Chapter 953 Bad News

The situation on the side of the mutated green beast mouse was very bad, at least much worse than what Flying Leaves had imagined.

The federal government's recruiting troops waited for three days, and finally there was a movement. More than 20 rotten airships were assembled, carrying thousands of mutant beast hunters who volunteered to hunt the mutant green beasts, plus the federal government's troops The personnel read out the precautions for a long time, and then flew towards the Aosu area.

As for Falling Leaves Flying Fei who were waiting for the news at home, they haven't played the game these days.The man in the nightmare cleaning machine went online not long after he had eaten, and then he rushed to the treasure house after seeing Ji Xiaoyan and the others leave the place.Originally, I thought that even if I couldn’t open the treasure house, I could take a look at it and try to see if the lockpicking skills I had prepared could be used. The Nightmare Cleaner saw the old man Qingmi and the others squatting near the treasure house. Luminous Wine, they have a large group of players
After being severely criticized by the old man Qingya and the others, the nightmare cleaner only realized the real purpose of the key in his hand after a while.Except for Miss Ji Xiaoyan, who has been certified to participate in city battles, the only people who can use this key are the Lord Qingwan and the Lord Lockerbie.Based on the principle that those two are enemies, old man Qingmi and the others stationed directly outside the treasure house, waiting for Ji Xiaoyan to appear, and then they can open the treasure house with the key, find the town stone, and truly gain the ruling power of Qingcheng!It's just that they didn't expect that they had been guarding the treasure house for a long time, and they didn't wait for Miss Ji Xiaoyan to come online.
After that, Flying Leaves couldn't wait any longer, and He Guangming Wine went offline.Then, they heard the sad news.

"Luoye, there's news from the Aosu district!" After glancing at his miniature optical brain, Yeguang Meijiu said to Luoye with some seriousness: "The person I sent to check the list sent a message back! The surviving Among the 500 people, there is no Xiaoyan's name, nor Yu Qisi or Lu Wu, the three of them are not on the survivor list, what should we do now?"

Falling Leaves Flying quickly fell into the ice cave, and after muttering something impossible, he looked at Ye Guang Meijiu and asked, "Are you sure, they have read the list carefully? Are you sure?" Didn't see anyone?"

"Sure!" Ye Guangmeijiu nodded, and said with a somewhat uncomfortable voice: "I also notified the Xi family, and they also sent someone to go with me to confirm many times, and then it came back. The news, now those survivors have been taken out of the Osu district and arranged to a safe place, Xi's family and my people basically searched for every resident staying in the safe area three times, and then confirmed the news, sent back."

"Then what do you mean, Xiaoyan?" Flying Leaves couldn't believe it and looked at Ye Guang Meijiu who was sitting in front of him at the moment.Today is to wait for the news, so the two of them are better off, sitting together and waiting.

"It's probably more ominous than ominous!" Ye Guangmeijiu sighed sadly, "Now we can only pray that Lu Wu and the others can protect Xiaoyan better, and it doesn't matter if you get hurt a little, as long as you can save your life. I have already One hundred family guards have been sent to the Osu district, and the Xi family has also sent two hundred people, we can only pray that they are still alive in a place where they have not been rescued."

"If I had known that this would happen, I should have violated the rules and left them a few light-wave weapons, so that at least they would have some capital to protect themselves!" Luo Ye Fenfei said annoyedly, and then Then he looked up at Yeguang Fine Wine and asked, "Then, did the federal government say when the family can pass without restriction?"

"I guess it will take a few more days." Yeguang Fine Wine shook his head and sighed, "You know that at this time, the federal government wants to get some mutant beasts at the first time, and then allows them to wait until they are satisfied." The family has intervened in the competition for the resources of mutant beasts, so all we can do now is wait."

"Wait? Wait until Xiaoyan and them all die?" Flying Leaves suddenly became a little angry, "Who are the guys from the federal government, every time there is a riot of mutant beasts, the first thing they think of is to compete for the resources of mutant beasts, forever No consideration will be given to which residents."

"Decided leaves, isn't that what the resident level is used for?" Ye Guangmeijiu looked at the fallen leaves with some helplessness and interjected, "Below the eighth class, including the eighth-class residents, can only live in places like Aosu District. Isn't it just to resist the mutated beasts? It's just that, speaking of the beast tide this time, it wouldn't have spread to the Aosu District. The man who first came to the city to sell the mutated green beast rat cubs hasn't been found yet. , no one knows what he did to cause the riot of these mutated green beast rats, if it wasn't for him, things would definitely not be so bad."

"Hmm!" Fallen Leaves gritted his teeth, and continued to ask after a while: "Then the federal government hasn't found the reason for the beast swarm? Didn't they find that man?"

