The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 956 Please Wait For Me

Chapter 956 Please Wait For Me (Add More)

"Falling leaves?" The unfamiliar figure was a little hoarse. The butler held the video call, looked at a handsome man with a bearded face on the other end of the call, yelled a little, and then hooked his lips and asked : "Why did you think of looking for me? Is there something wrong? Looking at you like this, it seems that you haven't had a good life recently."

The stranger, who was in a bad mood before, suddenly seemed to have an outlet, and made a joke at Flying Leaves jokingly.There is no way, whoever is locked in a dark labyrinth of secret passages and cannot find an exit no matter what, no one will be in a good mood, right?What's more, they went in as a group, but he didn't meet any of them in the secret passage, and they are still in the secret passage until now.Hearing the system announcement of the Qingcheng Battle, the stranger can only say one thing, he is in a bad mood!
Originally, he thought that he would help Ji Xiaoyan and bring down Qingcheng with her, so why did he feel a little bit of sharing weal and woe and sharing wealth?In the end, who knows, the mastermind of the system was too disrespectful, so he threw him into a secret passage and locked him up. Except for encountering some monsters, he had never seen any living species. If it wasn't for being called out of the game this time , I guess he still doesn't give up on running around in the labyrinth of secret passages, right? !I don't know how Ji Xiaoyan and those NPCs from Qingshimen got out of the secret passage
"Well, it's me!" The strangers who had never met before were still thinking about the things in their own games, and when they heard the voice of Falling Leaves Flying, who was obviously out of spirits, they suddenly came back to their senses, and looked at him with puzzled eyes. He, listening to the falling leaves, continued: "Vegetarian, I have something to trouble you."

"In reality?" The stranger raised his eyebrows and asked as he watched the fallen leaves fly.If it was something in the game, it is estimated that Flying Leaves would not be able to find the contact information that Boundless Starry Sky wants him to contact in reality.This point, strangers think very clearly!
"Yeah!" Luoye Feifei nodded, glanced at the stranger on the other side of the video call who had no change in expression, and then said: "I heard that you should be from the military family."

"Where did you hear that?" The stranger's eyes were sharp, and he immediately interrupted Flying Leaves to ask.

"The last time you came to Fenghua District in an airship with Thunder Kitten. We guessed it." Luo Yefei quickly said something, and seeing that the stranger looked a little better, he continued: "You are not the military Is it?"

"So what if you are, so what if you are not? Tell me what you want from me first! Personal or family?" The strangers did not answer directly, but said directly: "Personal, I can help It can help, but if it involves other things, it's a different matter. Luo Ye, you also know that personal friendship is personal friendship, and family is family. We can't confuse this point."

"I know!" Luoye Feifei hurriedly nodded, knowing in his heart that he had never met before, which was half of his agreement, so he immediately said: "I just want to inquire about something, and you know, some things are in the federal government, and only the military department Only those who know will know the fastest."

"What's the matter?" The stranger frowned.If the news Fallen Leaves Flying Inquired about couldn't be leaked out, then he would probably disappoint him.
"Vegetarian, don't worry, I'm sure I won't inquire about something that I can't inquire about." Flying Leaves pulled an ugly smile, and then said hastily: "I just want to ask about the attack of mutant beasts in the Aosu District. "

"The mutated beast attacked the city?" The stranger immediately frowned, turned his head and looked at the butler beside him and asked, "When did this happen, why don't I know?"

"Master, this is not a big deal, it's all about those low-level residents. You are in the game, so we didn't bother you!" The butler next to him quickly smiled and said.

"Hmm!" The stranger responded lightly, then looked at Falling Ye Flying and asked, "What do you want to ask?"

"Well, I just want to ask about the list of survivors found by the federal government. I want to find three people, but none of them are on the list. Is there any survivors in the Osu District? The federal government has not given any information. What news. So, I would like to ask Vegetarian to do you a favor. For the sake of being friends, can you send a message to the troops who have entered the Osu area and help me find an address nearby? Find someone." Luoye Fenfei half-closed his eyes, and said in a depressed and begging manner.

"Yes! Who are you looking for?" The stranger thought for a while, and asked directly, "This is no problem, I can just send a message. But, if I can find someone, then I'm not sure Yes. It’s not yet the time when the family can enter, right? If you want to find someone, it must be difficult.”

"Well, yes. Thank you, Vegetarian!" Luoye Fenfei nodded quickly when she heard the stranger's words, her face was full of surprises, and then quickly reported Ji Xiaoyan's address in Aosu District to make sure she was not After the acquaintance had been recorded by someone, he said: "There are three people in total, Ji Xiaoyan, Yu Qisi, and Luwu. Two women and one man."

