Chapter 955 Dangerous
Real life and game life are definitely different.Surviving in the wilderness in the game is very easy. If you run out of supplies, you can send a message to your friends to send them over, but it is extremely difficult to survive in the wilderness in reality.

Just like everyone's imagination, the food in the wilderness is very scarce, and the ingredients are also very scarce. Occasionally, if you can find something edible, you need to eat it directly. It is the kind of treatment that cooks all the ingredients and then imports them to enjoy; and what makes Ji Xiaoyan and the others most worried and cautious every day is that as long as those mutant beasts in the wilderness meet, there is only one possibility, either you die or I live.

Night is the time when some ferocious mutant beasts are active, and during the day, there are also many mutant beasts active.In addition to avoiding the action routes of the mutant beasts every day, Ji Xiaoyan and the others also had to face bad weather like rain, wind, lightning and thunder.Caves are usually inhabited by mutant beasts, so they have no way to break into them!You can only carry it by yourself in the wild, or if you are lucky, you can find a big tree without mutant beasts to hide for a while.

However, even so, they still have a lot of troubles.

Water is a big problem.

The water source in the wilderness is guarded by a large group of mutant beasts. If they want to get close to the water source, it means that they will be discovered by the mutant beasts. The direct consequence is that they will be directly chased and killed by the mutant beasts!And the rain from the sky will not last long after they fill up those water bottles next time.Humans always run out of water!
Fortunately, Ji Xiaoyan and the others stayed in the wilderness for three full days, luckily they didn't face any mutant beasts directly, and the most dangerous time was encountering a group of mutant beasts like rhinos!When they were not alert, those mutated herds suddenly rushed over from a distance, and then quickly flattened the large grass one meter away in front of them. This situation lasted for 10 minutes. Xiaoyan and the others felt that the ground was about to subside due to the vibration, and this was finally over!And the situation at that time, if it wasn't because those mutant beasts were running straight after the leading one, and the team didn't spread too much to the two sides, Ji Xiaoyan and the others would be dead.

That was the closest Ji Xiaoyan felt to death in the real life of the wilderness.Because as long as they are discovered, there is absolutely no resistance! !This is different from when she was almost found by bad guys in Rocks City. She can still fight against people, and fight with huge and ferocious mutant beasts. Without powerful weapons, there is no chance of winning. .Lu Wu was able to kill the mutated green beast mouse, relying on years of killing experience, as well as his own experience, plus the courage and determination to protect Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi at that time
Of course, if Lu Wu hadn't said these things to stop Miss Ji Xiaoyan's overwhelming desire to help hunt the mutant beasts, it is estimated that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would never have thought of it, nor would she know.

Three days passed very slowly!

For Ji Xiaoyan and the others who spent every day in fear, three days would almost wipe out her desire to survive.They encountered the biggest problem besides the water source and got sick.

Regarding the fact that Yu Qisi and Ji Xiaoyan both had a cold at the same time, Lu Wu was extremely anxious.There was only a little medicine in the medicine bag Yu Qisi brought out, both of them took it, but there was still no sign of improvement.

"Miss Xiaoyan" Lu Wu frowned tightly, touched Ji Xiaoyan's hot forehead, looked at her almost out-of-focus eyes, yelled in her heart, and then looked around Then he turned his head and looked at Yu Qisi, who seemed to be in better condition, and said cruelly: "Qisi, can you still persist? We can't stay here for long. If it rains again tonight, You're going to get sicker! We're going to change places"

The place where they were staying now was in a tall green unknown grass. The grass was so tall that when they stood up, they could all be submerged.However, because the grass is too high to cover the sun, the grass is a bit damp under the grass, not to mention the stench of rotten grass in the soil, and many small insects can be found flying around in it from time to time.Fortunately, this is not summer, and there will be no mosquitoes for the time being, but such an environment obviously cannot be stayed to recuperate.

