Chapter 952 Fallen (add more, please subscribe)
In the middle of the night, the Osu district is destined to be unsettled.

Ji Xiaoyan, Yu Qisi, and Lu Wu sat on the suspension car all the way to the airship parking area, following the colored light curtain channel flashing in the sky in front of them. They thought that as long as they got to the airship, they could escape to a deeper place. layer area to go.Even if you can't get permanent residency because your resident level is not enough, you can spend a few days safely, right?Besides, they can also go to Flying Leaves and stay at his house for a few days, right?Relatively speaking, there are people they can rely on
However, what Ji Xiaoyan and the others did not expect was that the mutant beast's attack was not as simple as they imagined.

After watching the city shrink from a distance, suddenly the colored light curtains above their heads and under their feet marking the airway disappeared in an instant, and the hovering vehicles in front of them suddenly fell as if they had no power, and then maintained their position again. After reaching the flying height, he immediately accelerated and flew straight in the direction of the airship.

Ji Xiaoyan was a little panicked. Since she came to this world, she has never seen this kind of passage light curtain that divides the flight levels disappear. It is said that this kind of thing was repaired by the federal government after spending a lot of money. The purpose is to prevent the suspension vehicle from causing unnecessary accidents while flying in the air. No matter what important things happen, the light curtain will not be cancelled. This is just like the road on the ground. It is an important entity that provides traffic. It is not allowed to be broken.However, now the light curtain does not
"Lu Wu, what's the matter? Didn't it mean that the light curtain will never disappear?" Ji Xiaoyan's voice sounded a little trembling, looking at Lu Wu's back and asking, before he could say something, Ji Xiaoyan felt His shoulders tightened, and Yu Qisi was hugging her tightly, whispering in her ear: "Miss Xiaoyan, don't be afraid, we will be fine! No matter what, Lu Wu and I will protect you of"

"July Fourth?" Ji Xiaoyan felt a heavy and uncomfortable feeling in his heart.Are they in danger?But, it’s just that the light curtain is gone, no, there won’t be anything, just thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan felt his eyes go dark, and Lu Wu turned off the lights outside the floating car, including the small lights inside the car. It went black in an instant, "Green Five, what's wrong? Why is there no light?"

"Miss Xiaoyan, don't be afraid, Qi Si and I are here to accompany you!" Lu Wu's voice was very low, with a heavy feeling, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "The light curtain disappears, then It proves that our city hub has been completely captured and destroyed by mutant beasts, and the direction of the airship has no indicator light on the tower. The mutated green beast mouse. Therefore, for safety, Miss Xiaoyan, you have to bear with it, and if we turn on any lights, there is a very high possibility that we will be targeted by those flying mutated green beast mice."

Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, and was about to ask Lu Wu why the mutated blue beast mouse could still fly, when he heard a sudden "bang" sound from ahead, and two seconds later, there was an explosion in the dark sky just now. There was a burst of flames, and around the flames, there was a group of mutated green beast rats with wings. Those green beast rats were about five meters long, with huge wings growing on their backs. They were all black and blue, and looked similar to mice, but they The long fangs are exposed on the pointed mouth, which looks particularly fierce and cruel
"Green Five, turn around." Seeing this, Yu Qisi immediately yelled at Lu Wu, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Xiaoyan, if you look scared, don't look at it. Try not to talk for a while , although the hearing of these mutated green beast mice is much worse than that of other mutated beasts, but they can easily hear our voices when they get close. We will be in trouble then!"

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly and dared not say anything more.Seeing the exploding hovercar falling to the ground accompanied by flames, followed by a group of flying mutated blue beast rats, Ji Xiaoyan's heart seemed to fall with the hovercar, falling into the endless darkness.

Green Five's driving skills are good. After quickly turning a corner from the direction just now, he rushed to another direction.However, during this process, Ji Xiaoyan saw several hovering cars that were hit by the mutated blue beast mouse in the air like brilliant fireworks, ending their lives brilliantly and briefly.
"We... will we also meet?" After flying for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan felt that Yu Qisi's body holding her was a little loose, and then carefully asked in a low voice, "It's so dark around here, what are we doing?" I can't even see it, will I accidentally meet it?"

Both Yu Qisi and Lu Wu didn't speak, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt that he was a little stupid for asking the question just now.None of the three of them have the function of night vision, and the escape along the way all depends on luck. How can it be so safe to say that if you don't meet the mutant beast, you won't meet it?Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan took a deep breath, and then asked in a low voice: "Then where are we going now? Is the nearby city safe?"

