The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 958 Is such a young master really good?

Chapter 958 Is such a young master really good?

"Hurry up, hurry up, that's not an airship, it's an advanced flying spaceship of the military." In the Aosu District, the bearded mutant hunter looked very panicked, and hurriedly said to a few men around him who seemed to be reacting slowly: "The flying skyship It usually contains the special army called "hunting beasts" of the military department. They have the special right to kill and rob beasts without reporting. Generally, they are in love wherever they go." Speaking of this, the bearded man's expression It was even uglier. He immediately pulled the man next to him who seemed to be in a daze, and cursed: "You don't want to live anymore or something? What are you doing in a daze? Run away!"

After finishing speaking, the bearded man didn't care about other people, he was in a hurry and didn't care to check if he had lost anything, and ran out straight to a goal.However, before they could run far, the bearded man and his companions heard an extremely cold voice: "Bring them all here."

The bearded man panicked, and when he was about to turn his head to see how far he was from the army personnel who hunted the sky beasts, and if he had a chance to escape, he immediately tightened his waist, and the two Seconds later, a pulling force directly took his body away, and the surrounding environment quickly began to move backwards. When he regained his senses, he saw that he and his companions had been brought to the place where he had been sitting just now. On the ground, a black shadow overhead
"How long have you been here?" the cold voice sounded without emotion.

The bearded man looked up at the source of the sound, and then saw a scene he would never forget.Surrounded by a completely destroyed city, the sun is pouring slightly, shining on the glass of the building, shining with dazzling lights of various colors; the colorful aerial vehicle tracks have also been reopened long ago, just like beautiful What a beautiful picture scroll the background of this beautiful rainbow, who was more beautiful than any beauty he had ever seen in his life, before him!Doomsday, beauty, there is nothing more addictive in this world than this "Can't talk anymore?" However, the bearded man's fantasy and indulging didn't last long, when he saw the beauty in his sight twitched his lips, He said something in a cold tone, and then the bearded man looked at the beauty in front of him in a daze, and glanced at the soldiers who were wearing sky blue military uniforms and surrounded them.A second later, the bearded man shouted in an instant: "Ah!"

"Can you talk?" the beauty said coldly.

"Yes, yes, yes, my lord, we will answer whatever you ask, we will all say it." The bearded man felt his forehead covered with cold sweat in an instant, and said quickly: "My lord, my arm is going to be broken, please let me go!" We were frightened just now, so we didn't answer the adults in time."

The beauty half-closed her eyes, then looked up at the building next to her, glanced at a few military men next to her, saw them rushing into the building, then looked at the bearded man and the others Asked: "I think you are not scared now, are you? Tell me, how long have you been here? Have you turned around?"

"No, no! My lord, we have only just arrived here." The bearded man immediately said vigilantly, "We have never touched any of the things here or the building, nor have we entered. My lord, we have just arrived here." I just took a break here." Absolutely, absolutely nothing coveted by "Skyhunting Beast"
When the beauty heard this, she slightly raised her eyes to look at the bearded man, but didn't say anything.But the bearded man obviously felt the force that was pressing against his arm just now, and the force that almost broke his hand was released in an instant.Therefore, the bearded man immediately knew that what he just said satisfied the beauty in front of him.However, in an instant, the bearded man became a little confused again. The place they are staying in now is not a key area in the Aosu District. If there are any treasures or the like, or the most mutant beasts here, it doesn't matter. , Why does the "hunting beast" in front of him feel so important?
Thinking of this, the bearded man suddenly involuntarily looked towards the building next to him.Could it be that the important things are actually in this building?Otherwise, why would these "Sky Hunters" control them as soon as they hit the ground, and then run into the building?There must be some secret in it, but, in order to keep this secret, will they be silenced?
The bearded man who was a little excited just now shuddered involuntarily.

"Like to look around?" The beauty's cold voice rang in the bearded man's ears. Although the voice was not loud, it made the bearded man feel instantly that his eardrums seemed to be shattered.

"No, no, my lord." The bearded man quickly retracted his gaze and lowered his head in horror.

"I also said that if you really like to watch, you can do something good, and leave your eyeballs here for the rest of your life. Hehe, it seems that I am supercilious!" the beauty's voice rang out with a chuckle. When he got up, the cold sweat on the forehead of the frightened bearded man began to drip down to the ground.