"En!" The stranger responded, and immediately looked up at the falling leaves in the video call in surprise, and asked with some uncertainty: "Who did you just say? Ji Xiaoyan? Is it Xiaoyan?"

"Yeah!" Falling Ye Feifei's face was a bit bitter, and he said to the stranger: "It's Xiaoyan! Since we captured Qingcheng and she went offline, there has been no news of her in the past few days. The house in Aosu District It wasn’t long before she bought it, and her resident level has finally been raised. If I knew about it, I would definitely not let her live there.”

"Wait, Luoye, you didn't joke with me? Xiaoyan lived there? She disappeared? How long has it been since the mutated beasts attacked the city?" With a feeling of nervousness and fear, he asked in a trembling tone: "Is the situation in the Aosu area very bad?"

"It's been several days!! It wasn't long before the federal government recruited free mutant hunters and troops to set off. Yeguang and I let people from the family sneak in, but we didn't find Xiaoyan among the survivors. They are vegetarians. Now we can know what lies ahead." The fastest news is only you!!" Luoye Fenfei pleaded, looked at the stranger and said: "Please help me no matter what, find Xiaoyan. Even if I want to see her for the last time. "

"Nonsense! Xiaoyan will be fine!!" Frost, who had never met before, yelled at Flying Leaves in the video call, and immediately said: "Just wait for my news about this matter. I'll get someone to prepare it right away, and I'll definitely get Xiaoyan back from those mutant beasts."

As soon as the stranger's voice fell, Falling Leaves Flying saw that the stranger on the video call instantly hit one side of the video and fell to the ground, and the picture immediately disappeared.

After a few minutes, Yeguang Meijiu hurried to the room where Fallen Leaves was staying, looked at him and asked, "How is it? Have you found someone you've never met before? Is he from the military? Promise to find him for us." Did Xiaoyan see them?"

"Agreed! Agreed!" Falling Ye Fly's voice whimpered a little, then looked at Yeguang Fine Wine and said, "He promised to help, and he also said that he would go to Aosu District to help find Xiaoyan Yeguang. What we have to do now is, Send someone to help watch the game first. If Xiaoyan is okay and online, he will notify us immediately. We have to start preparing here. It is estimated that in two days, the federal government will allow the family to settle in. At that time, we will Go in as quickly as possible and prepare all the resources. We will directly organize an elite team to be responsible for finding and rescuing people. We need to prepare some rescue medicine and food. If Xiaoyan and the others are okay, the current food and The weather, it is impossible for them to hide for such a long time unscathed."

"Well, I know, I asked the butler to prepare it a long time ago. But, Luo Ye, did the vegetarian side really agree? He didn't just coax us, did he?" Ye Guang Meijiu asked worriedly.

"No. No." Luo Yefei shook his head and said, "Do you still remember when we were in Fenghua District? They were strangers, but they gave Xiaoyan a ruby ​​as soon as they met. Regardless of whether they develop later, but at least We know that strangers still care a little about Xiaoyan, otherwise they wouldn't give such a precious thing as soon as they make a move."

"But, didn't Xiaoyan ask for it at that time?" Ye Guang Meijiu said with her lips pursed.

"If you don't want it, it doesn't mean they don't get along!" Luo Yefei smiled, and then said: "In the city war in Qingcheng, didn't you join Xiaoyan's side? He is still trapped in the secret road of Qingcheng Yes, how did Xiaoyan enter Qingcheng in the first place? Didn’t he enter through a secret path? From this point, we can see that the strangers must have been chasing Xiaoyan all the way. It doesn’t matter whether the two of them have emotional development or not. All you need to know is that you have never met him before and are willing to help find Xiaoyan!! I saw his expression just now, that hopeless look, it’s not fake.”

"I hope!" Ye Guangmei Jiu nodded and said something with a sigh.

And at this time, the strangers are really in a hurry to die.

The Aosu District has been captured by mutant beasts for several days, but he has not received any news.Because he was locked in a secret passage, he couldn't even contact any of his friends, let alone see if others were online, so he didn't know that Miss Ji Xiaoyan had been missing for so long.
Damn it, damn it!Xiaoyan, you must wait for me!I didn't accompany you in the game, but in reality, please wait for me, I will come to save you right away, please wait and wait...

 PS: Seeing the subscription, Qianqian was really sad.I have an urge to say: I won’t add more in the future, I will cry if I talk too much, thank you for your support.After thousands of years, I can't work hard anymore, and I have no motivation! !

(End of this chapter)

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