The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 954 Even if the world is too crazy, I still want to live

Chapter 954 Even if the world is too crazy, I still want to live (please subscribe for more)
The wilderness is undeniably dangerous.This danger is not only due to lack of food supplies, or no place to shelter from the rain, but more danger comes from the mutant beasts living in the wilderness.What's more, in the wilderness, if you are injured, there is no medical equipment and medicine to treat it.

Green Five is injured!
This is the price Lu Wu paid for killing the mutated green beast mouse.Fortunately, his injuries were not serious. Yu Qisi didn't forget to bring a medical bag before going out, so that he could be bandaged briefly so that the injury would not be too serious.However, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help crying the moment he heard the huge mutated green beast mouse land on the ground.Lu Wu and Yu Qisi are really protecting her with their lives!How could she get such two outstanding people to risk their lives to protect her?
"Let's go, let's get out of here quickly!" After confirming that the mutated green beast mouse was really dead, Lu Wu immediately said to Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi, "If there are other mutated beasts that smell blood If not, we'll be in trouble!"

"What about the suspension vehicle?" Yu Qisi looked at the suspension vehicle with some reluctance, and asked Lu Wu: "Is there still power in it? Let's hide it in a safer place and wait here After the smell of blood dissipates, come back to recharge the suspension vehicle? We can't keep walking in this wilderness with our feet?"

After hearing the words, Lu Wu lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "The power of the suspension car is not much, even if it is driven away, it will not be able to drive very far. As for charging, it will take two days of direct sunlight alone. We don't have so much time to expose the suspension car to the sun without being discovered by mutant beasts. July [-]th, we should not use this car! It is useless to hide it, so we should try to dismantle the things that can be used as soon as possible. Let's leave!" After Lu Wu finished speaking, he said to Ji Xiaoyan apologetically and resolutely: "Miss Xiaoyan, I'm sorry for you!! We can't rely on the suspension car anymore."

"It's okay, I can persevere!!" Ji Xiaoyan wiped away tears, nodded fiercely at Lu Wu, and then asked directly: "Then what do you think can be removed from this suspension car? We Speed ​​up! If you really attract other mutant beasts, it will be really troublesome!"

"En!" Lu Wu nodded, directed a few words to Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi, and put the light glass outside the suspension car, some seat cushions, and a few small rechargeable meters, plus a charging board After taking out the communicator and dismantling a steel rod under the levitation vehicle for docking and fixing it and handing it to Ji Xiaoyan as a weapon, the three of them hurriedly carried their things on their backs and plunged into a forest.
A few minutes later, a group of piebald blue-eyed mutated wolves rushed to the dead mutated blue-eyed mouse and ate it at a high speed.As for the suspension vehicle, a larger-looking piebald blue-eyed wolf mutant slapped down, and the suspension vehicle directly became a discus and sank into the ground.
The grass in the wilderness is so tall that it can basically submerge Ji Xiaoyan and the others.But this is also good, at least some mutant beasts can't easily see their whereabouts.Because the sky was still very dark and there were only dim stars in the sky, Ji Xiaoyan and the others were restricted in their speed.Lu Wu seemed to have a lot of experience, he let Ji Xiaoyan pull his clothes, Yu Qisi pulled Ji Xiaoyan's clothes, stopped and walked all the way groped for a long time, and found a lump Mutant shit that looked like it had dried before finally announcing that they could take a break.

"Come on, Miss Xiaoyan, touch some of these feces on your body. If you are afraid of getting dirty, you can just wipe it on your clothes and pants!" Lu Wu said with a serious tone, and said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and handed it to her. A lot of feces, and then said: "With this thing, we can at least guarantee that if there are mutant beasts nearby, they will not easily attack us."

"Is it used to cover up our own taste?" Ji Xiaoyan thought of some movies and novels he had seen before, and had such an idea in his mind.Doesn't it mean that if you are in the wild, you can smear the feces of ferocious beasts on your body, or sprinkle them around, so that other weaker beasts will not dare to approach?
"Yeah!" Lu Wu nodded, a little surprised that Ji Xiaoyan also knew about this kind of thing, seeing that she took the feces and wiped them on her body honestly, then quickly smeared some feces all over her body, Then I put a lot in my clothes pocket.Fortunately, these feces have been dried up, except for a little peculiar smell, everything else is fine, not too disgusting.

