Chapter 957 Hunters

The hunting activities of mutant beasts in Aosu District are very ferocious and fast.Those free mutated beast hunters received high-quality light-wave cannon weapons rationed by the military, plus other supplies, and each of them was as if they had been injected with chicken blood. They would not let any mutated blue beast rats go unnoticed. Only after it has been trampled into a bloody mess, is it willing to give up. Anyone who drags this lump back to the military supply ground, registers, and waits for future statistical rewards.

"Fuck, how many times have I told you? Don't mess up the corpse of the mutated green beast mouse before you come here for business! If you continue to do this, believe it or not, I won't register you?" A man in a blue and black military uniform sat In front of a square table at the supply point, I saw a few mutant hunters grinning and looking at him with a flattering smile, and said angrily: "Do you understand the rules? I don't know that these things are all for sale. Seal it up, as a material? You made it so disgusting, how will you use it in the future?"

"Hey, brother, no, Brother Jun, we just couldn't hold back for a while!! You just take this one from us! Anyway, don't you eat this thing for dinner anyway? Or let the chef do a favor , get this one first?" A bearded man hurriedly said with a smile.

"Get lost!! Look around for yourselves, how many mutated green animal rats have you brought back? All of them are made into food and fed to you? Do you know how expensive this thing is?" said the man in military uniform very annoyed , pointing to a pile shed specially accumulated next to it, and then said: "Do you know how many mutated green beast rats you have turned into this? How dare you do this? How many times have I warned you?"

"First time, first time! This is the first time for us. When we saw this thing, we couldn't help but vent our anger." The bearded man said hastily with a flattering smile.

"Go away, don't you fool me!" The man in military uniform burst out in an instant, "Don't think that I can't remember you! I have a good memory. You have come four times in total, and all four times are such mutated blue beasts. The mouse has warned you many times! It’s only three things, you can leave after putting down the things, this one will not be registered for you.”

"Brother Jun. Brother Jun, you can't do this! We finally killed one of them!" The bearded man immediately yelled.

"Who told you to make this thing like this? I have told you many times, if you don't register, you don't register! Put the things down and leave quickly!" The man in military uniform frowned and looked at the few The mutated beast hunter said impatiently, "If you don't leave, I will chase you away. Remember, if you send me such a mutated beast next time, I won't register you either!! Hurry up!"

The bearded man pursed his lips and was about to say something. After seeing the military personnel standing guard staring at them, he reluctantly looked at the mutated green mass that was almost turned into meat paste. Beast Mouse said to the people around him, "Forget it, let's abide by the rules, let's go quickly! We can kill some more if we refuel now."

"Yeah!" The men next to them nodded and sighed in unison, hearing the man in military uniform yelling to the side: "Put this one in the warehouse" before leaving the supply ground.

"Brother, can we really do this?" After walking for a long time and making sure that the military personnel at the supply ground could not hear his voice, a man looked at the bearded man with joy and asked: "We I have saved a lot of mutated blue beast and rat meat in these few trips, do you think the people in the military department really won’t find out?”

"I found a fart!" The bearded man said proudly, "After so many trips, have you seen any mutant animal meat that has been turned into mud and has been checked to see if it is missing arms and legs? They haven't Just receive the meat of those mutated beasts directly into the warehouse, and then freeze some directly, and cook some for us to eat? Why do everyone do this, and not bring back the complete mutated green beast mouse? Isn’t it just wanting to Secretly hide some meat, and then take it back and sell it? Do you really think you are here for nothing? So many advanced weapons are not used properly, and you are still waiting to go out with a broken gun in the future, with your head on your waist Go up and kill mutant beasts and sell them back? Don’t be stupid.”

"That's what you said." The man nodded, then thought for a while and asked, "Brother, shall we continue? The people in the military department have remembered us. If we do this again If it is, it will definitely be suspected, or? We won't do it?"

"Don't do it? How much meat have you hidden? How much can you sell for?" The bearded man gave the man a disdainful look, and then said: "A big man who doesn't even have the courage to come out to make money? I see you Did you have the guts to be eaten by mutant beasts? That's fine, I won't say much, if you want to stop, just don't share money with us in the future."