When Yu Qisi heard Lu Wu's words, he opened his eyes wide, looked at Ji Xiaoyan who was leaning on her shoulder, nodded, gritted his teeth, helped Ji Xiaoyan's body, and said to Lu Wu: " I can hold on! Have you found a place? Where are we going? It would be nice to have a cave."

cave?What a luxury this thing is in the wilderness? !It is basically impossible to find a cave without mutant beasts!However, if they didn't go to the cave, the situation of Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi would definitely be worse.At least in this humid environment, it is impossible for them to recover. If it rains again at night, then Ji Xiaoyan and the others will probably only be treated as food for mutant beasts and die in the wilderness!
Thinking of this, Lu Wu instantly thought of what Luo Ye Feifei said to him when he was sent to take care of Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi: Your life, from now on, exists for Ji Xiaoyan.Even if your life is exhausted, you have to protect her until your mission is over and you are called back to the Yu family.
Protect Ji Xiaoyan with your life!Lu Wu's expression froze for a moment, looked at Yu Qisi and Miss Ji Xiaoyan, saw that they were both staring at him with strange eyes, took a deep breath, and said to Yu Qisi: " I have looked around here, there is a piece of mutated animal feces in front of it, it seems that a large piece of mutated beast has rested somewhere, let's go there first, and then wait for me where you rest, I will go nearby to find someone There is no cave without mutant beasts. I promise that even if I can't find the cave, I will come back before dark."

"I, I believe you!" Yu Qisi looked up at Lu Wu several times with his lifeless eyes, then nodded and said, "As long as you can remember that when we came to miss Xiaoyan, Jiang Xia Just say what the young master said! Xiaoyan and I will definitely wait for you!!"

"I'll be back!" Lu Wu nodded resolutely, bent over to resist Ji Xiaoyan's half of her body, and together with Yu Qisi supported her, they walked towards the place full of mutated animal feces that he just mentioned past.Then, after Lu Wu surrounded Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi in a large pile of excrement, he took a serious look at them and said in a low voice: "Take care, wait for me to come back!" After that, quickly The land disappeared into the grass.

At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan's brain is almost incapable of thinking, she just feels like her whole body is in the water, shaking from side to side, and her whole body is also groggy.The conversation between Yu Qisi and Lu Wu was very simple, but Ji Xiaoyan felt that she couldn't understand at all. What he finally knew was that Lu Wu left her and Yu Qisi in a place with a strong smell, and then disappeared. up.
"July [-]th, Green [-]th, do you want us?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in a low voice with half-opened eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep.

"No!" Yu Qisi was better than Ji Xiaoyan, trying his best to reach out and pat Ji Xiaoyan, then closed his eyes, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Lu Wu went to find a cave, and will be back in a while. Miss Xiaoyan, if you I'm sleepy, so I'll sleep for a while. There is July [-]th, so you can sleep at ease!"

"Yeah..." Ji Xiaoyan responded weakly, rested for a while, and when Yu Qisi thought she was asleep, he said again: "Qisi, you are sick too! I infected you ?"

"No!" Yu Qisi hurriedly said, "It must be because we got wet in the rain, didn't dry our clothes, and kept wearing them all the time. Our bodies are not as good as green five, so we are prone to get sick. Hehe, we will return to the city later. Here, Miss Xiaoyan, you can no longer be the same as you are now, spending every day in the game. Let’s exercise with Green Five when we have time.”

"En." Ji Xiaoyan replied again, "Then when can we go back to the city?"

"Hurry up." Yu Qisi's eyes were a little confused, he glanced at the mutated animal feces that surrounded them all in front of him, said something in his heart, and then comforted Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Jiang Xia will definitely come to us Don't worry, Miss Xiaoyan!!"

"Well, I feel so bad for Jiang Xia to come earlier." Ji Xiaoyan muttered deliriously, "I miss them."

"Who are you thinking of? Young Master Jiang Xia?" Yu Qisi asked suspiciously, unable to hold back his heavy eyelids, he leaned his head on Miss Ji Xiaoyan's after he finished speaking, and then began to chatter: " Master Jiang Xia is really kind to Miss Xiaoyan. If Master Jiang Xia knows the news this time, he will definitely come out to find us. I really miss Master Jiang Xia. Miss Xiaoyan, wait for us to go back."

Before Yu Qisi could finish speaking, he fell asleep in a daze, and Ji Xiaoyan and Ji Xiaoyan leaned on each other, lying on the grass mat that Lu Wu gave them with grass from the bushes, and fell asleep.

At this time, Fallen Leaves was flying in the game, and after finally finding a lot of people to help contact the man in Xingkonghaohan, he finally got a communication number that he had never met before, and then directly called his home, waiting for a long time , Only then did the housekeeper who had never met him call him out of the secret passage in the labyrinth of Qingcheng in the game! !
 PS: Thank you for the "Old Man Watching Numbers" amulet!Thank you "susantsh0905" for the pink ticket Qianqian Wasn't trying hard enough this week?Why is everyone not subscribing?tears
(End of this chapter)

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