"I don't know!" Lu Wu's voice was very low, and he answered after a while: "Our suspension vehicle power can't last, we can fly to a nearby city, so, Miss Xiaoyan, we can only find a place in the wild Hide, or, you have to fly back, the worst case is" Lu Wu's words gradually fell, and he couldn't hear anything.But Ji Xiaoyan knew very well that the worst situation for them would be to be eaten.
"The city has fallen, can we go back?" Ji Xiaoyan said nah, suddenly feeling that life is very hopeless, swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth for a long time, and said to Lu Wu: "Green Wu , you must have experience? You said that we can go wherever is better, and it doesn’t matter in the wild. It’s much better than falling directly when the power is gone, right? As long as we can escape for our lives, we can go anywhere.”

Lu Wu nodded silently, regardless of whether Ji Xiaoyan and the others could see it in the dark, he just pressed the dial of the hover car showing the remaining power, and saw the green 260 number flashing for a moment, Then he breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at the sky, made some calculations in his heart, then turned his head to the front of the hover car, and flew in one direction without hesitation.

But at this moment, a medium-sized mutated green beast mouse was following Ji Xiaoyan's suspension vehicle alone, galloping straight towards them.Another group of mutated blue beast mice flew straight towards the city Ji Xiaoyan and the others left, and fell into every corner of the city one by one like missiles.

10 minutes later, news appeared on the official website of the federal government that the small city of Aosu district had been captured and fallen by the mutated green beast rat, and the middle-aged man who sold the mutant green beast rat was directly wanted on the Internet, and by the way, he also posted A reward message, saying that the federal government is going to wipe out those mutated blue beast rats, I hope that capable people can actively sign up for this event at the designated place of the federal government
And when Fallen Leaves Flying and the rest of them waited impatiently for Miss Ji Xiaoyan from the game, and finally went offline, it was already a day later in real time.At this time, the federal government is already preparing supplies for the expedition, and has set a major itinerary for the expedition to the Osu area in two days to drive away the mutated green beast rats.
When Fallen Leaves finished washing and was about to lie down and rest, the housekeeper hurriedly brought him the video call and told him that Yeguang Fine Wine had urgent matters with him.

"What's the matter? I just played the game, what did you think of?!" Luo Yefenfei rubbed his eyes, and asked with a sigh while looking at the night light wine at the other end of the video.

"A big deal has happened!!" Yeguang Meijiu's expression was very bad, and his tone was very serious, "You said last time that Xiaoyan moved to a new house, which is in the Aosu District, right? You didn't listen to your housekeeper's instructions when you released the game. Are you talking about the news?"

"No? I just finished washing!" Luoye Fenfei opened his eyes, looked at the night light wine in the video with some surprise, and asked, "What happened?"

"There must be something wrong with Xiaoyan!" Ye Guangmeijiu's face was ugly, and seeing the fallen leaves flying, Shun sat up straight, and didn't have any trouble with him, and said directly: "It is said that there was trouble over there last night. .A man got into trouble with a group of mutated green beasts and rats, and then brought the trouble into the city. It directly caused a city in Osu District to be completely occupied by mutated green beasts and rats at midnight. It is said that in that city , the surviving residents are less than 500 people. Now the federal government is organizing people to rob the city. This is simply a realistic version of siege warfare. can't connect"

"Xiaoyan and the others are sure to be fine!" Luoye Fenfei quickly tightened his breathing, took a deep breath, and then pretended to be calm and said to Yeguang Fine Wine: "I sent Lu Wu to follow Xiaoyan, and Yu Qisi, They will definitely risk their lives to protect her! Therefore, Xiaoyan will be fine. Didn’t you say that there are 500 people who are safe? Xiaoyan must be among the [-] people. We just need to check the list.”

"I've already sent people there!" Ye Guang Meijiu said to Flying Leaves with a heavy heart, "The news hasn't come back yet. I just thought, isn't the federal government going to organize people to rob the city? Or We get a few people from the family to sign up, and we can get the news as soon as possible, if we can meet Xiaoyan in the city, we can protect her as soon as possible, and bring her to a safe place, what do you think!"

"En! Alright, I'll arrange it right away!" Luoye Feifei nodded without any objection, but felt a little heavy in his heart.Xiaoyan, I hope you're okay
(End of this chapter)

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