The herd! !It's so inhuman! !
This is the common thought of all the mutant beast hunters present at the moment. Of course, another thought is to hope that they can escape the "clearance" of the "Sky Hunting Beast" army.
"No?!" Almost a century later, in fact, only a few minutes later, the bearded man heard the beautiful woman's voice say something in a confirming and affirmative tone, and then the scene suddenly fell silent , except for the occasional sporadic light wave cannon explosions that can be heard from the surroundings, there is no sound.

"With a radius of twenty miles, I have to dig all the ground for ten feet." Just when the bearded man felt that he was almost out of breath, the beautiful woman's voice sounded coldly in an instant, and then said: "All living and non-living things. I don't care how you find me, you must find them for me!!!"

"Yes!" The deafening answer frightened the bearded man who almost fell to the ground limply. If it wasn't because he leaned against a companion next to him when he fell over, he would have lost face this time.
"As for you." The beauty's voice said coldly, "I'll help you too! Anyway, you don't have anything to do, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! We help, we help!" Upon hearing this, a man next to the bearded man immediately responded loudly: "My lord, don't worry, no matter what you are looking for, we will definitely find it for you and, We also promise that we will never remember this matter in the future.”

"Yeah!" The beauty responded lightly, waved her hand, and watched the surrounding sky blue soldiers with beards spread out in all directions. After searching all over the place, she looked up at the top of her head. Upstairs, he asked indifferently to Shisan who was standing beside him: "San, tell me, where is Xiaoyan going? She should be fine now."

"Master." Thirteen looked at the stranger with some sadness, and didn't say anything.

"Let's go, let's go up and have a look!" The stranger said with a wry smile, "I haven't been here since she moved. I want to go up to see what the place she lived in is like? I think it must be with us. Is the room different? Thirteen, do you think Xiaoyan will arrange a lot of beautiful things at home, and decorate the room beautifully, beautifully? Or, her home is very simple and elegant, so I feel like I don’t want to go there. left."

Thirteen didn't answer, but silently followed behind the strangers, watching the transparent elevator take them all the way up, and then stopped on the first floor.

There are many residents in South Osu District, so the building resources are relatively tight.Basically, every building is built very high, with many floors. Fortunately, the floor height is not bad, so it won't make people feel oppressed.The space of each floor is divided very finely, in order to make perfect use of every inch of land.

Walking around the corridor, several households passed by people who were strangers before they stopped in front of the door where a totem with a sword had been painted on by the soldiers who had just come up.

"Master." Shisan saw that the stranger stopped and seemed to be in a daze, pursed his lips, and shouted at him, only then saw his hand move, and pushed towards the door that had been opened long ago. door, and then saw stepping into the house.

The situation in the house was different from Thirteen's imagination.

The room is almost beyond recognition at this moment.The sofa in the living room has been torn, and the table and some sundries have all been knocked over to the ground. It looks like it was left over from a big fight.In the kitchen, there is nothing intact. The room has two bedrooms and one living room. I feel that the strangers exude an increasingly frightening and suffocating aura. Thirteen's heart can't help but go to sinking sinking.

If that girl Ji Xiaoyan really dies, what will happen to the young master in the future?Could it be that he would never see that young master who was a bit too spiritual, who exaggeratedly yelled and dragged people out to clean up as soon as he was called a beauty?Could it be that he can no longer see the young master who would tease people from time to time and feel that he is not serious all day long?Could it be that the young master in the future will become the same as now, so calm and cold?People in the family must love such a young master, but why is his heart so uncomfortable?How many years has the young master not used the "Sky Hunter"?When the news spreads to the family, everyone will happily celebrate his three days and three nights, right?

This is the benefit of not having a girl like Ji Xiaoyan! !But Shisan felt at this moment that this wish had finally come true, so why was he more worried and hoped that girl Ji Xiaoyan would appear soon?

 PS: What is that. . .I can't find the notebook of some things in Qianqian's record, can anyone remember, Qianqian mentioned before what is the name of the stranger?What's your last name?It seems that Qianqian remembers writing it himself. . . . .Tears, I have been looking through the text for a long time, but I still can't find it. If you are kind enough to know, can you leave a message for Qianqian or something?

(End of this chapter)

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