"No, at least none of us know the news now!! If the matter is serious this time, the only one who will know the news in the future is the military. It doesn't matter if we are there!!" Ye Guang Meijiu shook his head , and said to Flying Leaves: "The most important thing for us now is to prepare things. When the federal government announces that the family can enter the Aosu District, go in and look for it yourself, and see if you can find Xiaoyan and the others."

"Wait, do you mean that there might be news from the military?" Falling Leaves Flying Suddenly interrupted Yeguang Fine Wine, looked at him with bright eyes and asked, seeing him nod his head strangely, and then said: "Do you still remember strangers?"

"That very handsome man in red equipment?" Ye Guang Meijiu frowned.

"Yeah!" Luoye Feifei nodded, then looked at Yeguang Fine Wine and said, "Do you still remember that when we met Xiaoyan last time, Thunder Kitten accidentally revealed how he met strangers in the sky halfway? I suspect that the stranger and the vast starry sky must have something to do with the military. I will immediately go to the game and find the stranger." After finishing speaking, Fallen Leaves immediately got up to go home, but was grabbed by Ye Guangmeijiu I was held back.

"Luo Ye, this is just your guess. What if the stranger is not from the military? Even if they are, what if he doesn't want to help?" Ye Guang Meijiu asked worriedly looking at Luo Ye.

"Don't talk about it again! This is an opportunity, I have to try it!" Luo Yefei said with a serious face, "Since Xiaoyan was willing to follow me to leave Rocks City, I have taken care of her as my younger sister. I can't Leave her safety alone and wait for news at home."

After finishing speaking, Flying Leaves found a room in Ye Guang Meijiu's house, found a spare game adapter and started the game.

Ye Guangmeijiu looked at the cup in his hand with a wry smile. He didn't know what he thought of. After a while, he greeted the housekeeper, followed him into the room, lay down directly in the game cabin, entered the game, and was about to start the game The people in the area, let's help to find news together, to see if any residents in the Osu district know what's going on there.
And what happened to Miss Ji Xiaoyan, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu at this time?Anyway, the situation is not very good!Fortunately, however, they are still alive.

On the night when the mutated green beast rats attacked the city, Ji Xiaoyan and the others had safely escaped a large number of flying mutant green beast rats with the suspension car all the way. Knowing whether he got lost and escaped from the main force, or he himself found their traces and followed them all the way. After watching their hover vehicle land and fall into a wilderness, he let out a scream and rushed towards them in an instant. took them.

Ji Xiaoyan will always remember how critical the situation was at that time.

Originally, they were thinking that if they landed in the wilderness, they might encounter other mutant beasts themselves, so they put all their minds on guarding against the land, but who knows, they just got out of the hover car, and they haven't had time to inquire about it yet. In the surrounding environment, I heard a scream of excitement coming from the sky, turned my head and saw a monster with huge wings and fangs rushing towards them.
Ji Xiaoyan was so frightened that he could even scream, he only felt his body being pulled suddenly, and then Lu Wu waved a dagger that was shining coldly, and walked towards the monster's face.Ji Xiaoyan didn't dare to look at or think about what happened next, so he could only pray silently in his heart, praying that Lu Wu would fight off the monster very powerfully, and then stay by her and Yu Qisi's side intact, always Wait till they get back to the city safely.
"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Yu Qisi watched the battle between Lu Wu and the mutated green animal mouse with determination, patted Ji Xiaoyan, who was trembling slightly with his eyes closed, and comforted him: "Xiaoyan Miss, don't be afraid! Lu Wu is very powerful, there is only one mutant green beast mouse, he can definitely kill him, don't worry."

"July [-]th." Ji Xiaoyan's body trembled, and he asked in a low voice, "Did I hold you back? Without me, you and Lu Wu would have easily escaped, right? I'm useless. At a time like this, you shouldn’t be asked to protect me selflessly. I also want to take a knife in a majestic way and go up to help like those TV novels.”
"I know, Lu Wu and I both know." With a comforting smile on the corner of Yu Qisi's mouth, he said to Ji Xiaoyan, "But Miss Xiaoyan, we all know that you have never seen such a powerful mutation so intuitively. Beast. In our hands now, we don’t have the light wave cannon given by Master Jiang Xia. We only have a dagger. You haven’t been trained. Even if you go up with a knife, it will be a disservice. So, it doesn’t matter, as long as you are good! As long as you are safe That’s enough. If you want to kill monsters, we may still have many opportunities in the future. At that time, Lu Wu and I will teach you slowly. Maybe in the future, Lu Wu and I will rely on you to protect us.”

(End of this chapter)

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