Seeing that Yu Qisi had cleaned up all the feces on his body, Lu Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief, sat down next to Ji Xiaoyan, and said with some concern: "Our luck today is not bad, no Encountering large-scale mutant beasts, we didn’t encounter any trouble when we entered the wilderness, and we can breathe a sigh of relief if we can also encounter the excrement of mutant beasts! But, our future life may not be easy.”

"Then what shall we do in the future?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"First of all, we need to determine where we are now, and then we can see how we will go in the future!" Lu Wu pursed his lips, looked up at the dark sky, and then continued: "In a while Time, it will be dawn soon? At that time, we will use the instrument on the suspension vehicle to find out where we are, and then make other plans! The lights are too conspicuous at night, so we don’t want to make any lights out for the time being. it is good"

"Well, good! I listen to you!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly.

"I've been nervous all night, Qi Si, did you bring something to eat? Get some out, let's eat something, then Miss Xiaoyan, you and Qi Si will have a rest, I'll watch the night!" Lv Wu smiled relieved He smiled, and after asking Yu Qisi a question, he saw Yu Qisi's shadow move, and after a while, a piece of pasta was handed to him.

"I was in a hurry when I came out, so I only brought some dry food, let's eat first!" Yu Qisi said to Ji Xiaoyan and Lu Wu, and took out a bottle of water from his bag. Then he said: "I only brought five bottles of water, everyone should save a little. Mutant beasts in the wilderness like to guard the water source, and we won't have many days to get water in the future."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded sadly, and while gnawing dry food, asked Yu Qisi in a low voice: "Qisi, do you think Luoye Yu Jiangxia will know what happened in our city? Will he come out to find Us?"

"Of course!" Yu Qisi immediately said categorically when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, "Master Jiang Xia will definitely know the news. The federal government will not hide the fact that the city was basically destroyed. The only thing is, in terms of rescue, there is also hunting mutant beasts, and letting the family go in to help, it will be delayed a lot! But, Miss Xiaoyan, don't worry, Master Jiang Xia is easy to recognize, he will not leave us alone, he will definitely Come save us."

"But... he doesn't know that we are in the wilderness now? Besides, the wilderness is so big, can he find us?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with some concern.

"We will find it!" Lu Wu nodded with certainty, and then said: "There is a locator on the suspension vehicle, although it cannot be removed and taken away, but as long as the locator is not broken, Master Jiang Xia and the others will be able to There is a sense. But, before they come, we still need to survive for a long time!! The federal government will not easily divide the mutant green beast rats that are full of cities, and give the big families an advantage."

"Why?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand!Aren't those mutant beasts beasts?Shouldn't they try their best to drive those mutated green beast rats out of the city as soon as possible?Why does Green Five's words not sound like this?
"Miss Xiaoyan, have you forgotten what we told you? The meat quality of the mutated green beast mouse is very good, and the mutated green beast mouse that is not stiff is very valuable?" Lu Wu's face showed a hint of sarcasm Looking at the sky, I didn't know what was going on in my mind, and I just said narratively: "So many mutant beasts! After killing them, they will be frozen immediately, and after this period of time passes, these Mutated green animal rat meat is sold, and most of them are bought by wealthy families! Do you think the federal government will miss this opportunity to make money?"

"But, don't those who buy meat feel disgusted? Maybe many of those mutated green beast rats have eaten people!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but asked with a frown.

"No, people who know how these mutated blue beasts and rat meat came to buy, do you think they will care that these mutated beasts have eaten people?" Lu Wu sneered, and then said: "Mutated beasts outside the wilderness How many mutant beast hunters have they eaten? But what? If there is good mutant beast meat, people will still buy it. This is the high-level residents! In their opinion, as long as it is better than the meat produced in the training base, it doesn’t matter Any kind of animal can be imported! Of course, if it weren’t for the federal government’s mandatory prohibition against cannibalism, there might really be some perverted rich people who would try this kind of human flesh. Now, to put it bluntly, The federal government is using low-class residents to feed the mutant beasts, and then find a way to eat the mutant beasts. Why are those mutant beast hunters so keen on hunting, not to make money? And who created this money-making task by default? ? Isn’t it just the federal government? So, in our world, it’s still too difficult to live according to our own ideas.”

This world is too crazy. This is the only thought in Ji Xiaoyan's mind after listening to Lu Wu's words, before he and Yu Qisi forced him to go to bed and rest!Even though the world is crazy, she still wants to live on..

(End of this chapter)

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