When the man heard this, he didn't dare to speak immediately.He looked at the other people around him, and seeing the expressions of disdain on their faces, he squirmed his mouth immediately, and then quickly said in a low voice: "Brother, I didn't mean that. I'm definitely willing to continue doing it, but, this The people in the military department have remembered us, and if we come back in the future, there will definitely be problems, and the mutant beasts handed in this time have not been registered for us, so we will not do it for nothing by then?"

"It's just a reward for losing a mutant beast!" The bearded man said indifferently, "How much meat did we peel off from that mutant beast? How much can we sell it for? You haven't counted it? We can’t come to the next one, let’s move on to another place! It’s fine if we don’t get rewards from the federal government, as long as we can use the weapons given by the military to earn some money from selling meat and the like.”

"Well, brother is right!" When the other men heard this, they immediately said with a smile, then looked at the man and said, "Okay, there is brother and us, don't worry! The federal government won't let us Killing mutant beasts and selling them, are we really that obedient? Don’t even think about it, if everyone doesn’t rush, who is willing to work for the federal government for free?”

"Isn't there a reward? It's not free work either!" the man said aggrievedly.

"Fool!" When the others heard this, they immediately became amused, "Why don't you get the hang of it, how much reward can a mutated animal get from the federal government? How much is the meat of the mutated green beast mouse sold for? You Why can't the boy forget it?"

"Forget it, forget it! This kid is just stupid!" The bearded man smiled and patted the embarrassed man who lowered his head a few times, and then said to the others, "Okay, everyone, don't worry too much. Having said that, let's quickly find another spot and kill more mutated blue beast mice. This trip is a good time for us brothers to make a fortune!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately nodded excitedly, swept away the loss and frustration at the supply ground just now, smiled and walked into the city carrying the light wave cannon and other weapons.

residential area.

The men with big beards watched enviously many mutated beast hunters and soldiers sent by the military headquarters to kill many mutated green beast rats, then found a corner to sit down in a bit of depression, and took a sip Shui looked around in disappointment and said, "MD, what kind of curse have we received? Why didn't we come across an idle mutated green beast mouse after coming out of the supply place over there? "

"Maybe we came late, this area must have been cleaned." A man sighed and continued, "It seems that the damage here is not too big."

"Have you looked up, boy? Is the window above broken? It's just that the ground here hasn't been damaged too much. I guess there are a lot of deaths here." The bearded man pointed to the top of his head and said to the others. : "Everyone take a breath, and then look around to see if there is any trouble. If there is no trace of the mutated green beast mouse in this place, we will leave quickly and go to other places to try our luck."

"Okay, bro!" The men quickly answered, and then felt their heads go dark, and they stood up quickly, raised their weapons and looked up.

Then they saw a blue-black small airship directly above their heads and began to descend.

"MD, I'm scared to death. I thought it was a mutated green beast rat attacking. Fortunately, fortunately, it's an airship from the military!!" The bearded man breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the other men One sentence, "Since there are people from the military department here, let's leave quickly! Don't cause any trouble in a while."

"Well, well, hurry up!" The men nodded, packed up their things, and then raised their feet to leave, but suddenly saw a hole in the airship that was still in mid-air, and after a while, Finally, a black rope was thrown from the airship.

Before those men had time to think about what the rope was thrown down for, a figure in black and red clothes appeared in the opening of the airship, and then slid down from the air along the rope.

"Is this man crazy?" The bearded man looked up at the black and red figure in surprise, and murmured, "If you come down from above, your hands will be cut by the rope, right?"

"This is so cool." A man next to him said with emotion, and then asked with some doubts: "Did I read it wrong? Is that a black and red military uniform? This is a high-ranking officer in the military department, right?" ?”

As soon as the men heard this, they immediately looked away, you looked at me, I looked at you, and Shun glanced back at the airship.On top of the rope, many figures in sky blue military uniforms followed from the airship.

"No, hurry up!!" The bearded man saw it and immediately yelled, "Being targeted by this group of people, we can be executed without conviction."

PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the two peace symbols! !Thank you all for your support! ! !

 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the two peace symbols! !Thank you "Zhonggu Shanren" for the safety talisman!Thank you all for your comments and support! ! ! ". . .There is no second update today, so don't wait.Qianqian is on the train at the moment thanking the "Otaku Snowball" children's shoes for reminding Qianqian that she wrongly wrote Xiaoyan's place of residence earlier, it should be in Aosu District. . .It has been modified now, please forgive me for the trouble caused to everyone! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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