backup, so as to attract the attention in an emergency. Gathering the attention of the mutated beast, Ji Xiaoyan got on the hover car. After watching her and Yu Qisi fasten their seat belts, he controlled the windows of the house by remote control and flew out of the hover car. room
The small city where Ji Xiaoyan and the others live in Aosu District is no longer as quiet and safe as it used to be.In the entire city, apart from the shouts of people, there were also many sounds of glass breaking or heavy objects falling to the ground.In the sky of the street at this moment, there are already a lot of hovering cars flying out of the windows, flying directly towards the airship parking place in Aosu District.Everyone is running for their lives.
Ji Xiaoyan looked at the dense black moving objects under his feet, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart!Those black moving things are mutant beasts!The previous mutated beasts stayed on the periphery, where the city she lived in was defending against it, and there were countless low-class residents guarding it, so basically people in the periphery of the city lived and worked in peace and contentment!But now, the mutant beasts have already invaded the inner city.

Ji Xiaoyan watched those mutated beasts crawl across the ground as if they smelled delicious food, climbed up the windows of the house, and then smashed the windows and climbed in. Ji Xiaoyan dared not go in what would happen to the residents inside. imagined.All she could hope for was that the federal patrols in town would be of some use.However, until Lu Wu took her and Yu Qisi out of the city in a suspension car, she didn't see any movement of light wave cannons and other weapons in the city. The patrol team is here, will you be okay?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi with a pale face, and couldn't help asking.

Yu Qisi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, opened his mouth a little bit unbearably, but finally didn't speak, and silently shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Will those mutated beasts stay in the city?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help asking again, "There are so many mutated beasts, surely the federal government will send people to hunt them down? They will send people to drive them away Right? So many people are still in the city, surely the federal government won’t ignore it?”

Yu Qisi sighed, lowered his eyes, and said to Ji Xiaoyan after a while: "Miss Xiaoyan, don't worry about these things!!"

"Qisi, tell me I want to know." Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but grabbed Yu Qisi's arm, looked at her nervously and asked.So many mutant beasts, so many residents in the city!Except for such things, the federal government will definitely not ignore it, right?But, why didn't they see any movement of large-scale weapons when they walked all the way?Could it be that those patrols were all killed by mutant beasts?That's impossible!

Yu Qisi shook his head, still unwilling to speak.

Green Five couldn't stand it anymore, so he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Xiaoyan, what do you think the federal government should do in such a situation? It happened so suddenly, although there are patrols in our city, there are also large-scale There are too many mutated green beast rats! Now, as long as the man is caught and asked what else he has done besides killing the cubs of those mutant green beast rats, the federal government will I can think of a way to repel the tide of mutated blue beast rats. Otherwise, killing alone will not solve the problem. If one mutant blue beast rat dies, there will be other mutant blue beast rats coming. This kind of mutant beast breeds It's too fast, it can't be killed! As long as there is one mutant beast in the city, the rest of the mutant beasts will keep coming here."

"Then what do you mean, if we don't find that man, our city will fall completely?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in disbelief, "Don't you have weapons? Can't weapons scare those mutant beasts away?" What about the people in the city? The federal government doesn’t care? Are those mutant beasts going to eat people?”

Lu Wu was silent for a few seconds, and after taking a deep breath, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Xiaoyan, do you know why the resident class exists?"

"What do you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, looked at Lu Wu's back, then turned his head to look at Yu Qisi, and said with some clarity in his heart: "Could it be that the establishment of the federal government This resident hierarchy system is just for the sake of dying?"

"Miss Xiaoyan, this isn't just waiting for death." Yu Qisi couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan, "The federal government has established a resident hierarchy system. In addition to allowing residents to have different grades and enjoy different treatment, there are more , for the purpose of arranging accommodation. Why do residents with low levels of residents have to live in a few outer districts instead of directly going to live in safer areas inside, in order to prevent the situation like this one day, Mutant beasts will harm those people who are more useful to the Federation. Generally, if mutant beasts occupy a certain area, they will not leave easily without receiving any special stimulation. Therefore, for the federal government, low-level residents are A natural barrier against mutant beasts."

"What kind of natural barrier, low-level residents are not human?" Ji Xiaoyan felt that his heart could hardly beat, how could this society be like this! !

"It's because the low-level residents are also human, so it's like this!" Yu Qisi sighed, and continued: "If the mutant beast eats too much, the anger value will drop a lot, and the federal government will be able to I have more time to figure things out.”

"The low-level residents are the food of mutant beasts?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi with a half-smile and said, a thought suddenly came to her mind, could it be that she had to thank the federal government? Didn't the level of residents be raised to the present, and didn't they become food for mutant beasts long ago?
However, it seems that now she is also food?right?
Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help shaking her body and closed her eyes.She is not a savior, nor is the Virgin Mary who would sacrifice herself to save others beyond her means. All she could do was pray silently, praying that the residents in the city would be rescued by the federal government patrols and have a good life. Luck, escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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